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Piskurich G.M. (ed.) — The AMA Handbook of E-Learning: Effective Design, Implementation, and Technology Solutions |
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Action plan 264
Added-value companies and e-learning 21
Added-value companies, values of 19—20
ADDIE model 319
Administrator tool LMS feature 159
Administrator tool synchronous e-learning 126
Administrator tool, implementation of 322
Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative (ADL) 155
Agenda tool asynchronous e-learning 261
Agenda tool synchronous e-learning 122
Aggregators content aggregators 212
Aggregators, role of 8—9
Aldrich, Clark 419 437
American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), blendedlearning approach 29
American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), definition of e-learning 71—72
American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), magazine of 85
American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), on e-learning growth 28
American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), program reviews/ratings 345
Animation 199
Application Programming Interface (API) 126
Application service provider (ASP), role of 9
Application sharing, synchronous e-learning 123
Archive Global 306
Archiving, LMS feature 159
artificial intelligence 12 434
AskMe Enterprise 349
Aspect Communications 340 349—350
assessments see also Learner evaluation
Assessments competency management systems (CMS) 216—217
Assessments evaluation building block 265—266
Assessments goals/needs of learner 212 214
Assessments in recommendations document 53
Assessments of performance improvement 364 368—370
Assessments online 125
Assessments self-assessments 262
Assignments, e-mail assignments 266—267
Asynchronous e-learning collaboration products 259 266—268
Asynchronous e-learning Corporate Model 257
Asynchronous e-learning dialog boxes 262
Asynchronous e-learning elicitation products 258 262—265
Asynchronous e-learning evaluation products 258—259 265—266
Asynchronous e-learning presentation products 258 259—262
Asynchronous e-learning resource area 262
Asynchronous e-learning self-assessments 262
Asynchronous e-learning tools action plan 264
Asynchronous e-learning tools agenda/map 261
Asynchronous e-learning tools discussion boards 267—268
Asynchronous e-learning tools document repository 268
Asynchronous e-learning tools e—mail assignments 266—267
Asynchronous e-learning tools e—mail welcome 260—261
Asynchronous e-learning tools home page/welcome screen 261
Asynchronous e-learning tools interview/news story 261
Asynchronous e-learning tools skeptics corner 263—264
Asynchronous e-learning tools slide shows 261
Asynchronous e-learning tools virtual brainstorm (flipchart) 263
Asynchronous e-learning tools what do you think section 267
Asynchronous e-learning tools what happens next section 264—265
Asynchronous e-learning tools what would you say section 264
Asynchronous e-learning University Model 256
Asynchronous e-learning, definition of 8
Audience analysis for blended learning project 311—312
Audience analysis for recommendations document 52
Audience analysis for synchronous e-learning 280—281
Audience analysis in needs analysis 45—48
Audience analysis individuals surveyed for 46—47
Audience analysis surveys for 47—50 57—67
Audio for Webcasts 195
Audio streaming, meaning of 8
Audio Voice over IP (VOIP) 122 284
Audio, audio—conferencing 284
Author hiring tips 147
Author, role of 140
Authoring 324—326
Authoring tool selection tips 325—326
Authoring tools, purpose of 8
Authoring vendor role 430
Authorware Attain 325
Avergun, Amy 306
Aviation Industry CBT Committee (AICC) 155—157
Bandwidth compression versus optimization 188—189
Bandwidth design basics 184—187
Bandwidth, meaning of 8 332
Berger, Allan 353 360
Best Distance Learning Graduate Schools 345
Best use policy 347—348
Bitmap Image 188
Blended learning 127—128
Blended learning and discussion groups 308—309
Blended learning and learning management system (LMS) 307
Blended learning and live e-learning 309
Blended learning and Web-based training 307—308
Blended learning content management 127
Blended learning elements of 9 23 29 102 127 414
Blended learning pre-design information gathering 311—314
Blended learning, benefits of 310—311
BlueMissile 190 253
Books, extended books 423 427
Brainbench Test Center 216
Brandon-hall.com 316
Breakout room, synchronous e-learning 125
Broadabent, Brooke 331
Brock, Russ 99 115
Brockbank, Bray J. 151 169
Bruner, Jerome 265
Buddy system, for learners 343
budget see Cost of e-training
Builds, Webcasting 199
Bulletin board, discussion groups 173—175
Bunch, Kathy 306
Burrow, Jim 393 409
Business case, in favor of e-learning 79—82
Business processes, e-training barriers 25—26
Cache and graphic content 185—186
Cache, operation of 185
Career plan, e-learning integration 349
Cascading style sheets (CSS), pros/cons of 186
Casting, for Webcast 201
Center for Innovation and Inquiry 115
Centra Software 130 283 308 338 431
Change management 81
Change, implementation of 18 28
Chat 177—180
Chat for follow-up sessions 331
Chat public versus private rooms 177
Chat text-based chat 124 125 284
Chat, e-learning activities related to 178
Chat, moderation/facilitation of 179—180
Chat, pros/cons of 178—179
ChatSpace 219
Cisco Systems 153 349 376 377 379 381
Coaching, elements of 128 414
Collaboration products 259 266—268
Collaboration products, examples of 266—268
Collaboration products, instructional outcomes 267
Collaboration products, purposes of 266—267
Collaborative work 113 see
Collaborative work, elements of 128 414
Collis, Betty 318
Communication strategy, in recommendations document 54
Communispond Corporation 360 377 391
Community building, extended community 424—425
Community building, repurposing materials 300—301
Competency management systems (CMS), functions of 216—217
