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Axelson J. — USB Complete: Everything You Need to Develop Custom USB Peripherals |
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Delimiter item 371 372
Descriptors in enumeration process 89—90
Descriptors, about 93
Descriptors, audio class 182—188
Descriptors, chip/smart card interface class 190—191
Descriptors, class-specific 94—95
Descriptors, communication-device class 193 193—196 195 196 197
Descriptors, configuration 94 95 101—103 102
Descriptors, debug 95 113
Descriptors, defined 93
Descriptors, device 94 95 96—99 97 99
Descriptors, device_qualifier 94 95 99—101 100
Descriptors, endpoint 94 95 108—112 110
Descriptors, HID class 326—328 327
Descriptors, interface 94 95 106—108 108 109
Descriptors, interface association 95 103—106 106
Descriptors, interface_power 95 113
Descriptors, making 2.0-compliant 114—115 115
Descriptors, Microsoft OS 114
Descriptors, OTG 95 113 545 546
Descriptors, other_speed_configuration 94 95 103 104
Descriptors, padding 373
Descriptors, physical 373
Descriptors, report 328—330 329
Descriptors, string 94 95 112—113 113
Descriptors, types 94—95
Descriptors, vendor-specific 94—95 324 325
Descriptors, video class 223—225
Designator Index item 371 372
Designator Maximum item 371 372
Designator Minimum item 371 372
Detachable cables 524
DeVaSys Embedded Systems USB 12C/IO board 152—153 153
Developers, USB benefits 6—9
Developers, USB challenges 12—13
Developers, USB limitations 10—12
Development kits as necessary tool for USB device development 30
Development kits from chip manufacturers 151—152
Development kits, printed-circuit board alternatives 152—154
Device controllers see “Controller”
Device controllers and bus speed 28—29
Device controllers as necessary element for USB devices 29
Device controllers with embedded CPUs 154—164
Device controllers with interface to external CPU 165—176 166
Device controllers, chip documentation 150
Device controllers, debugging tools 151—154
Device controllers, development overview 148—154
Device controllers, driver choices 151
Device controllers, elements 142—148
Device controllers, requirements 149—150
Device controllers, selecting 141—176
Device controllers, USB controller overview 143—145
Device controllers, what they do 8—9 25 27
Device descriptor 94 95 96—09 97 99
Device drivers as necessary element for USB devices 30
Device drivers as speed-limiting factor 82—83
Device drivers in enumeration process 90—93
Device drivers, about 233—237
Device drivers, creating by using driver toolkit 248—249
Device drivers, custom, creating 247—249
device drivers, defined 233
Device drivers, digitally signed 486—487
Device drivers, generic 231 248
Device drivers, layered driver model 234 235 236 238—242 239
Device drivers, making initial decision 31
Device drivers, matching to devices 253—280
Device drivers, role in data transfer 235—237
Device drivers, selecting 279—280 422 423—424 424—426
Device drivers, user mode vs. kernel mode 235—237 249
Device drivers, viewing information in Device Manager 254 254—257 255 256
Device drivers, ways to obtain 235
Device drivers, Windows search process 279—280
Device drivers, writing 30 247
Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU) class 179 200—202
Device Framework tests 479—481
Device identification strings, finding matches 274—275
Device identification strings, obtained from devices 272—273
Device identification strings, obtained from INF files 273
Device IDs 272—273 274 275
Device installers 279
Device interface classes, obtaining GUIDs 291 292—293
Device interface classes, registering for device notifications 307
Device interface classes, requesting pointers to 293—295
Device interface classes, role of GUIDs 249 250 251
Device interface GUIDs, about 251—252
Device interface GUIDs, defined 249
Device interface GUIDs, obtaining, in Visual Basic code 293
Device interface GUIDs, obtaining, in Visual C++ code 292
Device interface GUIDs, vs. device setup GUIDs 249 252
Device interfaces, extracting device path names 301—302
Device interfaces, identifying 295—298
Device interfaces, retrieving device path names 298—301
Device Manager, about 253
Device Manager, enabling/disabling remote wakeup capability 468
Device Manager, viewing device information in 254 254—257 255 256
Device Manager, viewing Properties pages 257 279
