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Axelson J. — USB Complete: Everything You Need to Develop Custom USB Peripherals |
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MIDI interface vs. USB 3
MIDIStreaming interface 185—188 186
miniport drivers 240
Modem device setup class 251
Mouse device setup class 251
MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) 282
Multi-tasking, Windows 83—84
NAK (negative acknowledge) handshake code 48 52 53 55 56 56
National Semiconductor and OHCI standard 241
National Semiconductor, USBN9603 controller chip 165—167 166
NEC and USB 2.0 specification 14
NEC and Wireless USB Promoter Group 533
Noise, sources of 526
Non-Return to Zero Inverted (NRZI) with bit stuffing encoding 494—495 495 496
NRZI (Non-Return to Zero Inverted (NRZI) with bit stuffing) encoding 494—495 495 496
NYET (not yet) handshake code 48 52 53 54—55 56
OHCI (Open Host Controller Interface) 239 239 241
On-The-Go (OTG) devices and peer-to-peer communication 10 16 229—230 230
On-The-Go (OTG) devices, about 536
On-The-Go (OTG) devices, cables 542 543 544
On-The-Go (OTG) devices, capabilities and limits 536—538 537
On-The-Go (OTG) devices, connectors 542 543 544
On-The-Go (OTG) devices, controller chips 545—549
On-The-Go (OTG) devices, Cypress CY7C67200 EZ-OTG controller chip 548—549
On-The-Go (OTG) devices, Philips ISP1261 bridge controller 549
On-The-Go (OTG) devices, Philips ISP1362 controller chip 546—547
On-The-Go (OTG) devices, remote wakeup support 542
On-The-Go (OTG) devices, requirements 538—544
On-The-Go (OTG) devices, targeted peripheral list 544
On-The-Go (OTG) devices, TransDimension TD242LP 547—548
OnDeviceChange method 312
One-time programmable (OTP) ROM memory 146
Open Host Controller Interface (OHCI) 239 239 241
Operating systems, support for USB 7—8 14 15
OTG see “On-The-Go (OTG) devices”
OTG descriptor 95 113 545 546
Other_speed_configuration descriptor 94 95 103 104
OTP (one-time programmable) ROM memory 146
OUT transactions 38—39 39 45 53
Output items 356 357 358—360
Output reports, Main item types in 356 357 358—360
Output reports, sending to devices 389—392
Output reports, transfer types 389 389
Over-current protection 462—463
Packet IDs (PIDs) in transaction data phase 46 47
Packet IDs (PIDs) in transaction handshake phase 47 48
Packet IDs (PIDs) in transaction token phase 46 47 48—49
Packet IDs (PIDs), about 45—46
Packet IDs (PIDs), data-toggle value 57—59
Packet IDs (PIDs), defined 500 500
Packet IDs (PIDs), ERR 48 49
Packet IDs (PIDs), error checking 57
Packet IDs (PIDs), PING 48 49
Packet IDs (PIDs), PRE 48 49
Packet IDs (PIDs), special 48 49
Packet IDs (PIDs), SPLIT 48 49
Packet IDs (PIDs), table 47—48
Packets as transaction element 45—51
Packets, data 44 44 45 46 47 49—50 52 53
Packets, fields in 499—501 500
Packets, handshake 44 45 46 47 48 50 52—53 53
Packets, inter-packet delay 501
Packets, sequence 49—50
Packets, short 50
Packets, time issues 50
Packets, token 44 45 46 47 48 49
Padding descriptors 373
Parallel ports, converters for 229
Parallel ports, vs. USB 3
PCs, legacy hardware 11—12 (see also “Host computers”)
PCs, power issues 460 460 462 463 467—469 468
PCs, support for USB 7—8
PCs, using to emulate devices 153—154
Peer-to-peer communication 10 16 229—230
peripherals see “Devices”
Philips Semiconductor and USB 2.0 specification 14
Philips Semiconductor and Wireless USB Promoter Group 533
Philips Semiconductor, ISP1181B controller 166 167—168
Philips Semiconductor, ISP1261 bridge controller 549
Philips Semiconductor, ISP1362 controller 546—547
Philips Semiconductor, ISP1581 controller 166 168—169
Philips Semiconductor, PDIUSBD12 controller 166
Physical descriptors 373
Physical Maximum item 362 365 366
Physical Minimum item 362 365 366
PIC16C745 microcontroller 155 157
PIC16C765 microcontroller 155 157
PIC16F877 microcontroller 408 409 410 411—413 414 415 416 417 418—421 421
PIC18F4550 microcontroller 155 156—157 338
PID field see “Packet IDs (PIDs)”
PING PID 48 49 53 54
Pipes and transfer types 40—42
Pipes, about 40
Pipes, Default Control Pipe 40 62 66
Pipes, defined 40
Pipes, message 42
Pipes, stream 43
plugs see “Cables; connectors”
PLX Technology, NET2272 controller 166 169—170
PLX Technology, NET2272 PCI-RDK development kit 153—154
PNF files 278
Pop item 362 370
