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Forta B. — MySQL Crash Course
Forta B. — MySQL Crash Course

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Название: MySQL Crash Course

Автор: Forta B.


MySQL is one of the most popular database management systems available, powering everything from Internet powerhouses to individual corporate databases to simple end-user applications, and everything in between. And this book will teach you all you need to know to be immediately productive with MySQL. By working through 30 highly focused hands-on lessons, your MySQL Crash Course will be both easier and more effective than you'd have thought possible. Learn how to:

* Retrieve and sort data
* Filter data using comparisons, regular expressions, full text search, and much more
* Join relational data
* Create and alter tables
* Insert, update, and delete data
* Leverage the power of stored procedures and triggers
* Use views and Cursors
* Manage transactional processing
* Create user accounts and manage security via access control

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 336

Добавлена в каталог: 22.08.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
functions,, RTRIM()      2nd
functions,, text-manipulation functions      
functions,, text-manipulation functions, overview      2nd
functions,, types of      2nd
GRANT statements      
GRANT statements, simplifying multiple statements      
GRANT statements, user accounts, creating      
GRANT statements, user rights      
GRANT statements, user rights, setting      2nd
GROUP BY      
GROUP BY, compared to ORDER BY      2nd
GROUP BY, creating groups with      2nd
GROUP BY, filtering groups      2nd
GROUP BY, purpose of
grouping data      [See GROUP BY]
grouping data, filtering groups
HAVING clauses      
HAVING clauses, overview      2nd
IF statements
IGNORE, UPDATE statements
implicit commits
implicit commits, definition of      [See also commiting]
IN BOOLEAN MODE      [See also boolean mode]
IN, definition of
IN, utilizing
IN, utilizing in WHERE clauses      2nd
inner joins
inner joins, overview      2nd
InnoDB, description of      
InnoDB, full-text searching support      
INSERT SELECT statement      2nd 3rd
INSERT statement
INSERT statement, complete rows, inserting      2nd 3rd 4th
INSERT statement, multiple rows, inserting      2nd
INSERT statement, overview
INSERT statement, performance of, improving      
INSERT statement, retrieved data, inserting      2nd 3rd
INSERT statement, security privileges
INSERT statements
INSERT statements, columns lists      
INSERT statements, columns, omitting      
INSERT statements, priority of, lowering
INSERT statements, user accounts, creating      
INSERT statements, VALUES
INSERT triggers      2nd
installing MySQL      2nd
joins, aggregate functions interaction      2nd
joins, as system drags      
joins, Cartesian products      2nd
joins, column names, qualifying
joins, creating      2nd
joins, cross joins
joins, cross joins, definition of
joins, general guidelines      2nd
joins, inner joins      
joins, inner joins, overview      2nd
joins, multiple table joins      2nd
joins, natural joins      
joins, natural joins, overview      2nd
joins, outer joins
joins, outer joins, overview      2nd
joins, outer joins, types of
joins, overview      2nd
joins, purpose of      2nd
joins, referential integrity, maintaining      2nd
joins, self joins
joins, self joins, overview      2nd
joins, views, simplifying with      2nd
joins, WHERE clause importance      2nd
keywords, AS      2nd
keywords, definition of      [See also statements]
left outer joins
left outer joins, overview      2nd
LIKE operator      [See also wildcards]
LIKE operator, compared to REGEXP      2nd
LIKE operator, utilizing REGEXP like
LIKE, limitations of      2nd
LIMIT, highest/lowest values, finding      2nd
LIMIT, retrieving rows      2nd
local servers
local servers, advantages of installing
log files, reviewing      2nd
logical operators      [See operators]
logins (MySQL)
logins (MySQL), overview      2nd
LOOP statements
LOOP statements versus REPEAT statements
LTRIM() function
Match(), full-text searches      2nd 3rd 4th
matches (regular expression)
matches (regular expression), [], utilizing      2nd
matches (regular expressions)      
matches (regular expressions), anchors      2nd
matches (regular expressions), character classes, matching      2nd
matches (regular expressions), OR matches      2nd
matches (regular expressions), set matches      2nd
matches (regular expressions), special characters, matching      2nd
matches, regular expressions
matches, regular expressions, repetition metacharacters      2nd
mathematical calcualtions      
mathematical calcualtions, performing      2nd 3rd
mathematical operators
MAX() function
MAX() function, DISTINCT arguments
MAX() function, non-numeric data      2nd
MAX(), overview      2nd
MEMORY, description of
MIN() function
MIN() function, DISTINCT arguments      
MIN(), non-numeric data
MIN(), overview      2nd
MyISAM, description of      
MyISAM, full-text searching support      
MySQL Administrator
MySQL Administrator, access controls      
MySQL Administrator, overview      2nd
mysql command line      
mysql command line, overview      2nd