Device setup classes 249 250 251
Device setup GUIDs in Windows registry 259 260 267
Device setup GUIDs, about 250—251
Device setup GUIDs, defined 249
Device setup GUIDs, vs. device interface GUIDs 249 252
Device Working Groups 178
Devices, USB in Windows registry 258—259
Devices, USB, about 21
Devices, USB, bus-powered vs. self-powered 26—27 457 460 462
Devices, USB, closing communication handles 306
Devices, USB, composite 21 90 91 103—104 239 272—273 274—275
Devices, USB, compound 19 20 21 28 434 450 461
Devices, USB, controllers see “Device controllers”
Devices, USB, defined 21
Devices, USB, detecting 281—318
Devices, USB, detecting attachment and removal 306—318
Devices, USB, developing 29—32
Devices, USB, elements 29—30
Devices, USB, enumeration process 86—93
Devices, USB, identifying as HID 323—330
Devices, USB, low- vs. high-speed 28—29
Devices, USB, low-power vs. high power 458—460
Devices, USB, preparing to enumerate 31—32
Devices, USB, programming applications to find 291—303
Devices, USB, removing 92
Devices, USB, requesting communication handles 303—306
Devices, USB, resuming communication 466
Devices, USB, role of host 23
Devices, USB, specifying requirements 31
Devices, USB, speed-limiting factors 81—82
Devices, USB, steps in project development 30—32
Devices, USB, suspended 464—466
Devices, USB, testing 477—487
Devices, USB, tools for developing 30
Devices, USB, tools for testing and debugging 471—477
Devices, USB, viewing information in Device Manager 254 254—257 255 256
Devices, USB, wireless connections 530—534
Device_qualifier descriptor 94 95 99—101 100
Differential 1 bus state 490 (see also “High-speed Differential 1 bus state”)
Differential 2 bus state 490 (see also “High-speed Differential 2 bus state”)
Digital cameras 457
Digital signatures 486—487
Disconnect bus state 492 (see also “High-speed Disconnect bus state”)
Disk Drives device setup class 251
Distance, USB limitations 10
Distance, USB vs. other interfaces 3 10
DLL files 279 284
DLP Design 166 534
DOS 11
Driver Development Kit (DDK) 30
Driver keys, Windows registry 260—262 261 279
Driver X USB toolkit 231
drivers see “Class drivers; device drivers”
Dual-speed devices, detecting speed 116
| Edge rates 529
EEPROM (electrically erasable PROM) memory and Cypress Semiconductor EZ-USB chip family 160—162 161
EEPROM (electrically erasable PROM) memory, about 146—147
EEPROM (electrically erasable PROM) memory, programming 429 430—431 432
EHCI (Enhanced Host Controller Interface) 239 241 242
EIA/TIA-232 interface vs. USB 3
Ellisys USB Explorer protocol analyzer 263 264—265 473 474 474—475 475
End Collection items 360—361 361
End-of-High-speed-Packet (HSEOP) bus state 494
End-of-Packet (EOP) bus state 491—492 498
End-of-Packet (EOP) signal and Resume state 466
End-of-Packet (EOP) signal and SYNC field 497—498
End-of-Packet (EOP) signal, about 48—49
Endpoint descriptor 94 95 108—112 110
Endpoint field 500 500
Endpoints for HID transfers 321—322
Endpoints, about 38—40
Endpoints, addresses 38—39
Endpoints, defined 38
Enhanced Host Controller Interface (EHCI) 239 241 242
Enumeration as aspect of USB transfer 34
Enumeration, about 86—87
Enumeration, defined 85
Enumeration, power issues 459—460
Enumeration, preparing for 31—32
Enumeration, steps in process 87—91
Enumeration, tips for success 92—93
EOP (End-of-Packet) signal 48—49
EPROM (erasable programmable ROM) memory 146
ERR handshake code 52 53 55
ERR PID 48 49
Error handling in bulk transfers 71—72
Error handling in control transfers 68
Error handling in interrupt transfers 75—76
Error handling in isochronous transfers 80
Error handling in USB transfers 56—59
Error handling, role of data toggles 57—59
Error handling, role of host 24
Error handling, role of peripherals 26
Ethernet vs. USB 3 10 17
extension cables 525
EZ-USB boards 152
Feature items 356 357 358—360
Feature reports, Main item types in 356 357 358—360
Feature reports, reading from devices 404—405
Feature reports, transfer types 389 389
Feature reports, writing to devices 402—404
Fields, packet 499—501 500
FireWire 800 vs. USB 3
Firmware, defined 146 (see also “Device drivers”)
Flash memory 146
Frame Number field 500 501
Frames and frame numbers 48 501
Frames and timing accuracy 499
Frames in bulk transfers 71
Frames in control transfers 66 67
Frames in interrupt transfers 74—75
