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Morrison M. — Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours
Morrison M. — Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours

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Название: Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours

Автор: Morrison M.


The third edition of Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours, Complete Starter Kit is everything you need to know about the XML language and how to use it in practical, innovative applications. Understanding the syntax of XML is only a small part of the learning process; understanding how to apply it is the larger part of the learning process, and is the primary focus of this book. It covers a broad range of topics, and wil show you how to use XML to mine data on the web, how to use it to interact with existing data services such as iTunes and Google, and how to use it in applications such as e-books, online speech synthesis, and multimedia. Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours, Complete Starter Kit, Third Edition will teach you what you need to know to get up and running with XML and more importantly, how to do cool things with it!

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: third edition

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 576

Добавлена в каталог: 23.08.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
number functions (XPath), floor()      2nd
number functions (XPath), round()      2nd
number functions (XPath), sum()      2nd
numbers, character references, decimal (base 10)      2nd 3rd
numbers, character references, hexadecimal (base 16)      2nd 3rd 4th
numbers, XPath expressions, data object results      
numeric character references, decimal (base 10)      2nd 3rd
numeric character references, hexadecimal (base 16)      2nd 3rd 4th
NXDs, (native XML databases)      
OeB, (Open eBook)      
OFX, financial information      
OK softkey, WML documents, mapping to      2nd 3rd
one-fourth symbol, numeric character reference      
one-half symbol, numeric character reference      
one-to-many relationship (tables)      
one-to-one relationship (tables)      
online radio, Catalist Radio application, XML data feeds example      2nd 3rd 4th
online shopping, cars, Vehicles Example XML Document (Listing 12.3)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
online shopping, cars, vehicles.xsl Style Sheet Used to Transform and Format the Vechicles XML Document (Listing 12.4)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Open eBook (OeB)      
Open Mobile Alliance website      
opening tags      2nd 3rd
opening tags, attributes      2nd
opening tags, coding syntax      
OpenOffice application, SVG support      
Openwave SDK microbrowser, WML documents, testing      
Opera web browser      
operators, XSLT expressions, addition (+)      
operators, XSLT expressions, and      2nd
operators, XSLT expressions, div (/)      
operators, XSLT expressions, equal (=)      
operators, XSLT expressions, greater than (&gt)
operators, XSLT expressions, less than (&lt)
operators, XSLT expressions, mod
operators, XSLT expressions, multiplication (*)
operators, XSLT expressions, or      2nd
operators, XSLT expressions, subtraction (-)      
operators, XSLT expressions, unequal (!=)      
OR operator      2nd
out-of-line links, XLink      2nd 3rd
Output of the Document Printer Example Program After Processing the condos.xml Document (Listing 17.2)      2nd 3rd
OWL, (Web Ontology Language)      
oXygen XML Editor, DTD validation tool      2nd
oXygen XML Editor, XSD validation tool      2nd
oXygen/ editor, XML editing functions      2nd
P3P, (Platform for Privacy Preferences)
padding property (CSS)      2nd
padding-bottom property (CSS)      2nd
padding-left property (CSS)      2nd
padding-right property (CSS)      2nd
padding-top property (CSS)      2nd
parameter entities (parsed)      2nd
parent node (XPath tree)
Parsed Character DATA (PCDATA)      
parsed entities      2nd 3rd 4th
parsed entities, general type      2nd 3rd
parsed entities, merging with document content
parsed entities, parameter type      2nd
