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Bucki L.A. — Mac OS X Version 10.2 Jaguar Fast & Easy
Bucki L.A. — Mac OS X Version 10.2 Jaguar Fast & Easy

Îáñóäèòå êíèãó íà íàó÷íîì ôîðóìå

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Íàçâàíèå: Mac OS X Version 10.2 Jaguar Fast & Easy

Àâòîð: Bucki L.A.


Relax. Learning how to use Mac OS X 10.2 is now a breeze. Using this book as your guide, you'll master its many features in no time. From the basics of folders and files to managing multiple users, this book covers everything you need to get up and running quickly with the latest version of this popular operating system.

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2003

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 480

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.11.2007

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Accounts, iChat, setting up      254—256
Accounts, Mail accounts, setting up      229
Acrobat Reader      7
Activation option (Screen Effects pane)      166
Active window      29
Add to Favorites command (File menu)      68
Adding contacts to Address Book      247—249
Adding effects to iMovie clips      355
Adding files/folders to Favorites folder      67—68
Adding icons, Dock icons      142
Adding icons, folder icons      143—144
Adding pictures to text files      384—388
Adding sound to iMovie clips      355
Adding titles to movies      354—355
Adding transitions to movie clips      352—353
adding users      420—422
Address Book contacts, adding      247—249
Address Book contacts, addressing messages to      249—250
Address Book contacts, deleting      248
Address Book contacts, description of      7
Address Book contacts, editing      248
Address Book contacts, starting and quitting      246—247
Advanced menu command, Get CD Track Names      319
AIM (AOL Instant Messaging)      254
Albums, creating      336—337
Albums, labeling and organizing photos in      337—339
alert sounds      168
Alert Volume option (Sound pane)      168
Aliases      65—67
Aligning documents      376
Always option folders in a new window option (Finder Preferences dialog box)      125
Analog option (Clock preference)      145
Animation effect, turning off      139
AOL Instant Messaging (AIM)      254
Apple menu, description of      14
Apple menu, Shut Down command      10—11
Apple menu, Sleep command      9
Apple Web site      172
applications      see also “Documents”
Applications folder      46
Applications icon (Finder window toolbar)      32
Applications, Classic environment, starting and quitting      112—114
Applications, closing      86
Applications, hiding and redisplaying      88—89
Applications, preferences setting      87—88
Applications, quitting      91—93
Applications, starting from Dock      82
Applications, starting, Help Viewer from      70—71
Applications, switching to, using Dock      83
archive files      302
Arrange in Front command (Window menu)      19
arrow keys      19
Attach icon      236
Authentication dialog box      200 419
Auto hide feature (Dock)      139
automatic login      429—432
Background (icon view option)      131
Baseline command (Format menu, Font)      375
Bold command (Format menu, Font)      374
Bring All to Front command (Window menu)      19
Buddies, iChat, adding      263—265
burning CDs      103—108 326—328
Businesses, searching with Sherlock feature      294—296
cable modems      219
Calculator, description of      7
Calculator, results, copying to clipboard      372
Calculator, using      371—372
Capabilities, users, setting and updating      424—426
CD-ROM, starting system from      399—400
CDs, burning      103—108 326—328
CDs, DVDs and, preferences, setting      153
CDs, playing      319—321
Centering documents      376
changing      see also “Editing”
Changing Clock, appearance of      144—146
Changing Dock settings      139—141
chatting      see “iChat”
check boxes, in dialog boxes      23
Check mark, commands and      20
checking spelling      231
Chess feature      7
choosing      see “Selecting”
Classic Desktop, rebuilding      406—407
Classic environment, applications, starting and quitting      112—114
