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Raychaudhury S. — Computational text analysis for functional genomics and bioinformatics
Raychaudhury S. — Computational text analysis for functional genomics and bioinformatics

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Íàçâàíèå: Computational text analysis for functional genomics and bioinformatics

Àâòîð: Raychaudhury S.


This book brings together the two disparate worlds of computational text analysis and biology and presents some of the latest methods and applications to proteomics, sequence analysis and gene expression data. Modern genomics generates large and comprehensive data sets but their
interpretation requires an understanding of a vast number of genes, their complex functions, and interactions. Keeping up with the literature on a single gene is a challenge itself-for thousands of genes it is simply impossible.
Here, Soumya Raychaudhuri presents the techniques and algorithms needed to access and utilize the vast scientific text, i.e. methods that automatically "read" the literature on all the genes. Including background chapters on the necessary biology, statistics and genomics, in addition to practical
examples of interpreting many different types of modern experiments, this book is ideal for students and researchers in computational biology, bioinformatics, genomics, statistics and computer science.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2006

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 312

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 11.12.2007

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Frequency-inverse document frequency weighting      91
Fukuda, K., Tamura, A. et al.      7 233 235 240
Fukuda, T. et al.      151
Function of genes and proteins      26—7
Functional assignment      120
Functional assignment, effectiveness of text classification algorithms      212—21
Functional assignment, value of keywords      123
Functional coherence      147 148—52 171
Functional coherence, assessment      see also neighbor divergence per gene (NDPG)
Functional coherence, assessment, best article score      160—2
Functional coherence, assessment, computational approach      152—5
Functional coherence, assessment, evaluation of algorithms      155—7
Functional coherence, assessment, neighbor divergence (ND)      163—4
Functional coherence, assessment, screening gene expression clusters      167—9
Functional coherence, assessment, word distribution divergence (WDD)      157—60
Functional coherence, corruption studies      166—7
Functional coherence, relationship to NDPG score      181
Functional coherence, scoring      153—4 157
Functional coherence, scoring, precision-recall plot      160
Functional determination, gene groups      170
Functional gene groups      156
Functional information, use in sequence analysis      107
Functional neighbors, neighbor expression information (NEI) scoring      129—32
Functional vocabularies      90 196—7.
Functional vocabularies, Enzyme Commission (EC)      200 201
Functional vocabularies, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG)      200—1
Functions, poorly referenced      188—9
Funk, M.E. and Reid, C.A.      218
G distribution of words      158—9
Gap penalties in multiple alignment      49
Gap penalties in pairwise alignment      42 43—4 45 46
Gavin, A.C., Bosche, M. et al.      248
Gelbart, W.M., Crosby, M. et al.      184 229
GenBank database, growth      37
Gene annotation      104
Gene annotation by maximum entropy, classifier      221—4
Gene deletion identification      63
Gene dictionaries      228—2
Gene duplication identification      63
Gene expression analysis      1 8 14 61—2 65—6 83 171—2 202 pl
Gene expression analysis, arrays      26—7 63 pl
Gene expression analysis, assignment of keywords      140—5 173
Gene expression analysis, gene groups      172—3
Gene expression analysis, hierarchical clustering      178 183
Gene expression analysis, hierarchical clustering, application to yeast data set      181—3
Gene expression analysis, hierarchical clustering, pruning dendrograms      178—81
Gene expression analysis, SAGE      64—5 pl
Gene expression analysis, screening clusters      173—8
Gene expression analysis, sources of noise      125
Gene expression clusters, functional coherence assessment      167—9
Gene expression data, advantage of text-based approach      12 13
Gene expression data, clustering algorithms      66—72
Gene expression data, dimensional reduction      72—4
Gene expression data, matrix organization      65
Gene expression regulation      23—4
Gene expression similarity, relationship to word vector similarity      99 100
Gene expression, relationship to NEI scores      133—5 134
Gene function annotation      195—6
Gene function vocabularies      see Functional vocabularies
Gene groups      147. see also neighbor divergence per gene (NDPG)
Gene groups, best article score (BAS)      160—2
Gene groups, corruption studies      166—7
Gene groups, determination of function      170