parsers, SAX, Document Printer Sample Program Uses a SAX Parser to Display Detailed information About the vehicles.xml Document (Listing 17.1)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
parsers, SAX, event-based      2nd
parsers, SAX, libxml
parsers, SAX, obtaining      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
parsers, SAX, Python      
parsers, SAX, writing programs for      2nd
parsers, SAX, Xerces      2nd
parsers, standard (non-validating)      2nd
parsers, validating      2nd
Partial Listing of an iTunes Library.xml Music Library Document (Listing 13.2)      2nd 3rd
Partial Listing of the Training Log XML Document (Listing 18.2), XQuery example      2nd
Partial XQuery Results of the Training Session Query (Listing 18.6)      2nd
path element (SVG), attributes      2nd 3rd
path text, SVG, creating      2nd 3rd
paths, SVG, creating      2nd 3rd
pattern matching, XML tree nodes (XSL)      2nd 3rd 4th
patterned data types (XSD), regular expressions      2nd 3rd
patterns (XPath), absolute      2nd 3rd
patterns (XPath), node references      2nd 3rd 4th
patterns (XPath), relative      2nd 3rd
patterns, XML documents, navigating (XPath)      2nd 3rd
patterns, XPath, Training Log Sample XML Document (Listing 22.1)      2nd
patterns, XSLT style sheet construct      2nd 3rd
patterns, XSLT, absolute      2nd 3rd
patterns, XSLT, function of      2nd 3rd 4th
patterns, XSLT, relative      2nd 3rd
PCDATA (Parsed Character DATA)
PDAs, XHTML usage
PDF, XSL-FO documents, converting to      2nd
Perl modules libxml (SAX parser)
PHP, (PHP Hypertext Processor)
PHP, Hockey Game Schedule PHP Example Document (Listing 19.1)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
PHP, PHP.net
pixels, bitmap graphics
plain text editors, selecting      2nd
Platform for Privacy Preferences      [See P3P]
podcasts (iTunes), categories      2nd
podcasts (iTunes), RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds      2nd
podcasts (iTunes), subscriptions      2nd
podcasts, Apple.com tutorial
podcasts, publishing to iTunes (RSS)
polygon element (SVG), attributes      2nd
polyline element (SVG), attributes      2nd
polyline Element Results in the Star and Pentagon Shapes Not Quite Materializing (Listing 6.8)      2nd
position() function, XPath node type      2nd
pound symbol, numeric character reference
primitive vector shapes, SVG drawings      2nd
printNode() function      2nd 3rd 4th
printRootNode() function
priority tag (Google Sitemaps protocol)      2nd 3rd
processing instruction node (XPath tree)
processing, XSLT nodes      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
processingInstruction() method, ContentHandler interface (SAX)
processingInstruction() method, SAX version 1.0      2nd
processors (XSL), result tree formatting interpretation      
processors (XSL), tree transformation functions
projects.xsl XSLT Stylesheet that Transforms a Project Description into HTML Code (Listing 15.3)      2nd 3rd
properties (CSS), formatting      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
properties (CSS), layout      2nd 3rd 4th
properties (CSS), layout, absolute positioning
properties (CSS), layout, relative positioning      
pubDate tag (RSS)      2nd 3rd 4th
publishing, music library online (iTunes)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th
Python (SAX parser);
qualified names, namespace declarations      
queries (XQuery), attributes, referencing      2nd
queries (XQuery), filters, adding      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
queries (XQuery), listings, Sample XML Document Containing Vehicle Data (18.1)      2nd 3rd 4th
queries (XQuery), Partial Listing of the Training Log XML Document (Listing 18.2)      2nd
queries (XQuery), Partial XQuery Results of the Training Session Query (Listing 18.6)      2nd
queries (XQuery), Query to Format Training Sessions into an HTML Document (Listing 18.5)      2nd
queries (XQuery), Query to Retrieve and Transform Running Sessions (Listing 18.3)      2nd
queries (XQuery), results, processing      2nd 3rd 4th
queries (XQuery), Saxon tool, CLASSPATH variable, setting      
queries (XQuery), Saxon tool, commercial versus open source versions
queries (XQuery), Saxon tool, executing      2nd
queries (XQuery), wildcards      2nd
