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Piskurich G.M. (ed.) — The AMA Handbook of E-Learning: Effective Design, Implementation, and Technology Solutions |
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Evaluation products, features of 265—266
Evaluation products, purposes of 265
Executive summary, of recommendations document 52
Expert access 425 428
Failure of e-learning 337—339
file formats 188 189 193 324
Fink, Mike 191 208
Fireworks, graphics program 188—189 324
Flipchart, virtual brainstorm 263
Floyd, Tom 37 70
Forum Corporation 269
Frankola, Karen 342
Frontline 377 380—381
FrontPage 325
FT Knowledge Company 269
Gagne, Robert 257
Gates, Bill 74
GEIGER, training concept 32
Gen21, learning management system (LMS) vendor 164
GetEducated.com 352
GetEducated.com, rating/ranking of e-courses 345
GIF file format 189
Gillis, Lynette 346
Global learning 431—436
Global learning and education environment 432—433
Global learning and employment environment 434—436
Global learning and job displacement 431—432
Global learning, global curriculum 428—429
Graphic designer, hiring tips 147
Graphic designer, role of 140
Graphics and caching 185—186
Graphics and interactivity 187
Graphics and Webcasts 199 202—203 205
Graphics color, use of 186—187
Graphics compression versus optimization 188—189
Graphics cropping, benefits of 185—186
Graphics illustrations versus photos 187
Graphics low bandwidth design tips 184—187
Graphics photo file formats 188
Graphics software tools 188—189
Graphics visual size versus file size 185
Group work see Synchronous e-learning
Guglielmino, Lucy M. 87 89 92 98
Guglielmino, Paul J. 87 88 92 98
Hall, Brandon 305 316
Handbook, for e—learners 343
Handshaw, Dick 315
Hardware, evaluation for system 353—354
Hartley, Darin 71 86
Hartnett, John 183 190 245 253
Hawthorne Effect 21
Help, embedded help as content 426—427
Help, learner access to 94 128
Help, software engineering of 434
Hentschell, Patrick M. 229 244
Higher education, global learning, impact of 432
Hofmann, Jennifer 271 285
Holistic approach, to delivery 329—333
Home page section 261
HorizonLive 283 338
Hosted learning management system (LMS) 153
Hot spots 9
Human performance improvement (HPI) see Performance improvement
Hyatt, Josh 29
Hype, common reactions to 27—29
IBM, learning management system (LMS) vendor 153
Illustrations, versus photographs 187
ImageReady, graphics program 188—189 324
Implementation, definition of 318
Implementation, delivery stage 329—330
Implementation, development stage 322—329
Implementation, focus of 318—320
Implementation, priorities in 321
Implementation, process model 319—320
Implementation, production stage 329
Implementation, synchronous e-learning 274—275
Implementation, tips/guidelines 333—334
IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. (IMS) 155
Indira Gandhi National Open University 431
Individual work see Asynchronous e-learning
Industry trends, and e-learning 74—75
Information taxonomist 435
Information technology (IT) specialist and synchronous training design 273
Information technology (IT) specialist technical certification requirements 220
Information technology (IT) training, e-learning success 31
Instant Messenger 284
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) 156
Instructional designer hiring tips 147
Instructional designer, role of 139 233 278
Instructional Management System (IMS) 194
Instructional strategy in recommendations document 53
Instructor object designer, role of 435
InSync Training Synergy 285
Integrators, role of 430 435
Interactivity authoring 324—326
Interactivity design for low-andwidth 187
Interactivity, complexity of 326
Internet Learning 376
Interoperability and closed systems 157
Interoperability LMS feature 153 157 160
Interview section 261
InterWise 283 431
Interwise Millenium 217
Israelite, Larry 255 269
Job aids, online 348
Johnson, Julie 375 380
JPEG file format 188 189
Just-in-time training, for mobile workers 347—348
Kanahele, Curtis 209 228
KASH mode 88
Kelly, Tom 376 379 381 382 385
Kirkpatrick, Donald 374 395—396
Kiser, Kim 330
Klatt, L. 88
Knowledge Management Systems 360
Knowledge objects 126
Knowledge Planet, vendor 164 431
Knowledge Universe 431
KnowledgeNet 431
KnowledgePool 219
L-Guide, rating/ranking of e-courses 345
LaBonte, Thomas J. 361 372
Language Peer Networks Online, rating/ranking of e-courses 346
Language support and universal management platform (UMP) 166—167
Language support LMS feature 161
Learn.com 212
Learn2.com 212
Learner evaluation and training goals 395 401
Learner evaluation, analysis of results 405—407
Learner evaluation, and organizational goals 383—384
Learner evaluation, and stakeholder needs 384—385
Learner evaluation, criteria for success 385
Learner evaluation, data collection method 386—387 398
Learner evaluation, e-learning advantages/shortcomings 402—404
Learner evaluation, evaluation authority 381—383 399
Learner evaluation, evaluation criteria 398—399
Learner evaluation, evaluation instrument components 404—405
Learner evaluation, importance of 394
Learner evaluation, levels of 374—375 395—397
Learner evaluation, mixed results 380—381
Learner evaluation, problems related to 399—400
Learner evaluation, purposes of 375—376 394 397 400—401
Learner evaluation, readiness for evaluation 387 388—390
Learner evaluation, reporting results 407—408
Learner evaluation, time for 398
Learner evaluation, uses of evaluation data 378—379
Learners/learning and self-directed learning 89—91
