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Preppernau J., Cox J. — Windows Vista™ Step by Step |
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ports, IEEE 1394
ports, installing
ports, insufficient number of
ports, parallel
ports, USB
posts, blog [See blogs]
power conservation
Power Options dialog box
Power Options window
power settings 2nd 3rd
practice files
practice files, installing
presentations, multiple monitors for [See monitors multiple]
Press And Hold Settings dialog box
Preview pane
previewing, screen savers
previewing, Web pages
previewing, Web pages, in full screen mode
primary display in dual monitor setup
primary hard drive
primary mouse button
Print arrow
Print dialog box
Print Document button
print margins
print merge [See mail merge]
Print Preview
printer drivers
printer drivers, defined
printer drivers, for network printers, installing
printer drivers, installing
printer icon
printers [See also local printers network
printers, adding
Printers, default 2nd
printers, installing
printers, naming
printers, port, selecting
printers, sharing 2nd
printing Web pages
privileges, administrative
privileges, administrative, defined
privileges, administrative, software installation and
problem reports
Problem Reports And Solutions window 2nd
product keys 2nd
product support
Profiles [See user profiles]
Program Files folder
program icons
program interface elements in exercises, formatting of
Programs [See software]
Properties dialog box 2nd
protecting personal information
Public folder 2nd 3rd
Quick Launch toolbar
Quick Launch toolbar, chevron on
Quick Launch toolbar, defined
Quick Launch toolbar, displaying
Quick Launch toolbar, hiding
Quick Launch toolbar, program links, adding
Quick Reference, how to use
Quick Tabs
RAM (random access memory), upgrading 2nd
rating systems for objectionable content
RAW files in Windows Photo Gallery
reading text out loud 2nd
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, adding
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, audio alert when Internet Explorer finds
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, available, displaying
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, directories of
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, Google Reader and
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, My MSN and
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, My Yahoo! and
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, subscribing to
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, update frequency, specifying
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, Web-based readers for
Recent Pages button 2nd
Recent Pages button (Windows Explorer)
Recent Pages list
recently opened programs list
recently opened programs list, customizing
recently opened programs list, defined
recently opened programs list, removing 2nd
recently visited sites [See History list]
Recycle Bin
Recycle Bin, bypassing
Recycle Bin, defined
Recycle Bin, displaying
Recycle Bin, emptying
Recycle Bin, restoring items from
Recycle Bin, turning off
Regional and Language Options dialog box
regional settings for keyboards [See keyboard input languages]
remote access servers (RAS)
remote access servers (RAS), defined
remote access servers (RAS), virtual private network (VPN) connections and [See also virtual private network (VPN) connections]
Remote Assistance
Remote Assistance dashboard
Remote Assistance Settings dialog box 2nd
Remote Assistance window
remote assistance, chatting during 2nd
remote assistance, defined
remote assistance, disabling
remote assistance, disconnecting 2nd
remote assistance, initiating
remote assistance, limiting access to 2nd
remote assistance, requesting control
remote assistance, setting up 2nd
remote assistance, settings, displaying 2nd
remote assistance, starting 2nd
remote assistance, Windows Live Messenger and
Remote Desktop
Remote Desktop Connection window
Remote Desktop, connections, restricting 2nd
Remote Desktop, defined
Remote Desktop, disconnecting from
Remote Desktop, domain computers, connecting to
Remote Desktop, hiding controls
Remote Desktop, minimizing window
Remote Desktop, password, storing 2nd
Remote Desktop, previous versions of Windows and
Remote Desktop, remote computer, browsing for name of
Remote Desktop, sleep mode and 2nd
Remote Desktop, users, adding
remote printers [See network printers]
Remove Properties dialog box
removing software
renaming, Computer folder 2nd
renaming, files
renaming, shortcuts
repeated keystrokes, ignoring
reporting problems
Request Control button
resetting passwords 2nd 3rd
