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Morrison M. — Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours
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Название: Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours
Автор: Morrison M.
Аннотация: The third edition of Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours, Complete Starter Kit is everything you need to know about the XML language and how to use it in practical, innovative applications. Understanding the syntax of XML is only a small part of the learning process; understanding how to apply it is the larger part of the learning process, and is the primary focus of this book. It covers a broad range of topics, and wil show you how to use XML to mine data on the web, how to use it to interact with existing data services such as iTunes and Google, and how to use it in applications such as e-books, online speech synthesis, and multimedia. Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours, Complete Starter Kit, Third Edition will teach you what you need to know to get up and running with XML and more importantly, how to do cool things with it!
Рубрика: Технология /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Издание: third edition
Год издания: 2005
Количество страниц: 576
Добавлена в каталог: 23.08.2007
Операции: Положить на полку |
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URNs (Universal Resource Names)
URNs, versus URIs/URLs
user input, WML documents, retrieving 2nd
user input, WML documents, Retrieving Information from the User (Listing 23.8) 2nd
Using WML to Select a Movie Theatre (Listing 23.4) 2nd 3rd
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time
UTF-16 values, character encoding scheme in documents 2nd
UTF-8 values, character encoding scheme in documents 2nd
valid documents 2nd
validating parsers 2nd
validating, iTunes music library files (DTDs)
validating, RSS news feeds
validating, website sitemaps 2nd 3rd
validating, XHTML documents 2nd 3rd
validating, XHTML documents, preparations for 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
validating, XSL-FO documents 2nd
validation tools, DTDs, Brown University's Scholarly Technology Group 2nd
validation tools, DTDs, oXygen XML Editor 2nd
validation tools, DTDs, XMLSpy Home Edition
validation tools, STG XML Validation Form
validation tools, W3C Validator for XML Schema
validation tools, W3C XHTML Validation Service
validation tools, XML Schema Validator
validation tools, XSD, oXygen XML Editor 2nd
validation tools, XSD, W3C Validator for XML Schema 2nd
validation tools, XSD, XML Schema Validator
validation, document parsers 2nd
validation, document rules 2nd
validation, standalone tools 2nd 3rd
validation, web-based tools 2nd 3rd
values as XML component 2nd
values, document attributes 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, A Rectangle That Uses CSS for a Little More Style (Listing 6.4) 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, A Simple SVG Ellipse (Listing 6.5) 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, A Simple SVG Line (Listing 6.6) 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, A Simple SVG Rectangle (Listing 6.3) 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, A Star and Pentagon Drawn Using polygon Elements (Listing 6.7) 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, Adobe SVG Viewer 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, Amaya web browser
vector graphics, SVG, An SVG Document Embedded in an HTML Web Page (Listing 6.11) 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, An SVG Document with Height and Width Set (Listing 6.2) 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, Apache Batik application
vector graphics, SVG, Basic SVG Document That Creates a Circle (Listing 6.1) 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, benefits of
vector graphics, SVG, circle element 2nd 3rd 4th
vector graphics, SVG, compound shapes
vector graphics, SVG, coordinate systems 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, CorelDraw application
vector graphics, SVG, CSS style properties 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, Document Type Definitions (DTDs) 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, document viewing methods
vector graphics, SVG, drawings creation 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th
vector graphics, SVG, ellipse element 2nd 3rd
vector graphics, SVG, external bitmap images 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, Firefox web browser
vector graphics, SVG, Flash to SVG Converter tool
vector graphics, SVG, free-standing text creation 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, line element 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, linearGradient element 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, Macromedia Flash 2nd 3rd
vector graphics, SVG, MIME type
vector graphics, SVG, namespace
