Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Kandal A., Sugalski D., Tutsch L. — Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials |
Предметный указатель |
has keyword, attribute declarations
hash sign (#)
hashes, assertions
hashes, matching
hashes, parameters
hashes, PMCs
hashlist context 2nd
hav opcode (PASM)
hierarchical data structures, value types
Huffman coding
hyper operators
hypothetical variables
if (conditional)
if (conditional), instruction (PIR)
if (conditional), opcode (PASM)
If statement
immediate matches, rules
implicit variable types
inc opcode (PASM) 2nd
include files, iterator.pasm
index opcode (PASM)
indexed access to PMC (PIR)
indexes, arrays
indexes, hashes
indexes, variables, storing
indirect objects
inheritance, classes, PASM
inheritance, objects
inheritance, public methods
initialization, objects
instance variables [See attributes]
instruction (PIR) 2nd
Int value types
integers, bitwise operators
integers, context
integers, PASM
integers, PASM, registers
integers, registers
integers, scalars
Interfaces 2nd
interfaces, generic objects
interfaces, NCI
internal modifiers
internal revision (development cycle)
internals development
interpinfo opcode (PASM)
interpolation, syntax rules
interpreter module 2nd
invocants, objects
invocants, passing
invoke opcode (PASM)
invokecc opcode 2nd
isa opcode (PASM)
isnull opcode (PASM)
is_null opcode
iteration, control structures
iteration, flow control
iterators, PMCs
join opcode 2nd
jsr opcode (PASM)
jump opcode 2nd
jumps, flow control
junctions, matching
junctions, operators
keywords, handles
keywords, has
keywords, multi
keywords, returns
keywords, role
keywords, sub 2nd
Languages 2nd [See also PASM]
languages, design 2nd
languages, design, architecture
languages, design, cognitive/linguistic considerations
languages, design, cultural influences of
languages, design, Huffman coding
languages, design, principle of adaptability
languages, design, principle of borrowing
languages, design, principle of context
languages, design, principle of distinction
languages, design, principle of DWIM
languages, design, principle of end weight
languages, design, principle of freedom
languages, design, principle of prominence
languages, design, principle of reuse
languages, design, principle of simplicity
languages, design, syntax [See syntax]
languages, design, waterbed theory of complexity
languages, development
languages, modular design
languages, OO (object-oriented)
languages, optimizing
languages, rules
languages, yacc grammars
lazy list context
lcm opcode (PASM)
le (less than or equal) opcode (PASM)
length opcode 2nd
let blocks
lexical scope, closures
lexical variables, PASM 2nd
lexically scoped classes
lexically scoped subroutines
le_num opcode (PASM)
le_str opcode (PASM)
lib/ directory
linguistic language design considerations
lists, context 2nd
lists, for loops
lists, hyper operators
lists, matching
lists, operators
lists, pairs, named argument passing
lists, parameters
ln opcode (PASM)
loading bytecode 2nd
loadlib opcode (PASM)
local labels
localtime opcode (PASM)
log10 opcode (PASM)
log2 opcode (PASM)
logical operations, PASM
logical operators
long-term usability
lookback opcode (PASM)
loops, breaking out of
loops, flow control
loops, for
loops, simple
loops, while
lsr opcode (PASM)
lt (less than) opcode (PASM)
lt_num opcode (PASM)
lt_str opcode (PASM)
| Lvalue subroutines
m// operator
mailing lists
mailing lists, p61 2nd 3rd
mailing lists, p61, joining
mailing lists, p61, patch submissions
mailing lists, Ponie
matching, arrays
matching, assertions
matching, bytecode
matching, deferred matches, rules
matching, hashes
matching, hypothetical variables
matching, immediate matches, rules
matching, junctions
matching, lists
matching, objects
matching, quantifiers
matching, scalar values
matching, subroutines
matching, ~~ (smart-match) operator
math operations, PASM
memory, bytecode
memory, garbage collection
metacharacters, backtracking
metacharacters, escape sequences
methods, .dump
methods, .elems
methods, .keys
methods, .values
methods, .wrap
methods, BUILD
methods, BUILDALL
methods, classes, PASM
methods, coroutines
methods, Create
methods, multi keyword
methods, multimethod dispatching
methods, new
methods, objects
methods, overriding
methods, pick
methods, PIR
methods, private
methods, public
methods, thread3
methods, _ _init
migration, Ponie
mixed class-type support
mixins 2nd
mmdvtfind opcode (PASM)
mmdvtregister opcode (PASM)
mod opcode (PASM)
modifiers, size
modular design
modules, compiler
modules, interpreter 2nd
modules, optimizer
modules, package-scoped subroutines
modules, parser
modulus (%) operator
morphing, type
mul opcode (PASM)
multi keyword
multicharacter strings, converting
multimethod dispatching
multiple dispatch, objects
multiple subroutines
multiplication (*) operator
my blocks
named arguments
named arguments, passing
named constants, PIR
named parameters
named parameters, default values
named variables, PIR
names, patches
names, subroutines
namespaces, block definitions
Native Call Interface (NCI)
NCI (Native Call Interface)
ne (not equal) opcode (PASM)
needs_destroy opcode (PASM)
neg opcode (PASM)
nested scope
new features
new method
new opcode 2nd
newclass opcode 2nd
newsub opcode (PASM)
new_callback opcode (PASM)
new_pad opcode (PASM)
ne_addr opcode (PASM)
ne_num opcode (PASM)
ne_str opcode (PASM)
nonflattening-list context
noop opcode (PASM)
not opcode 2nd
null opcode (PASM)
numeric bitwise shift operators
numeric context
numeric quantifiers
object-oriented (OO) languages
objects, attributes
objects, construction
objects, context
objects, declarations
objects, delegation
objects, design
objects, destruction
objects, indirect
objects, inheritance
objects, initialization
objects, matching
objects, methods
objects, multiple dispatch
objects, opcodes
objects, pairs, hashlist context
objects, Parrot
objects, ParrotIO
objects, ParrotThread
objects, PerlUndef
objects, private/public methods
objects, scalars
objects, submethods
objects, subroutines
objects, timers
objects, TQueue
one-element lists
OO (object-oriented) languages
opcodes, bitwise
opcodes, branches
opcodes, PASM 2nd
open opcode (PASM) 2nd
opening files
operators, % (modulus)
operators, && (logical AND)
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