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Nyberg G., Patrick R. — Mastering BEA WebLogic Server: Best Practices for Building and Deploying J2EE Applications
Nyberg G., Patrick R. — Mastering BEA WebLogic Server: Best Practices for Building and Deploying J2EE Applications

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Íàçâàíèå: Mastering BEA WebLogic Server: Best Practices for Building and Deploying J2EE Applications

Àâòîðû: Nyberg G., Patrick R.


Written by developers affiliated with BEA Systems, this advanced book walks through the design, construction, and deployment of an example WebLogic server application, and suggests best practices for the administration, performance tuning, and configuration of WebLogic server environments. The construction of the example web-based reservation system involves a presentation tier containing servlets and Java server pages, Jakarta Struts, Enterprise JavaBeans, JMS messaging, and direct interaction with the business-tier components.

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 20.08.2007

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Acceleration, SSL hardware      663
Access control, checks during server-side forwards      658
Access control, entity beans, wrapping      82 83
Access control, tables, basic principle of      579
Access control, Web resources      37—38
Access control, Web Services security      715
Acknowledgement message      332—333 348 365—366
Acknowledgement, slow, packet retransmissions and      550—551
Action classes      85—88
Action pages      57 59
ActiveDirectory      412 414
Addresses, mapping to person in relational database      See aggregation
Adjudication, users      406
Admin server, domain architecture      452
Admin server, J2EE Web applications, deploying      173—174
Admin server, migration failures      539
Admin server, WebLogic Server      469—471
Administering applications, application container      460—461
Administering applications, architecture overview      451 453—454
Administering applications, domain architecture      452—453
Administering applications, execute queues and execute threads      453 454—458
Administering applications, listen ports and listen threads      453 460
Administering applications, socket connections, managing      453 458—460
Administration port      460
Administration, authorization/authentication administration      126—131
Administration, availability      140—146
Administration, described      125—126
Administration, main form, properties      132—137
Administration, property maintenance components      131—132
Administration, rate pages      138—140
Aggregation      262—263
AIX operating system, tuning      547—548
Almeida, Virgilio A.F.(Capacity Planning for Web Performance: Metrics, Models, and Methods)      542
Alur, Deepak (Core J2EE Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies)      41 568
Ambler, Scott (Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans)      177
An Introduction to Database Systems, 7th Edition (Date)      579
Ant build tool (Apache Software Foundation), J2EE Web applications, deploying      170—173
Ant build tool (Apache Software Foundation), obtaining      147
Ant build tool (Apache Software Foundation), project and build processing features      614
Apache web servers      476—478
Apache, NAT firewall      484
Apache, plug-ins      494—496
API (Application Programming Interface), JMS 1.02b      331—337
API (Application Programming Interface), UDDI      668
Application security, J2EE, CA Resource adapters      442
Application security, J2EE, described      434—435
Application security, J2EE, EJB      440—442
Application security, J2EE, enterprise      442—443
Application security, J2EE, for Web      435—440
Application security, WebLogic Server, booting      448—449
Application security, WebLogic, roles and policies      444—448
Application security, WebLogic, users and groups      443—444
Application server      586 588—589
application service provider      See ASP
Application, components in other, referencing      206
Application, container      460—461
Application, data flow security      654—655
Application, described      533
Application, design, MDBs      388—389
Application, domain, configuring      499—500 516—518
Application, EJB components, referencing in same      204—205
Application, execute queues      566—567
Application, failures      536—539
Application, hanging      594
Application, monitoring      519—529
Application, SSL/TLS authentication      433
Application, troubleshooting      534—535
Application, versioning      536
Applications, distributed enterpriserchive file, EJB      298—306
Archive file, enterprise applications, packaging      320—322
