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Margenau H., Murphy G.M. — The mathematics of physics and chemistry |
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Gradient, in tensor notation 195 196
Graeffe’s method, for roots of a polynomial 494
Graeffe’s method, solution of secular determinants 500
Gram determinant 134 312
gray 120 136
Green's theorems 161 242
Green’s formula 536
Green’s function 534
Green’s function, examples of 539
Green’s function, modified 537
Gregory’s formula 476
Group character, tables of 579
Group theory, applications of 581
Group, abelian 546
Group, alternating 558 561
Group, continuous 562
Group, crystallographic 574
Group, cubic 575
Group, cyclic 546 557
Group, definition of 545
Group, dihedral 572 573
Group, discrete 562
Group, factor 559
Group, full linear 562
Group, full, real orthogonal 569
Group, mixed continuous 562
Group, octahedral 575
Group, point 574
Group, quotient 559
Group, rotary reflection 570
Group, rotation 565
Group, special unitary (SUG) 563 567
Group, symmetric 558 561
Group, tetrahedral 575
Group, unimodular unitary 563
Group, unitary 562
Group, velocity 398
Growth, organic 33
Guggenheim 31
Hamel 543
Hamiltonian function 284
Hamiltonian function, operator 213 341
Hamiltonian function, operator, time dependent 396
Hamiltonian function, quantum mechanical 299
Hamilton’s canonical equations 284 443
Hamilton’s canonical equations, principle 204
Hankel function 76 118 525 594
Harmonic function 220
Harmonic function, motion 50
heat capacity 11 12
Heat capacity, conduction, differential equation of 237
Heat capacity, content 13
Heat capacity, flow 34 160
Heat capacity, linear 238
Heat capacity, two and three dimensions 240
Heine’s formula 109 110
Heisenberg 420 429
Heisenberg, matrix theory 371
Heisenberg, uncertainty principle 348
Heitler — London method 424
Helium atom, excited states 418
Helium atom, ionized 365
Helium atom, normal state of 380
Helmholtz’ equation 39 42
Helmholtz’ equation, free energy 451
Helmholtz’ equation, function 69
Hermite differential equation 76 121
Hermite differential equation, functions 121 124 359
Hermite differential equation, polynomial 76 121
Hermitian 329
Hermitian form 329
Hermitian form, conjugate 310
Hermitian form, matrix 310 329
Hermitian form, operator 269 344 374
Hermitian form, scalar product 329
Hermitian form, vector space 328
Hermitian, positive definite 317
Hermitian, quadratic 317
Hermitian, semi-definite 317
Herzberg 296 297 299 300 496 576
Heterogeneous equilibrium 26
Hettinger 543
Hicks 500
High eigenvalues, distribution of 274
hilbert 267 270 277 279 281 528 543
Hilbert — Schmidt method for integral equations 528
Hobson 136 172 191 480
Homo-polar binding 424
Homogeneous equations 313
Homogeneous equations, gas reactions 36
Homogeneous equations, integral equation 527
Homogeneous equations, polynomial 317
Homogeneous, meaning of term 45
Horn 543
Horner’s method for roots of a polynomial 494
Householder 519
Houston 429
Howard 299
Hughes 413
Hydrodynamics 171 180 190
Hydrogen atom 129 131
Hydrogen molecular ion 385
hydrogen molecule 424
Hyperbolic functions 187
Hypergeometric equation 72 370
Hypergeometric equation, series 72
Ideal gas 24
Ideal gas, ensemble for 442
Image, electrical 228
Implicit function 6
Improper rotation 325 569
Ince 88
Independent systems, quantum mechanics of 414
Index of subgroup 548
Index precision 441 505
Index umbral 162
Index, dummy 162
Indicial equation 61
Indistinguishable objects, arrangements of 432
Inductance 42
Inertia, moment of 286
Inertia, product of 286
Infinite potential hole 352
Inhomogeneous differential equation 242
Inhomogeneous differential equation, equations 313
Inhomogeneous differential equation, integral equation 526
Inner product of vectors 141
Inner product of vectors, tensors 166
Integral and differential equations, relation of 532
Integral equation, Abel’s 541
Integral equation, definition of 520
Integral equation, eigenfunctions of 527
Integral equation, Fredholm’s 520
Integral equation, homogeneous 527
Integral equation, inhomogeneous 526
Integral equation, kernel of 520
Integral equation, linear 520
Integral equation, non-linear 520
Integral equation, of the third kind 520
Integral equation, resolvent of 522
Integral equation, Schmidt — Hilbert method for 528
Integral equation, solution of 521
Integral equation, summary of methods of solution 532
Integral equation, use of 532
Integral equation, Volterra’s 520
Integral, elliptic 180
Integral, line 155
