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Hazewinkel M. — Handbook of Algebra (часть 1)
Hazewinkel M. — Handbook of Algebra (часть 1)

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Название: Handbook of Algebra (часть 1)

Автор: Hazewinkel M.


The first volume of a multi-volume handbook intended to provide professional mathematicians with information on topics outside their own areas. The level is graduate and up; treatment of topics is too dense for use as a textbook. Articles in seven areas are to be published as they are received — rather than in volumes covering a single area — to avoid prolonged publishing delays. In addition to primary information, reference to relevant articles, books, and lecture notes guide the reader. Indexing is detailed. Volume 1 contains papers on linear (in)dependence; fields, Galois theory, and algebraic number theory; generalizations of fields and related objects; category theory; commutative rings and algebras; associative rings and algebras; and cohomology. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Справочники/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1996

Количество страниц: 467

Добавлена в каталог: 29.04.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Category of Grothendieck topoi as a category of fractions of localic groupoids      516
Category of homotopy classes of maps between fibrant-cofibrant objects      656
Category of perverse sheaves      673
Category of sheaves      508
Category of supplemented commutative graded algebras      657
Category theory      531
Cauchy distribution      41
Cauchy — Binet identity for determinants      168
Cauchy — Bounjakowsky — Schwarz inequalities in Minkovsky space      12
Cayley — Hamilton theorem      120
Ccch cohomology and sites      519
Cech cohomology      519
Cech cohomology object      662
Cech cohomology of $\mathcal{E}$ for the cover U      519
Cech resolution      662
Center of a ring      767
Central algebra      767
Central closure      784
Central limit theorem for determinants of random Jacobi matrices      56
Centralizer near-ring      473
Centroid of a ring      767
Chain homotopy      644
Channel      397
Chaotic category on X      533
Chaotic graph on a set X      533
Chaotic topology      666
Characteristic classes associated to representations of Galois groups      665
Characteristic classes associated to symmetric bilinear forms      665
Characteristic equation of a pencil of matrices      70
Characteristic for finitely presented modules      755
Characteristic ideal      825
Characteristic of a module      748
Characteristic of a semiring      432
Characteristic polynomial      120
Characteristic polynomial of a finite rank-n geometric lattice      172
Characteristic polynomial of a linear recurring sequence      341
Characteristic property of k(X)      745
Characteristic sequence for a polynomial      344
Characteristic set of a matroid      169
Characteristic variety      826
Characteristic variety of a $\mathcal{D}$-module      815
Characterization of Auslander algebras      869
Characterization of finitely generated projective modules      726
Characterization of flatness      721
Characterization of free power series rings      748
Chem character map      661
Chem class      661
Chem class maps      661
Chem classes of G      600
Chem ring      600
Chevalley theorem      310
Chinese remainder theorem      338
Choice of cylinder object      654
Circle law      62
Circuit axioms for matroids      160
Circuit elimination      160
circuits      160
Circuits in a matroid      161
Circulant matrix      329
Circular planar near-rings      485
Class group      775
Class of algebras defined by identities      475
Class-field      370
Class-field of k      368
Class-field-tower problem      384
Class-group      368
Classical (relative) left derived functors      621
Classical period of simplicial homotopy theory      649
Classical projective invariant theory      168
Classical quotient ring      798
Classification of group extensions      589
Classification of varieties of matroids      167
Classifying object      660
Classifying simplicial schemes      660
Classifying space      583
Classifying space BU of complex K-theory      657
Classifying topos      511
Classifying topos of a groupoid      515
Clopen set      803
Closed group      808
Closed model category      650
Closed semiring      453
Closed set in a matroid      161
Closed under extensions      680 690
Closure (operator) on a partially ordered set      161
Closure of a group      808
Clutter      164
CM-fieids      384
Coalgebra      633
Coassociativity of the diagonal approximation      594
Cobase change by cofibrations      651
Coboundary operator      281
Cocartesian square      679
Code      484
Coderivation      635
Codes from near-rings      484
Codewords      398 400 484
Coface      642
Coface map      641
Cofibrant      652
Cofibration      650
Cogenerator      846
Cohen — Macaulay ring      600
Coherent ring      716
Cohn purity      613 622
Cohomological descent property      665
Cohomological descent spectral sequence      667
Cohomological dimension      283 601
Cohomological variety      600
Cohomology groups for an arbitrary topos      517
Cohomology of a category $\mathcal{C}$ with coefficients in a C-bimodule      628
Cohomology of a category $\mathcal{C}$ with coefficients in a natural system      628
Cohomology of a coalgebra      634
Cohomology of a group      584
Cohomology of categories      518
Cohomology of coalgebras      633
Cohomology of G with coefficients in M      584
Cohomology of groups      518 583
Cohomology of Hopf algebras      636
Cohomology of posets      631
Cohomology of small categories      613 625
Cohomology theory of coalgebras      614
Cohomology theory of commutative coalgebras      637
Cohomology with coefficients in a natural system      628
Coimage      614 710