Gene groups, evaluation of assessment algorithms      155—7
Gene groups, functional coherence      148—52
Gene groups, in gene expression analysis      172—3
Gene groups, keyword assignment      100
Gene groups, neighbor divergence (ND)      163—4
Gene groups, theoretical distribution of article scores      163—4
Gene groups, word distribution divergence (WDD)      157—60
Gene interactions databases      7
Gene interactions, textual cooccurrences      250—59
Gene name recognition      227—28
Gene name recognition, dictionaries      228—2
Gene name recognition, unified algorithm      240—3
Gene name recognition, use of abbreviations      237—40 238 239
Gene name recognition, use of context      235—7
Gene name recognition, use of morphology      237
Gene name recognition, use of syntax      233—5
Gene name recognition, word structure and appearance      232—3
Gene names, synonyms      228—29 230 231
Gene networks      245 246—7
Gene networks, roles of scientific text      249
Gene networks, roles of scientific text, co-occurring genes      249—50
Gene Ontology      7 11—12 13 90 152 184 196 197—198
Gene Ontology, evidence codes      198 199—200
Gene Ontology, functional groups, yeast      175—6
Gene Ontology, functional groups, yeast, correlation with NDPG score of nodes      181 182
Gene Ontology, precision-recall performance of codes      222—4 223
Gene Ontology, quality of annotations      188
Gene references, skewed distribution      174
Gene-protein interactions      247
General Repository for Interaction Datasets (GRID)      250 251 261 266 267
Generalized iterative scaling (GIS)      209—10
Genes      22—4
GENES database      201
Genes, defining textual profiles      94—6
Genes, functional assignment      120
Genes, functions      26—7
Genes, homology      40
Genes, querying for biological function      101—4
Genes, structure      22
genetic code      22 23
Genome databases      9—11
Genome sequence information      125—6
Genome sizes      18
Genomic data analysis      7—8 pl
Genomics era      1
Genomics literature      2—4
Genomics literature, diversity      5
Genomics literature, quality      4
Genomics literature, relevance      4—5
Giot, L., Bader, J.S. et al.      248
Glenisson, P., Coessons, B. et al.      90 95 99
Glutamic acid      25
Glutamine      25
Glycine      25
Glycogenin      192
Glycolysis genes      150
gold standards      116—17 184 197 222
Golub, T. R, Slonim, D.K. et al.      78
Gotoh, O.      47
Groups of genes      see Gene groups
Guanine      18 19
Guzder, S.N. et al.      149
Haber, J.E.      151
Hairpin loops, RNA      21
Halushka, M.K., Fan, J.B. et al.      63
Heartless gene      97 98
Heartless gene, synonyms      229 230
Heat shock protein GO functional group      176
Hermeking, H.      64
Hersh, W.      86
Hersh, W., Bhuporaju, R.T. et al.      195
Heyer, L.J., Kruglyak, S. et al.      67
Hidden Markov models (HMM)      54—61 57
Hidden Markov models (HMM), use in gene name recognition      237
Hierarchical clustering      70—2 86 pl
Hierarchical clustering, fly gene expression data et      191—4
Hierarchical clustering, gene expression analysis      178—84
Hierarchical organization, Gene Ontology      12 197 198
High entropy models      206
High-Wire press      3 9
Hill, D.P., Davis, A.P. et al.      187—88
Histidine      25
Ho, Y., Gruhler, A. et al.      248
Homayouni, R., Heinrich, K. et al.      92
Homologous genes, recognition      108 114—15 190
Homologous sequences      111
Homology      40—2 117
Homology, remote      114—15
Hughes, T.R., Marton, M.J. et al.      63
Human genes, bias in areas studied      5 6
Human genome project      1
Human genome size      18
Humphreys, K., Demetriou, G. et al.      7
Hutchinson, D.      3
Hvidsten, T.R., Komorowski, J. et al.      187—88
Hydrogen bonding, nucleotide bases      19 20
Hydrogen bonding, proteins      25 26 pl
IDA (inferred from direct assay)      188
Incoherent gene groups, article scores      163 164
Inconsistencies in classification of documents      218
Independence assumption      29—30
Independence assumption, naive Bayes classification      204 205 218
Independence of events      29—30
Inferred from Electronic Annotation (IEA) evidence code      189 198 200
Inferred from Reviewed Computational Analysis (RCA), evidence code      198 200
Inferred from Sequence Similarity (ISS), evidence code      189 198 199
Information extraction      259—2
Information retrieval      86
Information retrieval, latent semantic indexing      92 104
Information theory      33—4
Inter-gene difference calculation      181
Interaction verbs      260—1
interactions      245
Introns      21 22 23
Inverse document frequency weighted word vectors      91 161
Isoleucine      25
Iterative sequence similarity searches modification to include text      115—17. see also Position specific iterative BLAST (PSI-BLAST)
Ito, T., Chiba, T. et al.      248
Jacard coefficient      87
Jenssen, T.K., Laegreid, A. et al.      8 152 250
Journals relevant to genomics      3
Journals, online      3
K-means clustering      68 173 177 pl
