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Nyberg G., Patrick R. — Mastering BEA WebLogic Server: Best Practices for Building and Deploying J2EE Applications
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Íàçâàíèå: Mastering BEA WebLogic Server: Best Practices for Building and Deploying J2EE Applications
Àâòîðû: Nyberg G., Patrick R.
Àííîòàöèÿ: Written by developers affiliated with BEA Systems, this advanced book walks through the design, construction, and deployment of an example WebLogic server application, and suggests best practices for the administration, performance tuning, and configuration of WebLogic server environments. The construction of the example web-based reservation system involves a presentation tier containing servlets and Java server pages, Jakarta Struts, Enterprise JavaBeans, JMS messaging, and direct interaction with the business-tier components.
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2003
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 743
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 20.08.2007
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Navigation, JSP view and action pages 57 59
Navigation, paths, core reservation process 97—99
Navigation, presentation tier 51—54
Network Address Translation See NAT firewall
network appliances 543
Network, channels 474—475 487—488
Network, performance, optimizing 550—551
Network, traffic, managing 339—340 348 650—653
Node Manager 452 471—472 489—493
Normal behavior, finders-load-bean 233—234
NTRealm 414—415
OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) 710
One-way security, SSL/TLS 416 420—421 429—431
Operating system, tuning 544—549
Operating system, WebLogic server domain, configuring 493
Optimistic concurrency strategy 212 219—223
Oracle 9i High-Performance Tuning with STATPACK (Burleson) 579
Oracle database 248—249 501—503
Order, messages 349—350 376
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards See OASIS
Overrides, JMS (Java Message Service) 355—356 514
Packaging, enterprise applications, archive file (.ear files) 320—322
Packaging, enterprise applications, described 306—309
Packaging, enterprise applications, descriptor files 312—316
Packaging, enterprise applications, directory structure 309—311
Packaging, enterprise applications, exploded 318—320
Packaging, enterprise applications, utility archives 316—318
Packaging, Web applications, archive file 166—167
Packaging, Web applications, basic steps, listed and illustrated 147—148
Packaging, Web applications, descriptor files 151—160
Packaging, Web applications, directory structure 148—151
Packaging, Web applications, exploded application, creating 164—166
Packaging, Web applications, JSP components, precompiling 160—164
Page directive 10
Pages, attributes, JSP implicit object 11
Pages, display servlet 75—77
Pages, layout details 46
Pages, output caching 23—28
Pages, response caching (CacheFilter) 30—32
Pages, restricting access to specific 658
Pages, servlet filter, directing to certain 29
Paging stores 353—354
PAM (pluggable authentication modules) 413
Parentcascading deletes 253—255
Parentcascading deletes, mapping 262—263
Partitioning, mapping inheritance to database tables 266—267
Pass-by-reference, EJB (Enterprise JavaBean) containers 577—578
Password, connection pool 502
Password, message-level security 713
Password, setting 492
Password, SNMP community names 529
Password, WebLogic Server, booting 448—449
Performance, bottlenecks, identifying and correcting 584—586
Performance, connection-related parameters 562
Performance, current state of JVM threads 591—596
Performance, database access 578—583
Performance, degrading with high disk I/O 591
Performance, described 541—544
Performance, EJB containers 572—578
Performance, erratic response times and CPU utilization on application server 590—591
Performance, execute queues, application-specific 566—567
Performance, execute thread counts, tuning 563—566
Performance, high CPU utilization and poor application server throughput 588—589
Performance, in design 567—569
Performance, JavaServer Pages 571—572
Performance, JVM tuning 551—562
Performance, low activity and CPU utilizations 590
Performance, native I/O muxer 563
Performance, network tuning 550—551
Performance, operating system tuning 544—549
Performance, page output, caching to improve 23—28
Performance, preparing 584
Performance, resolution process 587—588
Performance, servlets 572
Performance, session-specific data, storing 569—571
Performance, slow response time from client and low database usage 590
Persistence, managed by EJB container, BMP, advantages over 194
Persistence, managed by EJB container, cascading deletes 253—255
Persistence, managed by EJB container, changes, handling 219—223
Persistence, managed by EJB container, database 238—240 249—250