MySQL Query Browser
MySQL Query Browser, overview      2nd
MySQL software
MySQL software, installing      2nd
MySQL software, obtaining
names, fully qualified table names
names, fully qualified table names, overview      2nd
natural joins
natural joins, overview      2nd
nested groups      [See also GROUP BY]
Non-numeric data
non-numeric data, MAX() function
non-numeric data, MIN() function
nonmatches, checking against      
nonmatches, checking against with WHERE clauses      2nd
nonmatches, compared to NULL
NOT, definition of
NOT, limitations in MySQL
NOT, utilizing
NOT, utilizing in WHERE clauses      2nd
NULL values
NULL values, checking for
NULL values, checking with WHERE clauses      2nd
NULL values, tables      2nd
NULL values, versus empty strings
NULL, AVG() function interaction
NULL, compared to nonmatches
NULL, COUNT() function interaction      
NULL, MAX() function interaction      
NULL, MIN() function
NULL, SUM() function interaction
NULL, wildcard searches
numbers, storing efficiently
numeric datatypes      2nd 3rd
numeric manipulation functions      
numeric manipulation functions, overview      2nd
operators, definition of      [See also clauses]
operators, full-text boolean mode
operators, HAVING clause
operators, mathematical
operators, WHERE clauses      2nd
OR matches      
OR matches, overview      2nd
OR, AND, combining      [See also AND]
OR, definition of
OR, WHERE clauses, combining      2nd
ORDER BY clause      
ORDER BY clause, compared to GROUP BY clause      2nd
ORDER BY, case sensitivity in sort
ORDER BY, descending order
ORDER BY, descending order, sorting in      2nd
ORDER BY, highest/lowest values, finding      2nd
ORDER BY, utilizing      2nd
orderitems table      2nd
orders table      2nd
outer joins
outer joins, overview      2nd
outer joins, types of
parameters, stored procedures      2nd 3rd 4th
parentheses in IN      2nd
parentheses, grouping related operators      2nd 3rd
Passwords, changing      2nd
passwords, hashed passwords, specifying
percent signs (wildcards)      
percent signs (wildcards), overview      2nd
performance (DBMS), improving      2nd 3rd
portability, INSERT statements and      
portable code
portable code, definition of      2nd
primary keys      
primary keys, definiton of      2nd
primary keys, tables      2nd
productnotes table      2nd
products table      2nd
Queries      [See also subqueries]
queries, building incrementely
queries, building incrementely, importance of      
queries, calculated fields      
queries, calculated fields, concatenating fields      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
queries, calculated fields, mathematical calculations      2nd 3rd
queries, calculated fields, overview      2nd 3rd
queries, combining
queries, compound queries      
queries, compound queries, creating      2nd
queries, compound queries, sorting results      2nd
queries, compound quiries
queries, compound quiries, rows, eliminating/including dublicates      2nd
queries, definition of      
queries, formatting effectively
queries, WHERE clauses
queries, WHERE clauses, combining with
Query Browser (MySQL)      [See MySQL Query Browser]
query expansion (full-text searches)      2nd 3rd
quieries, compound queries
quieries, compound queries, rules of      2nd
quiries, compound quiries      2nd
quotes, numeric datatypes      
quotes, string datatypes
quotes, utilizing
quotes, utilizing in WHERE clauses      
range values      
range values, checking with WHERE clauses      2nd
records, compared to rows
referential integrity, maintaining      2nd
REGEXP, compared to LIKE operator      2nd
REGEXP, LIKE operator      [See also regular expression]
REGEXP, LIKE operator, making behave as      [See also regular expression]
Regular expressions
regular expressions, basic character matching      2nd
regular expressions, limitations of      2nd
regular expressions, matches/matching      [See matches (regular expressions)]
regular expressions, OR matches      2nd
regular expressions, overview      2nd
regular expressions, purpose of      
regular expressions, ranges, defining
regular expressions, testing      [See also REGEXP]
regular expressions, whitespace metacharacters      2nd
regular expressions, ^
relational tables
relational tables, overview      2nd
RENAME TABLE statement      2nd
REPEAT statements      
REPEAT statements versus LOOP statements      
repition metacharacters (regular expressions)      2nd
Reserved words
REVOKE statements
REVOKE statements, user rights
REVOKE statements, user rights, setting      2nd
right outer joins      
right outer joins, overview      2nd
rollbacks, definition of
rollbacks, transactions, controlling      2nd 3rd
ROLLUP, utilizing
root, dangers of
rows, compared to records
rows, complete rows, inserting      2nd 3rd 4th
rows, definition of
rows, dublicates
rows, dublicates, eliminating/including with UNION      2nd
rows, limiting retrieve results
rows, limiting retrieve results with LIMIT      2nd
rows, multiple rows, inserting      2nd
rows, retrieving
rows, retrieving with DISTINCT      2nd 3rd
RTRIM() function      2nd 3rd
savepoints, definition of
savepoints, transactions, controlling      2nd 3rd 4th
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