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Forta B. — MySQL Crash Course |
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scalability, definition of
schema, compared to databases
schema, definition of
scripts, executing
scripts, executing with MySQL Query Browser
searches, case-sensitivity
SELECT clauses
SELECT clauses, sequencing 2nd
SELECT statements
SELECT statements, AS keyword 2nd
SELECT statements, AS keyword, concatenating fields
SELECT, columns
SELECT, columns, retrieving all 2nd
SELECT, columns, retrieving individually 2nd
SELECT, columns, retrieving multiple 2nd
SELECT, purpose of
SELECT. 2nd 3rd [See also DISTINCT] [See also WHERE clauses] [See also queries]
self joins
self joins, compared to subqueries
self joins, overview 2nd
semicolons, statements, terminating
server software [See also client-server software]
server-based results fomatting
server-based results fomatting, compared to client-based
SET PASSWORD statements 2nd
sets, matching regular expressions 2nd
Show [See also DESCRIBE]
SHOW, overview 2nd
signed datatypes
sing values
sing values, checking against
sing values, checking against, with WHERE clauses 2nd
sorting data
sorting data by multiple columns 2nd 3rd
sorting data in descending order 2nd
sorting data, case sensitivity
sorting data, overview 2nd
SOUNDEX() function
SOUNDEX() function, overview 2nd
spaces, removing
spaces, removing, RTRIM function 2nd
special characters
special characters, regular expressions
special characters, regular expressions, matching 2nd
SQL, compared to application filtering
SQL, overview 2nd
SQL, syntax portability
startup problems, diagnosing 2nd
statement syntax 2nd
statements [See also keywords]
statements, case sensitivity
statements, formatting
statements, select
statements, SELECT, contenating fields
statements, terminating
statements, terminating with semicolons
statements, white space
stopwords, definition of
stored procedures, creating 2nd 3rd
stored procedures, cursors [See cursors]
stored procedures, disadvantages of 2nd
stored procedures, dropping 2nd
stored procedures, executing 2nd
stored procedures, inspecting 2nd
stored procedures, intelligent stored procedures, building 2nd 3rd
stored procedures, overview 2nd
stored procedures, parameters 2nd 3rd 4th
stored procedures, uses for 2nd
string datatypes 2nd 3rd
subqueries [See also queries]
subqueries as calculated fields 2nd 3rd
subqueries, combining queries with
subqueries, definition of
subqueries, filtering by 2nd 3rd 4th
subqueries, formatting effectively
subqueries, order of process
subqueries, self joins
subqueries, self joins, comparing
subqueries, Update statements
subqueries, WHERE clauses
SUM() function
SUM() function, multiple columns
SUM(), overview 2nd
syntax (statements) 2nd
syntax, joins
Tables [See also CREATE TABLE]
tables, aliasing 2nd
tables, AUTO INCREMENT 2nd 3rd 4th
tables, calculated fields
tables, calculated fields, concatenating fields 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
tables, calculated fields, mathematical calculations 2nd 3rd
tables, calculated fields, overview 2nd 3rd
tables, Cartesian products
tables, Cartesian products, overview 2nd
tables, character sets, specifiying 2nd
tables, creating 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
tables, customers table 2nd
tables, default values, specifying 2nd
tables, DELETE statements
tables, deleting 2nd
tables, joins [See joins]
tables, multiple tables, joining 2nd
tables, NULL values 2nd
tables, orderitems table 2nd
tables, orders table 2nd
tables, overview 2nd
tables, overwriting
tables, primary keys 2nd
tables, productnotes table 2nd
tables, products table 2nd
tables, relational tables
| tables, relational tables, overview 2nd
tables, renaming 2nd
tables, updating 2nd 3rd
tables, vendors table 2nd
tables, views [See views]
text [See also non-numeric data]
text-manipulation functions
text-manipulation functions, overview 2nd
time datatypes 2nd
trailing spaces
trailing spaces, dangers of in wildcards
transactions, controlling
transactions, controlling, commits 2nd 3rd 4th
transactions, controlling, overview
transactions, controlling, rollbacks 2nd 3rd
transactions, controlling, savepoints 2nd 3rd 4th
transactions, engine support
transactions, overview 2nd 3rd
triggers, BEFORE versus AFTER
triggers, creating 2nd
triggers, DELETE triggers 2nd
triggers, dropping 2nd
triggers, failure of
triggers, guidelines 2nd
triggers, INSERT triggers 2nd
triggers, multi statement triggers
triggers, overview 2nd
triggers, UPDATE triggers 2nd
trim() function
trimming padded spaces 2nd
underscores (wildcards)
underscores (wildcards), overview 2nd
UNION operator [See also compound queries]
UNION operator, compared to WHERE clauses
unions [See compound queries]
UNSIGNED keywords
UPDATE statements
UPDATE statements, (don\#213t connect numbers) 2nd
UPDATE triggers 2nd
USE, utilizing 2nd
user accounts
user accounts, access rights, setting 2nd 3rd 4th
user accounts, creating 2nd 3rd
user accounts, deleting
user accounts, managing 2nd
user accounts, passwords, changing 2nd
user accounts, renaming
VALUES, INSERT statements
values, trimming padded space
variables, definition of
vendors table 2nd
versions of (MySQL)
versions of (MySQL), overview 2nd
views, calculated fields 2nd
views, common uses for 2nd
views, complex joins, simplifying 2nd
views, data, reformating 2nd
views, overview 2nd
views, performance issues
views, reusable views, creating
views, rules and restrictions 2nd
views, unwanted data, filtering 2nd
views, updating 2nd
views, utilizing 2nd
WHERE claues
WHERE claues, combining AND/OR 2nd
WHERE clause
WHERE clause, filtering groups
WHERE clauses
WHERE clauses, checking against single values 2nd
WHERE clauses, checking for nonmatches 2nd
WHERE clauses, combining queries [See also compound queries]
WHERE clauses, combining with AND 2nd
WHERE clauses, combining with OR 2nd
WHERE clauses, compared to UNION
WHERE clauses, dates, filtering by 2nd
WHERE clauses, importance of in joins 2nd
WHERE clauses, IN, utilizing 2nd
WHERE clauses, NOT
WHERE clauses, NOT, utilizing 2nd
WHERE clauses, NULL values
WHERE clauses, NULL values, checking for 2nd
WHERE clauses, operators
WHERE clauses, operators, list of 2nd
WHERE clauses, overview 2nd
WHERE clauses, parentheses
WHERE clauses, parentheses, utilizing
WHERE clauses, quotes, utilizing
WHERE clauses, range values, checking 2nd
White space
white space in statements
whitespace metacharacters (regular expressions) 2nd
wildcard operators
wildcard operators, limitations of 2nd
wildcards, guidelines for 2nd
wildcards, LIKE operator
wildcards, LIKE operator, compared to REGEXP 2nd
wildcards, LIKE operator, overview
wildcards, NULL interaction
wildcards, overview 2nd
wildcards, percent signs
wildcards, percent signs, overview 2nd
wildcards, trailing spaces, dangers of
wildcards, underscores
wildcards, underscores, overview 2nd
WITH ROLLUP, utilizing
[], matching characters 2nd
^, purpose of
_ (wildcards)
_ (wildcards), overview 2nd
|, matching with [See also matches (regular expressions)]
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