Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Vafa C., Zaslow E. — Mirror symmetry |
Предметный указатель |
-operator 71 731 735
A-brane 800 813 847 856 861
A-cycle 707
A-model 87 647 658 661 671 688 730
A-twist 401 408 586 850 855 856
action 146
ADE singularity 99 337 677
Adjunction formula 53 521 667
Affine structure 703
ALE space 372
Almost complex structure 68 487 488 627
Almost complex structure, integrable 488
Annulus amplitude 657 661
Anomaly 295 833
Anomaly, axial 353 589 813
Anomaly, factorization 660
Anomaly, holomorphic 593 597 654 657 662 668 672
Anomaly, Quillen 597 646 656
Anomaly, R-anomaly 809
Anomaly-free 809
Anti-brane 708 739
Anti-chiral superfield 273
Anti-chiral superfield, twisted 274
Anti-topological theory 427
Arithmetic genus 490
Aspinwall — Morrison formula 537 546 635
asymptotic freedom 366
Atiyah — Bott fixed-point theorem 58
Autoequivalence 760
Auxiliary field 277
B-brane 800 805 838 847 855 856 872
B-cycle 707
B-field 254 294 687 798 803 806 867
B-model 87 654 655 657 658 685 686 730
B-twist 401 416 420 592 850 856
Bare coupling 325
Bare field 325
Batyrev's construction 665
Bekenstein — Hawking entropy 612
Beltrami differential 422 590 596
Bernoulli number 552 610 638
beta function 326 327 329
Bianchi identity 50 75 247 252
Black hole 612
Black hole, entropy 695
Blow-down 126
Blow-up 97 123—125 369
Boson-fermion equivalence 266
Bosonic 155
Bott residue formula 537
Bott — Morse function 233 303
Bound state 704
Boundary condition 450 766ff
Boundary condition, Dirichlet 450 659 767ff
Boundary condition, Neumann 450 659 767ff
Boundary condition, twisted 259
Boundary divisor 500 510
Boundary field theory 697
Boundary lemma 513
Boundary state 454 779 847ff
Boundary stratum 499
BPS, configuration 447 469
BPS, soliton 435ff 436 447 470
BPS, state 606 607 615 616 619 636 671 694
Bubbling 499 513
Bundle, polystable 736 737 743 744 755
Bundle, semistable 736 744
c-theorem 790
Calabi — Yau see "Calabi — Yau manifold"
Calabi — Yau condition 74
Calabi — Yau correspondence 393
Calabi — Yau form 91
Calabi — Yau hypersurface 130
Calabi — Yau manifold 55 64 72 77 299 329 337 416 434 464 523 571ff 587 720 761 851 857
Calabi — Yau manifold, mirror 603
Calabi — Yau manifold, non-compact 474 842
Calabi — Yau moduli space 78 82
Calabi — Yau n-fold 455 654 816 867
Calabi — Yau threefold 130 548 562 587 589 600 617 625 630 662 679 853
Cardy's construction 871
Cech cohomology 34
Cech — de Rham cohomology 36
Cech — Dolbeault isomorphism 37 81
Characteristic class 45
Charge 114 115
Charge fractionalization 390
Charge lattice 859
Charge, central 283 693 790 870
Charge, conserved 208 214 279 776
Charge, R-charge 826 830 836 863
Chern character 51 704 740
Chern class 45ff 297 317 810
Chern — Simons theory 680 684—687 690
Chern — Simons theory, holomorphic 705
Chiral field 164
Chiral field, twisted 466
Chiral multiplet 284 351 472
Chiral multiplet, twisted 284
Chiral operator 398
Chiral operator, twisted 398
Chiral ring 164 165 337 397ff 404ff
Chiral ring, twisted 398
Chiral superfield 273 335 435
Chiral superfield, twisted 281 382
Chow group 116
Chow ring 485
Classifying space 58
Clemens conjecture 561
Clifford algebra 254
Coherent sheaf 707 708 736 739
Comparison lemma 513 528
Complete conic 502
Complete intersection 374 377
Complex manifold 78
Complex of sheaves 740
Complex structure 67 70
Complex submanifold 806
Compton wavelength 327
Cone 102 105 108 122
Cone, polyhedral 102
confinement 381
Conformal field theory 335
Conformal structure 487
Conifold 95 684
Conifold, transition 98
Conjugate momentum 174 769
Connect sum 758 759 763
Connection 13
Connection, HYM 731 735 743 762
Connection, Levi — Civita 15
Conservation equation 238
Conserved current 239 279 293
coordinates 4 25
Coordinates, flat 457 588
Coordinates, homogeneous 25 105 123 133
Correlation function 163 410 418 421
Correlation function, topological 404 418
Correlator 553 560 562 564 571 577
Correspondence principle 724
Cotangent bundle 9
Cotangent bundle, holomorphic 69
Crepant resolution 95
Critical point 197 202 205 836 847
Curvature 16
D-brane 449ff 606 684 692ff 709 729ff 742 767
D-brane, worldvolume 696
D-term 274 331 438 463
D2-brane 609 615 618
de Rham, cohomology 20 71 210 410
de Rham, cohomology complex 19