resizing, icons
resizing, Taskbar 2nd
resizing, windows 2nd
resolution, screen [See screen resolution]
restarting, computer
restarting, software installation and
restore down button 2nd
Restore Files wizard
restore points 2nd 3rd [See also System Restore]
| restore points, creating 2nd
restore points, defined
restore points, rolling back to 2nd
restoring, from backup sets 2nd 3rd
restoring, from Recycle Bin
restoring, windows, to previous size
restoring, with System Restore [See System Restore]
Restricted Sites dialog box
Restricted Sites zone [See also Internet security zones]
Restricted Sites zone, adding sites to
Restricted Sites zone, removing sites from
restricting content
restricting Internet access [See parental controls]
Return To Full Mode button (Windows Media Player)
right mouse button 2nd
Right-clicking 2nd
ripping music from CDs
rolling back to previous point [See System Restore]
root directories 2nd
RSS feeds
RSS feeds, adding
RSS feeds, audio alert when Internet Explorer finds
RSS feeds, available, displaying
RSS feeds, directories of
RSS feeds, Google Reader and
RSS feeds, My MSN and
RSS feeds, My Yahoo! and
RSS feeds, subscribing to
RSS feeds, update frequency, specifying
RSS feeds, Web-based readers for
running heads, how to use
saving files
scam Web sites
Scanner and Camera Installation Wizard
scanning for spyware [See Windows Defender]
scanning program
scheduling backups 2nd 3rd
screen orientation, Tablet PC screen 2nd
screen refresh rate
screen resolution
screen resolution, changing
screen resolution, defined
screen resolution, for widescreen display
screen resolution, graphics card and
screen resolution, in graphics for this book
screen resolution, maximum
screen resolution, most popular
screen resolution, pixel size and
Screen Saver Settings dialog box
screen savers
screen savers, default
screen savers, defined
screen savers, display speed, adjusting
screen savers, downloading
screen savers, password, requiring on returning from
screen savers, pictures as 2nd
screen savers, previewing
ScreenTips, defined
ScreenTips, viewing
scroll box
Scroll Lock key audio signal
scrolling with mouse wheel
Search button
search index
Search Options button
Search pane
search providers, adding to Live Search
Searching [See also tags]
searching your computer
searching your computer, advanced options
searching your computer, filtering results of
searching your computer, wildcard characters for
searching, Control Panel
searching, Favorites list
searching, History list
searching, the Internet 2nd 3rd
searching, the Web
searching, Windows Help And Support 2nd
secondary display in dual monitor setup
secondary mouse button
secondary mouse button, dragging with
secondary mouse button, switching with primary
Security [See also firewall programs passwords user virus Windows Windows
Security Center [See Windows Security Center]
security levels
Security Settings dialog box
security status, checking
security upgrades
security zones [See Internet security zones]
See Also paragraphs
Select Users or Groups dialog box 2nd
selecting multiple items
servers, remote access
Set Program Access And Computer Defaults dialog box
Setup.exe file [See also software installation]
shadow copies [See also System Restore]
shared drives 2nd
shared folders
shared folders, creating 2nd
shared folders, defined
shared folders, permissions, restricting
sharing, drives
sharing, files
sharing, folders
sharing, media files
sharing, pictures, from Windows Photo Gallery
sharing, printers 2nd 3rd [See also network printers]
sharing, Web pages 2nd
Shortcut menus
shortcuts, arranging on desktop
shortcuts, auto arranging
shortcuts, creating 2nd 3rd
shortcuts, defined
shortcuts, deleting 2nd 3rd
shortcuts, ellipsis (...) in name of
shortcuts, in Startup folder
shortcuts, on Quick Launch toolbar
shortcuts, pinning to Start menu 2nd
shortcuts, rearranging
shortcuts, renaming
shortcuts, unpinning from Start menu
Show Desktop button 2nd
Show Hidden Icons button
Shut Down button
Shut Down Options button 2nd 3rd
shutting down 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
side by side windows
sidebar [See Windows Sidebar]
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
skin mode (Windows Media Player)
skins (Windows Media Player)
skins (Windows Media Player), changing
skins (Windows Media Player), downloading 2nd
Sleep button
Sleep Mode 2nd
Sleep mode, activating
Sleep mode, defined
Sleep mode, troubleshooting
Slide Show button
slide shows
slide shows (Windows Photo Gallery)
slide shows, as screen saver
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