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Hazewinkel M. — Handbook of Algebra (часть 1)
Hazewinkel M. — Handbook of Algebra (часть 1)

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Название: Handbook of Algebra (часть 1)

Автор: Hazewinkel M.


The first volume of a multi-volume handbook intended to provide professional mathematicians with information on topics outside their own areas. The level is graduate and up; treatment of topics is too dense for use as a textbook. Articles in seven areas are to be published as they are received — rather than in volumes covering a single area — to avoid prolonged publishing delays. In addition to primary information, reference to relevant articles, books, and lecture notes guide the reader. Indexing is detailed. Volume 1 contains papers on linear (in)dependence; fields, Galois theory, and algebraic number theory; generalizations of fields and related objects; category theory; commutative rings and algebras; associative rings and algebras; and cohomology. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Справочники/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1996

Количество страниц: 467

Добавлена в каталог: 29.04.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Stream cipher      347
Strict monoidal category      542
Strictly arithmetically profinite extension      293
Strictly connected GSA      492
Strictly monogenic N-group      492
String diagram      539 547
String diagram in a 2-category      547
Strong Bruhat order of the symmetric groups      552
Strong filtration      818
Strong maps      171
Strong Nakayama conjecture      873
Strong transformation between lax functors      568
Strongly filtered rings associated to filtered rings      819
Structure of divisible abelian groups      724
Structure of divisible modules      725
Structure theorem for modules over principal ideal rings      717
Structure theorem for modules over semi-hereditary rings      718
Structure theory of near-rings      467
Sturm oscillation theorem      56
Subalgebra of a semiring      427
Subbasis      201
Subcanonical Grothendieck topology      519
Subcommutative semimodule      444
Subdirect product      473 772
Subdirectly indecomposable      772
Submatroid      162
Submodularity      159
Submodule      709
Submodule of finite type      826
Subnear-ring      466
Subobject classifier      504
Subsemiring      427
Sufficiency of invertible elements      795
Sullivan’s conjecture on maps from classifying spaces to finite complexes      657
Summable family      452
Supernatural number      280
Supersolvable geometric lattice      172
Support of a global section      804
Supporting decomposition      147
Surjective geometric morphism      515
Suspended categories      685
Suspended category axioms      683
Suspension functor      677 683
Svelte category      679
Sylvester domain      741
Sylvester equation      88
Sylvester’s law of nullity      741 755
Symbol map      816
Symmetric and Hermitian random matrices      34
Symmetric bimatroids      168
Symmetric cryptosystem      346
Symmetric tactical configuration      351
Symmetrical quotient ring      784 797
Symplectic matrix pencil      98
Syndrome decoding      403
Syndrome of a received word      403
Syntactic near-ring      491
System of equations      479
System of generators converges to      1 279
Systems of linear algebraic equations with random coefficients      60
T-nilpotent maximal ideals      719
Tactical configuration      351
Takagi class-field      372
Takagi's class-field theory      370
Takagi’s definition of the class-field      371
Tame symbol      249
Tamely ramified extension      288
Tamely unramified extension      234
TARGET      532
Tate cohomology      604
Tate conjecture      254
Tate — Tsen filtration      667
Tate’s theorem      385
Teal projective group      312
Teichmueller map      229
Tensor basis of field extension      214
Tensor D-ring      746
Tensor product      719
Tensor product of 2-categories      553
Terminal computad      542
Ternary Golay code      410
Ternary matroids      166
Ternary polynomials      408
Theory of chain complexes      641
Thomason’s theorem      667
Tight computad      546
Tight derivation scheme      546
Tilting module      863
Tilting theory      673
Top of M      846
Topological groupoid      515
Topological K-groups      254
Topological semiring      428
Topological standard n-simplex      641
Topology defined by a filtration      818
Topos      531
Topos of a complete Boolean algebra      508
Topos of a topological group      508
Topos of sheafs on a locale      514
Tor in group cohomology      586
Torsion free module      716
Torsion module      716 755
Torsion submodule      716
Torsion theory      716
Torsion theory cogenerated by R      754
Total divisor      756
Totally inert subring of a ring      749
Totally ordered semigroup      446
Totally ordered semiring (t.o. semiring)      446
Totally p-adic numbers      314
Totally ramified extension      234
Totally real numbers      314
Totally S-adic Galois extension      314
trace function      324
Trace-orthonormal basis of a finite field      328
Transfer function      119 144 494
Transfer map      373
Transfer map in group cohomology      593
Transfinite degree function      750