Archive file, J2EE Web applications      166—167
ASP (application service provider), administration site components      125—126
ASP (application service provider), authorization/authentication administration      126—131
ASP (application service provider), deploying, automatic      167—170
ASP (application service provider), deploying, basic steps, listed and illustrated      147—148
ASP (application service provider), deploying, command-line utility and ant task      170—173
ASP (application service provider), deploying, required users and group      174—176
ASP (application service provider), deploying, WebLogic Console      173—174
ASP (application service provider), described      89—91
ASP (application service provider), packaging, archive file      166—167
ASP (application service provider), packaging, basic steps, listed and illustrated      147—148
ASP (application service provider), packaging, descriptor files      151—160
ASP (application service provider), packaging, directory structure      148—151
ASP (application service provider), packaging, exploded application, creating      164—166
ASP (application service provider), packaging, JSP components, precompiling      160—164
ASP (application service provider), property maintenance, availability      140—146
ASP (application service provider), property maintenance, components, listed      131—132
ASP (application service provider), property maintenance, main form      132—137
ASP (application service provider), property maintenance, rate pages      138—140
ASP (application service provider), skeleton, constructing      91—92
ASP (application service provider), targeted offer      121—125
ASP (application service provider), user site components, date selection and availability display forms      107—118
ASP (application service provider), user site components, navigation paths, core reservation process      97—99
ASP (application service provider), user site components, property search/selection pages      99—107
ASP (application service provider), user site components, reservation creation process      118—121
ASP (application service provider), user site components, reservation information      92—97
ASP (application service provider), Web sites      46
Associations, relational database      264—265
Asynchronous invocation      690—693
Asynchronous JMS messages      384—389
Attributes, EJBGen utility      284—286
Attributes, mapping to multiple database tables      249—250
Authentication, application      433
Authentication, custom providers      415—416
Authentication, default security providers      402—404
Authentication, HTTP mechanism      435—440
Authentication, LDAP, external      410—413
Authentication, UNIX-based      413
Authentication, Windows domain      414—415
Authorization      131 406
Availability, property      107—118 140—146
Back-end component types      670—672
Back/forward buttons      54
Bad data, messages      See poison messages
Barker, Richard (Case*Method Entity-Relationship Modeling)      579
batch updates      582
batching      238—239
BEA JRockit      560—562
Bean, action classes loading for display      85—87
Bean, attribute, displaying on JSP pages      79—84
Bean, declaring with JSP      10 17—20
Bean, form      59
Bean, updates, action classes performing      87—88
Beck, Kent (Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change)      598
Behavior, describing custom tags (Tag Handler Class)      21
Bitter Java (Tate)      567
BMP (bean-managed persistence), CMP versus      194
BMP (bean-managed persistence), EJB home methods      198—199
BMP (bean-managed persistence), entity beans      185—187
BMP (bean-managed persistence), methods required      182—185
Bookmark controls      54
Books, recommended reading, An Introduction to Database Systems, 7th Edition (C.J.Date)      579
Books, recommended reading, Bitter Java (Bruce A.Tate)      567
Books, recommended reading, Capacity Planning for Web Performance: Metrics, Models, and Methods (Daniel A.Menasc? and Virgilio A.F.Almeida)      542
Books, recommended reading, Concurrent Programming in Java: Design Principles and Patterns (Doug Lea)      542
Books, recommended reading, Core J2EE Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies (Deepak Alur, John Crupi, and Dan Malks)      41 568
Books, recommended reading, Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages (Marty Hall)      1
Books, recommended reading, Design Patterns (Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides)      41
Books, recommended reading, Developing Java Web Services: Architecting and Developing Secure Web Services Using Java (Ramesh Nagappan, Robert Skoczylas, and Rima Patel Sriganesh)      665
