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Preppernau J., Cox J. — Windows Vista™ Step by Step |
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desktop background, changing 2nd
desktop background, default
desktop background, pictures as
desktop background, pictures as, turning off
desktop background, solid color as
Desktop shortcuts
desktop shortcuts, arranging on desktop
desktop shortcuts, auto arranging
Desktop shortcuts, creating 2nd 3rd
desktop shortcuts, defined
desktop shortcuts, deleting 2nd 3rd
desktop shortcuts, ellipsis (...) in name of
desktop shortcuts, in Startup folder
desktop shortcuts, on Quick Launch toolbar
desktop shortcuts, pinning to Start menu 2nd
desktop shortcuts, rearranging
desktop shortcuts, renaming
desktop shortcuts, unpinning from Start menu
desktop, appearance of
Desktop, defined
desktop, displaying
desktop, high-contrast color scheme
Desktop, icons [See icons]
desktop, shortcuts on, arranging
desktop, showing
detaching gadgets from Sidebar 2nd
Details pane
Details pane, displaying
Details pane, hiding
Details pane, opening
Details view
Details view, displaying
Details view, filtering files in
Details view, sorting columns in
Details view, sorting files in
device drivers 2nd 3rd
devices, connecting, sequentially
devices, connecting, to ports
devices, connecting, with hubs or switch boxes
devices, daisy-chaining
devices, defined
devices, external
devices, internal
devices, mobile PCs and
devices, Plug and Play
devices, software for
DHCP servers
dial-up connections
dial-up connections, connecting with
dial-up connections, defined
Dialog boxes 2nd 3rd
dialog boxes, Accessibility
dialog boxes, Add A Favorite
Dialog boxes, Add Input Language
dialog boxes, Add Or Change Home Page
dialog boxes, Advanced Sharing 2nd
dialog boxes, Appearance Settings
dialog boxes, AutoPlay 2nd
dialog boxes, Browse For Files Or Folders
dialog boxes, Browse For Folder
dialog boxes, Burn A Disc
dialog boxes, Choose Details
dialog boxes, Clock
dialog boxes, Colors
dialog boxes, Content Advisor
dialog boxes, Create Supervisor Password
dialog boxes, Customize Start Menu
dialog boxes, Date And Time
dialog boxes, Date And Time Settings
dialog boxes, Delete Home Page
dialog boxes, Disk Cleanup
dialog boxes, Disk Cleanup Options
dialog boxes, Display Settings
dialog boxes, Feed Settings
dialog boxes, Folder Options 2nd
dialog boxes, Help Settings 2nd
dialog boxes, Internet Options 2nd 3rd
dialog boxes, Internet Properties
dialog boxes, Internet Time Settings
dialog boxes, Media Sharing
dialog boxes, Mouse Properties
dialog boxes, Open With
dialog boxes, Options 2nd
dialog boxes, Pen And Input Devices
dialog boxes, Performance Options
dialog boxes, Photo Screen Saver Settings
dialog boxes, Pop-up Blocker Settings
dialog boxes, Power Options
dialog boxes, Press And Hold settings
dialog boxes, Print
dialog boxes, Properties 2nd
Dialog boxes, Regional and Language Options
dialog boxes, Remote Assistance Settings 2nd
dialog boxes, Remove Properties
dialog boxes, Restricted Sites
dialog boxes, Screen Saver Settings
dialog boxes, Security Settings
dialog boxes, Select Users Or Groups 2nd
dialog boxes, Set Program Access And Computer Defaults
dialog boxes, Sound
dialog boxes, Stored Credential Properties
dialog boxes, System Properties 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
dialog boxes, Tabbed Browsing Settings
dialog boxes, Tablet PC Settings
dialog boxes, Taskbar And Start Menu Properties 2nd 3rd
dialog boxes, Temporary Internet Files And History Settings
Dialog boxes, Text Services and Input Languages
dialog boxes, Theme Settings
dialog boxes, User Account Control 2nd 3rd
dialog boxes, Windows Features
dialog boxes, Windows Firewall Settings
dialog boxes, Windows Sidebar Properties
dictating text
Digital cameras
disabling [See turning off]
Disconnect button
disconnecting, from ad hoc wireless networks 2nd
disconnecting, from mapped drives
disconnecting, from Remote Desktop session
disconnecting, remote assistance 2nd
Disk Cleanup
Disk Cleanup dialog box
Disk Cleanup Options dialog box
Disk Cleanup, defined
Disk Cleanup, deleting files with
Disk Cleanup, running
Disk Cleanup, scheduling
Disk Defragmenter
Disk Defragmenter, default schedule of
Disk Defragmenter, defined
Disk Defragmenter, opening
Disk Defragmenter, scheduling 2nd
disk drives [See also mapping drives]
display devices [See monitors]
display resolution [See screen resolution]
Display Settings dialog box
DLLs 2nd
docking, defined
