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% (wildcards)
% (wildcards), overview 2nd
*=, support for
-, ranges, defining with
. [See matches (regular expressions)]
., basic character matches
=*, support for
access controls
access controls, mistakes, preventing
access controls, overview 2nd
access controls, user accounts 2nd 3rd 4th
Administrator (MySQL) [See MySQL Administrator] [See MySQL Administrator]
advantages of (MySQL)
Against(), full-text searches 2nd 3rd 4th
Aggregate functions
aggregate functions, ALL argument
aggregate functions, AVG()
aggregate functions, AVG(), limitations of
aggregate functions, AVG(), overview 2nd
aggregate functions, combining 2nd
aggregate functions, COUNT()
aggregate functions, COUNT(), DISTINCT arguments
aggregate functions, COUNT(), overview 2nd
aggregate functions, DISTINCT argument 2nd
aggregate functions, DISTINCT arguments 2nd
aggregate functions, DISTINCT arguments, MIN()/MAX() interaction
aggregate functions, joins, utilizing 2nd
aggregate functions, MAX()
aggregate functions, MAX(), non-numeric data 2nd
aggregate functions, MAX(), overview 2nd
aggregate functions, MIN()
aggregate functions, MIN(), non-numeric data
aggregate functions, MIN(), overview 2nd
aggregate functions, naming aliases
aggregate functions, overview 2nd
aggregate functions, SUM()
aggregate functions, SUM(), multiple columns
aggregate functions, SUM(), overview 2nd
aliases, aggregate functions
aliases, aggregate functions, naming
aliases, alternative uses
aliases, concatenating fields 2nd
aliases, table names 2nd
ALTER TABLE statements 2nd 3rd
anchors (regular expressions 2nd
and operator
AND operator, WHERE clauses, combining
AND, definition of
AND, OR, combining [See also OR]
AND, WHERE clauses, combining
application filtering
application filtering, compared to SQL
AS keyword 2nd
ASC, utilizing
asterisk wildcard
asterisk wildcard, columns, retrieving
asterisk wildcards
asterisk wildcards, columns, retrieving 2nd
AUTO INCREMENT 2nd 3rd 4th
auto increment, description of
autocommit flags
AVG() function
AVG() function, DISTINCT arguments 2nd
AVG(), limitations of
AVG(), overview 2nd
backing up
backing up, data 2nd
basic character matching
basic character matching (regular expressions) [See matches (regular expressions)]
basic character matching, case-sensitiviy
BETWEEN, range values with WHERE clauses
BETWEEN, range values, checking
binary datatypes 2nd
boolean mode
boolean mode, utilizing 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
boolean mode, versus FULLTEXT clauses
Calculated fields
calculated fields, concatenating fields 2nd 3rd
calculated fields, concatenating fields, column aliases 2nd
calculated fields, mathematical calculations 2nd 3rd
calculated fields, overview 2nd 3rd
calculated fields, subqueries as 2nd 3rd
Cartesian products
Cartesian products, overview 2nd
case sensitivity
case sensitivity, full-text searches
case sensitivity, sort orders
case sensitivity, statements
case-sensitivity, expression matching
case-sensitivity, searches
character classes (regular expressions), matching 2nd
character matching [See basic character matching]
characters sets
characters sets, overview 2nd
characters sets, working with 2nd 3rd
clauses, definition of [See also commands]
client-based results fomatting
client-based results fomatting, compared to server-based
client-server software
client-server software, overview 2nd
collation sequences
collation sequences, overview 2nd
collation sequences, working with 2nd 3rd
column aliases
column aliases, alternative uses
column aliases, concatening fields 2nd
Columns [See also fields]
columns, commas between names
columns, definition of
columns, derived
columns, fully qualified names
columns, INSERT statement
columns, INSERT statement, columns, omitting
columns, padded spaces
columns, padded spaces, RTRIM() function 2nd
columns, primary keys
columns, primary keys, definition of 2nd
columns, retrieving all
columns, retrieving all, with SELECT 2nd
columns, retrieving individually
columns, retrieving individually with SELECT 2nd
columns, retrieving multiple
columns, retrieving multiple with SELECT 2nd
columns, separating correctly
columns, sorting by multiple 2nd 3rd
columns, subquery result restrictions
combined queries
combined queries, creating
