Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Kandal A., Sugalski D., Tutsch L. — Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials |
Предметный указатель |
savetop opcode (PASM)
saving registers
scalars, context 2nd 3rd
scalars, values, matching
scope, lexical, closures
scope, nested
scope, subroutines
scratchpads, nested
sec opcode (PASM)
sech opcode (PASM)
seek opcode 2nd
selection control structures
sequences, escape
sequences, Huffman coding
set opcode 2nd 3rd
setattribute opcode (PASM)
seti_ind opcode (PASM)
setn_ind opcode (PASM)
setprop opcode (PASM)
setp_ind opcode (PASM)
sets_ind opcode (PASM)
set_addr opcode
set_addr opcode (PASM)
set_addrop code
set_chartype opcode (PASM)
set_eh opcode (PASM)
set_encoding opcode (PASM)
shift opcode (PASM)
shl opcode (PASM)
shortcuts, curried subroutines
shortcuts, printing
shortcuts, typed variables
shr opcode (PASM)
sigils, $
sigils, %
sigils, @
Signals 2nd
signatures, multi keyword
signatures, NCI functions
signatures, subroutines
simple loops
simplicity, principle of
sin opcode (PASM)
single values, scalar context
single-character modifiers
singleton opcode (PASM)
sinh opcode (PASM)
size modifier
sizeof opcode (PASM)
sleep opcode (PASM)
smart-match (~~) operators 2nd
snapshots, CVS repositories
source code 2nd [See also code]
source code, compiler module
source code, compiling
source code, interpreter module 2nd
source code, macros
source code, obtaining
source code, optimizer module
source code, parser module
spawnw opcode (PASM)
Spier, Robert
spilling, registers
splice opcode (PASM)
splitting strings
sprintf opcode 2nd
stack-based subroutine calls
stacks, PASM
statements, .local
statements, if
statements, PIR
statements, switch
statements, unless
store_global opcode (PASM)
store_lex opcode 2nd
stringinfo opcode (PASM)
strings 2nd 3rd 4th
strings, bitwise operators
strings, chopping
strings, code, evaluating
Strings, concatenation 2nd
strings, context
strings, copying
strings, formatting
strings, joining
strings, length of
strings, PASM
strings, repeating
strings, scalars
strings, splitting
strings, substrings
strings, substrings, testing
string_chartype opcode (PASM)
string_encoding opcode (PASM)
structures, control (syntax)
stubs, subroutines
sub keyword
sub opcode (PASM)
subclass opcode 2nd
submethods, multi keyword
submethods, objects
submissions, patches
subroutines 2nd
subroutines, anonymous
subroutines, arguments
subroutines, assertions
subroutines, closures
subroutines, continuations
subroutines, coroutines 2nd
subroutines, curried
subroutines, dispatches
subroutines, Lvalue
subroutines, macros
subroutines, matching
subroutines, multi keyword
subroutines, multiple
subroutines, objects
subroutines, parameters
subroutines, PASM
subroutines, PIR
subroutines, scope
subroutines, stubs
subroutines, wrapped
substr opcode 2nd
substr_r opcode (PASM)
subtraction (-) operator
Sugalski, Dan
sweep opcode (PASM)
sweepoff opcode (PASM)
sweepon opcode (PASM)
switch statement
| symbol operators 2nd
symbol operators, PIR
synchronous I/O
Synopsis (development cycle)
syntax, AST
syntax, control structures
syntax, handles keyword
syntax, object declaration
syntax, operators
syntax, operators, arithmetic
syntax, operators, assignment
syntax, operators, binding
syntax, operators, bitwise
syntax, operators, comparison
syntax, operators, conditional
syntax, operators, context forcing
syntax, operators, hyper
syntax, operators, junctions
syntax, operators, lists
syntax, operators, logical
syntax, operators, references
syntax, operators, smart-match (~~)
syntax, operators, strings
syntax, operators, zip
syntax, PASM
syntax, principle of reuse
syntax, rules 2nd 3rd
syntax, rules, assertions
syntax, rules, backtracking
syntax, rules, built-in
syntax, rules, escape sequences
syntax, rules, hypothetical variables
syntax, rules, quantifiers
syntax, variables
syntax, variables, arrays
syntax, variables, context
syntax, variables, hashes
syntax, variables, pairs
syntax, variables, properties
syntax, variables, references
syntax, variables, scalars
syntax, variables, types
sysinfo opcode (PASM)
tan opcode (PASM)
tanh opcode (PASM)
tell opcode (PASM)
temp blocks
temporary registers, PIR
testing, PASM
testing, substrings
text strings 2nd [See also strings]
thaw opcode (PASM)
thread3 method
threads, PASM
throw opcode (PASM)
ticket tracking system
time opcode (PASM)
titlecase opcode (PASM)
top-level directories
Totsch, Leopold
TQueue object
trace opcode (PASM)
tracking bugs
traits, subroutines, defining
traits, variables
transcode opcode (PASM)
translatable versioning
translation, strings
trees, AST
trees, parse, returning macros
trigonometric opcodes
typed parameters
typed variables, shortcuts
typeof opcode (PASM)
types, morphing
types, variables
unary arithmetic operators
unary context forcing operators
unary math opcodes
Unicode encodings
Unicode property classes, built-in rules
Unix signals
unless (conditional)
unless (conditional), instruction (PIR)
unless (conditional), opcode (PASM)
unless statement
unordered collections, hashed
unpin opcode (PASM)
unregister opcode (PASM)
unshift opcode (PASM)
upcase opcode (PASM)
usability, long-term
user stacks 2nd
valid_type opcode (PASM)
values, default, parameters
values, hashlist context
values, list context
values, Lvalue subroutines
values, operators
values, operators, arithmetic
values, operators, assignment
values, operators, binding
values, operators, bitwise
values, operators, comparison
values, operators, conditional
values, operators, context forcing
values, operators, hyper
values, operators, junctions
values, operators, lists
values, operators, logical
values, operators, references
values, operators, smart-match (~~)
values, operators, strings
values, operators, zip
values, properties
values, return, parameters
values, scalar
values, scalar, context
values, scalar, matching
values, types
van der Sanden, Hugo
van Rossum, Guido
variable-length sequences, Huffman coding
Variables 2nd 3rd
variables, arrays
variables, context
variables, global, PASM
variables, hashes
variables, hypothetical
variables, lexical, PASM 2nd
variables, pairs
variables, placeholder
variables, PMCs
variables, properties
variables, references
variables, scalars
variables, typed, shortcuts
variables, types
variadic arguments, order constraints
Реклама |