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Liberty J. — Learning Visual Basic .NET |
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object-oriented programming, encapsulation
object-oriented programming, establishing relationships among classes
object-oriented programming, eXtreme programming, compared to, resources for
object-oriented programming, generalization and
object-oriented programming, metaphors and
object-oriented programming, objects
object-oriented programming, polymorphism
object-oriented programming, problem domains
object-oriented programming, problem domains, object interaction
object-oriented programming, specialization
Objects 2nd 3rd
objects, adding to array lists
objects, adding to end of queues
objects, collections of [See arrays]
objects, converting
objects, copying variables from
objects, creating copies of
objects, current instance of [See Me keyword]
objects, destroying
objects, evaluating whether two are equivalent or refer to same instance
objects, instantiating
objects, instantiating, Camel notation and
objects, instantiating, New keyword
objects, naming conventions 2nd
objects, providing access to type
objects, providing hash functions for collections
objects, removing from queues
objects, removing/returning at queue beginning
objects, returning strings with name of class
objects, tracking specific
objects, zzz [See also classes][See also classes]
offsets [See indexes]
one-dimensional arrays
one-dimensional arrays, copying queue elements to
one-dimensional arrays, returning index of first/last instance of values
one-dimensional arrays, reversing order of elements in
one-dimensional arrays, sorting values in
operators, assignment
operators, logical, precedence of
operators, mathematical
operators, mathematical, modulus
operators, mathematical, precedence of
operators, mathematical, simple arithmetical
operators, precedence of
operators, relational
operators, relational, precedence of
OR operator
overloading, constructors
overloading, constructors, signatures
overloading, methods
Overridable keyword
Overridable keyword, versioning with
Overrides keyword 2nd
Overrides keyword, versioning with
PadLeft()/PadRight() (String)
ParamArray keyword
parentheses (()) ), under Symbols) [See ((]
Pascal notation
Pascal notation, defining classes and
Pascal notation, property names
Pattern matching
Peek(), Queue class
Peek(), Stack class
percent sign (%)
plus sign (+) [See + under
Polymorphism 2nd
polymorphism, creating polymorphic methods
polymorphism, creating polymorphic methods, runtime and
polymorphism, creating polymorphic types
Pop() (Stack)
precedence of operators
Private access modifier 2nd 3rd 4th
projects (VS.NET)
projects (VS.NET), characters in names of
projects (VS.NET), solutions and
Properties 2nd 3rd
Properties window (VS.NET)
properties, Array class, table of
properties, clients accessing class state
properties, encapsulating data with
properties, encapsulating data with, Get/Set accessors
properties, encapsulating data with, ReadOnly/WriteOnly properties
properties, zzzz [See also default property][See also default property]
Protected access modifier 2nd
Protected Friend access modifier
Public access modifier 2nd 3rd 4th
Push() (Stack)
Queue class
Queue class, adding object to end
Queue class, copying elements to new array
Queue class, copying elements to one-dimensional arrays
Queue class, determining whether element is present
Queue class, methods and properties
Queue class, removing objects from
Queue class, removing/returning initial object
Queue class, retrieving number of elements from
Queue class, returning enumerator for
QuickWatch window (VS.NET)
RAD (Rapid Application Development)
Rank property (Array class)
Rapid application development (RAD)
ReadOnly/WriteOnly properties 2nd
rectangular arrays
reference types
reference types, arrays and
reference types, default values
reference types, passing by value
reference types, value types, example illustrating differences
ReferenceEquals() (Object)
Regex class
Regular expressions 2nd
regular expressions, literals
regular expressions, metacharacters
regular expressions, pattern matching
Relational operators
relational operators, precedence of
Remove(), String class
Remove(), StringBuilder class
RemoveAt() (ArrayList)
Replace() (StringBuilder)
Reset() (IEnumerator)
resources, nonmemory, cleaning up
Reverse(), Array class
