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Morrison M. — Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours
Morrison M. — Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours

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Название: Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours

Автор: Morrison M.


The third edition of Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours, Complete Starter Kit is everything you need to know about the XML language and how to use it in practical, innovative applications. Understanding the syntax of XML is only a small part of the learning process; understanding how to apply it is the larger part of the learning process, and is the primary focus of this book. It covers a broad range of topics, and wil show you how to use XML to mine data on the web, how to use it to interact with existing data services such as iTunes and Google, and how to use it in applications such as e-books, online speech synthesis, and multimedia. Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours, Complete Starter Kit, Third Edition will teach you what you need to know to get up and running with XML and more importantly, how to do cool things with it!

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: third edition

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 576

Добавлена в каталог: 23.08.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
letter-spacing property (CSS)      2nd
library files, iTunes, linking to music store      2nd 3rd 4th
libxml (SAX parser), downloading      
line element (SVG), attributes      2nd
linearGradient element (SVG), attributes      2nd
link tag (RSS)      2nd 3rd 4th
linking, music library tracks to iTunes music store      2nd 3rd 4th
links, bidirectional      2nd
links, creating (XLink)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
links, extended, creating      2nd
links, HTML      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
links, HTML, anchor element      2nd
links, HTML, simplicity of creation      
links, linkset      2nd
links, out-of-line      
links, simple      
links, WML documents, creating      2nd
links, XLink, inline      2nd 3rd
links, XLink, out-of-line      2nd 3rd
links, XLink, Top Five Sample XML Document (Listing 22.2)      2nd 3rd
links, XML      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th
linksets      2nd
list data types (XSD)      2nd
listings, A Rectangle That Uses CSS for a Little More Style (6.4)      2nd
listings, A Simple SVG Ellipse (6.5)      2nd
listings, A Simple SVG Line (6.6)      2nd
listings, A Simple SVG Rectangle (6.3)      2nd
listings, A Skeletal XHTML Document (21.1)      2nd
listings, A Skeletal XSL-FO Document (14.1)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
listings, A Star and Pentagon Drawn Using polygon Elements (6.7)      2nd
listings, An Apartment Building XML Example (2.1)      2nd
listings, An HTML Page That Binds XML Data to Table Cells (16.2)      2nd 3rd
listings, An HTML Page That Prints All of the Nodes in an XML Document (16.3)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
listings, An HTML Page That Prints the Condominium Document as a Formatted Listing (16.5)      2nd 3rd 4th
listings, An SVG Document Embedded in an HTML Web Page (6.11)      2nd
listings, An SVG Document with the Width and Height Set (6.2)      2nd
listings, An XML Document for Managing RSS Feeds (24.2)      2nd
listings, An XSD Document That Serves as a Schema for the Tall Tales XML Document (3.2)      2nd 3rd
listings, Basic SVG Document That Creates a Circle (6.1)      2nd
listings, Code for an SVG Path That Was Exported from Adobe Illustrator (6.9)      2nd
listings, condos.xml Document Containing Condominium Map Data (15.1)      2nd 3rd
listings, condos.xml Example XML Document (16.4)      2nd
listings, contacts.css Style Sheet Used to Format the Contacts XML Document (10.2)      2nd
listings, contacts.xsl Style Sheet Used to Transform and Format the Contacts XML Document (11.2)      2nd 3rd 4th
listings, CSS Style Sheet for Displaying the Tall Tales XML Document (2.3)      2nd 3rd
listings, Describing a Movie Plot with WML (23.5)      2nd 3rd
listings, Different Version of the Media Collection Example Document That Declares the Movie Namespace as a Default Namespace (5.2)      2nd
listings, Displaying an Image in a WML Document (23.7)      2nd
listings, Document Printer Sample Program Uses a SAX Parser to Display Detailed information About the vehicles.xml Document (17.1)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
listings, DOM, Simple XML Document (16.1)      2nd
listings, ETML (Endurance Training Markup Language), etml.dtd DTD That Is Used to Validate ETML Documents (3.3)      2nd
listings, ETML (Endurance Training Markup Language), Training Log Sample ETML Document (3.4)      2nd
listings, etml.xsd XSD Schema Used to Validate ETML Documents (7.1)      2nd 3rd
