Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Bucki L.A. — Mac OS X Version 10.2 Jaguar Fast & Easy |
Предметный указатель |
Web sites, Apple 172
Web sites, Premier Press 275
Web tab (Internet pane) 213
Web, backing up and going forward 279
Web, Favorites option, going to 284
Web, Favorites option, marking pages as 280
Web, Favorites option, organizing 281—283
Web, files, downloading 286—288
Web, Internet Explorer, starting and exiting 272—274
Web, links, following 275—277
Web, searching 285—286
Web, URL, entering 277—278
Welcome to iChat dialog box 257
Windows see also “Finder window”
Windows network, viewing Mac folders from 206—210
Windows, active 29
| Windows, Back button in 27
Windows, close, minimize and zoom buttons 26
windows, closing 38—39
Windows, docking 38
Windows, expanding 90
Windows, minimizing 26 90
windows, moving 35
Windows, resizing 36
windows, scrolling 37
Windows, selecting 29
Windows, size box 27
Windows, title bar 26
Windows, toolbar icons 26
Windows, View buttons in 27
Yellow Pages (Sherlock feature) 294—296
Zip disk 58
Zoom button, in windows 26
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