Classic environment, closing      118—119
Classic environment, preferences, adjusting      114—117
Classic environment, starting      110—111
Clear command (Edit menu)      325
Clicking mouse      4
Clips, iMovie, capturing      349—350
Clips, iMovie, duplicating      352
Clips, iMovie, effects, adding      355
Clips, iMovie, exporting      356—357
Clips, iMovie, restoring      355
Clips, iMovie, sequencing      351—352
Clips, iMovie, sound, adding      355
Clips, iMovie, titles, adding      354—355
Clips, iMovie, transitions, adding      352—353
Clock Preferences dialog box      145
Clock, appearance of, changing      144—146
Clock, starting      144
Close All command (File menu)      19
Close command (File menu)      86
Close Window command (File menu)      38—39
Closing      see also “Exiting” “Quitting”
Closing applications      86
Closing Classic environment      118—119
closing files      54
Closing Help Viewer      76
Closing Mail      251—252
closing windows      38—39
Color preference options, setting      157
Color, mail      230
Color, stickies      369
Columns, view options      132
Command button in dialog boxes      24
Commands, Advanced menu, Get CD Track Names      319
Commands, Apple menu, Shut Down      9—10
Commands, Apple menu, Sleep      9
Commands, Clock, Preferences      145
commands, Edit menu, Clear      325
commands, Edit menu, Copy      52 54 352 372 385
commands, Edit menu, Duplicate      232
commands, Edit menu, Paste      52 54 352 372 386
commands, Edit menu, Undo      375
Commands, File menu, Add to Favorites      68
commands, File menu, Close      86
Commands, File menu, Close All command      19
Commands, File menu, Close Window command      38—39
Commands, File menu, Find      100
Commands, File menu, Get Info      62
commands, File menu, Import      335
commands, File menu, Import File      349
Commands, File menu, Make Alias      66
Commands, File menu, New Finder Window      28 51 55
Commands, File menu, New Folder      49
Commands, File menu, New Note      369
Commands, File menu, New Project      348
commands, File menu, Page Setup      177 376
commands, File menu, Print      178 180 344
commands, File menu, Save      85 387
commands, File menu, Save As      85
Commands, File menu, Save Project      350
Commands, Finder menu, Empty Trash      60—61
Commands, Finder menu, Preferences      124
Commands, Format, Font      374—375
Commands, Go menu, Connect to Server      199
commands, Help menu      70
Commands, Help Viewer      76
Commands, Mail menu, Preferences      229
Commands, Mail menu, Quit Mail      251
Commands, selecting      18—19
Commands, TextEdit menu, Hide TextEdit      89
Commands, TextEdit menu, Preferences      87
Commands, TextEdit menu, Quit TextEdit      91
Commands, Tools menu, Map Network Drive      209
Commands, View, Customize Toolbar      133
Commands, View, Hide Status Bar      135
Commands, View, Hide Toolbar      135
Commands, View, Show Status Bar      135
Commands, View, Show Toolbar      135
Commands, View, Show View Options      128
Commands, Window menu, Arrange in Front      19
Commands, Window menu, Bring All to Front      19
Comments option (Mission Statement Info)      63
Compose icon      234
Compression      302
Computer icon (Finder window toolbar)      30 45
Connect To dialog box      209
Connect to Server dialog box      199—200
Connections      see also “Networks”
Connections, network printers      202—206
Connections, printer connections      175
contacts, Address Book, adding      247—249
Contacts, Address Book, addressing messages to      249—250
Contacts, Address Book, deleting      248
contacts, Address Book, editing      248
contextual menus      22
Copy command (Edit menu)      52 54 352 372 385
Copying clips, iMovie      352
Copying folders      52
Create New Project dialog box      348—349
Creating albums      336—337
Creating aliases, for files/folders      66—67
creating documents      373—377
creating folders      48—49
Creating PDF files      388
Creating stickies      368—370
Customize Toolbar command (View menu)      133
Customizing Finder window toolbar      133—135
Dates, Date & Time system preference, setting      154—155