Reverse(), ArrayList class
root classes
Select Case statements
server-side code
shared members
shared members, zzz [See also Me keyword][See also Me keyword]
shared methods [See shared members]
Short type
Short type, literal format
signature of a method
Single type
Single type, as fractional value
Single type, literal format
Solution Explorer (VS.NET IDE)
solutions (VS.NET)
Sort(), Array class
Sort(), ArrayList class
source code 2nd 3rd
Specialization 2nd 3rd [See also inheritance; polymorphism]
Split(), Regex class
| Split(), String class 2nd
square brackets ([]) [See [] under
Stack class
Stack class, manipulating elements
stack, call [See call stack]
StackTrace property (Exception class)
Start Page (VS.NET)
StartsWith() (String)
step commands (VS.NET)
String class 2nd
string indexer
String keyword 2nd
string literals
StringBuilder class
strings 2nd 3rd [See also regular expressions; substrings]4th
strings, aligning
strings, appending
Strings, comparing
strings, concatenating
strings, converting to Boolen
strings, copying 2nd
strings, copying characters from strings to arrays
strings, creating
strings, creating, string literals
strings, creating, ToString()
strings, default value
strings, deleting characters in
strings, dividing
strings, ensuring capacity of
strings, finding substrings 2nd
strings, formatting
strings, immutability of
strings, indexing
strings, indicating initial characters in
strings, inserting objects in
strings, inserting substrings in
strings, length of
strings, literal format
strings, locating substrings
strings, manipulating
strings, pattern matching
strings, removing characters from
strings, replacing characters in
strings, retturning substrings
strings, returning copy
strings, splitting
strings, testing for equality 2nd
strings, trimming characters from
structs [See structures]
Structure keyword
structures, access modifiers and 2nd
structures, classes compared to
structures, defining
structures, defining, creating constructors/properties
structures, inability to initialize fields
subs (subroutines)
SubString() (String) 2nd
substrings, finding 2nd 3rd
substrings, inserting in strings
substrings, returning
symbolic constants
System namespace
System.Exception namespace
System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace
templates (VS.NET)
Text editor
the heap
the heap, memory allocation on
the stack
the stack, memory allocation on
the stack, unwinding, exception handling and
throw statement
throwing exceptions 2nd
time/date values
time/date values, converting
ToArray(), ArrayList class
ToArray(), Queue class
ToArray(), Stack class 2nd
ToCharArray() (String)
ToLower() (String)
Toolbox (VS.NET)
ToString(), IConvertible class
ToString(), Object class
ToUpper() (String)
Trim() (String)
TrimStart()/TrimEnd() (String)
try blocks
Try blocks, Try/Catch blocks
Try blocks, unboxing types
type characters, table of
TypeOf keyword
types, Boolean 2nd 3rd 4th
types, boxing
types, Char
types, compiler errors and
types, correspondence to .NET types
types, creating polymorphic
types, default values, table of
types, Enum
types, functions for converting
types, holding fractional values
types, intrinsic
types, intrinsic, implicit methods
types, intrinsic, table of
types, intrinsic, working with numeric values
types, numeric
types, numeric, default value 2nd
types, reference 2nd 3rd
types, size of
types, unboxing
types, value
UML (Unified Modeling Language)
unboxing types
unconditional branching statements
unconditional branching statements, keywords
unconditional branching statements, statements
underscore ( _)
Unified Modeling Language (UML)
unmanaged resources
value types
value types, default values and arrays
value types, reference types, example illustrating differences
variables, assigning values to
variables, default values, table of
variables, displaying values of through Autos/Locals windows 2nd
variables, initializing
variables, local
variables, member, designating as private
variables, naming conventions
VB.NET (Visual Basic .NET)
VB.NET, advanced topics, further resources
VB.NET, as development language
VB.NET, as reengineering of Visual Basic
VB.NET, backwards compatibility with VB6
VB.NET, C#, compared to
VB.NET, conventions
VB.NET, conventions, Pascal case for property names
VB.NET, conventions, prefixing private member variables
VB.NET, example program, Hello World
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