Complexity, content, levels of 326—328
Compression, versus optimization 188—189
Computer games, global learning simulations 433
Computer Mediated Instruction (CMI) 2
Conduit, meaning of 338
Cone, John 350
Conference calls, and Webcasts 195
| Conferencing see Discussion groups
Connectivity LMS feature 160
Connectivity virtual classroom 159
Content aggregators 212
Content community database 427—428
Content complexity, levels of 326—328
Content editor 434
Content embedded help 426—427
Content expert access 425 428
Content extended books 423 428
Content extended community 424—425
Content extended expert access 425
Content extended lectures 424 428
Content global curriculum 428—429
Content interplay, examples of 427—429
content management see also Learning content management systems (LCMS)
Content markup, synchronous e-learning 122
Content provider, functions of 8
Content simulations 425—426 428
Content specialists, role of 233
Content view, synchronous e-learning 121
Content, meaning of 338
Continuing education units, learning portals 221
Corporate Model, asynchronous e-learning 257
Cost of e-training 14 41
Cost of e-training and blended learning project 314
Cost of e-training and course management system (CMS) 295—296
Cost of e-training and outsourcing 133 138
Cost of e-training cost savings, scope of 77
Cost of e-training in business case 80
Cost of e-training in recommendations document 55
Cost of e-training learning content management systems (LCMS) 164
Cost of e-training learning management system (LMS) 164
Cost of e-training return on investment (ROI) 43—44
Cost of e-training vendor billing 250
Course management system (CMS), time/cost effectiveness 295—296
Course map, repurposing materials 298—299
Course outline, example outline 67—69
Course outline, preliminary outline 50—51
Courseware providers, role of 430
Crawford & Associates International 70
Creative Approaches, Inc. 145
Cropping, graphics 185—186
Curriculum design, emphasis of 40
Customization, and vendors 247 430
Customization, learning portals 221
Customization, LMS feature 160—161
Cutting edge companies and e-learning 21 33—34
Cutting edge companies, values of 18—21
Data analysis, in needs analysis 48—50
DazzlerMax 325
De Gaizo, Edward R. 306
Delivery methods for surveys 48
Delivery methods in recommendations document 53—54
Delivery methods, combined methods 93—94
Delivery methods, holistic approach 329—333
Delivery methods, implementation of 329—330
Development stage, elements of 322—329
Dialog boxes 262
DigitalThink 211 431
Discovery learning 265
discussion groups 173—177
Discussion groups and blended learning 308—309
Discussion groups as asynchronous communication 176 267—268
Discussion groups bulletin board postings 173—175
Discussion groups linear discussion 177
Discussion groups threaded discussion 176—177
Discussion groups, moderation/facilitation of 179—180
Discussion groups, pros/cons of 176
Distance Learning Readiness Assessment (DLRA) 92
Distance learning, definition of 8
Docent 164 431
Document repository 268
Donovan, Loretta 317 336
Downsizing 75
Dreamweaver 325
Driscoll, Marcy 257
Duckworth, Christine 331
Dunn, Nanette 255 269—270
Dunn, Rita 310
E-conferences, elements of 119
E-learning and business processes 25—26
E-learning and human performance improvement (HPI) 361—372
E-learning and hype 27—29
E-learning and learners/learning 22—23 30—31
E-learning and location of learners 40
E-learning and organizational culture 19—22 33—34 347
E-learning and trainers 24—25
E-learning best use policy 347—348
E-learning blended learning approach 23 29
E-learning compared to traditional training 12—14 28—29 78
E-learning cost factors 14 41
E-learning curriculum design 40
E-learning delivery methods 39—40
E-learning historical view 12 153
E-learning Leaders, rating/ranking of e-courses 346
E-learning rating/ranking of courses 345—346
E-learning Service 219
E-learning technologies, asynchronous e-learning 255—269
E-learning technologies, learning content management systems (LCMS) 162—163
E-learning technologies, learning management systems (LMS) 159—162
E-learning technologies, learning object (LO) 163—164
E-learning technologies, scenarios models 414
E-learning technologies, simulations 413
E-learning technologies, synchronous e-learning 118—128
E-learning technologies, virtual classroom 158—159
E-learning vendor segments 154
E-learning, applications for 414—415
E-learning, basic questions related to 4—7
E-learning, benefits of 76—79 420—422
E-learning, building blocks of 258—259
E-learning, business case for 79—82
E-learning, definition of 8 71—72
E-learning, deliverables of 41—42
E-learning, elements of 2—3 412
E-learning, errors in approach to 15—17
E-learning, extremism related to 27
E-learning, failure of 337—339
E-learning, increase in use of 28 72
E-learning, internal marketing of 349—350
E-learning, need for see Needs analysis
E-learning, Pareto approach to 17
E-learning, readiness for 72—74
E-learning, resistance to 82—83
E-learning, terms/definitions related to 8—10
E-mail assignments 266—267
E-mail LMS feature 160
E-mail user support 333
E-mail, welcome e—mail 260—261
E-meetings, elements of 119
Editing, Webcast 205
Educata 283
Efficiency machine companies and e-learning 21 33
Efficiency machine companies, values of 19—20
Efficiency, increased and e-training 77
Electronic performance support system (EPSS) 9
Electronic performance support systems 39
Electronic University Network 352
Element K 217 221
Elementary school, global learning, impact of 432
Elicitation products 258 262—265
Elicitation products, examples of 263—265
Elicitation products, instructional outcomes 263
Elicitation products, purposes of 262—263
ELIZA virtual therapist 12
Ellet, Bill 11 35—36
Embedded database, LMS feature 160
Enterprise information portals (EIP) 154 210
Evaluation of learning see Learner evaluation
Evaluation products 258—259
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