Kanehisa, M., Goto, S. et al.      200
Kegg Orthology (KO) numbers      201
Kellis, M. et al.      151
Kerr, M.K. and Churchill, G.A.      67
Key articles, recognition      153
Keyword queries      101—4 102 103
Keywords field (KW), SWISS-PROT      109
Keywords, assignment      100 141—5 173
Keywords, assistance in functional assignment      123
Keywords, breathless and heartless genes      96 97
Keywords, definition for proteins      107
Keywords, expression values      pl 5.1
Keywords, in identification of protein-protein interactions      260
Keywords, MeSH headings      9
Keywords, phosphate metabolism study      144—5
Keywords, use in recognition of gene names      233 235 236
Keywords, use to summarize sequence hits      112—14
Klein, H.L.      151
Krauthammer, M., Rzhetsky, A. et al.      232
Krogh, A., Brown, M. et al.      54
Kullback — Liebler (KL) distance      34 131—2
Kullback — Liebler (KL) distance in ND      163
Kullback — Liebler (KL) distance in NDPG      154
Kullback — Liebler (KL) distance in WDD      159
Kwok, P.Y. and Chen, X.      1
Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG)      200—1
Latent dimension, relationship to variance      94
Latent semantic indexing (LSI)      92—4 93 104 140
Lee, M.L., Kuo, F.C. et al.      124
Lee, S.E. et al.      151
Lesk, A.M.      1
Leucine      25
Linear discriminant analysis (LDA)      75—9 76 pl
Linear discriminant analysis (LDA), applications      78
Linear time algorithms      48
Literature      2—4
Literature index      185 186
Literature index, comparison between organisms      185—6
Literature similarity constraint, modified PSI-BLAST      117 120
Literature, diversity      5
Literature, quality      4
Literature, relevance      4—5
LocusLink      3—4 5 6 11 11
Logistic regression      75
Logistic regression classification      239—40
Low entropy models      206
Low induction false positives, recognition      138
Low induction genes, NEI scores      139
Lu, Z., Szafron, D. et al.      120
Lymphoma, gene expression profiles      62
Lysine      25
MacCallum, R.M., Kelley, L.A. et al.      8 107 115
Machine learning algorithms, combination of sequence and textual information      120—21
Machine learning algorithms, supervised      66 74—9
Machine learning algorithms, unsupervised      see Clustering algorithms
Manning, C.M. and Schutze, H.      2 84 86 89 202 204
Mantovani, R.      50
Marcotte, E.M., Xenarios, I. et al.      7 262
Mass spectroscopy      248
Masys, D.R., Welsh, J.B. et al.      112
Matching coefficient      87
Matrices, reference matrix (R)      142
Matrices, text matrix (T)      143
Matrices, weighted word-document matrix (W)      91
Matrices, word covariance matrix      92—4
Matrices, word-document matrix (A)      85
Matrix organization, gene expression data      65
Maximum entropy modeling      195—6 203 205—10 207
Maximum entropy modeling, accuracy      217 218 219 220
Maximum entropy modeling, annotation of genes      221—4
Maximum entropy modeling, in identification of protein-protein interactions      263—68 264—5 266 267
Maximum entropy modeling, use in gene name recognition      236 242 243
McCallum, J. and Ganesh, S.      107 114
Mean      34—5
Meaning of text      86
Median      34 35
Medline database, abbreviations      240
Medline database, format      9 10
Merging articles, disadvantages      157
MeSH headings      9 213
MeSH headings, assignment by National Library of Medicine      224
MeSH headings, consistency of assignment      218
Messenger RNA (mRNA)      18 21
Messenger RNA (mRNA), measurement in gene expression arrays      63
Metabolism genes      150
Methionine      25
Mewes, H.W., Frishman, D. et al.      7 78 152 169 196
Michaels, G.S., Carr, D.B. et al.      67
Microarrays      see Arrays
Mitchell, A.P.      78
Miyagawa, K. et al.      151
Molecular biology, biological function      26—7
Molecular biology, central dogma      18 pl
Molecular biology, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)      18—20
Molecular biology, genes      22—4
Molecular biology, proteins      24—6
Molecular biology, ribonucleic acid (RNA)      20—2
Molecular function terms, Gene Ontology      11—12 197—198
Morgan, A.A., Hirschman, L. et al.      232 237 240
Morphological variants      242
Morphology, use in gene name recognition      228
Mouse genes, ank root      237
Mouse Genome Database (MGD)      9 11 184
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), synonym lists      229
Mouse, assembly of functional groups      185—9
Mouse, GO annotated genes      13
Mouse, literature index      185 186
Mouse, sensitivity of NDPG      187
Mouse, tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) functional group      189
Multiple functions of genes      150
Multiple sequence alignment      48—9 83
Multiple sequence alignment, hidden Markov models      54—61 57
Multiple sequence alignment, position specific iterative BLAST (PSI-BLAST)      53—4
Multivariate normal distribution      76
1 2 3 4
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