Books, recommended reading, EJB Design Patterns: Advanced Patterns, Processes, and Idioms (Floyd Marinescu)      41 567
Books, recommended reading, Enterprise JavaBeans (Richard Monson-Haefel)      177
Books, recommended reading, Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change (Kent Beck)      598
Books, recommended reading, Internetworking with TCP/IP Volume II: Design, implementation, and Intervals (Douglas A.Corner and David L.Stevens)      545
Books, recommended reading, Java Message Service (Richard Monson-Haefel and David Chappell)      329
Books, recommended reading, Java Servlet Programming (Jason Hunter)      1
Books, recommended reading, Java Servlet Programming Bible (Suresh Rajagopalan)      1
Books, recommended reading, Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans (Ed Roman, Scott Ambler, and Tyler Jewel)      177
Books, recommended reading, Oracle 9i High-Performance Tuning with STATPACK (Donald K.Burleson)      579
Books, recommended reading, Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules (Steve McConnell)      598
Books, recommended reading, Sun Performance and Tuning: Java and the Internet (Adrian Cockroft and Richard Pettit)      542
Booting      448—449
Bottlenecks      584—586
Bridge, messages from legacy to JMS messaging systems      390
Browser, obtaining cookies through      5
build process      610—612
Builder utility      283—284
Building/replay wizards      609—610
Burleson, Donald K.(Oracle 9i High-Performance Tuning with STATPACK)      579
Business domain models      64—65
Business logic, beans, associating      181 198—199
Business logic, EJB application validation      261
Business logic, encapsulating complex      111
Business tier, EJB application, entity bean persistence, stateless service with      272—276
Business tier, EJB application, entity beans, constructing      288—292
Business tier, EJB application, JDBC stateless service      270—272
Business tier, EJB application, message-driven beans      294—295
Business tier, EJB application, session beans      293—294
Business tier, EJB application, stateless services, entity beans, and direct interaction      277—280
Business tier, EJB application, stateless services, values objects, and direct interaction with entity beans      280—281
Business tier, J2EE application, bean attributes, displaying on JSP pages      79—84
Business tier, J2EE application, bean updates, action classes performing      87—88
Business tier, J2EE application, beans and forms, action classes loading for display      85—87
Business tier, J2EE application, described      78—79
Business tier, J2EE application, presentation components, relationships in      84—85
CA (certificate authority)      416—417
CA (Connection Architecture) Resource adapters      442
Caching database patterns      579
Caching dynamic content, JavaServer Pages      571—572
Caching entity beans, between transactions      217 223—225
Caching entity beans, combined support      230—232
Caching entity beans, limitation      212
Caching entity beans, read-mostly pattern      226—230
Caching entity beans, read-only multicast invalidation      225—226
Caching finders-load-bean between transactions      235
Caching prepared database statements      580
Caching Web application performance, improving      544
Caching Web page output      23—28
Calendar, reservation sample application      107—108
Call router      467
Capacity Planning for Web Performance: Metrics, Models, and Methods (Menasce and Almeida)      542
cascading deletes      253—255
Case*Method Entity-Relationship Modeling (Barker)      579
Case*Method Entity-Relationship Modeling (Richard Barker)      579
Central processing unit      See CPU
Certificate authority      See CA
Certificates, security      418—420
Changes, detection and propagation      465—466
Changes, entity beans, handling one per transactions      219—223
Chappell, David (Java Message Service)      329
Character set      158
Children      See parent-child relationships
Class-level tags      284—286
Client, and server verify each other      416 421—425 430 431
Client, applications, accessing      395—397
Client, callback Web service      717
Client, characteristics, obtaining      5
Client, forms, validating      47—48
Client, handling multiple simultaneously, changes, handling one per transaction      219—223
Client, handling multiple simultaneously, database      215—217
Client, handling multiple simultaneously, described      211—213
Client, handling multiple simultaneously, MDBs      385—386
Client, handling multiple simultaneously, memory, locking      213—215 217
Client, handling multiple simultaneously, read-only      218
Client, JSP session information      11