listings, Example of How Select a Movie in WML (23.6)      2nd 3rd
listings, Familiar Contacts Example XML Document (11.1)      2nd 3rd
listings, feeder.xsl Stylesheet for Transforming RSS Feeds into HTML Web Pages (24.3)      2nd 3rd 4th
listings, Great Sporting Events XSL-FO Document (14.2)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
listings, Hockey Game Schedule PHP Example Document (19.1)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
listings, HTML Document that Houses the Cusotmized Google Map (15.2)      2nd 3rd 4th
listings, itunesview.xsl XSLT Stylesheet Transforms an iTunes Music Library into a Cleanly Formatted HTML Web Page (13.3)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
listings, Media Collection Example Document (5.1)      2nd
listings, News Example XML Document (10.6)      2nd
listings, News Example XML Document (12.1)      2nd 3rd
listings, news.css Style Sheet Used to Format the News XML Document (10.7)      2nd 3rd
listings, news.xsl Style Sheet Used to Transform and Format The News XML Document (12.2)      2nd 3rd
listings, Output of the Document Printer Example Program After Processing the condos.xml Document (17.2)      2nd 3rd
listings, Partial Listing of an iTunes Library.xml Music Library Document (13.2)      2nd 3rd
listings, Partial Listing of the Training Log XML Document (18.2), XQuery example      2nd
listings, Partial XQuery Results of the Training Session Query (18.6)      2nd
listings, polyline Element Results in the Star and Pentagon Shapes Not Quite Materializing (6.8)      2nd
listings, projects.xsl XSLT Stylesheet that Transforms a Project Description into HTML Code (15.3)      2nd 3rd
listings, Query to Format Training Sessions into an HTML Document (18.5), XQuery example      2nd
listings, Query to Retrieve and Transform Running Sessions (18.3), XQuery example      2nd
listings, Retrieving Information from the User (23.8)      2nd
listings, RSS Code for a Sample Blog (24.1)      2nd 3rd
listings, Sample XML Document Containing Vehicle Data (18.1)      2nd 3rd 4th
listings, Simple DTD for the Tall Tales XML Document (3.1)      2nd
listings, Simple WML Document with a Single Card (23.1)      2nd
listings, sitemaps, Complete Sitemap Document for My Web Site (20.1)      2nd 3rd 4th
listings, squares_abs.css Style Sheet That Uses Absolute Postioning to Style The Squares XML Document (10.4)      2nd
listings, squares_rel.css Style Sheet That Uses Relative Postioning to Style The Sqaures XML Document (10.3)
listings, squares_rel.css Style Sheet That Uses Relative Postioning to Style The Squares XML Document (10.3)
listings, squares_z.css Style Sheet Alters the z-order of Elements in the Squares XML Document (10.5)      2nd 3rd
listings, Tall Tales example XML Document (9.1)      2nd
listings, Tall Tales Sample XML Document (2.2)      2nd
listings, talltales.css CSS Style Sheet for Formatting the Tall Tales XML Document (9.2)      2nd 3rd
listings, talltales.xsl XSLT Style Sheet for Transforming the Tall Tales XML Document into HTML (9.3)      2nd 3rd
listings, Text That Is Associated with a Path (6.10)      2nd
listings, Top Five Sample Document (22.2)      2nd 3rd
listings, Training Log Example ETML Document (7.2)      2nd
listings, Training Log Sample XML Document (22.1)      2nd
listings, Using WML to Select a Movie Theatre (23.4)      2nd 3rd
listings, Veggie Filter Sample HTML Document (21.2)      2nd 3rd 4th
listings, Veggie Filter Sample XHTML Document That Was Converted by Hand (21.3)      2nd 3rd
listings, Vehicles Example XML Document (12.3)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
listings, vehicles.xsl Style Sheet Used to Transform and Format the Vechicles XML Document (12.4)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
listings, WCSS Stylesheet for the King Kong Movie Description Page (23.10)      2nd
listings, WML Document That Presents a Movie Listing (23.3)      2nd
listings, WML Document That Shows How to Format Text (23.2)      2nd
listings, XHTML Mobile Version of the King Kong Movie Description Page (23.9)      2nd 3rd
listings, XML Code for a Single Track Within an iTunes Library File (13.1)      2nd 3rd
listings, XML Data File for the Catalist Radio Example(4.1)      2nd 3rd 4th
listings, XQuery Results of the Running Query (18.4), XQuery example      2nd
literals (XSLT), limitations on use
literals, XSLT information      2nd
loadXMLDoc() function      2nd 3rd
loc tag (Google Sitemaps protocol)      2nd
location paths (XPointer), absolute      2nd 3rd
location paths (XPointer), relative      2nd 3rd
Locator object, ContentHandler interface (SAX), methods      2nd
Longhorn codename, future Windows OS
loops, recursion      2nd
Macromedia Flash, Flash to SVG Converter tool      
Macromedia Flash, versus SVG features      2nd
main() method, SAX, Java implementation      2nd 3rd
many-to-many relationship (tables)      2nd
MapQuest, map usage restrictions
Maps      [See Google Maps]
