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Bucki L.A. — Mac OS X Version 10.2 Jaguar Fast & Easy |
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Naming folders 49 64—65
Navigating to disks/folders 45—48
Network choices (Computer icon) 30
Network Time (Date & Time preference) 154
networks see also “Connections”
Networks, Ethernet 190
Networks, file sharing 196—198
Networks, IP address 191
Networks, LAN (local area network) 190
Networks, location, disconnecting from 201
Networks, other computers, connecting to 199—201
Networks, physical connections 191
Networks, printer sharing 196—198
Networks, printers, connecting to 202—206
networks, setting up 191—195
Networks, Windows, viewing Mac folders from 206—210
New Album dialog box 336—337
New Finder Window command (File menu) 28 51 55
New Finder Windows shows option (Finder Preferences dialog box) 125
New Folder command (File menu) 49
New Note command (File menu) 369
New Project command (File menu) 348
Norton Disk Doctor 414
Numbers option (International pane) 162
OK button, in dialog boxes 24
Open Movie in New Player option (File menu) 360
Open new windows in Column View option (Finder Preferences dialog box) 125
Open With option (Mission Statement Info) 63
Opening see also “Starting”
opening files 53
Opening System Preferences 148—149
Opening windows, multiple 27
Option buttons, in dialog boxes 24
OS 9.x disk, changing to 401—403
OS X disk, changing back to 403—405
Output Volume option (Sound pane) 168
Ownership & Permissions option (Mission Statement Info) 63
Page Setup command (File menu) 177 376
Paper size, setting for printers 177
Passwords for users, adding 420—422
Passwords, hints 422
Passwords, Keychain Access feature 427—429
Paste command (Edit menu) 52 54 352 372 386
Pasting folders 52
Pausing playback 329—330
PDF files 383—384 388
People, adding to Address Book see “Address Book”
photographs see “iPhoto” “Pictures”
Picture book, creating 341—343
Picture book, printing 343—344
pictures see also “iPhoto”
Pictures folder 43
Pictures, adding to text files 384—388
Pictures, screen shot pictures 378—382
Pictures, selecting 135—138
Play button (QuickTime Player) 362
Playback, pausing and muting 329—330
playing CDs 319—321
Playing Internet radio stream 328—329
Playing MP3s 324—325
Playlist, MP3, building and playing 324—325
Playlist, MP3, deleting 325
Plug-ins option (Mission Statement Info) 63
Pop-up menus in dialog boxes 23
PPP tab 221
Preferences see also “System Preferences feature”
Preferences command, Clock menu 145
Preferences command, Finder menu 124
Preferences command, Mail menu 229
Preferences dialog box 87—88
Preferences, applications, setting 87—88
Preferences, Class environment 114—117
Premier Press Web site 275
Preview feature 8
Preview option (Mission Statement Info) 63
Print Center feature 8
Print command (File menu) 178 180
Print dialog box 344
Printers, default, selecting 181—183
Printers, network, connecting to 202—206
Printers, page setup 177
Printers, paper size 177
Printers, print preview option 179
Printers, removing 184—185
Printers, setting up 172—176
printers, sharing 196—198
Printing picture book 343—344
Problems see “Emergency startup procedures”
Public folder 43
Publishing photos 345—346
Quartz Extreme 6
QuickTime Player, description of 7
QuickTime Player, open movie file option 361
QuickTime Player, Play button 362
QuickTime Player, starting 360
Quit Help Viewer command (Help Viewer menu) 76
Quit Mail command (Mail menu) 251
Quit TextEdit command (TextEdit menu) 91
quitting see also “Closing” “Exiting”
Quitting Address Book 246—247
Quitting applications 91—93
Quitting System Preferences feature 150
Radio stream, Internet, playing 328—329
Reading Email 240—241
Removing see also “Deleting”
Removing Dock icons 142
Removing printers 184—185
Renaming files/folders 64—65
Repairing disks 414—415
Replying to email 240—241
Resizing Finder window 30
resizing windows 36
Resolution, displaying 156
responding to email 240—241
Restarting system 398—399
Restoring iMovie clips 355
Revert to Default Settings option (Preferences dialog box) 88
routers 191
RTF (rich text format) files, creating 372—377
Rules icon 244
Save As command (File menu) 85
Save command (File menu) 85 387
Save Project command (File menu) 350
saving files 84—86
Screen Effects pane (System Preferences feature) 164—165
Screen shot pictures 378—382
Scrolling windows 37
Search feature (Help Viewer) 74—75
Searching see also “Finding”
Searching businesses, using Sherlock feature 294—296
Searching movies, using Sherlock feature 296—298
Searching Web 285—286 292—294
Selecting commands 18—19
Selecting files, multiple 56—57
Selecting folders, multiple 56—57
Selecting pictures 135—138
Selecting printers, default 181—183
Selecting views in Finder window 32—34
Selecting windows 29
Send Direct Message command 266
sending email 234—237
Setup Assistant (Mac OS) 437—438
Sharing files/printers 196—198
Sharing option (System Preferences feature) 197
sharing photos 345—346
Sherlock feature, description of 7
Sherlock feature, searching businesses using 294—296
Sherlock feature, searching movies using 296—298
Sherlock feature, searching web pages using 292—294
Sherlock feature, starting and exiting 290—291
| Sherlock feature, Yellow Pages feature 294—296
shortcut keys see “Keyboard shortcuts”
Show Colors command (Format menu, Font) 375
Show columns (list view option) 132
Show Fonts command (Format menu, Font) 374
Show icon preview (Desktop option) 130