| Decoupling 331
Dedekind eta function 246 650 771
Deformation 161
Deformation of complex structures 79
Deformation theory 504
Deformation, conifold 96
Deformation, Hamiltonian 751 752 755 760
Deformation, invariance 160
Deformation, long exact sequence 506
Deformation, obstructions to 505 748
Deformation, unobstructed 748
Degeneration 495
Dehn twist 757 760
Del Pezzo surface 369
Deligne — Mumford stack 484 541 542 572
Derived category 708 719 730 738ff
Derived category, autoequivalence 739
Derived category, inverting arrows in 741
Descendant invariant 526ff 557
Determinant 660
Differential form 10 18
Dilaton equation 514 527
Dimensional transmutation 331 354
Dirac fermion 254 260 278 768 775 782 787
Dirac operator 411 660 827
Dirac — Born — Infeld action 700
Dirac's sea 259
Divisor 39
Divisor equation 527
Divisor, T-invariant 107 108 129 136
Dolbeault cohomology 41 58 839
Dolbeault operator 215 410 812
Donaldson — Uhlenbeck — Yau theorem 736
Dual graph 489
Dualizing sheaf 492
Dynkin diagram 99 677
EDGE 103 105 106
Effective action 325 382
Elliptic curve 78 495 591 641 714 762
Elliptic fibration 130 667
Elliptic rational surface 643
Entropy, boundary 791 793
Entropy, bounded 789
Enumerative prediction 672 673
Equation of motion 170 252 326 449
Equivariant cohomology 58ff 62 535ff 566
Euler characteristic 18 45 58 191 589 610 625 626
Euler class 45 63 523 550 617
Euler — Lagrange equation 170
Evaluation map 503
Exceptional collection 869
Exceptional divisor 97 370
Exceptional pair 868
Exceptional sheaf 868
Excess intersection 47 65
Excess intersection, formula 525
Extension class of sheaves 743
Extensions of holomorphic bundles 737
F-term 275 331 387 463 602 604 608
F-term, twisted 275 331 405
F-theory 130
Fan 101ff 115 128 131
Fan, morphism of 127
Fan, normal 133
Fan, simplicial 124
Fano manifold 365 559 568 640 868
Fayet — Iliopoulos (FI) parameter 112 118 351 353 465
Fermat quintic 478
Fermion number operator 185
Fermionic 155
Feynman diagram 152 154 172 320 585 599 681 683
Feynman graph 681 692
Fixed point 57
Flag 542 543
Flat U(1) connection 747
Floer cohomology 749 832 838
Floer homology 831
FLOP 125
Forgetful map 528
Forgetful morphism 498 503
Fourier — Mukai transform 708 723 739
Free energy 154
Free energy of a point 515
frequency 314
Frobenius manifold 87
Fubini — Study metric 359 360
Fukaya composition 719
Fukaya's category 710 730 745
Fulton — MacPherson configuration space 502
Fundamental solution 555
g-theorem 791
Gauge field 146 296 342 800
Gauge symmetry 341
Gauss — Manin connection 84 430
Gaussian measure 153
Generating function 647
Geometric engineering 108 130 677
Gerbe 707
Givental's polynomiality condition 577
GKO construction 870
GKZ decomposition 113 118
Goldstone boson 344
Goldstone mode 344
Goldstone's theorem 344
Gopakumar — Vafa invariant 611 615ff 635ff 670
Graded Lagrangian 715
Gradient flow 44 737 836
Grading 745 754 759
Grassmann variables 155
Grassmannian 329 502
Grassmannian, Lagrangian 815 818
Gravitational descendant 725
Gravitational invariant 526
Gromov — Witten invariant 64 94 526ff 546 550 564 611 617 619 627 633 635 640 647 671
Gromov — Witten invariant, open string 706
Gromov — Witten potential 635 637
Gromov — Witten theory 615 627
Grothendieck — Riemann — Roch formula 52 56 488 717
Ground state 306 307
Ground state, Ramond — Ramond (RR) 645
Ground state, RR, overlap with 849 878
Group cohomology 58
GSO projection 266 872
Hamiltonian 147 171 173 174 282
Hamiltonian deformation 745 746
harmonic oscillator 239
Harmonic oscillator, simple 174
Harmonic oscillator, supersymmetric 194
Helix 869
Hermitian metric 70
Hermitian symmetric space 329
Hermitian — Yang — Mills connection 697 730 731 733 see "HYM
hessian 201 303 664 859
Higgs mechanism 346 704
Hilbert scheme 623 625 630
Hirzebruch surface 29 106 371
Hirzebruch — Riemann — Roch theorem 586
Hitchin — Kobayashi correspondence 761
Hochschild cohomology 725
Hodge bundle 83 84 86 516 550
Hodge decomposition 22
Hodge numbers 71
Hodge star 21
Hodge theory 22
Holomorphic bundle 730 739 855 867 884
Holomorphic Casson invariant 747
Holomorphic Chern — Simons functional 749 750
Holomorphic vector field 57 217
Holomorphic vector field, zeroes 57
Holonomy 72 453 600 685
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