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Preppernau J., Cox J. — Windows Vista™ Step by Step |
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3-D view of open windows
access to files and folders, limiting
Accessibility dialog box
accessibility features [See also Ease Of Access center]
accessibility features, defined
accessibility features, recommendations on
accounts [See user accounts]
activating Windows 2nd
activating Windows, checking status of
activating Windows, defined
activating Windows, grace period for
ActiveX controls
activity reports 2nd
ad hoc wireless networks
ad windows, blocking [See Internet Explorer Pop-up Blocker]
Add A Favorite dialog box
Add button (Sidebar) 2nd
Add Folder To Gallery button 2nd
Add Input Language dialog box
Add Or Change Home Page dialog box
Add Printer Wizard
Add to Favorites button
Address Bar
Address Bar, defined 2nd
Address Bar, displaying
Address book [See Windows Contacts]
addresses, Web site [See URLs]
administrative privileges
administrative privileges, defined
administrative privileges, software installation and
Administrator account
administrator account, defined
administrator account, permissions
administrator tasks
Advanced Sharing dialog box 2nd
Aero [See Windows Aero]
animations, turning off
Antivirus programs
Appearance And Personalization window
Appearance Settings dialog box
applications [See software]
appointments (Windows Calendar)
approved sites in Content Advisor
arranging shortcuts and icons
arranging windows
aspect ratio for viewing movies on screen 2nd
assistance, remote
assistance, remote, chatting during 2nd
assistance, remote, defined
assistance, remote, disabling
assistance, remote, disconnecting 2nd
assistance, remote, initiating
assistance, remote, limiting access to 2nd
assistance, remote, requesting control
assistance, remote, setting up 2nd
assistance, remote, settings, displaying 2nd
assistance, remote, starting 2nd
assistance, remote, Windows Live Messenger and
Audio Description 2nd
audio devices
audio devices, portable, syncing with Windows Media Player
audio devices, speakers 2nd
audio files, sharing
audio input jack
AutoComplete for Tablet PCs, turning on/off
automatically starting software
AutoPlay dialog box 2nd
autorun files 2nd [See also software installation]
Back button 2nd 3rd
Back button, (Windows Explorer) 2nd 3rd
Back button, (Windows Help And Support) 2nd
Back Up Files wizard
background colors on Web pages
background tabs 2nd [See also tabbed browsing]
Background, desktop
background, desktop, changing 2nd
background, desktop, default
background, desktop, pictures as
background, desktop, pictures as, turning off
background, desktop, solid color as
backing up [See also Windows Backup]
backing up, before upgrading to Windows Vista
backing up, changed files only
backing up, defined
backing up, frequency of
backing up, system files
Backup And Restore Center 2nd
backup sets, restoring files from 2nd
backups, locations for
backups, scheduling 2nd 3rd
balloons [See ScreenTips]
BitLocker Drive Encryption
bitmap (BMP) files
bitmap (BMP) files, as user account pictures
bitmap (BMP) files, creating 2nd
bitmap (BMP) files, defined
bitmap (BMP) files, editing
blank page as home page
blocking Internet content [See parental controls]
blogs, defined
blogs, viewing updates [See RSS feeds]
BMP files
BMP files, as user account pictures
BMP files, creating 2nd
BMP files, defined
BMP files, editing
boom microphones [See microphones]
broadband connections
Browse For Files Or Folders dialog box
Browse For Folder dialog box
Browse Help button 2nd
Browsers [See Internet Explorer Web
browsing history
browsing the Internet
browsing, defined
browsing, folders
Burn A Disc dialog box
Burn button
burning CDs 2nd
burning CDs, defined
burning CDs, of media files
business cards, electronic [See Windows Contacts]
buttons, margin icons for
buttons, taskbar [See taskbar buttons]
bytes 2nd
cable Internet connections
cable Internet connections, connecting with
cable Internet connections, defined
Caching [See also Temporary Internet Files folder]
caching, defined
caching, turning off
Caps Lock key audio signal
Cascading windows
casual copying
