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Axelson J. — USB Complete: Everything You Need to Develop Custom USB Peripherals
Axelson J. — USB Complete: Everything You Need to Develop Custom USB Peripherals

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Название: USB Complete: Everything You Need to Develop Custom USB Peripherals

Автор: Axelson J.


Provides a hands-on guide for designing for Universal Serial Bus, including which peripheralcontroller chip a design should use, how to access USB peripherals from Visual-Basic applications, and the use of power design.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Third Edition

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 550

Добавлена в каталог: 30.12.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
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HidD_GetPreparsedData API function, about      384 385
HidD_GetProductString API function      378
HidD_GetSerialNumberString API function      378
HidD_SetFeature API function in Visual Basic code      403
HidD_SetFeature API function in Visual C++ code      402
HidD_SetFeature API function, about      378 402 403—404
HidD_SetFeature API function, defined      379
HidD_SetNumInputBuffers API function      379 381 400
HidD_SetOutputReport API function      378 379
HidP_GetButtonCaps API function      376 377 388
HidP_GetButtons API function      379 380
HidP_GetButtonsEx API function      380
HidP_GetCaps API function in Visual Basic code      387
HidP_GetCaps API function in Visual C++ code      386
HidP_GetCaps API function, about      385 388
HidP_GetCaps API function, defined      377
HidP_GetCaps API function, reading feature reports from devices      405
HidP_GetCaps API function, reading input reports from devices      393 400
HidP_GetCaps API function, requesting HID information      376
HidP_GetCaps API function, writing feature reports to devices      403
HidP_GetCaps API function, writing output reports to devices      392
HidP_GetData API function      380
HidP_GetExtendedAttributes API function      377
HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes API function      377
HidP_GetScaleUsageValue API function      380
HidP_GetSpecificButtonCaps API function      377
HidP_GetSpecificValueCaps API function      377
HidP_GetUsages API function      380
HidP_GetUsagesEx API function      380
HidP_GetUsageValue API function      379 380
HidP_GetUsageValueArray API function      380
HidP_GetValueCaps API function      377 388
HidP_InitializeReportForID API function      380
HidP_IsSameUsageAndPage API function      377
HidP_MaxDataListLength API function      377
HidP_MaxUsageListLength API function      377
HidP_SetButtons API function      379 380
HidP_SetData API function      380
HidP_SetScaledUsageValue API function      380
HidP_SetUsages API function      380
HidP_SetUsageValue API function      379 380
HidP_SetUsageValueArray API function      380
HidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes API function      377
HidP_Unsetbuttons API function      379 380
HidP_UnsetUsages API function      380
HidP_UsageAndPageListDifference API function      377
HidP_UsageListDifference API function      377
HidRegisterMinidriver API function      381
HIDs      see “Human Interface Device (HID) class; reports HID”
HIDs, abilities      320—321
HIDs, about      320—321
HIDs, API function overview      375—379
HIDs, API functions for managing communications      379 381
HIDs, class descriptor      326—328 327
HIDs, descriptor example      323 324—325
HIDs, designating devices as      226—227
HIDs, firmware requirements      323
HIDs, hardware requirements      321—323
HIDs, identifying devices as      323 324—325 325—330 327 329
HIDs, limitations      320—321
HIDs, list of requests      331 332—337
HIDs, receiving reports via control transfers      347—348 349
HIDs, receiving reports via interrupt transfers      343 344 345
HIDs, report descriptors      328—330
HIDs, requesting information about      376 377 378
HIDs, role of human interface in      320
HIDs, sending reports via control transfers      345 346 347 348
HIDs, sending reports via interrupt transfers      340 341 342
HIDs, vendor-specific example      323 324—325 325
High-speed bus states      492—494
High-speed Data J bus state      493
High-speed Data K bus state      493
High-speed Differential 1 bus state      492
High-speed Differential 2 bus state      492
High-speed Disconnect bus state      494
High-speed Idle bus state      494
High-speed Squelch bus state      494
High-speed transceivers      512—517
High-speed, defined      5 15—16
HNP (Host Negotiation Protocol)      539—541 545
Host computers, about      17
Host computers, bus speed support      36—37
Host computers, configurations for connecting USB devices      19 20 29
