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Vafa C., Zaslow E. — Mirror symmetry |
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Предметный указатель |
Homological mirror symmetry conjecture 730
Hopf index 58
Hyper-Kaehler rotation 756
Improved connection 860
INDEX 812 815 827
Index theorem 297
Index, supersymmetric 848
Infrared 314
Infrared, divergence 346
Instanton 220 224 680
Instanton number 559 667
Integrality conjecture 641
Integration 18
Intersection number 114 115 438 442
Intersection product 43
Ishibashi state 871
Isotropy group 484
j-line 495
Jacobian 18
Jordan — Hoelder decomposition 737 762
K-theory 741 742 867 868
Kaehler class 317 329
Kaehler class, complexified 361 593 687
Kaehler cone 74 363
Kaehler metric 71 315
Kaehler potential 72 86
Kaluza — Klein reduction 147 601
Knot 688
Knot, invariant 690
Knot, trivial 689
Kontsevich's conjecture 709 719 727 730 739 742
Kontsevich's recursion 509 512
Kontsevich's theorem 515
Lagrangian, connect sum 754
Lagrangian, graded 745 760
Lagrangian, stable 760
Lagrangian, submanifold 688 745 751 801 802 821 857
Landau — Ginzburg, A-brane 875
Landau — Ginzburg, B-brane 881
Landau — Ginzburg, correspondence 393
Landau — Ginzburg, model 202 216 219 284 291ff 408 416 435ff 834ff 842 853 861
Landau — Ginzburg, model, supersymmetric 148
Landau — Ginzburg, orbifold 376
Landau — Ginzburg, theory 162 456 458 472 477 478 693
Laplace — Beltrami operator 210
Laplacian 22 605
Large complex limit point 729
Large Kaehler limit point 729
Large volume limit 303 853
Lefschetz decomposition 620
Legendre transform 703
Lichnerowicz equation 77
Line bundle 30 38
Line bundle, hyperplane 30
Line bundle, tautological 30
Line bundle, vacuum 84 85
Linear equivalence 510 741
Local Calabi — Yau threefold 131
Local mirror symmetry 95 100
localization 157 225 411 535ff 565 572
Localization, formula 62 575
Localization, principle 158 199ff
Loop space 301
M-theory 607 671
M2-brane (membrane) 607 608 612
Magnetic monopole 51 693
Majorana fermion 262
Maslov class 745
Maslov index 716 810 813 815—817 819 827
Matrix model 683
McKay correspondence 99
Mean curvature flow 753 761
Metric 12
Minimal model 443
Minimal model, N = 2 870
Mirror Symmetry 94 137ff 149 284ff 307 310 463ff 553 645ff 677ff 692ff 726 884ff
Mirror symmetry with bundles 704
Mirror, conjecture 553 559 571ff
Mirror, family 138
Mirror, map 663
Mirror, quintic 88ff 664
MMMS equation 731 733 737
Modular invariance 651
Modular transformation 246
Moduli space 412 428 519 520 590 698
Moduli space of curves 54 493ff
Moduli space of stable maps 501
Moduli space, coarse 484
Moment map 235 735 753
Momentum 251 282
Monge — Ampere equation 720
monodromy 84 754 758 759 859 860 862 863
Mori cone 117 119 120 363
Morphism 126 714
Morse complex 44
Morse function 220 235 820
Morse function, perfect 236
Morse index 44 201 221 231 829
Morse index, relative 227 826
Morse theory 43
Morse — Witten complex 230 231 236 831
Mukai vector 730 740 744
Multiple cover formula 65 551
Mutation 868
Mutation, left 868
Mutation, right 868
Narain lattice 650 651
Nef manifold 365
Neveu — Schwarz sector 262
Newlander — Nirenberg theorem 68
Nijenhuis tensor 68
Nodal curve 489 491
Node 96 125
Noether, charge 171
Noether, procedure 171 183 238 279
Non-confinement 390
Non-renormalization theorem 333
Non-singular 485
Normal ordering 242
Normal ordering with respect to the ground state 261
Normalization 489
Observable 725
Observable, physical 403
Obstruction see "Deformation obstructions
One-parameter subgroup 109 110 122
Open string 769
Open string sector 704
Operator, lowering 185
Operator, raising 185
Orbifold 121 122 124 126 376 474 484
Ordinary double point 96 97
Partition function 151 155 162 172 174 244 262ff 786 822
Path-integral 146 178 199ff 250 310 649 652
Path-integral, anti-topological 428
Path-integral, topological 426
Period 84 666 851
Period, integral 852 878
Pfaffian 156
Physical operator 409 417 421
Picard group 38
Picard — Fuchs differential equation 91 560 853
Picard — Lefechetz monodromy 439 760
Picard — Lefechetz theory 435 869
Poincare duality 42 413 415 854
Poincare's lemma 275
Poisson resummation 179 652 675
Polylogarithm 671
Polytope 101 132ff 138
Polytope, polar 138
Polytope, reflexive 137
| Principal bundle 11
Propagator 668
