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Nyberg G., Patrick R. — Mastering BEA WebLogic Server: Best Practices for Building and Deploying J2EE Applications
Nyberg G., Patrick R. — Mastering BEA WebLogic Server: Best Practices for Building and Deploying J2EE Applications

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Íàçâàíèå: Mastering BEA WebLogic Server: Best Practices for Building and Deploying J2EE Applications

Àâòîðû: Nyberg G., Patrick R.


Written by developers affiliated with BEA Systems, this advanced book walks through the design, construction, and deployment of an example WebLogic server application, and suggests best practices for the administration, performance tuning, and configuration of WebLogic server environments. The construction of the example web-based reservation system involves a presentation tier containing servlets and Java server pages, Jakarta Struts, Enterprise JavaBeans, JMS messaging, and direct interaction with the business-tier components.

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 20.08.2007

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spreadsheet applications      33—36
SQL statements, CMP entity beans      250—252
SQL statements, lazy retrieval      240—243
SQL statements, n + 1 problem      232—235
SQL statements, submitting as unit      582
SQL statements, updates, including in Finder queries      236—238
SQL*Server identity column      249
Sriganesh, Rima Patel (Developing Java Web Services: Architecting and Developing Secure Web Services Using Java)      665
SSL/TLS (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security), client and server verify each other      416 421—425 430 431 711
SSL/TLS (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security), client verifying server      416 420—421 429—431 710—711
SSL/TLS (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security), debugging      425
SSL/TLS (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security), described      416—417
SSL/TLS (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security), hardware acceleration      663
SSL/TLS (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security), Java clients, security-aware, application authentication      433
SSL/TLS (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security), Java clients, security-aware, hostname verification      433
SSL/TLS (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security), Java clients, security-aware, programmatic HTTP      431—433
SSL/TLS (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security), Java clients, security-aware, RMI clients      429—431
SSL/TLS (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security), Java clients, security-aware, trust managers      434
SSL/TLS (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security), Java clients, security-aware, Web Services      433
SSL/TLS (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security), message-level security      712—714
SSL/TLS (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security), X.509 certificates, obtaining      418—420
stand-alone server      173—174
Standby mode      473
Startup, applications, scanning for new      167—170
Startup, preloading servlets at      3
Startup, WebLogic Server in debug mode      616—617
State, current with      591—596
State, information, preserving from request to request      6—8
State, WebLogic server      472—474
stateful session beans      See SFSB
stateless services      277—281
stateless session beans      See SLSB
States, drop-down list of      101
Stevens, David L.(Internetworking with TCP/IP Volume II: Design, Implementation, and Intervals)      545
Stores, JMS resources      509—511
String      368 533
Style sheets, Web sites      46
Submission/bookmark controls      54
subscriptions      330 387—388
Sun HotSpot      554—558 560
Sun Performance and Tuning: Java and the Internet (Cockroft and Pettit)      542
Tag Handler Class      21
Tag library      10 152
Tag Library Descriptor      See TLD File
Tags, JSP      9—10
Targeted offer, reservation application      121—125
Tate, Bruce A.(Bitter Java)      567
TCP time wait interval      493
TCP/IP connections      544—545
Templates, building/replay wizards      609—610
Templates, common connection attributes      331 347—349 514—515
Templates, JMS      349
Testing, JUnit framework, deploying and executing      624—627
Testing, JUnit framework, described      621—622
Testing, JUnit framework, organizing      628—629
Testing, JUnit framework, tests, creating      622—623
Testing, JUnit framework, with J2EE applications      623—624
Testing, servlet code, viewing generated      36—37
Thread dump      535 593
threads, blocked      594—595
Threads, execute      453 454—458 516 563—566
Threads, JVM, current state      591—596
Threads, listen      453 460
Threads, memory, locking      213—215
Threads, safety, importance of      3—4
Threshold, JMS destination      356—359
Time-to-deliver extension, JMS (Java Message Service)      350—351
Timeout      497 570
Timestamp concurrency strategy      220—221
Timing database inserts      239—240
TLD (Tag Library Descriptor) File      21
Topic      345—346