vector graphics, SVG, OpenOffice application
vector graphics, SVG, Opera web browser
vector graphics, SVG, path element 2nd 3rd
vector graphics, SVG, paths creation 2nd 3rd
vector graphics, SVG, polygon element 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, polyline element 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, polyline Element Results in the Star and Pentagon Shapes Not Quite Materializing (Listing 6.8) 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, primitive vector shapes 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, radialGradient element 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, reasons to learn language
vector graphics, SVG, rect element 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
vector graphics, SVG, root element 2nd 3rd
vector graphics, SVG, SVG Basic (SVGB) standard 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, SVG Tiny (SVGT) standard 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, text along path creation 2nd 3rd
vector graphics, SVG, text element 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, Text That Is Associated with a Path (Listing 6.10) 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, textPath element 2nd 3rd
vector graphics, SVG, Vector Markup Language (VML) 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, vector text 2nd
vector graphics, SVG, W3C specifications
vector graphics, versus bitmap graphics 2nd
Vector Markup Language (VML), demise of
vector text, SVG drawings 2nd
vectors, SVG, Code for an SVG Path That Was Exported from Adobe Illustrator (Listing 6.9) 2nd
Veggie Filter Sample HTML Document (Listing 21.2) 2nd 3rd 4th
Veggie Filter Sample HTML Document That Was Converted by Hand (Listing 21.3) 2nd 3rd
Vehicles Example XML Document (Listing 12.3) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
vehicles.xsl Style Sheet Used to Transform and Format the Vechicles XML Document (Listing 12.4) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
versions (XML), latest
vertical-align property (CSS) 2nd 3rd
Vervet Logic Web XML Pro
Vex, XML editing functions 2nd
viewers, SVG
W3C Markup Validation Service
W3C Validator for XML Schema tool, sitemap validation functions 2nd 3rd
W3C Validator for XML Schema, XSD validation tool 2nd
W3C Validator Service, XHTML documents, validating 2nd 3rd
W3C website, DOM development
W3C website, DOM language bindings
W3C website, DOM specifications
W3C website, HTML Slidy tool
W3C website, HTML Tidy tool
W3C website, XHTML 1.1 specifications
W3C website, XHTML Validator Service 2nd 3rd
W3C website, XPath functions
W3C website, XPath specifications
W3C website, XQuery resources
W3C website, XSL-FO namespace
W3C website, XSLT functions listing
W3C website, XSLT namespace 2nd
W3C, CSS specifications
W3C, latest XML version
W3C, MathML resources
W3C, OWL resources
W3C, P3P resources
W3C, RDF resources
W3C, recommendations, versus specifications 2nd
W3C, SMIL resources
W3C, SOAP resources
W3C, specifications, versus recommendations 2nd
W3C, SVG namespaces
W3C, SVG resources
W3C, SVG specificiations
W3C, WSDL resources
W3C, XML in 10 Points web page
W3C, XSD specification
W3C, XSL-FO, development of 2nd 3rd
W3Schools.com, SQL learning resources
WAP (Wireless Applciation Protocol)
WAP Forum website, WML advanced topics
WAP Forum, WML specifications 2nd
WAP Forum, WML specifications, viewing 2nd
WAP, based on WML
WAP, version evolution
Wapaka microbrowser, WML documents
Wapaka microbrowser, WML documents, testing
Waptiger WBMP Converter
web browsers, CSS text formatting support
web browsers, iTunes music library, viewing through 2nd 3rd
web browsers, WML, support for
web browsers, XHTML Mobile, support for
web browsers, XHTML, schema enforcement
web browsers, XSL-FO support
web crawlers 2nd 3rd
web crawlers, Google Sitemaps features 2nd 3rd 4th
web crawlers, Google Sitemaps features, page submission process
Web Ontology Language [See OWL]
web pages, An HTML Page That Prints All of the Nodes in an XML Document (16.3) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
web pages, HTML, versus XHTML coding rules
web pages, listings, An HTML Page That Prints the Condominium Document as a Formatted Listing (16.5) 2nd 3rd 4th
web pages, OWL
web pages, Query to Format Training Sessions into an HTML Document (Listing 18.5), XQuery example 2nd
web pages, submitting to Google Sitemaps
web pages, SVG drawings, embedding 2nd
web pages, XHTML, A Skeletal XHTML Document (Listing 21.1) 2nd
web pages, XHTML, creating 2nd
web pages, XHTML, development of
web pages, XHTML, migration of HTML developers 2nd 3rd
web pages, XHTML, validating 2nd
web pages, XHTML, validation of 2nd 3rd
web pages, XHTML, validation preparations 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
web pages, XHTML, versus HTML coding rules
web pages, XML data, binding to 2nd 3rd 4th
web pages, XML, combining with HTML 2nd
Web Services Description Language [See WSDL]
