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default property, retrieving
Dequeue() (Queue)
derived classes
design time
Developmentor web site 2nd
discussion group, supporting this book
Do loops
Do loops, breaking out of
Do loops, caution when looping to specific value
Do While loops
Dollar sign ($)
double quotes ("")
Double type
Double type, as fractional value
Double type, literal format
ElseIf statements
encapsulating data with properties
encapsulating data with properties, Get/Set accessors
EndsWith() (String)
Enqueue() (Queue)
EnsureCapacity() (StringBuilder)
Enum type
enumerations, advancing to next element
enumerations, enumerator list
enumerations, incrementing index
enumerations, iterating array lists
enumerations, retrieving for queues
enumerations, setting to initial position
Equals(), Object class
Equals(), String class 2nd
errors, compiler, types and
errors, treating compiler warnings as
event handlers, creating
events, applications and
events, polling
events, raising
Exception class, methods and properties
exception handlers
exception handlers, searching for
exceptions, bugs compared to
exceptions, creating dedicated catch statements
exceptions, Finally statement
exceptions, linking to help file associated with
exceptions, providing information to users
exceptions, providing strack trace for error statements
exceptions, throwing
exceptions, Try/Catch blocks
exceptions, unhandled, example
exclamation mark (!)
Exit Do statements
explicit cast
exponentiation operator
extending interfaces
extreme Or operator
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), supporting this book 2nd
FCL (framework class library)
Fibonacci series
fields, structures and
Files 2nd
finally block [See Finally statement]
Finally statement
For Each loops 2nd
For Each loops, enumerating through collections
For Each loops, IEnumerable interface and
for loops
For loops, controlling with Next statements
For loops, nesting
Format() (String)
forward slash (/) [See / under
Framework Class Library (FCL)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), supporting this book
Friend access modifier
Garbage collection
generalization, in object-oriented programming, example
Get/Set accessors
GetEnumerator(), ArrayList class
GetEnumerator(), IEnumerable class
GetEnumerator(), Queue class
GetEnumerator(), Stack class
GetHashCode() (Object)
GetType() (Object)
gotdotnet forum
Goto statements
greater than or equal signs (>= or =>) [See >= or => under
greater than sign (>) [See \\> under
handles keyword
handling exceptions
HelpLink property (Exception class) 2nd
HTML files
ICloneable interface
ICollection interface
IComparable interface
IComparer interface
IConvertible interface
IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
Identifiers 2nd 3rd
IDictionary interface
IDictionaryEnumerator interface
IDisposable interface
IEnumerable interface
IEnumerable interface, enumeration example
IEnumerable interface, For Each loops and
IEnumerable interface, implementing for example ListBoxTest class
IEnumerator class
IEnumerator interface
IEnumerator interface, table of methods and properties
IF statements
If...Else statements
ILDasm (Intermediate Language DISassembler)
IList interface
Implements keyword
implicit cast
indexers, assignment and
indexers, default property and
indexers, incrementing in enumerators
indexers, indexing on other values
IndexOf(), Array class
IndexOf(), String class
inheritance 2nd [See also polymorphism]
inheritance tree of classes
inheritance, calling base class constructors
inheritance, controlling access
inheritance, shadowing base methods
Inherits keyword
initializing arrays
Insert(), ArrayList class
Insert(), String class
Insert(), StringBuilder
instance members
instantiating objects
instantiating objects, abstract classes and
instantiating objects, Camel notation and
instantiating objects, New keyword
Integer type
| Integer type, literal format
integrated development environment (IDE)
IntelliSense, Implements keyword and
IntelliSense, VS.NET IDE and
Interface keyword
interfaces, abstract base classes compared to
interfaces, accessing members of
interfaces, casting to
interfaces, casting to, Is operator
interfaces, class implementation and
interfaces, client class
interfaces, combining
interfaces, defining
interfaces, extending
interfaces, implementing
interfaces, implementing class
interfaces, implementing, multiple
interfaces, naming conventions
interfaces, overriding implementations
interfaces, overriding implementations, example
interfaces, zzz [See also collection interfaces][See also collection interfaces]
Intermediate Language DISassembler (ILDasm)
intrinsic types
intrinsic types, implicit methods
intrinsic types, table of
intrinsic types, working with numeric values
Is operator
IsFixedSize property (Array class)
Item() (ArrayList)
iteration statements [See looping statements]
jagged arrays 2nd
JIT (Just In Time) compiler
last-in, first-out (LIFO)
LastIndexOf(), Array class
LastIndexOf(), String class
Length property
Length property, Array class 2nd
Length property, String class 2nd
Length property, StringBuilder class
less than or equals signs (<= or =<) [See <= or =< under
less than sign (<) [See < under
LIFO (last-in, first-out)
literal constants
literal constants, formats, table of
local scope
local variables
Locals window (VS.NET)
logical operators
logical operators, precedence of
logical operators, within conditionals
Long type
Long type, literal format
looping statements
looping statements, Do
looping statements, Do While
looping statements, Do, breaking out of
looping statements, For
looping statements, For, controlling with Next statements
looping statements, For, nesting
looping statements, Goto
looping statements, While
looping, zzz [See also looping statements][See also looping statements]
mathematical operators
mathematical operators, precedence of
mathematical operators, simple arithmetical
mathematical operators, simple arithmetical, addition
mathematical operators, simple arithmetical, division
mathematical operators, simple arithmetical, exponentiation
mathematical operators, simple arithmetical, modulus
mathematical operators, simple arithmetical, multiplication
mathematical operators, simple arithmetical, subtraction
MaxCapacity property (StringBuilder class)
MDI (Multiple Document Interface)
Me keyword
member fields
member functions [See methods]
member variables
member variables, access modifiers for
member variables, designating as private
member variables, instance
member variables, shared
MemberwiseClose() (Object)
memory allocation in class definitions
Message property (Exception class) 2nd
method arguments
METHODS 2nd 3rd 4th
methods, accessibility of, explicitly setting
methods, adding by interface extension
Methods, arguments
methods, Array class, table of
methods, branching [See branching]
methods, calling
methods, creating polymorphic
methods, creating polymorphic, runtime and
methods, method calls
Methods, overloading
methods, overloading, number allowed in each class
methods, shadowing base
methods, signatures
Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)
Microsoft newsgroups
minus sign (-) [See - under
mod operator
Module keyword
Modules 2nd
modules, as classes[modules classes]
modulus operator
MoveNext() (IEnumerator)
MSDN, further resources
MSDN, online help, accessing
MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language)
multidimensional arrays 2nd
multidimensional arrays, jagged arrays
multidimensional arrays, rectangular arrays
Multiple Document Interface (MDI)
MustInherit keyword
MyBase keyword
narrowing cast
Nested If statements
New Breakpoint dialog (VS.NET)
New Breakpoint option (Debug menu, VS.NET)
New keyword
New Project dialog (VS.NET)
New Project dialog (VS.NET), creating a Windows application
newsgroups, VB.NET
Next statements
NOT operator
Nothing keyword
NotInheritable classes
number sign (#)
numeric expressions, converting
numeric types
numeric types, default value 2nd
O (apostrophe)
Object class
Object class, explicit derivation from
Object-Oriented Programming 2nd
object-oriented programming, analysis and design
object-oriented programming, creating models
object-oriented programming, defining classes
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