queries (XQuery), XQuery Results of the Running Query (Listing 18.4)      2nd
Query to Format Training Sessions into an HTML Document (Listing 18.5), XQuery example      2nd
Query to Retrieve and Transform Running Sessions (Listing 18.3), XQuery example      2nd
quote symbol ("), character entity substitution
radialGradient element (SVG), attributes      2nd
RDF Site Summary (RSS), early version of current RSS (Really Simple Syndication)      
RDF, (Resource Description Framework)      
real estate properties, custom mapping application example      2nd 3rd
real estate properties, custom mapping application example, final map test      2nd
real estate properties, custom mapping application example, information window      2nd 3rd
real estate properties, custom mapping application example, map web page display      2nd 3rd 4th
real estate properties, custom mapping application example, XML document coding      2nd 3rd 4th
Really Simple Syndication      [See RSS RSS
Recent Earthquakes (Google Maps)      
records, databases, deleting (SQL)      2nd
records, databases, filtering searches (SQL)      2nd 3rd
records, databases, inserting (SQL)      2nd
records, databases, retrieving via SELECT statement (SQL)      2nd 3rd 4th
records, databases, updating (SQL)      2nd
rect element (SVG), attributes      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
recursion, loops      2nd
referencing, nodes in documents (XPath)      2nd 3rd 4th
referencing, nodes, schema documents      2nd
registered symbol, numeric character reference
regular expressions, patterned data types (XSD)      2nd 3rd
relational databases, tables, many-to-many relationship      2nd
relational databases, tables, one-to-many relationship      
relational databases, tables, one-to-one relationship
relational databases, tables, schemas
relative paths, XPointer      2nd 3rd
relative patterns (XPath)      2nd 3rd
relative patterns (XSLT)      2nd 3rd
relative positioning (CSS)      2nd
relative positioning (CSS), squares_rel.css Style Sheet That Uses Relative Postioning to Style The Sqaures XML Document (Listing 10.3)
relative positioning (CSS), squares_rel.css Style Sheet That Uses Relative Postioning to Style The Squares XML Document (Listing 10.3)      
relative positioning (CSS), versus absolute positioning (CSS)      2nd 3rd
RELAX NG, versus XML Schema      2nd
rendering, XML documents, cross-browser      2nd
rendering, XML documents, cross-medium      2nd
RenderX website, XEP tool      2nd
RenderX, XSL-FO DTD      2nd
resolving, XML data in database tables      2nd 3rd
resources, websites, DevX XML
resources, websites, Microsoft Developers Network
resources, websites, The XML Files
resources, websites, W3C      
resources, websites, WebMonkey      
resources, websites, Wikipedia      
resources, websites, XML at About.com      
resources, websites, XML Pitstop
resources, websites, XML.com
resources, websites, XMLResources.com      
result trees, XSL processing      2nd 3rd 4th
result trees, XSL processors, formatting interpretation      
results, document queries, processing (XQuery)      2nd 3rd 4th
retrieving, records via SELECT statement (SQL)      2nd 3rd 4th
Rich Site Summary (RSS), early version of current RSS (Really Simple Syndication)      
RideFinder (Google Maps)
role attribute (XLink)      2nd 3rd
root element (SVG)      2nd 3rd
root element (WML)      2nd
root elements      2nd
root node (XPath tree)      2nd
round() function (XSLT)      
round() function, XPath number type      2nd
RPBourret.com, XML database products
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed, iTunes podcasts      2nd
RSS 1 Branch      2nd
RSS 2 Branch      2nd
RSS 3 Branch, Atom incarnation      
RSS Code for a Sample Blog (Listing 24.1)      2nd 3rd
RSS feeds, (Really Simple Syndication)      
RSS news feeds
RSS, (Really Simple Syndication)
RSS, Atom (Possible RSS 3 Branch)
RSS, evolution, name changes      2nd 3rd 4th
RSS, function of      2nd 3rd 4th
RSS, listings, An XML Document for Managing RSS Feeds (24.2)      2nd
RSS, listings, feeder.xsl Stylesheet for Transforming RSS Feeds into HTML Web Pages (24.3)      2nd 3rd 4th
RSS, listings, RSS Code for a Sample Blog (24.1)      2nd 3rd
RSS, news aggregators, Apple Safari      