Proper 485
Pseudo-holomorphic curve 627 628
Pull-back 10
Push-forward 9
Q-cohomology 210 397 820 831 843
Quantum cohomology 94 553
Quantum cohomology ring 530 532
Quantum cohomology ring, big 532
Quantum cohomology ring, small 533
Quantum differential equation 553ff
Quantum differential equation, small 555
Quantum field theory (QFT) 145
Quantum gravity 146
quantum mechanics 169ff
Quantum product 531
Quasi-homogeneous function 295
Quasi-isomorphism 708 730 741
Quasi-modular form 644
Quintic hypersurface 54 88 664
Quintic threefold 64 82 140 521 546 635
R-charge, axial 273
R-charge, vector 273 282
R-rotation, axial 273
R-rotation, vector 273
R-symmetry 294 386 793 809 822 844 847
R-symmetry, axial 282
R-symmetry, vector 282
Ramond sector 262
Ray — Singer torsion 654 657 707
Reconstruction, genus 0 descendant 528
Regularization 322
Renormalization 315 322 323 467
Renormalization group 323
Renormalization group, flow 313ff 354 385 477 791
Renormalization group, invariant dynamical scale 354
Renormalized field 326
Resolution of singularities 125
Resolution, conifold 96
Ricci tensor 75 327
Riemann bilinear identity 852
Riemann surface 16 487
Riemann — Hurwitz formula 538
Riemann — Roch theorem 488
Riemann's bilinear identity 854
Scale, transformation 313
Scattering amplitude 692
Schubert cell 64
Section 7
Section, covariantly constant 14
Section, global 35
Selection rule 410 586
Serre duality 38 52
Sheaf 32
Sigma model 146 177 179 180 206 246ff 327
Sigma model, Calabi — Yau 317 420 586
Sigma model, gauded linear (GLSM) 102 111 114 118 123
Sigma model, linear 339ff
Sigma model, non-linear 291ff 302 356ff 408
Sigma model, perturbation theory 317
Sigma model, supersymmetric 148 307 796
Sigma model, supersymmetric linear 348
Sigma model, supersymmetric non-linear 292
Sigma model, toric 391
Sine-Gordon model 420
Sine-Gordon model, N = 2 444
Singularity 27 90 95 686
Singularity, conifold 90 96 125 368 686
Singularity, quotient 27
Skyscraper sheaf 740
Slag see "Special Lagrangian"
sLag Fukaya category 730
slope 736 738 747
Soliton 389 693
Solitonic state 436
Special geometry 434
Special Lagrangian 701 711 720 723 745 746 753 851 860
Special Lagrangian, deformation 702
Special Lagrangian, fat 762
Special Lagrangian, moduli space 701
Special point 497
Spectral flow 226
Spectral flow of fermion number 262
Spectral flow of Hessian eigenvalues 227
Splitting principle 51
Stability 736
Stable bundle 730
Stable curve 495
Stable map 501
Stable orbit 736
Stable pointed curve 497ff
String equation 514 527
String theory 694 695 791
Strominger — Yau — Zaslow Conjecture 691
Structure sheaf 34 484 707 740
Subvariety 104
Subvariety, T-invariant 104 106 109
Supercharge 184 208 213 282 294 316 400 793 824 839 842
Supercharge, conserved 279
Superconformal symmetry 871
Supercurrent 294 793 794 796 847
Superfield 272
Superfield, vector 349
SuperHiggs mechanism 358
Superpotential 102 141 277 469—471 602 875
Superpotential, quasi-homogeneous 408
Superpotential, twisted 282 382 465
Superspace 149 272
Superspace, (0, 2) 288
Supersymmetric cycle 697
Supersymmetric gauge theory 679
Supersymmetric ground state 188 192 195 201 205 221 299 308 819 825 838
Supersymmetric ground state, overlaps with 873
Supersymmetric index 187 189 197
Supersymmetric quantum mechanics 182ff 187 206
Supersymmetry 156 157 183
Supersymmetry algebra, N = (2, 2) 284
Supersymmetry algebra, N = 2 693
Supersymmetry, (0, 2) 288
Supersymmetry, (1, 1) 285
Supersymmetry, A-type 793
Supersymmetry, B-type 793
Supersymmetry, N = (2, 2) 271ff
Supersymmetry, Type IIA 599 678
Supersymmetry, Type IIB 599
Symmetric product 621 622
Symmetry, spontaneously broken 344
Symplectic reduction 362
T-duality 149 249 309ff 465 470 658 698 701 727 777ff 791
Tachyon 708 739
Tachyon, condensation 708
Tangent-obstruction, exact sequence 506
Tangent-obstruction, theory 628
Target space physics 599
Tautological bundle 536
Tautological line bundle 512
Theta angle 351 385
Theta function 268
Thom class 43
Thom form 42
Three-point function 705
Todd class 52 840
Topological amplitude 645 647
Topological field theory 397 403 404 684
Topological metric 407
Topological open string 709
Topological string 585ff 599ff 648 680
Topological string, amplitude 606 689
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