command line (mysql) [See mysql command line]
command line (mysql), overview
command-line utilities
command-line utilities, delimiters 2nd
Commands [See also keywords]
| commas
commas, between column names
COMMENT keyword
COMMENT keyword, stored procedures
commiting, definition of
commits, default behavior, changing 2nd
commits, transactions, controlling 2nd
complex joins
complex joins, views, simplifying with 2nd
compound queries
compound queries, creating 2nd
compound queries, overview 2nd
compound queries, rules of 2nd
compound queries, sorting results 2nd
compound queries, WHERE clause combinations
compound quiries
compound quiries, rows, eliminating/including dublicates 2nd
concaenating, definition of
concatenating, fields 2nd 3rd
concatenating, fields, cloumn aliases
concatenating, fields, column aliases
concatenating, fields, mathematical calcualtions 2nd 3rd
Connection [See also logins]
count() function
COUNT() function, DISTINCT arguments
COUNT() function, joins
COUNT(), overview 2nd
COUNT(*) calculations
COUNT(*) calculations, performing through subqueries
CREATE TABLE [See also tables]
CREATE TABLE statements 2nd 3rd
CREATE TABLE, engines 2nd
CREATE, auto increment
CREATE, auto increment, utilizing
cross joins [See also Cartesian products]
currency numbers, storing
cursors, creating 2nd
cursors, FETCH statements 2nd 3rd 4th
cursors, opening/closing 2nd
cursors, overview 2nd
cursors, utilizing 2nd
customers table 2nd
data, backing up 2nd
data, grouping [See GROUP BY]
data, separating correctly
Database Management Systems [See DBMSs]
database server
database server, client-server software interaction
databases, backing up 2nd
databases, compared to Database Management Systems (DBMSs)
databases, compared to schema
databases, definition of
databases, maintenance, performing 2nd
Databases, selecting
databases, selecting with USE 2nd
datatype, definition of
datatypes, binary datatypes 2nd
datatypes, date and time datatypes 2nd
datatypes, numeric datatypes 2nd 3rd
datatypes, overview 2nd
datatypes, string datatypes 2nd 3rd
date and time manipulation functions
date and time manipulation functions, overview 2nd 3rd 4th
date datatypes 2nd
DBMS performance, improving 2nd 3rd
DBMSs, compared to databases
DECLARE statements
DECLARE statements, organizing
DECLARE statements, stored procedures
DEFAULT, tables 2nd
DELAYED keywords
DELETE statements 2nd
DELETE statements versus TRUNCATE TABLE
DELETE triggers 2nd
delimiters 2nd
derived columns [See aliases]
DESC, utilizing 2nd
DESCRIBE, description of
DISTINCT arguments
DISTINCT arguments, AVG() function 2nd
DISTINCT arguments, COUNT() interaction
DISTINCT, retrieving distinct rows 2nd 3rd
downloading MySQL
DROP TABLE statement 2nd
encodings, definition of
engies, transaction support
engines, CREATE TABLE 2nd
engines, foreign keys
engines, list of
error codes
error codes, website list of
expression matching [See matches (regular expressions)]
FETCH statements
FETCH statements, cursors 2nd 3rd 4th
fields, calculated
fields, calculated, concatenating fields 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
fields, calculated, mathematical calculations 2nd 3rd
fields, calculated, overview 2nd 3rd
fields. 2nd [See also columns] [See also calculated fields]
FLUSH LOGS statements
FLUSH TABLES statements
foreign keys
foreign keys, spanning engines
formatting, server-based compared to client-based
FROM, purpose of
full-text searches
full-text searches, boolean mode 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
full-text searches, case sensitivity
full-text searches, multiple search terms, ranking
full-text searches, overview 2nd
full-text searches, performing 2nd 3rd 4th
full-text searching
full-text searching, enabling 2nd
full-text searching, engine support
full-text searchs, query expansion 2nd 3rd
FULLTEXT clauses
FULLTEXT clauses, utilizing 2nd
FULLTEXT clauses, versus boolean mode
FULLTEXT, importing data with
fully qualified table names
fully qualified table names, overview 2nd
functions, date and time manipulation functions
functions,, date and time manipulation functions, overview 2nd 3rd 4th
functions,, numeric manipulation functions
functions,, numeric manipulation functions, overview 2nd
functions,, overview
functions,, portability of 2nd
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