traffic management      See load balancing
Transaction, affinity, JMS      342
Transaction, caching between entity beans      223—225
Transaction, collocation requirements      645
Transaction, database access performance      580—581
Transaction, direct access to entity beans      82
Transaction, failures      217
Transaction, JDBC connection pooling and      501
Transaction, JMS      376—378
Transaction, MDBs      386—387
Transaction, migration issues      538
Transparency, location      339
Transport-level Web Services security      710—712
traps, SNMP      530—533
Troubleshooting, applications      534—535
Troubleshooting, bottlenecks, identifying and correcting      584—586
Troubleshooting, high CPU utilization and poor application server throughput      588—589
Troubleshooting, low activity and CPU utilizations      590
Troubleshooting, preparing      584
Troubleshooting, resolution process      587—588
Trust managers      434
Turbine framework      60
Two-way security      416 421—425 430 431
UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration)      667—668
Unavailable systems      See poison messages
Uniform Resource Locator      See URL
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration      See UDDI
UNIX      413 545 547
Updates, batch, database access performance      582
Updates, bean, action classes performing      87—88
Updates, database after each method invocation      236
Updates, entity beans, including in Finder queries      236—238
Updates, model objects on forms      50—51
URL (Uniform Resource Locator)      6 158
User interface      See presentation
User, mapping identity token      See identity asserters
UserName      448—449 491 502 713
Utilities, archive, packaging enterprise applications      316—318
Utilities, EJB compiler, invoking directly      303
Utilities, including      32
Utilities, J2EE Web applications, deploying      170—173
Utilities, WebLogic server applications, monitoring      519—521
Validation      47—49 261
Value object      86 274 280—281 568—569
VCS (Veritas Cluster Servers)      642—643
vertical scaling      543 637
View-only pages      43
Vlissides, John (Design Patterns)      41
Waiters      582—583
Web application, architecture, choosing      39—42 55—58
Web application, building, custom tags, using for selected behaviors      20—23
Web application, building, errors, outputting full information about      14—17
Web application, building, helper functions and utilities, including      32
Web application, building, Java servlets      2—8
Web application, building, JSP      8—14 32—33
Web application, building, page output, caching to improve      23—28
Web application, building, resources, controlling access      37—38
Web application, building, results that can be sorted, manipulated and printed with spreadsheet applications      33—36
Web application, building, scriptlet code, reducing by declaring beans (jsp:useBean element)      17—20
Web application, building, servlet code, viewing generated      36—37
Web application, building, servlet filtering      28—32
Web application, descriptor file (web.xml)      29
Web application, production security      658—660
Web application, security      658—660
Web application, servletTurbine framework      60
Web application, WebWork framework      60
Web servers      586
Web Services Description Language      See WSDL
Web Services, clients, creating with WebLogic Server      686—694
Web Services, custom serializers      697—702
Web Services, development tools      620
Web Services, document-style messaging      694—695
Web Services, home page, customizing      695—696
Web Services, Java      675—683
Web Services, JMS transport      708—709
Web Services, reservation application, adding to      716—721
Web services, security      710—715
web services, sessions      696—697
Web Services, SOAP attachments      705—708
Web Services, SOAP handlers      702—705
Web Services, SSL/TLS      433
Web Services, technology      665—669
Web Services, WebLogic Server architecture      669—675
Web Services, WSDL      683—686 696
WebLogic Console, EJB applications, deploying      325—327
WebLogic Console, J2EE Web applications, deploying      173—174
WebLogic Console, LDAP security provider, mapping      412
WebLogic Console, WebLogic server applications, monitoring      521—525
WebLogic JMS      See JMS
WebWork framework      60
welcome pages      152
Windows (Microsoft)      414—415 549 616
wrappers      See JMS
WSDL (Web Services Description Language), described      666—667
WSDL (Web Services Description Language), static, publishing      696
WSDL (Web Services Description Language), Web Services      683—686
WSDL (Web Services Description Language), WebLogic Server architecture      673—674
X.509 certificates      418—420
XA support      507—508
XML (eXtensible Markup Language), elements, mapping      21
XML (eXtensible Markup Language), messages      363—365
XML (eXtensible Markup Language), messages, formatting      666 702—705 705—708
XML (eXtensible Markup Language), Web services, language describing      666—667 673—674 683—686 696
XP (Extreme Programming)      618 621
1 2 3 4 5
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