CD companion to book
CD companion to book, how to use
CD companion to book, practice files on
CD companion to book, resources available on
CD icon
CD keys 2nd
CDs, burning 2nd
CDs, playing [See Windows Media Player]
| CDs, ripping music from
centering background pictures
Certificate Of Authenticity sticker
Change Your Picture window
chapter thumb tabs, how to use
characters, non-standard
Chat button (Remote Assistance) 2nd
chatting 2nd
chatting during remote assistance 2nd
Check boxes
check boxes, defined
check boxes, selecting items with
checkpoints [See System Restore]
Choose Details dialog box
Classic Start menu 2nd
cleaning computer interior
cleaning up hard disk [See Disk Cleanup]
clearing Internet Explorer history
clearing system cache
Clicking 2nd
clock [See also system time]
Clock dialog box
Clock gadget (Sidebar) 2nd
clock, hiding
clock, time zones, adding
Close button 2nd 3rd 4th
Close button (Windows Explorer)
CLOSE paragraphs
Close Tab button
closing, Favorites Center
closing, Internet Explorer 7
closing, lists, without making selection
closing, Sidebar
closing, tabs, in Internet Explorer
closing, windows 2nd
closing, Windows Explorer
closing, windows, all in group
Color depth
Color schemes [See also themes Windows
color schemes, changing 2nd
color schemes, high-contrast
Colors dialog box
colors on Web pages
Combo Boxes
Command buttons
Commands 2nd
compact mode (Windows Media Player)
companion CD
companion CD, how to use
companion CD, practice files on
companion CD, resources available on
compressed files 2nd 3rd
compressed folders
compressed folders, creating
compressed folders, defined
Computer folder, renaming 2nd
computer name
Computer system
Computer window
conferences online [See Windows Meeting Space]
configuring, Content Advisor
configuring, Windows Media Center
Connect To A Network wizard 2nd
connecting, devices [See also devices]
connecting, to a workgroup 2nd
connecting, to domains 2nd [See also domains]
connecting, to network connections
connecting, to network resources
connecting, to the Internet 2nd
contact program
Content Advisor
Content Advisor dialog box
Content Advisor, approved or denied sites, adding
Content Advisor, blocked content, viewing
Content Advisor, categories, setting restriction levels for
Content Advisor, configuring 2nd
Content Advisor, supervisor password, creating
Content Advisor, turning off 2nd
content pane 2nd
content, restricting
context-sensitive help
Control Panel
controlling access to files and folders
copying, files 2nd
copying, files, for backup [See backing up]
copying, software [See software piracy]
Create Basic Task wizard
Create Shortcut Wizard 2nd
Create Supervisor Password dialog box
Credentials [See passwords network user
critical updates
cursor, moving with keyboard
custom security zones [See also Internet security zones]
Customize Start Menu dialog box
customizing, for ease of use
customizing, notification area
customizing, Start menu
customizing, user interface 2nd
customizing, Windows Aero
customizing, Windows Explorer
customizing, Windows Mail
customizing, Windows Media Player
cutting files
daisy-chaining devices
Datacastle data backup service
date and time
Date and Time dialog box
Date And Time Settings dialog box
date and time, changing
date and time, defined
date and time, display of, turning off
deactivating [See turning off]
default folder view, setting
default printer
default programs [See middleware]
Default Programs window
Defender 2nd
Defender, automatic scanning, setting options for
Defender, configuring
Defender, defined
Defender, opening
Defender, options, setting
Defender, starting
Defender, startup programs, managing
defragmentation [See also Disk Defragmenter]
Delete Home Page dialog box
deleting, browsing history and cookies
deleting, bypassing Recycle Bin when
deleting, columns, from views
deleting, files 2nd 3rd
deleting, folders
deleting, home page
deleting, Internet Explorer history
deleting, programs
deleting, shortcuts 2nd 3rd
deleting, software
deleting, unused files
deleting, user accounts 2nd
denied sites in Content Advisor
desktop background
Desktop Background page
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