Coinduced module      593
Cointegration between bicomodules      635
Cokernel      710
Cokernel morphism      614
Cokernel-projective object      616
Collineation      471 485
Column code of a BIB      484
Comaps      171
Comaximal matrix relation      756
Comaximal relation      756
Combinatorial geometry      160
Combinatorial homotopy theory      641
Combinatorial pregeometries      160
Combinatorial topology      641
Comma category      506
Communication system      398
Commutation rule      733
Commutative 2-fir      740
Commutative diagram      711
Commutative free monoid      450
Commutative semiring      427
Commuting 3-face relation      552
Commuting 4-face relation      558
Comonad      506
Comonic block eigenpair for a matrix polynomial      103
Comonic block eigenpair of dimension d for a regular matrix pencil      83
Comonic block Jordan pair      84
Compactness theorem in logic      169
Companion linear matrix pencil      101
Companion matrix      341
Companion matrix associated with A(l)      137
Companion regular linear matrix pencil      99
Comparison lemma      508
Compatible family of elements      507
Compatible pair of subgroups      206
Compatible triangle adjunction morphisms      688
Complete $\Sigma$-semimodule      452
Complete balanced block design      482
Complete Boolean Algebra      508
Complete determination of all rings with weak algorithm      747
Complete filtration      818
Complete group      296
Complete mapping polynomial of $F_q$      335
Complete n-discrete valuation field      226
Complete semi-simplicial set      644
Complete set of orthogonal frequency squares      351
Complete subset global section      801
Complete theory      277
Completion      226
Complex multiplication      383
Complexes bounded from above      619
Complexes bounded from below      619
Complexity $C_N$ of a normal basis N      327
Complexity of decoding      403
Component      774
Component of an algebra      775
Components of a matrix      123
Composed triangle functors      687
Composition in a localized category      689
Composition lemma      768
Composition of paths functor      533
Composition ring      469
Computad      537
Computad morphism      538
Computational aspects of matrix polynomials      141
Comultiplication      633
Conditionally positive semidefinite      126
Conductor      369
Conductor of a character      369
Conductor of a class groups      370
Conflations      679
Confluence for rewrite rules      543
Congruence class semiring      440
Congruence fibration      486
Congruence in a semiring      427
Congruence on a semiring      440
Conical monoid      751
Conjecture of Friedlander and Milnor      657
Conjugate 2-graph      534
Conjugate left and right modules      793
Conjugate transpose of a matrix      120
Conjugation module      807
Connected components      533
Connected geometric morphism      515
Connected matroid      163
Connected object of a topos      523
Connected semiautomaton      491 492
Connecting homomorphism      282 585
Consistent estimate of the Stieltjes transform of the normalized spectral function      73
Consistent estimates of generalized variance      71
Constant field extension embedding problem      304
Constant near-ring      467
Constant of a derivation      196
Constant part of a near-ring      467
Constant sheaf functor      510
Constants in a function field      298
Construction methods for obtaining planar near-rings      482
Construction of QF-3 algebras      867
Constructive group      603
Continuity of the Jordan form      130
Continuous functor      511
Continuous Lyapunov equation      91
Continuum Hypothesis      503
Contractible Kan complex      521
Contraction and deletion      163
Contraction of a matroid      162 171
Contravariant functor      281 712
Convergence of a spectral sequence      596
Coordinatization of geometric planes by near fields      470
Coproduct of skew fields      733
Coproducts of rings      757
Corestriction      592
Correct sheaf      805
Correspondence between elementary topoi and intuitionistic theories      526
Coseparable coalgebra      635
Coskeleton      662
Cospans from a to b      563
Costas array      333
Counit      633
Countably complete $\Sigma$-semimodule      452
Countably idempotent $\Sigma$-semiring      453
Coupling map      469
Covariant functor      281 711
Cover of a group      486
Covering families      506
Covering projection with group G      511
Covering space      522
Coxeter relations      559
Critical exponent of a set of vectors      173
Critical path problem      429
Critical problem of Crapo and Rota      173
Crossed extensions      590
Crossed homomorphisms      281
Crossed module      591
Crossed product      776
Cryptology      346
Cryptomorphisms      159
Cryptosystem      346
Cup product      282
Cup product in group cohomology      594
CW-complex      646
Cycle matroid of a graph      160
Cyclic codes      406
Cyclic extension      276
Cyclotomic character      289
Cyclotomic coset      408
Cylinder      617
Cylinder object      653
D-bimodule over k      746
d-dimensional dimer problem      17
d-dimensional hypercube      350
d-orthogonal d-dimensional hypercubes      350
D-regular $\mathcal{D}(\mathcal{A})$-module      837
D-ring      438
D-semigroup      438
D-semiring      438
d-simplex matrix      562
d.g. near-rings      468
DA      743
Deadlock      496
Decimation of a sequence      344
Deciphering scheme      346
Decoder      398
Decoding Goppa codes      415
Decomposable block eigenpair      84
Decomposable block eigenpair of dimension d for a matrix polynomial      102
Decomposition theorem for regular matroids      167
Dedekind domains      367
Dedekind prime ring      623
Dedekind ring      718 725
Dedekind’s formula      324
Defect      287
Defectless field      287
Defining set of a cyclic code      407
Deflating subspaces      85
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