Frames in isochronous transfers 76—80
Frames in split transactions 443
Frames in transactions 48 50 66
Frames, defined 24 35
Frames, illustrated 35
frames, IrDA 206 207
Frames, role in USB transfer 35—36
Freescale Semiconductor, 68HC05JB3/4 chip 155
Freescale Semiconductor, 68HC08JB8 chip 155
Freescale Semiconductor, MC68HC08 family 164
Freescale Semiconductor, MCF5482 ColdFire 155 164
FTDI see “Future Technology Devices International (FTDI)”
Full speed, defined 5
Full-speed bus states 490—492
Full-speed transceivers 508—512
functions, defined 19 21
Future Technology Devices International (FTDI) in bulk example 414 415 416 417 418—421 421
Future Technology Devices International (FTDI) in bulk transfer example 408 409 410 411—413 414
Future Technology Devices International (FTDI), D2XX Direct driver 421 422 423—424 424—426 425
Future Technology Devices International (FTDI), FT232BM 166 170 171 173 174—176 227—229 228
Future Technology Devices International (FTDI), FT245BM 166 170 171 172 174—176
Future Technology Devices International (FTDI), improving chip performance 426—429
Future Technology Devices International (FTDI), Virtual COM Port Driver 174 227 421
Galvanic isolation 529—530
Generic drivers 231 239 248
GenInf tool 277
Get_Bus_State request 451 452
Get_Configuration request 128 135 452
Get_Descriptor request 94 128 133 452
Get_Hub_Descriptor request 451
Get_Hub_Status request 451 452 453
Get_Idle request 331 333
Get_Interface request 128 137 452
Get_Port_Status request 444 451 452 454
Get_Protocol request 331 334
Get_Report request 331 332
Get_Status request 128 129 444 452 460
Get_TT_State request 451 452
Global item type, defined 361
Global item type, Logical Maximum item 362 364—365
Global item type, Logical Minimum item 362 364—365
Global item type, Physical Maximum item 362 365 366
Global item type, Physical Minimum item 362 365 366
Global item type, Pop item 362 370
Global item type, Push item 362 369
Global item type, Report Count item 362 369
Global item type, Report ID item 361—363 362
Global item type, Report Size item 362 369
Global item type, Reserved item 362
Global item type, Unit Exponent item 365 366
Global item type, Unit item 362 366
Global item type, Usage Page item 362 363—364
Globally Unique Identifiers see “GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers)”
Gold Tree testing configuration 482 483 484
GPIB interface vs. USB 3
GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers) in Windows registry 259 260 267
GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers), about 249—250
GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers), device interface 249 251—252 292 293
GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers), device setup 249 250—251 252 259 260 267
Handles, communication, closing 306
Handles, communication, opening 303—306
handshake packets 44 45 46 47 48 50 52 53 120 122 123—124
Handshake phase, transactions see “Handshake packets”
Handshaking, about 51—52
Handshaking, hardware vs. software 51—52
Handshaking, status codes 52—55 53
Hardware IDs 272 274
Hardware keys, Windows registry 258 258—259 261 279—280
Hardware protocol analyzers 472 472—475 474 475
Hewlett-Packard and USB 2.0 specification 14
Hewlett-Packard and Wireless USB Promoter Group 533
HID Descriptor Tool 352 353
HID Usage Tables document 354
HidD_FlashQueue API function 379 381
HidD_FreePreparsedData API function 377 406
HidD_GetAttributes API function in Visual Basic code 382—383
HidD_GetAttributes API function in Visual C++ code 381—382
HidD_GetAttributes API function, about 384
HidD_GetFeature API function, about 378 404 405
HidD_GetFeature API function, defined 379
HidD_GetFeature API function, Visual Basic in 405
HidD_GetFeature API function, Visual C++ in 404
HidD_GetHidGuid API function in Visual Basic code 293
HidD_GetHidGuid API function in Visual C++ code 292
HidD_GetHidGuid API function, defined 292 381
HidD_GetIndexedString API function 378
HidD_GetInputReport API function 378 379 405
HidD_GetManufacturerString API function 378
HidD_GetNumInputBuffers API function 381
HidD_GetPhysicalDescriptor API function 377
HidD_GetPreparsedData API function 376 377 388 406
HidD_GetPreparsedData API function in Visual Basic code 385
HidD_GetPreparsedData API function in Visual C++ code 384
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