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Margenau H., Murphy G.M. — The mathematics of physics and chemistry |
Предметный указатель |
Transform of a group element 547
Transform of a matrix 317
Transformation, collineatory 317
Transformation, Congruent 317 322
Transformation, conjunctive 317
Transformation, linear 314
Transformation, orthogonal 324
Transformation, principal axis 326
Transformation, real orthogonal 317
Transformation, similarity 317 318
Transformation, unitary 317 564
Transients 43
Transition probability 402
Transition probability, forbidden 402
Translation 171
Translation of a molecule 291
Translation of a rigid body 285
Transmissioij coefficient of barrier 357
Transparency factor of a potential barrier 358
Transposition 558
Transpqsed matrix 308
Trapezoidal rule 477
Triple product, scalar 146
Triple product, vector 147
Triplet states 423
Tschebyscheff polynomial 74 132
Tschebyscheff polynomial, differential equation 73
Tunell 12
Tunnel effect 356
Turnbull 316 322
Two-body problem in quantum mechanics 413
Two-sided transformation 259
Uhlenbeck, electron spin 403
Umbral index 162
Uncertainty in angular momentum 350
Uncertainty principle 348 394
Unimodular unitary group 563
Unit element in group theory 545
Unit element in group theory, matrix 308
Unit element in group theory, vectors 140 174
Unitary group 562
Unitary group, matrix 310 330
Unitary group, transformation 317 564
Urey 429
Uspensky 519
V. Karman 270
V. Mises 216 244 267
V. Neumann 429
Valence bond coordinates 300
Value of a physical quantity, most probable 504
Value of a physical quantity, true 504
Van der Waals’ equation 5 24
Van der Waerden 585 586
Van Vleck 392 429
Variable, canonically conjugate 284
Variable, cogredient 318
Variable, contragredient 317
Variable, extensive 1
Variable, independent 32
Variable, intensive 1
Variable, thermodynamic 1
Variables, method of separation of 176
Variation 199
Variation theory of eigenvalue problems 270
Variational method 377
Variations, calculus of 198
Vector area 144
Vector area, aolenoidal 154
Vector area, axial 165
Vector area, column 305
Vector area, components of 137
Vector area, contravariant 162
Vector area, covariant 163
Vector area, curl of 152
Vector area, curvilinear component of 174
Vector area, differentiation of 148
Vector area, divergence of 151
Vector area, field 149
Vector area, integration 154
Vector area, irrotational 154
Vector area, length of 137
Vector area, linear 310
Vector area, magnitude of 137
Vector area, operator 174
Vector area, origin of 137
| Vector area, polar 164 604
Vector area, product 142
Vector area, pseudovector 165
Vector area, radius 153
Vector area, row 305
Vector area, space, Hermitian 328
Vector area, sum 141
Vector area, terminus of 137
Vector area, triple product 147
Vector area, unit 140 174
Vectors, base 193
Vectors, difference of 141
Vectors, linear independence of 311 312
Vectors, orthogonalization of 312
Vectors, products of three 146
Vectors, reciprocal 193
Vectors, scalar product of 141 311
Velocity of following 290
Velocity, absolute 289
Velocity, angular 145 285
Velocity, linear 145 285
Velocity, potential 217 224
Velocity, relative 289
Vena contracta 34
Vibrating sphere with node at surface 258
Vibrating sphere, string 208 247
Vibration problems 542
Vibrational energy of a molecule 294
Vibrational energy of a molecule, frequency of a molecule 296
Vibrations of a molecule 290
Vibrations, forces 542
Vibrations, normal mode of 296
Vivanti — Schwank 544
Volterra’s integral equation 520
Volume element 173
Volume element, integrals 156
Wade 171 332
Walter 430 576 585
Watson 80 96 136 180 543
Wattless current 56
Wave equation 212 228
Wave equation, Schroedinger 176
Wave equation, space form of 230 231
Wave length 230 247
Wave length, number 230
Wave length, packets 396
Waves in one dimension 231
Waves in three dimensions 232
Waves in two dimensions 231
Waves vs. particles 335
Waves, monochromatic 235
Waves, plane 229
Waves, spherical 230
Waves, standing 230
Weatherburn 171
Weaver 180
Webster 245
Weddle’s 478
Weddle’s rule 478
Weierstrass, definition of gamma function 95
Weierstrass, p-function 180
Weight of measurement 514
Wentzel 215
Weyl 330 582 586
Wheatstone bridge 314
Whittaker 80 96 180 282 287 326 495 497 519 543 566
Widder 267
Wiener 267
Wigner 287 328 560 562 564 582 586
Willers 519
Wilson, E. B. 141 163 193
Wilson, E. B., Jr. 177 299 320 367 382 387 429 519
Wintrier 305
Wolfsohn 119
Work content 13
Work content in thermodynamics 10
Work content, mechanical 142
Wu 296
Youden 519
Zachariasen 586
Zassenhaus 586
Zeeman effect, normal 392
Zemamky 1
Zernike 437
Zonal harmonic 66
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