margin property (CSS)      2nd
margin-bottom property (CSS)      2nd
margin-left property (CSS)      2nd
margin-right property (CSS)      2nd
margin-top property (CSS)      2nd
marking, document data, CDATA (unparsed character data)      2nd
markup languages, creating your own      2nd 3rd
markup languages, schemas
markup languages, SportsML      
mathematical equations, SVG calculations
MathML, (Mathematical Modeling Language)      
Media Collection Example Document (Listing 5.1)      2nd
Menu softkey, WML documents, mapping to      2nd 3rd 4th
methods, characters(), SAX version 1.0      2nd
methods, endDocument(), SAX version 1.0      2nd
methods, endElement(), SAX version 1.0      2nd
methods, endPrefixMapping(), SAX version 2.0      
methods, ignorableWhitespace(), SAX version 1.0      2nd
methods, main(), SAX      2nd 3rd
methods, processingInstruction(), SAX version 1.0      2nd
methods, skippedEntity(), SAX version 2.0      
methods, startElement(), SAX version 1.0      2nd
methods, startPrefixMapping(), SAX version 2.0      
Michael Morrison website, Catalist radio application code      
MichaelMorrison.com, book code listings      
microbrowsers, proprietary nature of      
microbrowsers, WML documents, testing      2nd
Microsoft Developers Network website      
migrating, HTML to XHTML, automatic code conversion      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
migrating, HTML to XHTML, manual code conversion      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
migrating, HTML to XHTML, Veggie Filter Sample HTML Document (Listing 21.2)      2nd 3rd 4th
migrating, HTML to XHTML, Veggie Filter Sample XHTML Document That Converted by Hand (Listing 21.3)      2nd 3rd
MIME types, SVG      
MIME types, WML      2nd
mixed elements (DTDs), text-only      2nd 3rd
mixed elements, complex data types (XSD)      2nd 3rd
mobile devices, cHTML, versions      
mobile devices, microbrowsers, proprietary nature of
mobile devices, SVG, SVG Basic (SVGB) standard      
mobile devices, SVG, SVG Tiny (SVGT) standard
mobile devices, WAP Forum      2nd
mobile devices, WML      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
mobile devices, WML, anchor element      2nd
mobile devices, WML, content, graphics support      2nd
mobile devices, WML, content, text formatting      
mobile devices, WML, Describing a Movie Plot with WML (Listing 23.5)      2nd 3rd
mobile devices, WML, document, card setup      2nd
mobile devices, WML, document, text formatting      2nd
mobile devices, WML, documents, accepting user input      2nd
mobile devices, WML, documents, creating      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd 33rd 34th 35th
mobile devices, WML, documents, debuggers      2nd
mobile devices, WML, documents, example of      2nd
mobile devices, WML, documents, MIME types      2nd
mobile devices, WML, documents, mobile phone simulators      2nd
mobile devices, WML, documents, navigating      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th
mobile devices, WML, documents, text editors      2nd
mobile devices, WML, documents, WBMP image insertion      2nd 3rd
mobile devices, WML, Example of How to Select a Movie in WML (Listing 23.6)      2nd 3rd
mobile devices, WML, root element      2nd
mobile devices, WML, Simple WML Document with a Single Card (Listing 23.1)      
mobile devices, WML, softkeys      2nd
mobile devices, WML, Using WML to Select a Movie Theatre (Listing 23.4)      2nd 3rd
mobile devices, WML, versions      
mobile devices, WML, versus XHTML Mobile      2nd
mobile devices, WML, WML Document That Presents a Movie Listing (Listing 23.3)      2nd
mobile devices, WML, WML Document That Shows How to Format Text (Listing 23.2)      2nd
mobile devices, XHTML Mobile      2nd 3rd
mobile devices, XHTML Mobile, documents, creating      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
mobile devices, XHTML Mobile, versus WML      2nd
mobile devices, XHTML Mobile, WCSS Stylesheet for the King Kong Movie Description Page (Listing 23.10)      2nd
mobile devices, XHTML Mobile, XHTML Mobile Version of the King Kong Movie Description Page (Listing 23.9)      2nd 3rd
mobile devices, XHTML usage      
mobile devices, XHTML, versions      
mobile phone simulators, Nokia Mobile Browser Simulator      
mobile phone simulators, Openwave SDK      
mobile phone simulators, Wapaka      
mobile phone simulators, WinWAP      
mobile phone simulators, WML documents, creating      2nd
mod operator
MP3 music, Catalist Radio application, XML data feeds example      2nd 3rd 4th
multimedia, SMIL
multiple attributes (DTDs)      2nd
multiplication (*) operator
music tracks (iTunes), linking to music store      2nd 3rd 4th
music, Advanced Audio Codec (AAC) format      
music, Catalist Radio application, XML data feeds example      2nd 3rd 4th
music, Windows Media Audio (WMA) format
name clashes, documents, resolving      
namespace node (XPath tree)
