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Liberty J. — Learning Visual Basic .NET |
Предметный указатель |
! (exclamation mark)
"" (double quotes)
# (number sign)
$ (dollar sign)
% (percent sign)
& (ampersand)
& (ampersand), concatenation operator
() (parentheses)
() (parentheses), arrays 2nd 3rd
() (parentheses), in operator precedence
() (parentheses), parameter lists
* (asterisk)
* (asterisk), multiplication operator
+ (plus sign)
+ (plus sign), concatenation operator [+ (plus sign)
, (comma)
, (comma), arrays
- (minus sign)
- (minus sign), subtraction operator
.dll files
.exe files
.NET Framework
.NET platform
.NET platform, web-centric nature of
.sln files
.sou files
.vb files
.vbproj files
/ (forward slash) [See also modulus operator][See also modulus operator]
/ (forward slash), division operator 2nd
: (colon)
< (less than sign)
< (less than sign), less than operator
<= or =< (less than or equals signs)
<= or =< (less than or equals signs), less than or equal operator
<> (angle brackets)
<> (angle brackets), not equals operator
= (equal sign)
= (equal sign), assignment/equality operator 2nd 3rd
> (greater than sign)
> (greater than sign), greater than operator
>= or => (greater than or equal signs)
>= or => (greater than or equal signs), greater than or equal to operator
@ (at sign)
Abstract classes
abstract classes, instantiating
abstract classes, interfaces compared to
Access modifiers 2nd 3rd
access modifiers, accessors (Get, Set)
access modifiers, inheritance and
access modifiers, interfaces and
access modifiers, placement of
access modifiers, structures and
access modifiers, table of
Active Server Pages [See ASP]
Add Watch option (VS.NET debugger)
Add() (ArrayList)
ampersand [See & under
and operator
angle brackets (<>) [See <> under
apostrophe (O)
Append() (StringBuilder)
AppendFormat() (StringBuilder)
applications, accounting, Decimal type and
Applications, ASP.NET
applications, building/running from VS.NET IDE
applications, displaying output onscreen
applications, events and
applications, MDI
applications, structure of
applications, types created by VB.NET
applications, VS.NET, files in
applications, web, creating
applications, Windows, creating
arguments, passing by reference
arguments, passing by value
arithmetical operators
Array class 2nd
Array class, table of methods and properties
array lists
array lists, adding objects to
array lists, copying elements to new array
array lists, inserting/removing elements
array lists, reversing order of elements in
array lists, sorting alphabetically
array lists, using, example
ArrayList class
ArrayList class, indexer for
ArrayList class, table of methods and properties
Arrays 2nd
arrays, accessing elements of, example
arrays, accessing, example 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
arrays, copying from collection type to
arrays, copying sections of one to another
arrays, declaring
arrays, determining size of
arrays, initializing 2nd
arrays, iterating through
arrays, jagged
arrays, multidimensional
arrays, numbers of elements array can hold
arrays, one-dimensional
arrays, one-dimensional, copying queue elements to
arrays, one-dimensional, copying stack elements to
arrays, one-dimensional, returning index of first/last instance of a value
arrays, one-dimensional, reversing order of elements in
arrays, one-dimensional, sorting values in
arrays, ParamArray keyword
arrays, rectangular
arrays, reference types and
arrays, retrieving number of elements in array
arrays, setting range of elements in to zero or null reference
arrays, zzz [See also array lists][See also array lists]
ASP (Active Server Pages)
ASP, friends lists
ASP.NET applications 2nd
ASP.NET applications, further resources
asterisk (*) [See * under
at sign (@)
Autos window (New Breakpoint dialog) 2nd
backslash (\) [See under
base classes
Basic (BeginnerOs All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)
Boolean expressions
Boolean expressions, relational operators and
Boolean type 2nd
Boolean type, default value 2nd
Boolean type, literal format
boxing types
boxing types, example
Branching 2nd
branching, conditional statements 2nd
branching, conditional statements, ElseIf statements
branching, conditional statements, If statements
branching, conditional statements, If...Else statements
branching, conditional statements, Nested If statements
branching, conditional statements, Select Case statements
branching, unconditional statements
breakpoints, setting
Button class
ByRef keyword
Byte type
ByVal keyword
Call keyword
| Call Stack 2nd
Call Stack window (VS.NET debugger)
Camel notation
Camel notation, instantiating objects and
Capacity property
Capacity property, ArrayList class
Capacity property, StringBuilder class
caret symbol (^) [See ^ under
casting, to interfaces
casting, to interfaces, Is operator
catching exceptions
catching exceptions, Catch blocks
catching exceptions, Catch keyword
catching exceptions, catch statements, creating dedicated
Char type 2nd
Char type, default value
Char type, literal format
Chars property
Chars property, String class
Chars property, StringBuilder class
Class keyword
Classes 2nd
classes, abstract
classes, abstract, instantiating
classes, abstract, interfaces compared to
classes, base
classes, client 2nd
classes, clients accessing state through properties
classes, constructors and
classes, defining 2nd
classes, defining, access modifiers
classes, defining, creating Time class, example
classes, defining, instantiating objects
classes, defining, memory allocation
classes, defining, Pascal notation and
classes, derived
classes, derived, base vs.
classes, derived, deriving new, example
classes, establishing relationships among
classes, interface implementation 2nd
classes, modules as
classes, NotInheritable
classes, objects and
classes, overriding interface methods
classes, public interface vs. private implementation
classes, root
classes, sharing functionality
classes, structures compared to
Clear(), Array class
Clear(), ArrayList class
Clear(), Queue class
Clear(), Stack class
CLR (Common Language Runtime)
Collection class
collection interfaces
collection interfaces, comparing objects in
collection interfaces, IEnumerable interface
collection interfaces, table of
collections, copying from to arrays
collections, enumerating through, using For Each loops
colon (:)
combining interfaces
comma (,) [See under
Common Language Runtime (CLR)
Compare() (String)
compile time
compiler errors, types and
compiler warnings
Concat() (String)
conditional branching statements 2nd
conditional branching statements, ElseIf statements
conditional branching statements, If statements
conditional branching statements, If...Else statements
conditional branching statements, Nested If statements
conditional branching statements, Select Case statements
conditionals, logical operators within
console applications
console applications, displaying output onscreen
Console class
constants, casting
constants, enumerations
constants, literal
constants, literal, formats, table of
constants, naming conventions
constants, symbolic
constructors, calling base class
constructors, classes and
constructors, copy
constructors, declaring
constructors, naming, with more than one name
constructors, overloading
constructors, overloading, signatures
container classes
Contains(), Queue class
Contains(), Stack class
copy constructors
Copy(), Array class
Copy(), String class 2nd
copying, collection types to arrays
copying, strings 2nd
CopyTo(), Queue class
CopyTo(), Stack class
Count property
Count property, Queue class
Count property, Stack class
CType() 2nd
curly braces ({}) [See {} under
Current property (IEnumerator class)
custom exceptions
data, encapsulating with properties
data, encapsulating with properties, Get/Set accessors
data, encapsulating with properties, ReadOnly/WriteOnly properties
Date type 2nd
Date type, default value
date/time values
date/time values, converting
Debug menu (VS.NET)
debugger, IEnumerable interface/For Each loops and
Debugging 2nd
debugging, compiler errors and
debugging, setting breakpoints
debugging, setting breakpoints, Debug menu
debugging, zzz [See also debugger][See also debugger]
Decimal type
Decimal type, literal format
Decimal type, supporting accounting applications
Default property
default property, indexers and
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