Show icons (column view option) 132
Show item info option 130—131
Show preview column (list view option) 132
Show Status Bar command (View menu) 135
Show these items on the Desktop option (Finder Preferences dialog box) 125
Show Toolbar command (View menu) 135
Show View Options command (View menu) 128
Show warning before emptying the Trash option (Finder Preferences dialog box) 126
Shut Down command (Apple menu) 9—10
Signatures icon 232
Signatures, Mail 232—233
sites see “Web sites”
Sites folder 43
Size of Dock, changing 139
Size of paper, setting for printers 177
Size, Icon size option 130—131
sizing, windows 36
Sleep option (Energy Saver pane) 9 157—158
Slide Show option (publishing photos using) 345
Slider controls, in dialog boxes 24
Smilies 267
Snap to grid option 130—131
Software install programs, running 303—306
Software Update utility 167 307—311
software, downloading 300—301
Software, licensing sheet 310
Sound pane (System Preferences feature) 168
Sound, adding to iMovie clips 355
Sound, Mail 230
Spam, filtering 242—245
Speakable Items feature 389—392
Speech pane (System Preferences feature) 169
Speech Recognition option (Speech pane) 169
spell checking 231
Spoken User Interface option (Speech pane) 169
Spring-loaded folders and windows option (Finder Preferences dialog box) 50 126
starting see also “Opening”
Starting Address Book 246—247
Starting applications from Dock 82
Starting Classic environment 110—111
Starting Clock 144
Starting Disk utility 413
Starting Help Viewer from applications 70—71
Starting Help Viewer from Desktop 70
Starting Help Viewer from dialog boxes 71
Starting iChat 259—263
Starting Internet Explorer 272—274
Starting iPhoto 332
Starting iTunes 316—318
Starting Macintosh 4
Starting Mail 228
Starting QuickTime Player 360
Starting Sherlock 290—291
Starting system from CD-ROM 398—399
Starting system, restarting 398—399
Startup Disk pane (System Preferences) 402
Stickies, creating 368—370
Stickies, description of 4 8
StuffIt Deluxe 302
StuffIt Expander 8 302
StuffIt Standard 302
Switchers 191
System Preferences feature, CDs and DVDs, setting 153
System Preferences feature, Color options, setting 157
System Preferences feature, Date & Time, setting 154—155
System Preferences feature, description of 7
System Preferences feature, Display options, setting 155
System Preferences feature, Energy Saver pane 157—158
System Preferences feature, General pane 158—160
System Preferences feature, Geometry options, setting 156
System Preferences feature, icons, redisplaying 152
System Preferences feature, International pane 160—162
System Preferences feature, Internet & Network option 192
System Preferences feature, Internet pane 212
System Preferences feature, Keyboard pane 163
System Preferences feature, locking/unlocking 150—152
System Preferences feature, Mouse pane 164
System Preferences feature, Network pane 215
System Preferences feature, opening 148—149
System Preferences feature, preferences pane, locking and unlocking 150—152
System Preferences feature, quitting 150
System Preferences feature, Screen Effects pane 164—165
System Preferences feature, Sharing option 197
System Preferences feature, Software Update pane 167
System Preferences feature, Sound pane 168
System Preferences feature, Speech pane 169
System Preferences feature, Startup Disk pane 402
System, restarting 398—399
System, starting from CD-ROM 399—400
System, starting restarting 398—399
Text files, adding pictures to 384—388
Text size option, column view option 132
Text size option, Desktop option 130
Text size option, icon view option 131
Text size option, list view option 131
TextEdit feature, description of 8
TextEdit feature, Hide TextEdit command 89
TextEdit feature, Preferences command 87
TextEdit feature, Quit TextEdit command 91
Theaters see “Movies”
This window only/All windows (view option) 131
Time option (International pane) 161
Time Zone option (Date & Time preference) 154
Timed Screen Grab dialog box 380
Title bars, in windows 26
Titles, adding to movies 354—355
Toolbars, Finder window, customizing 133—135
Toolbars, Finder window, description of 5
Toolbars, Finder window, hiding/redisplaying 135
Tools menu command, Map Network Drive 209
Tracking Speed option (Mouse pane) 164
Transitions, adding to movie clips 352—353
Trash, emptying 60—61
Trash, retrieving files/folders from 59—60
Trash, throwing files/folders into 58
troubleshooting see “Emergency startup procedures”
Turning off animation effect 139
Type here to test strings option (Keyboard pane) 163
Underline command (Format menu, Font) 375
Undo command (Edit menu) 375
Uniform resource locator (URL) 277—278
Unlocking System Preferences pane 150—152
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) 277—278
Use relative dates (list view option) 132
Users, adding 420—422
Users, capabilities, setting and updating 424—426
users, deleting 422—423
Users, login, automatic 429—432
users, multiple 418—419
Users, passwords 427—429
Utilities folder 202
Verifying disks 413—414
View buttons in windows 27
View menu commands, Customize Toolbar 133
View menu commands, description of 16
View menu commands, Hide Status Bar 135
View menu commands, Hide Toolbar 135
View menu commands, Show Status Bar 135
View menu commands, Show Toolbar 135
View menu commands, Show View Options 128
Views in Finder window, selecting 32—34
Views, disabled 34
volume, adjusting 168
Web see also “Internet connections”
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