Host computers, defined      17
Host computers, enumeration process      86—93
Host computers, hardware and software requirements      22—23
Host computers, PC-to-PC communication      229—230 230
Host computers, power issues      24—25 460 460 462 463 467—469 468
Host computers, speed-limiting factors      82—84
Host computers, support as necessary element for USB devices      29
Host computers, transfer responsibilities      35—36
Host computers, what they do      22—25
Host controllers      17 19 22 23
Host Negotiation Protocol (HNP)      539—541 545
Host wire adapter (HWA)      533
Host-controller drivers for OHCI controller type      241—242
Host-controller drivers for UHCI controller type      241—242
Host-controller drivers from Microsoft      479
Host-controller drivers from Transdimension      548
Host-controller drivers in layered driver model      239 241—242
Host-controller drivers, about      23 240
Host-controller drivers, role in data communication flow      245 246
Hub class      178 179 276 448—454 451
Hub controllers      444—445
Hub drivers      239 240 246 272 275
Hub-class descriptor      449—450
Hub-class requests      444 451 451—452 453
hubs      see “Root hub”
Hubs in series      447—448
Hubs in tiered-star topology      18 18—19
Hubs, 1.0 descriptors      448
Hubs, 2.0 descriptors      448
Hubs, about      21 433—434 434
Hubs, bus-powered      434 461—462 463
Hubs, cable-length issues      447—448
hubs, defined      21
Hubs, enumeration process      91
Hubs, low-power      459—460 461
Hubs, over-current condition      462—463
Hubs, power options      461—463
Hubs, power switching support      463
Hubs, role of hub controller      444—445
Hubs, role of repeaters      435—438 436
Hubs, role of transaction translators      438—444 439
Hubs, self-powered      462
Hubs, speed issue      445—447 446
Human Interface Device (HID) class      179 203—206 251 276 319
HWA (host wire adapter)      533
I/O boards      152—153 153
I/O interfaces      147—148
I/O Request Packets (IRPs)      475 ch8
Icon, USB      522 523 USBv)
Idle bus state      491 (see also “High-speed Idle bus state”)
IEEE-1394 interface vs. USB      16—17
IEEE-1394a interface vs. USB      10
IEEE-1394b interface vs. USB      3 10
IEEE-488 interface vs. USB      3
Imaging Device device setup class      251
IN transactions      38—39 39 45 53
INF files for classes of devices      276—277
INF files, about      262—263
INF files, ClassInstall32 section      267—268
INF files, copyright comment      266
INF files, deleting      278—279
INF files, DestinationDirs section      269
INF files, filename conventions      279
INF files, finding      278
INF files, Install section      270—271
INF files, list of sections      266—271
INF files, manufacturer section      268
INF files, Models section      269—270
INF files, sample listing      264—265
INF files, searching for device identification strings      272—277
INF files, SourceDiskFiles section      269
INF files, SourceDiskNames section      269
INF files, Strings section      271
INF files, syntax      265—266
INF files, tools and diagnostic aids      277—280
INF files, version section      266—267
Infineon      155
Input items      356 357 358—360
Input reports, Main item types in      356 357 358—360
Input reports, reading from devices      392—401
Input reports, transfer types      389 389
Intel Corporation and UHCI standard      241
Intel Corporation and USB 2.0 specification      14
Intel Corporation and Wireless USB Promoter Group      533
Intel Corporation, 8051 chips      9 145 154 155 158 159 159 160 162 175
Intel Corporation, 80C186 chips      155
Interface association descriptor      95 103—106 106
Interface descriptor      94 95 106—108 108 109
Interface_power descriptor      95 113
interoperability tests      481—484
Interrupt endpoints and data toggle      58
Interrupt endpoints and speed      111 115 116
Interrupt endpoints for HID transfers      321—322
Interrupt endpoints in enumeration process      87
Interrupt endpoints, bandwidth issues      81
Interrupt endpoints, support for functional stall      54
Interrupt transfers and stream pipes      43
Interrupt transfers in HID transfers      321 322 322—323
Interrupt transfers, about      41 42 46 72
Interrupt transfers, availability      72
Interrupt transfers, data size      73
Interrupt transfers, data toggles in      58
Interrupt transfers, error handling      75—76
Interrupt transfers, maximum data-transfer rate per end-point      62
Interrupt transfers, receiving HID reports via      343 344 345
Interrupt transfers, sending HID reports via      340 341 342
Interrupt transfers, speed      73—75
Interrupt transfers, structure      70 72—73
Interrupt transfers, transactions      36 46
Interrupt transfers, vs. bulk transfers      41 46
Interrupt transfers, vs. control transfers      41 46