docking, Input Panel, on Tablet PCs
docking, taskbar
document libraries
Documents [See shared drives shared text
Documents folder 2nd
Documents folder, opening 2nd 3rd
Domain Name System (DNS)
| domains, connecting to 2nd
domains, defined
domains, logging on to 2nd
domains, machine accounts
domains, parental controls and
domains, remote passwords for
domains, user accounts
domains, vs. workgroups
domains, working remotely [See also virtual private network (VPN) connections]
double-clicking, defined
double-clicking, speed, changing
Downloaded Program Files folder
downloading, device drivers
downloading, screen savers
downloading, Sidebar gadgets
downloading, Windows Media Player skins 2nd
dragging, defined
dragging, files
dragging, with secondary mouse button
drivers [See device drivers printer
drives, mapping 2nd 3rd 4th
drives, shared [See shared folders]
drives, viewing [See Windows Explorer]
drop-down list boxes
DSL Internet connections
DSL Internet connections, connecting with
DSL Internet connections, defined
dual monitors
dual monitors, display options for
dual monitors, identifying which is which
dual monitors, moving displays of
dual monitors, moving maximized windows between
dual monitors, on mobile PCs
dual monitors, primary and secondary display
dual monitors, requirements for
dual monitors, setting up
dynamic link libraries (DLLs) 2nd
e-mail message icon in notification area
e-mail programs [See Windows Mail]
e-mailing Web pages 2nd
Ease Of Access Center 2nd
Ease Of Access icon
ease of use recommendations
Easy Transfer Cable 2nd
Edit Plan Settings window
editing graphics
Efficiency [See performance]
electronic business cards [See Windows Contacts]
emptying Recycle Bin
end-user license agreements (EULAs) [See also software installation]
entering passwords
Environment [See user interface (UI)]
EULAs (end-user license agreements) [See also software installation]
Executable files 2nd 3rd
Expand button
expansion slots 2nd [See also ports]
extended display for multiple monitors
Extensions [See file name extensions file software
external display for multiple monitors
external peripherals 2nd [See also devices]
F1 help [See also Windows Help And Support]
Fast User Switching 2nd
Favorites Center [See Internet Explorer Favorites Center]
Favorites Center button
favorites list
Favorites list, adding sites to
Favorites list, searching 2nd
fax program
Feed Headlines gadget (Sidebar)
Feed Settings dialog box
file associations
file associations, changing
file associations, files without, opening
file associations, for graphics files
file associations, multiple, for single file type
file associations, specifying for individual files
file cache [See also caching]
file compression 2nd 3rd
file name extensions [See also file types]
file name extensions, displaying
file name extensions, displaying by default
file name extensions, programs associated with [See software associations]
file properties
file properties, displaying
file properties, removing 2nd
file properties, viewing
File Sharing wizard
file types [See also file name extensions]
file types, conflicts with
file types, defined
files, backing up [See backing up]
files, compressing 2nd 3rd
files, copying 2nd
files, cutting
files, deleting 2nd 3rd
files, dragging
files, executable 2nd 3rd
files, in Recycle Bin, restoring
files, limiting access to
files, moving
files, names, changing
files, opening
files, opening, with specified program
files, organizing
files, pasting
files, renaming
files, restoring, from backup sets 2nd
files, restoring, previous versions
files, saving
files, ScreenTips, viewing
files, sharing
files, size of
files, sorting
files, tags
files, titles, adding 2nd
files, types of
files, viewing [See Windows Explorer]
files, views, changing
Filter Keys 2nd
filtering, folder contents
filtering, search results
firewall programs [See also Windows Firewall]
FireWire ports [See IEEE 1394]
flash drives
flash drives, as memory-expansion devices
flash drives, defined
flashing screen when sounds played
flicks, configuring for Tablet PCs
Folder Options dialog box 2nd
folder properties
folder properties, displaying
folder properties, viewing
folder views
folder views, changing
folder views, setting default
Folders [See also specific folder names]
Folders list
Folders list, displaying 2nd
Folders list, expanding folders in
Folders list, navigating in
folders, as templates
folders, browsing
folders, compressed
folders, compressed, opening
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