Port drivers 213 216 240
Port indicators 453 454
Ports, about 21—22
ports, parallel 3 229
ports, USB 22 27
Ports, user status indicators 453 454
Power consumption, USB 6 455—469
power supplies 4—5 25 26 455—456 457 458
Power switching 463
PRE PID 48 49
Printer class 179 213—217 251 276
Product ID and composite devices 274—275
Product ID and FTDI chip controllers 422 424
Product ID in INF files 269 278 486
Product ID in Windows registry 258 258—259 261
Product ID, creating device ID from 272
Product ID, customizing 429 486
Product ID, default 424—426 432
Product ID, obtaining 13
Product ID, reading 380—384
Program memory, in USB devices 145—147
Programming languages, as necessary tool for USB device development 30 (see also “Visual Basic .NET; Visual C++.NET”)
Prolific Technology 155 230
Properties pages, Windows Device Manager 257 279
Protocol analyzers as recommended tool for USB device development 30
Protocol analyzers, about 471—472
Protocol analyzers, Ellisys USB Explorer 473 474 474—475 475
Protocol analyzers, hardware 472 472—475 474 475
Protocol analyzers, software 475—477 476
Pull-down resistors 446 509 511 512
Pull-up resistors 446 446 465 465 509 510 511 512 513
Push item 362 369
RAM (Random-Access Memory) 147
Random-access memory (RAM) 147
Read-only memory (ROM) 146
ReadFile API function 376 379 392—401
Receptacles see “Cables; connectors”
RegisterDeviceNotification API function in Visual Basic code 309—311
RegisterDeviceNotification API function in Visual C++ code 308—309
RegisterDeviceNotification API function, about 307
RegisterDeviceNotification API function, defined 308
Registers, in USB controllers 144—145
Registry, Windows, about 257—258
Registry, Windows, class keys 259—260 260
Registry, Windows, driver keys 260—262 261 279
Registry, Windows, hardware keys 258 258—259 261 279—280
Registry, Windows, service keys 262 263 263 280
| Registry, Windows, viewing contents 257
Reliability, USB 5
Remote NDIS devices 195
Remote wakeup feature for OTG devices 542
Remote wakeup feature, enabling/disabling 468
Remote wakeup feature, power issues 464 465
Remote wakeup feature, workarounds for older versions of Windows 468—469
Repeaters, hub 435—438 436
Report Count item 362 369
Report descriptors, HID 328—330 329
Report ID item 361—363 362
Report Size item 362 369
Reports, HID, about 322 323 351—352
Reports, HID, API functions for managing communications 379 381
Reports, HID, API functions for providing and using report data 378—379 380
Reports, HID, API functions for sending and receiving 376—378 379
Reports, HID, control values 354
Reports, HID, converting raw data 366—369 367
Reports, HID, converting units 365—366
Reports, HID, defined 351
Reports, HID, describing data size and format 369
Reports, HID, describing use 363—365
Reports, HID, Global item type 361—370
Reports, HID, identifying 361—363
Reports, HID, item types 354—355
Reports, HID, Local Item type 370—373
Reports, HID, Main item type 355—361
Reports, HID, physical descriptors 373
Reports, HID, reading Input reports from devices 392—401
Reports, HID, receiving via control transfers 347—348 349
Reports, HID, receiving via interrupt transfers 343 344 345
Reports, HID, saving and restoring Global items 369—370
Reports, HID, sending via control transfers 345 346 347 348
Reports, HID, sending via interrupt transfers 340 341 342
Reports, HID, structure 351—355
Reports, HID, transfer types 389 389
Reports, HID, writing Output reports to devices 389—392
Requests, about 127
Requests, class-specific see “Class-specific requests”
Requests, Clear_Feature request 128 130
Requests, Get_Configuration request 128 135
Requests, Get_Descriptor request 94 128 133 452
Requests, Get_Interface request 128 137
Requests, Get_Status request 128 129
Requests, Set_Address request 128 132
Requests, Set_Configuration request 128 136
Requests, Set_Descriptor request 128 134
Requests, Set_Feature request 128 131
Requests, Set_Interface request 128 138
Requests, Synch_Frame request 128 139
Requests, vendor-specific 140
Reserved item 362 371
Reset bus state 492
Reset_TT request 451 452
Resistors, pull-up vs. pull-down 446 509 511 512
Resume bus state 491
Resume state 466
ROM (read-only memory) 146
Root 2 USB Test Host 477
Root hub 17 18 22 23 86 87 254 434 435 461
RPM Systems 477
RS-232 interface, converters for 11 227—229 228
