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Fehily C. — Windows XP: Visual Quickstart Guide
Fehily C. — Windows XP: Visual Quickstart Guide

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Название: Windows XP: Visual Quickstart Guide

Автор: Fehily C.


If you've recently installed the latest Windows XP update, Service Pack 2, or just want to get to know your operating system a little better, you'll want this thoroughly updated, task-based reference from veteran author Chris Fehily.In typical, to-the-point, Visual QuickStart style, Chris gets right down to business, introducing you to the Window XP interface before moving on to topics such as installing and removing programs; working with documents, accessories, and multimedia; going online; printing; handling hardware issues; and maintenance.Step-by-step instructions and loads of tips, tricks, and visual aids make all of Windows XP's features instantly accessible, including those new in Service Pack 2: Windows Security Center, Pop-Up Blocker, Windows Firewall, and more! In no time, you'll be using the desktop, working with files, and using Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, Windows Media Player, Movie Maker, and more.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Second Edition

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 584

Добавлена в каталог: 29.11.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
"Please tell Microsoft" dialog box
"What's This?" help
$ (dollar sign)      
(minus sign)      
* (asterisk)      
+ (plus sign)      
+ (plus sign), expanding folder trees      
+ (plus sign), nested folders and      
... (ellipsis)      
.inf files      
.MsRcIncident files      2nd
.NET Passport      2nd
10BaseT/100BaseT      2nd
10BaseT/100BaseT networks      2nd
16- and 32-bit applications      
16-bit applications      
32-bit applications      
802.11 wireless networking
? (question mark)      
About Windows message box      
access points      
accessibility, about      
accessibility, configuring      
accessibility, for hearing-impaired      
accessibility, for mobility-impaired      
accessibility, Magnifier      
accessibility, Narrator      
accessibility, On-Screen keyboard      
accessibility, Utility Manager      
accessibility, vision enhancement options      
accounts      [See user accounts]
ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface)      
activating, windows from taskbar      
activating, Windows XP      2nd
Active window      
Add Hardware Wizard      
Add or Remove Programs dialog box      2nd
Add Printer Wizard      2nd 3rd
address bar (Internet Explorer)      
Address book      2nd
Address toolbar      2nd 3rd
Administrator account      
Administrator account, about      
Administrator account, program installation from      
Administrator account, security advantages of      
Administrator account, setting up networking with      
Administrator account, unlocking computer      
Administrator account, using      
ads, banner      
ads, pop-up      
Alert Settings dialog box      
All Programs menu      2nd
All Programs menu, about      
All Programs menu, adding items      2nd
All Programs menu, deleting items      2nd
All Programs menu, moving and sorting items      
All Programs menu, new programs on      
All Programs menu, placing items in folders      
All Programs menu, submenus for      
All Programs menu, utilities on      
All Programs menu, utilities on, Address Book      
All Programs menu, utilities on, Calculator      
All Programs menu, utilities on, Character Map      
All Programs menu, utilities on, Command Prompt      
All Programs menu, utilities on, Games menu      
All Programs menu, utilities on, HyperTerminal      
All Programs menu, utilities on, Notepad      
All Programs menu, utilities on, Paint      
All Programs menu, utilities on, WordPad      
AMG (All Music Group)      2nd
antispyware software      2nd 3rd
antivirus software      
antivirus software, about      
antivirus software, disabling during XP installations      2nd
antivirus software, necessity of      
APM (Advanced Power Management)      
applications      [See also third-party applications; specific Windows applications]
applications, 16- and 32-bit      
applications, Address Book      
applications, Calculator      
applications, changing file extensions linked to      2nd
applications, Character Map      
applications, Command Prompt      
applications, computer lockups and      
applications, configuring      
applications, configuring, in Windows Firewall      
applications, configuring, Start menu program lists      
applications, exiting      
applications, file transfer after XP upgrade      
applications, GNUWin      
applications, HyperTerminal      
applications, installing      
applications, installing, about      
applications, installing, downloading and      
applications, installing, from CD or floppy disk      
applications, launching      
applications, making available to all      
applications, Notepad      
applications, Paint      
applications, PowerToys      
applications, removing      
applications, removing, entries added to shortcut menus      
applications, removing, Windows components      
applications, reporting errors with      
applications, running older      2nd
applications, saving documents      
applications, screen savers      