Persistence, managed by EJB container, dynamic queries 252—253
Persistence, managed by EJB container, EJB home methods 198—199
Persistence, managed by EJB container, existence, checking for 255—256
Persistence, managed by EJB container, last name, finding people with same 233—234
Persistence, managed by EJB container, lazy retrieval, controlling using field groups 240—243
Persistence, managed by EJB container, methods required 182—185
Persistence, managed by EJB container, numeric primary key, automatically generating 247—249
Persistence, managed by EJB container, relationship caching with 244—246
Persistence, managed by EJB container, select methods 196—198
Persistence, managed by EJB container, SQL support 250—252
Persistence, managed by EJB container, stateless services and 275
Persistence, message queues 330
Persistence, session 7 462
Persistent stores 342 351—355
Person Tracker sample Web application architecture, choosing 56—60
Pettit, Richard (Sun Performance and Tuning: Java and the Internet) 542
Ping command 520 534
Plug-ins 462 494—499
Pluggable Authentication Modules See PAM
Point-to-point messaging 330
Poison messages 372—375
Policies, application security 444—448
Pool, connection 4—5 501—505 537
Portable stubs 693—694
Ports, listen 453 460
Prepared statements, caching 580
Presentation, described 42
Presentation, display 43—46
Presentation, form update, business tier interaction to update model objects 50—51
Presentation, form update, client-side validation 47—48
Presentation, form update, data extraction 48—49
Presentation, form update, described 42 46—47
Presentation, form update, error display 49—50
Presentation, form update, server-side validation 49
Presentation, form update, warnings if left blank or inconsistent 47—48
Presentation, J2EE application example 68—77
Presentation, navigation requirements 51—54
Presentation, relationships in 84—85
Presentation, requirements, J2EE application example 65—68
Primary key, numeric 247—249
Printing 11 33—36
Private key See SSL/TLS
Process dumps, generating 592—593
Process encapsulation 260—261
Production environment 650—654
Property, hotel reservation maintenance, availability 140—146
Property, hotel reservation maintenance, components, listed 131—132
Property, hotel reservation maintenance, main form 132—137
Property, hotel reservation maintenance, rate pages 138—140
Property, hotel reservation maintenance, search and selection pages 99—107
Public/private key technology See SSL/TLS
Queries, data set size, limiting 579
Queries, EJB-QL returning arbitrary data types or bean references 196—198
Queries, n + 1 problem, loading entity beans 232—235
Queries, objects, mapping to relational database 263—264
Queries, string parameters, obtaining 5
Queue, consuming messages from 343—345
Queue, execute, administering and deploying WebLogic Server applications 453 454—458
Queue, execute, application-specific 455 566—567
Queue, execute, WebLogic server domain, configuring 516
Queue, message, defined 330
Queue, producing messages to 341—343
Quotas, JMS (Java Message Service) destination 356—359
Rajagopalan, Suresh (Java Servlet Programming Bible) 1
Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules (McConnell) 598
Rate pages, reservation application 138—140
Read-mostly entity bean 226—230
Read-only entity bean 218 225—226 234
Reading Java stack traces 594—595
RealmAdapter 402 410
Redelivery, poison messages 373—375
Redirect 658
References, entity bean 194—196
Relational database, mapping objects to 261—267
Relationship, caching with CMP 244—246
Relationship, mapping objects to relational database 264—265
Relationship, read-mostly pattern and 229—230
Remote debugging features 615—618
Remote EJB interfaces 206
remote method invocation 274
Remote Procedure Call See RPC
Remote start, configuring 490—491
Replay wizards 609—610
Replica-aware stub 466—467
Replication 462 465 644—646
Request, data, accessing 5—6
Request, forwarding to individual methods (service() method) 2
Request, handling multiple in JSP 12
Request, JSP implicit object 10
Request, long-running, finding cause of 535
Request, message exchange with reply 379—382
Request, multiple parallel 3—4
Request, passing to new page 10
Reservation system, calendar 107—108
Reservation system, creation process 118—121
Reservation system, date selection, property reservation application 107—118
Reservation system, drop-down list, reservation form 101
Reservation system, information 92—97
Reservation system, navigation paths, core reservation process 97—99
Reservation system, property maintenance, availability 140—146
Reservation system, property maintenance, components, listed 131—132
Reservation system, property maintenance, main form 132—137
Reservation system, property maintenance, rate pages 138—140
Reservation system, property maintenance, search and selection pages 99—107