RS-232 interface, single-ended lines 527
RS-232 interface, vs. USB 3 10 22
RS-485 interface, converters for 11
RS-485 interface, vs. USB 3 10
Samsung Electronics, and Wireless USB Promoter Group 533
SBAE-30 Analyzer/Exerciser 477
Self-powered devices 456 457 458—459 462
Serial interface engines (SIEs) in Microchip PIC18F4550 157
Serial interface engines (SIEs) in PC-to-PC communication 230 230
Serial interface engines (SIEs) in USB controllers 143
Service keys, Windows registry 262 263 263 280
Session Request Protocol (SRP) 541—542 545
Setup stage in control transfer structure 62 63 64 65
Setup stage, about 46 118
Setup stage, data packets 118—120
Setup stage, handshake packets 120
Setup stage, token packets 118
Setup transactions 39 39 42 45 53 63 64 65 118
SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList API function in Visual Basic code 303
SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList API function in Visual C++ code 302
SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList API function, defined 292
SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces API function in Visual Basic code 296—297
SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces API function in Visual C++ code 295—296
SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces API function, about 295 297—298
SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces API function, defined 292
SetupDiGetClassDevs API function in Visual Basic code 294
SetupDiGetClassDevs API function in Visual C++ code 293
SetupDiGetClassDevs API function, about 294—295
SetupDiGetClassDevs API function, defined 292
SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail API function in Visual Basic code 300—301
SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail API function in Visual C++ code 298—299
SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail API function, about 298
SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail API function, defined 292
SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail API function, extracting device path names 301—302
SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail API function, requesting structures containing device path names 298—301
SetupDi_ API functions, defined 291 292
Set_Address request 128 132 452
Set_Configuration request 128 136 452
Set_Descriptor request 128 134
Set_Feature request 128 131 452 545
Set_Hub_Descriptor request 451
Set_Hub_Feature request 451 452 453
Set_Idle request 331 336
Set_Interface request 128 138 452
Set_Port_Feature request 451 452 454
Set_Protocol request 331 337
Set_Report request 331 335
shielding 528—529
Short items, defined 354—355
Short packets 50
SIEs (serial interface engines) in Microchip PIC18F4550 157
SIEs (serial interface engines) in PC-to-PC communication 230 230
SIEs (serial interface engines) in USB controllers 143
Signal quality, edge rate factor 529
Signal quality, noise sources 526
Signal quality, role of balanced lines 527
Signal quality, role of galvanic isolation 529—530
Signal quality, role of shielding 528—529
Signal quality, role of twisted pairs 527—528 528
Signal voltages 517—518
signed drivers 274
Silicon Laboratories C8051F32x controllers 151 155
Single-Ended-One (SE1) bus state 490
Single-Ended-Zero (SE0) bus state 490 498
Smart Card Readers device setup class 251
smart cards 189 (see also “Chip/smart card interface class”)
Smart-card readers see “CCIDs (Chip Card Interface Devices)”
SOF (Start-of-Frame) packets 48 447 464 498
Soft-start capability 466
Software see “Firmware defined”
Software protocol analyzers 475—457 476
Sourcequest, Inc. 476
SourceUSB software analyzer 476 476—477
Speed see “Bus speed”
SPI interface vs. USB 3
split transactions 50—51 439—444 441 442
SRP (Session Request Protocol) 541—542 545
STALL handshake code 48 52 53 53—54 55 56 56
Standard Microsystems Corporation (SM-SC) 155
star topology 18 18—19
Start bit 496
Start-of-Frame (SOF) packets and Resume state 466
Start-of-Frame (SOF) packets and Suspend state 447 464
Start-of-Frame (SOF) packets, about 48
Start-of-Frame (SOF) packets, End-of-High-speed-Packet in 498
Start-of-Frame (SOF) packets, error-checking bits 56
Start-of-High-speed-Packet (HSSOP) bus state 494
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