Integral, surface 156
Integral, volume 156
Integrating denominator 28 29 84
| Integrating denominator, factor 41
Integration 261
Integration, numerical 473
Integration, vector 154
Intensive variable 1
Internal energy 11 451
Interpolation for equal values of the argument 467
Interpolation for equal values of the argument, unequal values of the argument 470
Interpolation formula 469
Interpolation formula, Bessel’s 470
Interpolation formula, differentiation 472
Interpolation formula, Lagrange’s 470
Interpolation formula, Newton’s 469
Interpolation formula, Stirling’s 470
Interpolation, inverse 471
Interpolation, two-way 471
Invariance of wave equation 582
Invariant 163
Invariant, subgroup 548
Inverse of a group element 545
Inverse of a group element, interpolation 471
inversion 569
Irreducible representations and eigenvalues 582
Isomorphism 549
Isoperimetric problems 209
Isothermal process 12
Isotope effect 413
Iterated kernels 522
Iteration method for algebraic equations 493
Iteration method for algebraic equations, differential equations 484
Iteration method for algebraic equations, solution of secular determinant 503
Jacobi polynomial 74 370
Jacobians 17 18
Jacobians, elliptic functions 180
Jaeger 266 267
Jahnke 98 120 254
James 424 503
Jeans 190
Jeffreys, B. S. 281 498
Jeffreys, H. 267 281 498 519
Jensen 352
JORDAN 328 429
Joule — Thomson coefficient 23
Kamke 88 120
Kellogg 180
Kemble 279 429
Kepler’s law 206
Kernel, eigenvalues of 527
Kernel, infinite 524
Kernel, iterated 522
Kernel, of an integral equation 520
kernel, symmetric 528
Kimball 430 576 585
kinetic energy 283
Klein and Cayley parameters 566
Klotz 31
Kneser 215 544
Kohn 503
Kolmogorov 519
Kowalewski 332 543 544 586
kron 171
Kronecker delta 105 124 163 308 341
Kurosh 586
Kutta — Runge method for differential equations 486
Lagrange’s equations of motion 283
Lagrange’s equations of motion, generalized coordinates 283
Lagrange’s equations of motion, interpolation formula 470
Lagrange’s equations of motion, method of undetermined multipliers 210
Lagrange’s equation^ of 283
Lagrangian equations 206
Lagrangian equations, function 205 283
Lagrangian equations, multipliers 209
Laguerre differential equation 77
Laguerre differential equation, associated 78 128 132
Laguerre differential equation, function 126
Laguerre differential equation, polynomial 77 126 132
Lanczos 215
Land 6 27 429
Language, classical 335
Laplace 525
Laplace transformation 259 260 596
Laplace, pairs 266
Laplace’s equation 161 208 237
Laplace’s equation in 2 dimensions 218
Laplace’s equation in 3 dimensions 220
Laplace’s equation, applications 217 224 226
Laplacian 153
Laplacian in cylindrical coordinates 191
Laplacian in spherical polar coordinates 191
Laplacian in tensor notation 197
Las s 171
Latent heat of change of pressure 11
Laurent series 92
Laurent series, theorem of residues 92
Laurent theorem residues 91 92
Law, Gauss distribution 504
Law, Newton’s 191 282
Least action, principle of 215
Least squares, principle of 506
Ledermann 586
Legendre coefficient 66
Legendre coefficient, differential equation 61 98 540
Legendre coefficient, functions, associated 234
Legendre coefficient, polynomial, roots of 480
Legendre coefficient, polynomials 66 98 104 105 132 227 270
Lehrman 17
Leibnitz 202
Lense 216
Lerman 17
Levy 483
Lindsay 207 273 431 439 443 466
Line of force 45
Line, coordinate 172 192
Line, element 173 192
Line, integral 1 8 155
Linear dependence 132
Linear dependence, equation 313
Linear dependence, equations, numerical solution of simultaneous 497
Linear dependence, independence of vectors 311
Linear dependence, integral equation 520
Linear dependence, momentum in quantum mechanics 338
Linear dependence, substitution operators 260 406
Linear dependence, transformation 306 314 315
Linear dependence, variation functions, method of 383
Linear dependence, vector space 311
Linear dependence, velocity 145 285
Liouville series 521
Liouville — Neumann series 521
Liouville — Neumann series, Sturm equation 534
Liouville — Neumann series, theorem 444
Lithium doubly ionized 365
Littlewood 552 554 586
London 424
longitude 177
Lovitt 522 537 544
MacDougall 1
MacDuffee 332
Maclaurin expansion 99 446
Maclaurin, Formula of Euler and 474
MacMillan 180
MacRobert 136
Magnetic field 408
Magnetic moment of electron 403
Magnus 136 177 252 267
Many-body problem 411
Margenau 119 207 273 352
Marschall 430
Mason 180
Massey 430
Mathews 120 136
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