Reservation system, targeted offer 121—125
Resolution process 587—588
Response time, erratic 455 590—591
Response time, extended 584—586
Response, buffered, JSP 12—13
Response, caching at page level 30—32
Response, JMS request/reply style message exchange 379—382
Response, JSP implicit object 10
Results, managing with spreadsheet applications 33—36
Retry connections 498
RMI (Remote Method Invocation) 429—431 466—469
Role mapping and credential mapping 128 407
Role-based views 44—45
Roles 444—448
Roman, Ed (Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans) 177
Routing 339—340 462—464
RPC (Remote Procedure Call) 666
Scalability 542
scripting 8 9—10
Scriptlet 9 17—20
Search page, displaying with list of model objects 44
Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security See SSL/TLS
Security, application 434—443 443—449
Security, default providers, authentication 402—404
Security, default providers, authorization and adjudication of users 406
Security, default providers, configuration, managing 407—409
Security, default providers, events, logging 407
Security, default providers, identity asserters 404—405
Security, default providers, listed with features 400—401
Security, default providers, older version of WebLogic, running 410
Security, default providers, role mapping and credential mapping 407
Security, described 395—397
Security, external stores 410—416
Security, Java clients 425—434
Security, LDAP server, embedded 398—400
Security, production, application data flow 654—655
Security, production, connection filter 656—658
Security, production, firewall layouts 655—656
Security, production, SSL hardware acceleration 663
Security, production, Web applications 658—660
Security, SSL/TLS, client and server verify each other 416 421—425 430 431
Security, SSL/TLS, client verifying server 416 420—421 429—430 431
Security, SSL/TLS, debugging 425
Security, SSL/TLS, described 416—417
Security, SSL/TLS, X.509 certificates, obtaining 418—420
Security, views based on 44—45
Security, Web applications, accessauthorization/authentication administration 126—131
Security, Web applications, descriptor files 152 158
Security, Web applications, session ID cookies 659—660
Security, Web applications, users and groups 174—176
security, Web services 710—715
Select methods 196—198
Selectors, designing 367—369
Self-health monitoring 474
Sending later, messages 350—351
server See also domain
Server affinity, JMS 342
Server, and client verify each other 416 421—425 430 431
Server, asynchronous JMS messages, consuming 384—389
Server, client verifying 416 420—421 429—431
Server, connections, verifying (PING command) 520
Server, deployment strategies 636—638
Server, forwards, accessJMS resources 509—511
Server, LDAP security 398—400
Server, migrating, WebLogic JMS provider 346—347
Server, precompiling JSP components, benefits of 160
Server, traffic, distributing among multiple 652—653
Server, validating forms 49
Server, WebLogic JMS provider 338
Servlet filter 28—32
Servlet, architecture based on, choosing 56 58—60 68
Servlet, code, viewing generated 36—37
Servlet, converting to JSP 8—9
Servlet, JMS 382—384
Servlet, page display 75—77
Servlet, servlet filter, directing to certain 29
Servlet, Web application 152 154—155
Servlet, WebLogic server performance, optimizing 572
session beans 111 207—211 293—294
Session fa?ade 260—261 568
Session ID, securing 659—660
Session, API, JMS 1.02b 332—333
Session, configuration 152 158
Session, data, storing 569—571
Session, JavaServer Pages, efficient use of 571
Session, JSP implicit object 11
Session, multicast JMS 378—379
Session, replication 462 644—645
Session, response data, cached 125
Session, routing based on 462—464
session, tracking 6—8 12
session, web services 696—697
SFSB (stateful session beans) 180—181
Shared secret credential 405
Shell interface 608—609
Shutdown, forcing WebLogic Server 471—472
Simple Network Management Protocol See SNMP
Simple Object Access Protocol See SOAP
Single-site deployment strategies, complex clusters 641—643
Single-site deployment strategies, described 638—639
Single-site deployment strategies, Simple WebLogic Server cluster 639—641
single-threaded servlets 4—5
Sites, distributing traffic among multiple See global traffic management
Skeleton application, constructing 91—92
Skoczylas, Robert (Developing Java Web Services: Architecting and Developing Secure Web Services Using Java) 665
SLSB (stateless session beans) 178—179
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) 529—533
SOAP (simple object access protocol) 666 702—708
Socket muxer 453 458—460 596
Socket, connections, managing 453 458—460 596
Socket, maximum number open 484
Socket, tuning 545
Software, required 598—601
Solaris operating system 413 545—547
Sorting messages 349—350 376
Sources, refusing traffic from unknown or untrusted See connection filter