RSS, news aggregators, Bloglines      
RSS, news aggregators, FeedDemon      2nd 3rd
RSS, news aggregators, Google News      
RSS, news aggregators, NewsGator      2nd 3rd
RSS, news aggregators, NewsIsFree      
RSS, news aggregators, Sage      
RSS, news feeds, creating      2nd 3rd
RSS, news feeds, displaying      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
RSS, news feeds, FeedDemon.com
RSS, news feeds, function of      2nd 3rd 4th
RSS, news feeds, Sports Illustrated.com      
RSS, news feeds, transforming for display      2nd 3rd 4th
RSS, news feeds, validating      
RSS, news feeds, XML document creation      2nd
RSS, podcasts, publishing to iTunes      
RSS, RDF Site Summary      
RSS, Rich Site Summary      
RSS, RSS 1 Branch      2nd
RSS, RSS 2 Branch      2nd
RSS, RSS-DEV group
RSS, version 2.0, channel tag      2nd
RSS, version 2.0, description tag      2nd 3rd 4th
RSS, version 2.0, language simplicity      
RSS, version 2.0, link tag      2nd 3rd 4th
RSS, version 2.0, news channels      
RSS, version 2.0, news items, description of      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
RSS, version 2.0, pubDate tag      2nd 3rd 4th
RSS, version 2.0, title tag      2nd 3rd 4th
RSS, version development      2nd 3rd 4th
RSS-DEV group      
Sage, RSS news aggregator, downloading      
Sample XML Document Containing Vehicle Data (Listing 18.1), XQuery example      2nd 3rd 4th
SAX, (Simple API for XML)      
SAX, developmental history      2nd 3rd
SAX, document printer program, testing      2nd 3rd
SAX, J2SE (Java 2 Standard Edition) SDK, downloading
SAX, J2SE (Java 2 Standard Edition) SDK, installing
SAX, Java Development Kit (JDK), downloading
SAX, Java Development Kit (JDK), installing      
SAX, Java implementation      2nd
SAX, Java implementation, ContentHandler interface      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
SAX, Java implementation, Document Printer Sample Program Uses a SAX Parser to Display Detailed information About the vehicles.xml Document (Listing 17.1)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
SAX, Java implementation, ErrorHandler interface      2nd 3rd
SAX, Java implementation, main() method      2nd 3rd
SAX, listings, Output of the Document Printer Example Program After Processing the condos.xml Document (17.2)      2nd 3rd
SAX, parsers, event-based      2nd
SAX, parsers, libxml      
SAX, parsers, obtaining      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
SAX, parsers, Python      
SAX, parsers, writing programs for      2nd
SAX, parsers, Xerces      2nd
SAX, SAXProject.org      
SAX, version 1.0      2nd
SAX, version 1.0, characters() method      2nd
SAX, version 1.0, endDocument() method      2nd
SAX, version 1.0, endElement() method      2nd
SAX, version 1.0, ignorableWhitespace() method      2nd
SAX, version 1.0, processingInstruction() method      2nd
SAX, version 1.0, startElement() method      2nd
SAX, version 2.0      2nd
SAX, version 2.0, endPrefixMapping() method      
SAX, version 2.0, skippedEntity() method      
SAX, version 2.0, startPrefixMapping() method      
Saxon tool (XQuery), CLASSPATH variable, setting      
Saxon tool (XQuery), commercial versus open source versions      
Saxon tool (XQuery), launching      2nd
Saxon tool, Partial XQuery Results of the Training Session Query (Listing 18.6)      2nd
SAXParseException object, ContentHandler interface (SAX), methods      2nd
Scalable Vector Graphics      [See SVG]
schemaLocation attribute (XSD)      2nd
schemas (XML), associating with documents      2nd
schemas (XML), document references      2nd
schemas (XML), documents, checking validity of      2nd 3rd 4th
schemas (XML), etml.xsd XSD Schema Used to Validate ETML Documents (Listing 7.1)      2nd 3rd
schemas (XML), noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute      2nd 3rd 4th
schemas (XML), schemaLocation attribute      2nd
schemas (XML), Training Log Example ETML Document (Listing 7.2)      2nd
schemas (XML), versus RELAX NG      2nd
schemas (XML), xsd prefix      2nd
schemas, construction overview      2nd 3rd
schemas, data modeling      2nd 3rd
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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