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Kandal A., Sugalski D., Tutsch L. — Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials |
Предметный указатель |
! (bang) 2nd
! (not)
!= (not equal)
# (hash sign)
$ sigil
% (modulus) operator 2nd
% (percent sign) 2nd
% sigil
%= (modulus assignment)
%flags hash
& (ampersand) 2nd 3rd
& (bitwise AND) instruction (PIR)
&& (logical AND)
&& (logical AND), opcode
&& (logical AND), operator
&= (bitwise AND assignment) instruction (PIR)
* (asterisk) 2nd 3rd
* (multiplication)
* (multiplication), opcode
* (multiplication), operator
** (exponentiation)
** (exponentiation), opcode
** (exponentiation), operator
*= (multiplication assignment)
+ (addition)
+ (addition), opcode
+ (addition), operator
+ (plus sign) 2nd
++ (postfix autoincrement) operators
+= (addition assignment)
- (hyphen) 2nd 3rd
- (negation)
- (subtraction)
- (subtraction), opcode
- (subtraction), operator
- - (autodecrement) operators
-= (subtraction assignment)
. (concatenation) instruction (PIR)
. (dot)
.= (concatenation assignment) instruction (PIR)
.arg directive
.cglobalonst directive
.const directive 2nd
.constant directive
.dump method
.elems method
.emit directive
.end directive
.endm directive
.eom directive
.flatten_arg directive
.include directive
.invocant directive
.keys method
.local directive
.local statement
.macro directive
.meth_call directive
.namespace directive
.nci_call directive
.param directive
.pcc_begin directive
.pcc_begin_return directive
.pcc_begin_yield directive
.pcc_call directive
.pcc_sub directive 2nd
.pragma directive
.result directive
.return directive
.sub directive 2nd
.sym directive
.values method
.wrap method
/ (division)
/ (division), opcode
/ (slash)
// operator
/= (division assignment)
:= (binding) operator
< (left angle bracket) 2nd 3rd 4th
< (less than)
<. . .> (assertion delimiters)
<< (bitwise left shift)
<<= (bitwise left shift assignment)
<= (less than or equal)
<null> rule
<prior> rule
= (assignment) instruction (PIR)
= (assignment) operator
= (equal sign) 2nd
== (equality) instruction (PIR)
> (greater than)
> (right angle bracket) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
>= (greater than or equal)
>> (bitwise right shift)
>>= (bitwise right shift assignment)
>>> (logical right shift)
>>>= (logical right shift assignment)
@ sigil
abs opcode (PASM)
absolute addresses
Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
accessibility, attributes
accessibility, numbered capture variables
acos opcode (PASM)
adaptability, principle of
Add opcode 2nd
addattribute opcode 2nd
addition (+) operator
addparent opcode (PASM)
addr instruction (PIR)
aggregates, PMCs
alarm( ) request
allocation, garbage collection
allocation, registers, spilling
alternate option syntax pairs 2nd [See also syntax]
and opcode 2nd
AND relation
anonymous arrayref constructor ([...])
anonymous classes
anonymous hash reference constructor ({...})
anonymous pairs, named argument passing
anonymous rules matching 2nd [See also rules]
anonymous subroutines
architecture, bytecode loader
architecture, compiler module
architecture, continuations
architecture, coroutines
architecture, design
architecture, events
architecture, garbage collection
architecture, I/O
architecture, interpreter module 2nd
architecture, multimethod dispatching
architecture, objects
architecture, optimizer module
architecture, parser module
architecture, signals
architecture, threads
arguments, floating-point operations
arguments, pairs, passing as
| arguments, positional
arguments, subroutines
arguments, use of ^ (caret)
arithmetic operators
arithmetic operators, junctions
arrays, assertions
arrays, list context
arrays, matching
arrays, one-element
arrays, PMCs
arrays, strings, splitting
arrow operator
asec opcode (PASM)
asin opcode (PASM)
assembler code
assembly compiler module 2nd [See also PASM]
assertions, delimiters (< . . .>)
assertions, rules
assign opcode (PASM)
assignment, = operator
assignment, arrays to lists
assignment, binding, curried subroutines
assignment, PMCs
assignment, registers
AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)
Asynchronous I/O
atan opcode (PASM)
attributes, classes, PASM
attributes, objects
attributes, private
autodecrement (- -) operators
automatic referencing
backtracking patterns
band opcode (PASM)
bands opcode (PASM)
bare blocks
Bergman, Artur
binary junction operators
binary logical operators
binary math opcodes
binding, curried subroutines
binding, operators
bitwise operations, PASM
Bitwise operators
blocks, bare
blocks, class declarations
blocks, control structures
blocks, definitions
blocks, macros
bnot opcode (PASM)
bnots opcode (PASM)
Boolean context
bor opcode (PASM)
borrowing, principles of
bors opcode (PASM)
bounds opcode (PASM)
branch opcode (PASM)
branches, flow control
branch_cs opcode (PASM)
bsr opcode 2nd
bug tracking
bugs, reporting
BUILD method
built-in quantifiers
built-in rules
built-in types, scalars
bxor opcode (PASM)
bxors opcode (PASM)
bytecode, interpreter options (Parrot)
bytecode, loader
bytecode, PASM
C extensions
call instruction (PIR)
calling, conventions, PASM
calling, fail function
callmethod opcode (PASM)
callmethodcc opcode (PASM)
calls, indirect objects
calls, lexically scoped subroutines
calls, Parrot-calling conventions
calls, private attributes
calls, stack-based subroutine
calls, subroutines
calls, subroutines, anonymous
calls, subroutines, curried
calls, subroutines, Lvalue
calls, subroutines, multiple
calls, subroutines, wrapped
can opcode (PASM)
caret (^), placeholder variables
CATCH block
ceil opcode (PASM)
chained comparison operators
characters, assertions
characters, compression, Huffman coding
characters, converting
characters, escape sequences
characters, metacharacters
characters, metacharacters, backtracking
characters, metacharacters, escape sequences
characters, sets
checkevents opcode (PASM)
chopn opcode 2nd
chr opcode 2nd
class opcode (PASM)
classes, anonymous
classes, attributes, PASM
classes, built-in rules
classes, characters, assertions
classes, composition
classes, conflicts
classes, declarations
classes, declarations, objects
classes, declarations, PASM
classes, defining
classes, delegation
classes, inheritance 2nd
classes, lexically scoped
classes, methods, PASM
classes, mixed class-type support
classes, package-scoped subroutines
classes, private/public methods
classes, roles
classes/ directory
classname opcode (PASM)
classoffset opcode 2nd
cleari opcode (PASM)
clearn opcode (PASM)
clearp opcode (PASM)
clears opcode (PASM)
clone opcode 2nd
close opcode (PASM)
closing files
closures, PASM
Реклама |