namespaces, declarations      2nd 3rd
namespaces, declarations, default      2nd 3rd 4th
namespaces, declarations, explicit      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
namespaces, declarations, qualified names      
namespaces, declarations, unqualified names      
namespaces, purpose of      2nd 3rd 4th
namespaces, SVG      2nd
namespaces, uniqueness of      
namespaces, URI naming scheme      2nd 3rd
namespaces, URN naming scheme      
namespaces, XSD, declaring      2nd
namespaces, XSL-FO      2nd
namespaces, XSLT, declaring in stylesheet element      2nd
native XML databases (NXDs)      
navigation controls (WML), mobile devices      2nd
navigation controls, WML documents      2nd
navigation controls, WML documents, anchor element      2nd
navigation controls, WML documents, associating events with tasks      2nd 3rd
navigation controls, WML documents, mapping to Menu softkey      2nd 3rd 4th
navigation controls, WML documents, mapping to OK button      2nd 3rd
navigation controls, WML documents, select-option setup      2nd 3rd
nested elements      2nd
nested elements An Apartment Building XML Example (Listing 2.1)      2nd
Netscape, RSS development
New York City Subway (Google Maps)      
news aggregators (RSS), Apple Safari, downloading
news aggregators (RSS), Bloglines, downloading
news aggregators (RSS), FeedDemon, appearance of      2nd
news aggregators (RSS), FeedDemon, downloading
news aggregators (RSS), Google News, downloading
news aggregators (RSS), NewsGator, appearance of      2nd
news aggregators (RSS), NewsGator, downloading      
news aggregators (RSS), NewsIsFree, downloading
news aggregators (RSS), Sage, downloading      
News Example XML Document (Listing 10.6)      2nd
News Example XML Document (Listing 12.1)      2nd 3rd
news feeds (RSS), An XML Document for Managing RSS Feeds (Listing 24.2)      2nd
news feeds (RSS), creating      2nd 3rd
news feeds (RSS), displaying      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
news feeds (RSS), FeedDemon.com      
news feeds (RSS), feeder.xsl Stylesheet for Transforming RSS Feeds into HTML Web Pages (Listing 24.3)      2nd 3rd 4th
news feeds (RSS), RSS Code for a Sample Blog (Listing 24.1)      2nd 3rd
news feeds (RSS), Sports Illustrated.com
news feeds (RSS), transforming for display      2nd 3rd 4th
news feeds (RSS), validating      
news feeds (RSS), XML document creation      2nd
news.css Style Sheet Used to Format the News XML Document (Listing 10.7)      2nd 3rd
news.xsl Style Sheet Used to Transform and Format The News XML Document (Listing 12.2)      2nd 3rd
NewsGator, RSS news aggregator, appearance of      2nd
NewsGator, RSS news aggregator, downloading      
NewsIsFree, RSS news aggregator, downloading      
NMTOKEN attribute (DTDs)      
NMTOKENS attribute (DTDs)      
node functions (XPath), count()      2nd
node functions (XPath), last()      2nd
node functions (XPath), position()      2nd
Node interface (DOM)
node sets, XPath expressions, data object results      
node types (document tree), XPath      2nd
node types (document tree), XPath, attribute      
node types (document tree), XPath, child      
node types (document tree), XPath, comment
node types (document tree), XPath, current      
node types (document tree), XPath, element      
node types (document tree), XPath, namespace
node types (document tree), XPath, parent      
node types (document tree), XPath, processing instruction      
node types (document tree), XPath, root      2nd
node types (document tree), XPath, sibling      
node types (document tree), XPath, text      
NodeList interface (DOM)      
nodes, documents, printing out (DOM)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
nodes, documents, referencing (XPath)      2nd 3rd 4th
nodes, elements, document trees      2nd
nodes, trees, walking through documents (XPointer)      2nd
nodes, unmatched, XSLT processing      
nodes, XML document trees, pattern matching (XSL)      2nd 3rd 4th
nodes, XSLT, processing      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
nodes, XSLT, relative patterns      2nd 3rd
nodes, XSLT, sorting      2nd 3rd
Nokia Mobile Browser Simulator, WML documents, testing      
non-dimensional local units, SVG coordinate system      2nd
noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute (XSD)      2nd
noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute, XSD schema      2nd
nonempty elements      2nd
nonempty elements, An Apartment Building XML Example (Listing 2.1)      2nd
not() function, XPath Boolean type      2nd
NOTATION attribute (DTDs)      
notations, unparsed entities      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
notations, unparsed entities, binary types      
Notepad, XML editing functions
number data types (XSD)      2nd 3rd 4th
number functions (XPath), ceiling()      2nd
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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