Transfinite degree function defined by left divisibility      751
Transfinite weak algorithm      750
Transformation      567
Transformation between lax functors      567
Transgression      282
Transitivity      160
Transitivity site axiom      506
Translation      485
Translation plane      471 485
Translation ring      735
Translation structure      486
Transpose functor      755
Transpose of a matrix      120
Transversal matroids      164
Transversal theory      165
Tri-operational lattice algebra      469
Triangle equivalence      687
Triangle for identity constraints      563
Triangle functors      686
Triangle functors induced by exact functors      687
Triangle in a stable category      683
Triangulated (n - 1)-sphere      646
Triangulated category      618 685
Tribe      467
Trinomial polynomial      328
Triple      531 613
Trivial cofibration      650
Trivial extension algebra      860
Trivial fibration      650
Trivial fibration of simplicial sets      521
Trivial filtration      743
Trivial relation in a ring      739
Trivial semiring      427
Trivializable relation in a ring      739
Tutte invariants      173
Tutte polynomial      173
Tutte — Grothendieck invariant      173
TWA      750
Twisted cartesian products      649
Twisted system of coefficients      516
Typed predicate logic language of a topos      525
ulf      532
ulf 2-functor      546
ulf functor      532
Unbound R-module      754
Uniform dimension      798
Uniform matroid      166
Uniformizing element      226
Unimodal law      64
Unique lifting of factorizations      532
Uniqueness of monic divisors of a matrix polynomial theorem      107
Uniserial algebra      850
Uniserial module      850
Unitary $\Omega$-semimodule      444
Unitary central closure      784
Unitary random matrices      41
Universal coefficient theorem      588
Universal cover      583
Universal Hasse — Witt classes      660
Universal properties      712
Universal property of a tensor product      720
Universal property of algebraic microlocalization      822
Universal property of derived functors      675
Universal skew field of fractions      742
Universality property of a natural numbers object      526
Unramified      368
Unramified at all places extension      368
Unramified at finite places extension      368
Unramified extension      234
Upper numbering ramification groups      240
Valuation      224
Valuation field      224
Valuation in a 2-category      547
Valuation of a graph      454
Valuation of a progressive plane graph      547
Valuation vectors      373
Value of a string diagram      547
Van Osdol’s theorem      658
Variants of matrices      160
Variety      427
Variety of a group cohomology ring      598
Variety of algebras      475
Variety of matroids      167
Veblen — Wedderbum system      470
Vector sum (Minkovsky sum)      13
Verdier cohomology      521
Verdier hypercovering theorem      659
Verlagerung      373
Verschiebung map      230
Vertical composition      534 562
Vertices      531 544
Very good filiations from good filiations      836
Very good filtration      827
Vinogradov 3-primes problem      325
Virtual FP group      604
Virtual property      603
von Neumann regular ring      723
Von Staudt’s method      169
WA      744
Waring problem      325
Weak $\mathcal{D}$-embedding problem      331
Weak algorithm      733 744
Weak algorithm characterizes free algebras      748
Weak cut      170
Weak embedding problem      280
Weak equivalence of simplicial sets      650
Weak equivalences between locally fibrant objects      658
Weak global dimension      741
Weak map image      170
Weak maps      170
Weak order on a collection of matroids on a set      170
Weak solution      280
Weakly affine space      486
Weakly finite ring      756
Weakly self-dual basis of a finite field      328
Weakly symmetric algebra      853
Weierstrass canonical form      81
Weight enumerator of a code      404
Weight enumerator of a linear code      174
Weight of a code word      402
Weil Conjectures      503
Weil’s theorem      273 307
Weissauer’s theorem      304 308 314
Well-quasi-order      166
Weyl algebra      735 765 8(7
Whiskering of u by $\alpha$, $\beta$      534
Whitehead theorem      652
Whitney number of the first kind      172
Whitney number of the second kind      173
Wiener — Hopf factorizations      141 149
Wigner semicircle law      53
Williams’ problem on special experimental      354
Wishait density $\omega_n(a, R)$      31
Witt vectors      230
Witt vectors of length n      230
Word      400
Word over GF(q)      400
Wreath product      305
Wu formulae      664
Yang — Baxter equation      558
Yang — Baxter matrix      561
Yoneda definition of $Ext_R^n(C, A)$      591
Yoneda embedding      512
Yoneda embedding of categories      570
Yoneda Lemma      646
Yoneda splice      594
Zalesskii — Neroslavskii construction      780
Zamolodchikov equation      558 561
Zamolodchikov matrix      562
Zariskian filtration      829
Zariskian ring      829
Zero      427
Zero in a semiring      427
Zero-divisor free      430
Zero-sum free      428
Zero-symmetric near-ring      467
Zero-symmetric part of a near-ring      467
Zeros of A(l)      137
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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