Client, polling      717
Client, requests, session bean components      207—209
Client, slow response time with low database usage      590
Client, verifying server      416 420—421 429—430 431
Client, Web Services, creating      686—694
Client, WebLogic Server, writing      674—675
Cluster, complex      641—643
Cluster, described      452
Cluster, grouping of, architecture      452 453—454
Cluster, grouping of, cluster      486—487
Cluster, grouping of, database resources      500—508
Cluster, grouping of, deploying applications      516—518
Cluster, grouping of, described      475—478 483—485
Cluster, grouping of, execute queues and threads      516
Cluster, grouping of, JavaMail sessions      516
Cluster, grouping of, JMS resources      508—515
Cluster, grouping of, JVM      494
Cluster, grouping of, network channels      487—488
Cluster, grouping of, node manager, setting up      489—493
Cluster, grouping of, operating system      414—415 493
Cluster, grouping of, plug-ins      494—499
Cluster, grouping of, setting up new      478—482
Cluster, implementing one per site      648—650
Cluster, JMS provider, connection routing, load balancing, and failover      339—340
Cluster, JMS provider, described      338
Cluster, JMS provider, distributed destinations      340—346
Cluster, JMS provider, location transparency      339
Cluster, JMS provider, migrating servers      346—347
Cluster, spanning multiple sites      646—648
Cluster, Web application      462—466 543
Cluster, WebLogic server domain, configuring      486—487
Cluster-aware stub      466—467
CMP (container-managed persistence) entity beans, BMP, advantages over      194
CMP (container-managed persistence) entity beans, cascading deletes      253—255
CMP (container-managed persistence) entity beans, changes, handling      219—223
CMP (container-managed persistence) entity beans, database      238—240 249—250
CMP (container-managed persistence) entity beans, dynamic queries      252—253
CMP (container-managed persistence) entity beans, EJB home methods      198—199
CMP (container-managed persistence) entity beans, existence, checking for      255—256
CMP (container-managed persistence) entity beans, last name, finding people with same      233—234
CMP (container-managed persistence) entity beans, lazy retrieval, controlling using field groups      240—243
CMP (container-managed persistence) entity beans, methods required      182—185
CMP (container-managed persistence) entity beans, numeric primary key, automatically generating      247—249
CMP (container-managed persistence) entity beans, relationship caching with      244—246
CMP (container-managed persistence) entity beans, select methods      196—198
CMP (container-managed persistence) entity beans, SQL support      250—252
CMP (container-managed persistence) entity beans, stateless services and      275
Cockroft, Adrian (Sun Performance and Tuning: Java and the Internet)      542
Collocation      645
Columns, retrieving explicitly      579—580
Command pattern      569
Command-line utility, EJB compiler, invoking directly      303
Command-line utility, J2EE Web applications, deploying      170—173
Command-line utility, WebLogic server applications, monitoring      519—521
Commitment control level      581
community names      529
Compatibility mode with RealmAdapter      402 410
Complex processes, simplifying interface      See process encapsulation
Composite view pattern      46
Compressing XML messages      365
Concurrency, changes, handling one per transaction      219—223
Concurrency, database      215—217
Concurrency, described      211—213
Concurrency, MDBs      385—386
Concurrency, memory, locking      213—215 217
Concurrency, read-only      218
Concurrent Programming in Java: Design Principles and Patterns (Lea)      542
Configuration information, managing      604—609
Confirmations, e-mail      516
Connection Architecture      See CA Resource adapters
Connection factories, JMS      331 347—349 514—515
Connection filter, built-in      656—657
Connection filter, custom      657—658
Connection pool      4—5 501—505 537
Connection, accessing and sharing persistent (pooling)      582
Connection, API, JMS 1.02b      331
Connection, routing      339—340
Connection, socket, managing      453 458—460
Connection, verifying (PING command)      520
Connection, WebLogic server performance, optimizing      562
Consumers, specifying messages      367—369
Container-managed persistence      See CMP entity beans
containers, EJB      572—578
Containers, JSP application      158
Containers, session-specific data, storing      569—571
Containers, WebLogic Server application      460—461
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