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Fehily C. — Windows XP: Visual Quickstart Guide
Fehily C. — Windows XP: Visual Quickstart Guide

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Название: Windows XP: Visual Quickstart Guide

Автор: Fehily C.


If you've recently installed the latest Windows XP update, Service Pack 2, or just want to get to know your operating system a little better, you'll want this thoroughly updated, task-based reference from veteran author Chris Fehily.In typical, to-the-point, Visual QuickStart style, Chris gets right down to business, introducing you to the Window XP interface before moving on to topics such as installing and removing programs; working with documents, accessories, and multimedia; going online; printing; handling hardware issues; and maintenance.Step-by-step instructions and loads of tips, tricks, and visual aids make all of Windows XP's features instantly accessible, including those new in Service Pack 2: Windows Security Center, Pop-Up Blocker, Windows Firewall, and more! In no time, you'll be using the desktop, working with files, and using Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, Windows Media Player, Movie Maker, and more.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Second Edition

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 584

Добавлена в каталог: 29.11.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Send Fax Wizard      
Send Pictures via E-Mail dialog box      
sending, email
sending, faxes
sending, files and folders      
serial ports      2nd
Service Pack 2
Service Pack 2, Automatic Updates
Service Pack 2, Bluetooth support in
Service Pack 2, enhancements and bug fixes in      
Service Pack 2, installing      
Service Pack 2, purpose of      
Service Pack 2, Security Center      
Service Pack 2, security features of      2nd
Service Pack 2, Windows Firewall
Setup Wizard
Shared network printers      
shareware, defined      
shareware, free themes
shareware, removing entries to shortcut menus
Sharing      [See also networking]
sharing, disks and folders      
sharing, disks and folders, Classic method for      
sharing, disks and folders, hiding shared items with $      
sharing, disks and folders, mapping shared network resources
sharing, disks and folders, Simple method      
sharing, disks and folders, switching between Simple and Classic      
sharing, disks and folders, viewing shared items
sharing, disks and folders, working with shared files
sharing, Internet connections      2nd 3rd
sharing, network printers      2nd
Shortcut menus
shortcut menus, about
shortcut menus, creating shortcuts from
shortcut menus, keyboard shortcuts vs.
shortcuts, arranging on desktop
shortcuts, creating
shortcuts, deleting      
shortcuts, managing Start menu
shortcuts, removing unused      
shortcuts, renaming      
shortcuts, viewing or changing properties      
Show Desktop button
showing/hiding, clock
showing/hiding, filename extensions      2nd 3rd
showing/hiding, last logged-on user's name
showing/hiding, Now Playing panes
showing/hiding, pop-up windows
showing/hiding, status bar
showing/hiding, task pane
showing/hiding, toolbars      2nd
shutting down
shutting down, remote computers
shutting down, Windows      2nd
sign in/sign out (Messenger)
signed drivers
Simple File Sharing      2nd
Simple Folder view
skin mode (Media Player)
slideshows, screen saver
slideshows, starting      
SMTP servers
software updates
sorting, icons
sorting, items on All Programs menu      
Sound and Audio Devices Properties dialog box      2nd 3rd 4th
sound, adding voice to online chats
sound, controlling
sound, importing to Movie Maker
sound, muting modems
sound, setting alerts for Messenger
SP2      [See Service Pack 2]
Speech utility
splitting clips
spyware, about
spyware, pop-ups and
spyware, protecting against
Stand by mode      2nd
standard buttons toolbar
Standard Buttons toolbar, about
Standard Buttons toolbar, customizing
Standard Buttons toolbar, navigation buttons on
Start menu      [See also All Programs menu]
Start menu, about      2nd
Start menu, All Programs menu      2nd
Start menu, choosing items from
Start Menu, classic      2nd
Start menu, closing
Start menu, configuring program lists
Start menu, Help and Support      2nd
Start menu, illustrated
Start menu, Log Off button
Start menu, managing shortcuts on      
Start menu, most frequently used programs      2nd
Start menu, new features of
Start menu, opening
Start menu, pinned items      2nd 3rd
Start menu, renaming items on
Start menu, right column of
Start menu, setting up options for
starting, Help and Support Center      
starting, Internet Explorer
starting, Media Player
starting, Movie Maker
starting, Outlook Express
starting, slideshows
starting, Windows Task Manager
startup menu
Static IP addresses      2nd 3rd
Status Bar
StickyKeys      2nd
Storyboard view
Stretch option (Display Properties dialog box)      2nd
submenus      2nd
Support Info dialog box
synchronizing, offline files and folders
synchronizing, web content      2nd
system data      
system folders
system folders, desktop shortcuts to      
system folders, displaying content of
system folders, finding with Explorer
system requirements
system requirements, for XP installations