Web Viewer (iTunes), creating 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th
web-based validation tools 2nd 3rd
WebMonkey website
websites, Adobe.com, SVG resources
websites, Altova.com
websites, Apache.org, Xerces (SAX parser), downloading 2nd
websites, Apple.com, DTD online access
websites, Apple.com, online podcast tutorial
websites, Apple.com, RSS news aggregators
websites, Bloglines.com, RSS news aggregators
websites, CARFAX.com
websites, CPAN.org, libxml (SAX parser), downloading
websites, DevX XML
websites, DigitalAirways.com, Wapaka microbrowser
websites, FeedDemon.com, RSS news aggregators 2nd 3rd
websites, Flatland.com, GeoCoder 2nd
websites, Google Maps
websites, GoogleNews.com, RSS news aggregators
websites, Gotdot.net
websites, Haury & Smith Properties mapping example
websites, HumanMarkup.org
websites, iTunes
websites, iTunes Affiliates
websites, MichaelMorrison.com, book code listings
websites, MichaelMorrison.com, code downloads
websites, Microsoft Developers Network
websites, NewsGator.com, RSS news aggregators 2nd 3rd
websites, NewsIsFree.com, RSS news aggregators
websites, Nokia.com, Mobile Browser Simulator
websites, OFX.net
websites, Open eBook
websites, Open Mobile Alliance
websites, OpenOffice.org
websites, Openwave.com, SDK WML document tester
websites, oXygenXML.com
websites, PHP.net
websites, RELAXNG.org
websites, RPBourret.com, XML database products
websites, Sage.com, RSS news aggregators
websites, SAXProject.org
websites, sitemap creation, Complete Sitemap Document for My Web Site (Listing 20.1) 2nd 3rd 4th
websites, sitemaps, automatic generation of 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
websites, sitemaps, submitting to Google 2nd 3rd
websites, sitemaps, validating 2nd 3rd
websites, SportsML
websites, STG XML Validation Form
websites, StylusStudio.com
websites, The XML Files
websites, Tibco-Ext.com
websites, UDDI.org
websites, Vervet.com
websites, W3C, CSS specifications
websites, W3C, DOM specifications
websites, W3C, HTML Slidy tool
websites, W3C, HTML Tidy tool 2nd
websites, W3C, ISO 8061 standard
websites, W3C, latest XML specifications
websites, W3C, MathML resources
websites, W3C, OWL resources
websites, W3C, P3P resources
websites, W3C, RDF resources
websites, W3C, SMIL resources
websites, W3C, SOAP resources
websites, W3C, specification resources 2nd
websites, W3C, SVG namespaces
websites, W3C, SVG resources 2nd
websites, W3C, Validator for XML Schema
websites, W3C, WSDL resources
websites, W3C, XHTML 1.1 specification
websites, W3C, XHTML Validation Service
websites, W3C, XHTML Validator Service 2nd 3rd
websites, W3C, XPath functions
websites, W3C, XPath specifications
websites, W3C, XQuery resources
websites, W3C, XSD specification
websites, W3C, XSLT functions listing
websites, W3C, XSLT namespace 2nd
websites, W3Schools.com, SQL learning resources
websites, WAP Forum, WML advanced topics
websites, WAP Forum, WML specifications 2nd
websites, WebMonkey
websites, Wikipedia
websites, WinWAP.com, test browser downloads
websites, XBRL.org
websites, XML at About.com
websites, XML Pitstop
websites, XML Spy
websites, XML Writer
websites, XML.com
websites, XMLforall.com
websites, XMLNews.org
websites, XMLResources.com
websites, Yahoo! Flickr Photo Service
well-formed documents 2nd
WHERE clause (SQL), records, search filtering 2nd 3rd
whitespace, coding syntax rules
width property (CSS)
wildcards, document queries (XQuery) 2nd
Windows BitMap Picture (WBMP), images, inserting in WML documents 2nd 3rd
Windows BitMap Picture (WBMP), Waptiger WBMP Converter
WinWAP microbrowser, WML documents, testing
Wireless Application Protocol [See WAP]
Wireless BitMap Picture (WBMP), WML graphics
Wireless Markup Language [See WML]
wireless web, WML
wireless web, XHTML Mobile
wiring, CSS style sheets, to XML documents
wiring, XSL style sheets to XML documents 2nd
WMA (Windows Media Audio) format
WML Document That Presents a Movie Listing (Listing 23.3) 2nd
WML Document That Shows How to Format Text (Listing 23.2) 2nd
WML, (Wireless Markup Language)
WML, anchor element 2nd
WML, as basis for WAP
WML, content, graphics support 2nd
WML, content, text formatting
WML, documents, card setup 2nd 3rd 4th
WML, documents, creating 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd 33rd 34th 35th
WML, documents, creation tools, debuggers 2nd
WML, documents, creation tools, mobile phone simulators 2nd
WML, documents, creation tools, text editors 2nd
WML, documents, example of 2nd
WML, documents, MIME types 2nd
WML, documents, navigating 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th
WML, documents, user input, accepting 2nd
WML, documents, WBMP image insertion 2nd 3rd
WML, DTDs 2nd
WML, listings, Describing a Movie Plot with WML (23.5) 2nd 3rd
WML, listings, Displaying an Image in a WML Document (23.7) 2nd
WML, listings, Example of How to Select a Movie in WML (23.6) 2nd 3rd
WML, listings, Retrieving Information from the User (23.8) 2nd