Dates, Date option (International pane)      161
Dates, Use relative dates (list view option)      132
default printers, selecting      181—183
Default Voice option (Speech pane)      169
Delay Until Repeat option (Keyboard pane)      163
deleting      see also “Removing”
Deleting, Address Book contacts      248
deleting, files/folders      59
Deleting, MP3 playlist      325
Deleting, users      422—423
Desktop, Classic Desktop, rebuilding      406—407
Desktop, defined      4
Desktop, Dock      6
Desktop, Finder application      5
Desktop, Finder windows toolbar      5
Desktop, menu bar      5
Desktop, options, list of      130—132
Desktop, redisplaying      94
Desktop, starting Help Viewer from      70
Dial-up connections, connecting to and disconnecting from Internet with      224—226
Dial-up connections, creating      220—223
Dialog boxes, arrows      23
Dialog boxes, Authentication      200 419
Dialog boxes, Cancel button in      24
Dialog boxes, check boxes      23
Dialog boxes, Clock Preferences      145
Dialog boxes, command button in      24
Dialog boxes, Connect To      209
Dialog boxes, Connect to Server      199—200
Dialog boxes, Create New Project      348—349
Dialog boxes, Export Movie      356—357
Dialog boxes, Export QuickTime Movie      357
Dialog boxes, Finder Preferences      124—127
Dialog boxes, Force Quit      399
Dialog boxes, Import Photos      335
Dialog boxes, Internet Connect      239
Dialog boxes, iTunes Setup Assistant      317
Dialog boxes, Map Network Drive      209
Dialog boxes, New Album      336—337
Dialog boxes, OK button in      24
Dialog boxes, option button in      24
Dialog boxes, pop-up menus in      23
Dialog boxes, Preferences      87—88
dialog boxes, Print      344
Dialog boxes, slider control in      24
Dialog boxes, Software Update      309—310
Dialog boxes, starting Help Viewer from      71
Dialog boxes, Timed Screen Grab      380
Dialog boxes, Welcome to iChat      257
Digital option (Clock preference)      145
Disasters      see “Emergency startup procedures”
Disk drives (Computer icon)      30
Disk utility, description of      8
Disk utility, erasing disks using      416
Disk utility, exiting      413
Disk utility, repairing disks using      414—415
Disk Utility, starting      410—413
Disk utility, verifying disks using      413—414
Disks, erasing      416
Disks, information about, showing      61—63
Disks, navigating to      45—48
Disks, OS 9.x, changing to      401—403
Disks, OS X, changing back to      403—405
Disks, repairing      414—415
Disks, verifying      413—414
Disks, Zip disk      58
Display preferences      155—156
Dock, auto hide feature      139
Dock, defined      6
Dock, icons, adding/removing      142
Dock, settings, changing      139—141
Dock, starting applications from      82
Dock, switching to applications using      83
docking windows      38
Documents      see also “Applications”
Documents folder      42
Documents, aligning      376
documents, creating      373—377
Double-click here to test option (Mouse pane)      164
Double-Click Speed option (Mouse pane)      164
Download Manager      286—288
Downloading files, from Internet      286—288
Downloading graphics files      135
Downloading software      300—301
Dragging folders to new location      51—52
Dragging folders within current folder      50
DropStuff      302
DSL modems      219
Duplicate command (Edit menu)      232
Duplicating files      54—55
DVDs, CDs and, preferences, setting      153
DVDs, DVD Player, description of      7
Edit menu commands, Clear      325
Edit menu commands, Copy      52 54 352 372 385
Edit menu commands, description of      16
Edit menu commands, Duplicate      232
Edit menu commands, Paste      52 54 352 372 386
Edit menu commands, Undo      375
editing      see also “Changing”
Editing, Address Book contacts      248
editing, photos      339—341
Effects, adding to iMovie clips      355
Ellipsis (...), commands and      20
Ellipsis (...), dialog boxes, responding to      23
Email      see also “Mail”
Email tab (Internet pane)      213
email, checking      238—239
Email, reading and responding to      240—241
email, sending      234—237
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