applications, shareware      
applications, sharing in Windows Messenger      
applications, shortcuts to      
applications, shutting down hung      
applications, switching among      
applications, turning off antivirus and spyware      2nd
applications, Tweak UI      
applications, unresponsive      
applications, used most frequently      2nd
applications, verifying compatibility of      
applications, viewing which ones running      
applications, Windows role with      
applications, WordPad      
Apply button      
Archives      2nd
asterisks (*)      
attachments, attaching files      
attachments, blocked photos      
attachments, blocking and unblocking      
attachments, opening and saving      
audio, adding tracks to movies      
audio, configuring      
audio, configuring, devices      
audio, configuring, recording and playback      
audio, configuring, system sound effects      
audio, controlling volume      
audio, copying music to portable players      
audio, device drivers for      
audio, movie narration      
audio, RealPlayer and QuickTime Player      
automatic logon      
automatic scrolling      
Automatic Updates      
Automatic Updates, about      2nd 3rd
Automatic Updates, setting up      
Automatic Updates, using      
AutoPlay, application installation and      
AutoPlay, Media Player      
background images      
background images, changing wallpaper      
background images, displaying web content as      
background printing      
background tasks      
backing up      
backing up, about      
backing up, activation code files      
backing up, before XP installation      
backing up, floppy disks for      
backing up, individual files and folders      
backing up, restoring      
backing up, schemes for      
backing up, steps for      
backing up, types of      
backslash (\)      
Backup Or Restore Wizard      
Backup utility      
Banner ads      
base stations      
Baseline Security Advisor      
BIOS, configuring      
BIOS, confirming compatibility with XP      2nd
blocking, attachments      
blocking, device drivers      
blocking, instant messages      2nd
blocking, photos      
blocking, pop-up windows      
bookmarking pages      
booting, defined      
booting, dual-boot systems      2nd 3rd
broadband connections      
Browsing      [See also Internet Explorer web
browsing, files and folders on computer      
browsing, online stores      
burning music CDs      
buttons      [See also specific buttons]
buttons, adding/deleting Quick Launch      
buttons, ellipsis on      
buttons, Internet Explorer navigation      
buttons, navigation buttons on Standard Buttons toolbar      
buttons, restoring classic look to      
buttons, taskbar      
buttons, taskbar, group buttons      
buttons, taskbar, illustrated      
buttons, taskbar, keyboard shortcuts      
buttons, toggle      
cable connections      
cabling, crossover      
cabling, dial-up modem connection      
cabling, network      
caches, web      
cameras, connecting to computer      
cameras, photo transfer to computer      
cameras, web and video      
Cancel button      
capturing video      
Category View      
CD Drive dialog box      
CD drives      
CD drives, CD burners      
CD drives, setting AutoPlay behavior for      
CD Writing Wizard      
CdS      [See also playlists]
CDs, AutoPlay feature      2nd
CDs, burning      
CDs, copying      
CDs, copying, files and folders to      
CDs, copying, tracks from      
CDs, installing programs from      
CDs, playing      
CDs, ripping      
CDs, ripping, analog      
CDs, ripping, options for      
CDs, ripping, tracks from music      
CDs, unrecognized      
Change Icon dialog box      2nd
Character Map      
chatting      [See also instant messaging]
chatting, online      
chatting, tips for      
Check boxes      
Check Disk      2nd
Choose Details dialog box      
Classic file sharing      2nd
classic look of Windows XP      
Classic Start menu      
clean installs      2nd
cleaning up      
cleaning up, desktop      
cleaning up, hard drives      
Clicking      2nd
clip detection      
clipboard utilities      
clips, adding      
clips, adding, to movie projects      
clips, adding, video effects to      
clips, arranging      
clips, collections of      
clips, combining split      
clips, previewing      
clips, splitting      
clips, trimming      
clock      2nd
closing, Internet Explorer      
closing, remote desktop sessions      
closing, Start menu      
closing, windows      
collections      2nd
color, high contrast schemes      
color, monitor color profiles      2nd
command prompt      
command-line options      
commands, choosing      
commands, choosing, from keyboard      
commands, choosing, from menu      
commands, choosing, shortcut-menu      
commands, conventions for      
commands, dimmed      
commands, names of      
components, displaying information for      
components, removing Windows      
Compressing Files and Folders      
compressing files and folders, NTFS compression      
compressing files and folders, zipping files and folders      
Computers      [See also local computers remote
computers, bays and slots      
computers, browsing files and folders on      
computers, connecting      
computers, connecting, client PCs to network      
computers, connecting, expansion cards      
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