Interrupt transfers, vs. isochronous transfers      41 46
IrDA Bridge class      179 206—208 534
IrDA interface vs. USB      3
Isochronous endpoints      81
Isochronous transfers and stream pipes      43
Isochronous transfers, about      41 42 46 76
Isochronous transfers, availability      76
Isochronous transfers, data size      79
Isochronous transfers, data toggles in      58—59
Isochronous transfers, error handling      80
Isochronous transfers, maximum data-transfer rate per end-point      62
Isochronous transfers, speed      79—80
Isochronous transfers, structure      76—79 77
Isochronous transfers, transactions      36 46
Isochronous transfers, vs. bulk transfers      41 46
Isochronous transfers, vs. control transfers      41 46
Isochronous transfers, vs. interrupt transfers      41 46
Isolation, galvanic      530
Jungo’s WinDriver USB Device toolkit      248
kernel mode      235 237 249
Keyboard device setup class      251
Keyspan hub/server      525 534
Latencies, minimizing      427—428
Latencies, under Windows      83—84
Layered driver model, about      234 236 238
Layered driver model, client drivers      238—240 239 240 245
Layered driver model, host-controller drivers      239 241—242
Layered driver model, major components      236
Layered driver model, USB drivers      239 240—241
Layered driver model, WDM driver overview      237—238
LeCroy Corporation      477
Legacy hardware      11—12
Linux, support for USB      7—8
Local Item type, defined      370
Local Item type, Delimiter item      371 372
Local Item type, Designator Index item      371 372
Local Item type, Designator Maximum item      371 372
Local Item type, Designator Minimum item      371 372
Local Item type, Reserved item      371
Local Item type, String Index item      371 372
Local Item type, String Maximum item      371 372
Local Item type, String Minimum item      371 372
Local Item type, Usage item      370—371 371
Local Item type, Usage Maximum item      371 372
Local Item type, Usage Minimum item      371 372
Logging events during device installation      277
Logical Maximum item      362 364—365
Logical Minimum item      362 364—365
Logo, USB      477 484 485 USB”)
Long items, defined      354—355
Low speed, defined      5
Low-speed bus states      490—492
Low-speed keep alive signal      48—49
Low-speed transceivers      508—512
Lucent, and USB 2.0 specification      14
Macintosh, support for USB      7—8
Main item type, Collection items      360—361 361
Main item type, defined      355
Main item type, End Collection item      360—361 361
Main item type, Feature items      356 357 358—360
Main item type, Input items      356 357 358—360
Main item type, Output items      356 357 358—360
Managed code      282—284
marshaling      283
Mass-storage class      179 208—213 251
Mass-storage class, INF file      276
Memory for data      147
Memory, electrically erasable PROM      146—147
Memory, erasable programmable ROM      146
memory, flash      146
Memory, one-time programmable ROM      146
Memory, random-access      147
Memory, read-only      146
Message pipes      42
Micrel, Inc.      466
Microchip Technology, code for HID data transfer example      338—349
Microchip Technology, controller chips      155
Microchip Technology, PIC16C745 microcontroller      155 157
Microchip Technology, PIC16C765 microcontroller      155 157
Microchip Technology, PIC16F877 microcontroller in FT232BM device controller example      408 409 410 411—413 414
Microchip Technology, PIC16F877 microcontroller in FT245BM device controller example      414 415 416 417 418—421 421
Microchip Technology, PIC18F4550 microcontroller      155 156—157 338
Microcontrollers, defined      9
Microframes and frame numbers      48 501
Microframes and timing accuracy      499
Microframes in bulk transfers      71
Microframes in control transfers      66 67
Microframes in interrupt transfers      73—75
Microframes in isochronous transfers      76—80
Microframes in split transactions      443
Microframes in transactions      48 50 59 66
Microframes, defined      24 35
Microframes, illustrated      35
Microframes, role in USB transfer      35—36
Microsoft .NET      243—244 281—284
Microsoft Corporation      see “ Windows operating systems”
Microsoft Corporation and OHCI standard      241
Microsoft Corporation and USB 2.0 specification      14
Microsoft Corporation and Wireless USB Promoter Group      533
Microsoft Corporation, testing opportunities      477
Microsoft Corporation, WDM drivers      8 237—247
Microsoft Corporation, Windows Hardware Quality Labs testing      484—487
Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)      282
Microsoft OS descriptor      114
Microsoft Windows logo      477 485—486
Microwire interface vs. USB      3
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