system requirements, video editing
system requirements, Windows Media Player
System Restore
System Restore, about
System Restore, activation codes not backed up
System Restore, configuring      
System Restore, creating restore points
System Restore, restoring system with
System Tray      [See notification area]
Task Pane      2nd
taskbar      [See also notification area]
Taskbar and Start Menu Properties dialog box      2nd
Taskbar Magnifier
taskbar, about      2nd 3rd
taskbar, activating window from
taskbar, adding toolbars to
taskbar, arranging desktop windows from
taskbar, clock
taskbar, configuring
taskbar, illustrated      2nd
taskbar, Media Player Features      
taskbar, minimizing windows from
taskbar, moving and resizing
taskbar, recommended properties for
taskbar, restoring minimized windows
taskbar, window control menu display from
tasks, managing
tasks, scheduling
telephone support      
testing sound hardware
text boxes
text, change size of web page
text, formatting email
themes      2nd
third-party applications
third-party applications, ad-blocking programs
third-party applications, anonymous proxy servers
third-party applications, bookmark tools      
third-party applications, browsers      
third-party applications, CD burners      
third-party applications, clipboard utilities      
third-party applications, defragmenters      
third-party applications, disk cleaners      
third-party applications, email programs      
third-party applications, encryption tools      
third-party applications, file finders
third-party applications, file renaming utilities
third-party applications, file shredder and undelete utilities
third-party applications, file-management tools      
third-party applications, firewalls
third-party applications, font utilities
third-party applications, instant messaging      
third-party applications, keyboard utilities      
third-party applications, managing cookies      
third-party applications, migration programs      
third-party applications, mouse utilities
third-party applications, paint programs
third-party applications, photo viewers
third-party applications, printing utilities      
third-party applications, program switchers      
third-party applications, registry cleaning programs
third-party applications, remote-control programs      
third-party applications, screen capture      
third-party applications, spam blockers      
third-party applications, system time
third-party applications, TTS
third-party applications, virus protection      
third-party applications, WinZip
Thumbnails view      2nd 3rd
Tiles view
Timeline view
timeline, adding narration to      
timeline, timeline tracks      
title bar      2nd
titles for movies      
TLDs (top-level domains)      
toggle buttons      
ToggleKeys      2nd
tool tips      2nd
toolbar, Internet Explorer      
toolbar, Links      2nd
Toolbars      [See also taskbar]
toolbars, about      2nd
toolbars, adding to taskbar      
toolbars, customizing      
toolbars, Desktop      
toolbars, illustrated      2nd
toolbars, Internet Explorer
toolbars, locking/unlocking      
toolbars, moving or resizing      
toolbars, Quick Launch      2nd 3rd 4th
toolbars, showing/hiding      2nd
toolbars, standard buttons      2nd 3rd
topics for help      2nd
transitions for movies      
trees, folder      2nd
trim handles      
trimming clips      
Trojan horses      2nd
troubleshooting, checking for disk errors
troubleshooting, ending unresponsive applications      
troubleshooting, finding help on      
troubleshooting, fixed XP bugs
troubleshooting, hardware      
troubleshooting, internet connections      
troubleshooting, Media Player
troubleshooting, printers
troubleshooting, printing      
troubleshooting, reporting program errors      
troubleshooting, system recovery      
TrueType fonts      
TSID (Transmitting Subscriber Identification) page
TTS (text-to-speech) applications
turning off computer
TV connection to computer
Tweak UI
Tweak UI, about      
Tweak UI, changing Internet Explorer settings in      
Tweak UI, customizing Windows with
Tweak UI, Mouse options in      
Tweak UI, Screen Saver option      
Tweak UI, Shortcut Overlay option      
Tweak UI, taskbar and Start menu options with
Tweak UI, Taskbar Magnifier
twisted-pair cables
Type Specific Work dialog box      
UNC (Uniform Naming Convention)      
undelete utilities      
undoing cut or paste      
uninstalling, devices      
uninstalling, Service Pack 2      
uninstalling, Windows XP      2nd
Universal Serial Bus      [See USB]
unlocking computer      
unsigned drivers      
Update Driver Warning message      
updating XP      
updating XP, about      
updating XP, Automatic Updates options      
updating XP, device drivers      2nd
updating XP, installing Service Pack 2      
updating XP, manually      
Upgrade Advisor      
upgrading, about      
upgrading, running applications after Windows upgrade      
upgrading, system compatibility for      
upgrading, Windows XP      2nd
UPS (uninterruptible power supply)      
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators)      
USB (Universal Serial Bus)      
USB, about      2nd
USB, flash drives      
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