Learners/learning and user interface 110—112
Learners/learning barriers to participation 107—112
Learners/learning blended learning 23 29 102
| Learners/learning challenges for learners 338—339
Learners/learning competency versus completion 350—351
Learners/learning e-training barriers 22—23 30—31
Learners/learning in traditional classroom 22
Learners/learning interactivity, aids to 112—113
Learners/learning involvement in learning process 105—106
Learners/learning motivation 101—103 341—343
Learners/learning online help for 94
Learners/learning orientation for learning 279—280 340—341
Learners/learning readiness assessment scale 92 273
Learners/learning successful candidates 339—340
Learners/learning synchronous e-learning, benefits of 120—121
Learners/learning, anxiety of 103—105
Learners/learning, core competencies of 100—101
Learners/learning, definition of 257
Learners/learning, delivery options for 93—94
Learners/learning, discovery learning 265
Learners/learning, learner control and e-learning 78
Learners/learning, learner readiness quicklist 96—97
Learners/learning, learning cycle 212 214—215 220
Learners/learning, social surroundings of 342—343
Learners/learning, success maximization for 92—93
Learners/learning, technical readiness of 88—89
Learnframe Learning Center 28 217 218 221
Learnframe, learning management system (LMS) vendor 164 228
Learning content management systems (LCMS) 127 162—163
Learning content management systems and Webcasting 194
Learning content management systems, cost factors 164
Learning content management systems, elements of 8 162
Learning content management systems, functions of 163
Learning content management systems, learning object repository (LOR) 162 163
Learning Library 377 386
Learning management system (LMS) 81 126
Learning management system (LMS) features 159—162
Learning management system and blended learning 307
Learning management system and learning content management systems (LCMS) 161—163
Learning management system and universal management platform (UMP) 165—168
Learning management system choosing system 152
Learning management system cost factors 164
Learning management system features, administrator tool 159
Learning management system features, connectivity/interoperability 153 160
Learning management system features, customization 160—161
Learning management system features, e-mail notification 160
Learning management system features, embedded database 160
Learning management system features, language support 161
Learning management system features, online manager 159—160
Learning management system features, online student 160
Learning management system features, re-branding 161
Learning management system hosted LMS 153
Learning management system open architecture 158
Learning management system proprietary systems 157
Learning management system standards proposal 154—158
Learning management system vendor segments 154
Learning management system, basic features of system 153
Learning management system, purpose of 151—152 161—162
Learning management system, vendors of 153—154 164 430
Learning object repository (LOR) 162 163 164
Learning objects (LO) 163—164
Learning objects and e-learning 23
Learning objects, functions of 9 163—164
Learning objects, reusable (RLO) 164
Learning on demand (LOD) 162
Learning portals 40
Learning portals and learning cycle 212 214—215 220
Learning portals building versus buying 225
Learning portals choosing solution, criteria for 224—226
Learning portals continuing education units 221
Learning portals full-service learning portal, components of 215—219
Learning portals future view 222
Learning portals, applications for 211—212
Learning portals, customization of 221
Learning portals, elements of 8 210 223
Learning portals, learning activity recommendations by 221
Learning Preference Assessment 98
Learning Resource iNterchange (LRN) 155
Learning service providers (LSP) 212
Learning station 99
LearningSpaceLive 283
LearnLine 283
LearnShare 211
Lectures, extended lectures 424 428
Legacy systems 81
Linear discussion, pros/cons of 177
Localization, and universal management platform (UMP) 166—167
Location of learners, training issues 40 113
Lock-in-lock-out systems 157—158
Longnecker, Michael 49
Maintenance structure and readiness for e-learning 73—74
Maintenance structure and vendor relationship 251—252
Maintenance structure for e-learning process 141—142
Maintenance structure in recommendations document 54
Management Vitality 343—344
Maps, asynchronous e-learning 261
Marketeer, role of 140
Marketing, internal marketing of e-learning 349—350
MASIE Center 18 22 23 148 418
Masie, Elliott 411 418
Measure Up 219
Media assets, types of 324
Mentergy 431
Mentorships 425
Microsoft Database Engine (MSDE) 160
Microsoft, learning management system (LMS) vendor 153
Mobile workers, just-in-time training for 347—348
moderators 435
Mooney, Trey 209
Moshinskie, Jim 315
Motivation of learners 101—103 330—333 341—343
Motivation of learners and rewards 341—342
MPEG file format 193
Music, Webcasts 204—205
Naiman, Alaric 11 36
NavoWave 130
Needs analysis benefits identification 76—79
Needs analysis course outline 50—51 67—69
Needs analysis e-learning model, components of 39—42
Needs analysis evidence gathering 74—76
Needs analysis industry trends 74—75
Needs analysis objectives of training 42—43
Needs analysis person-oriented analysis 46—47
Needs analysis, audience analysis 45—48
Needs analysis, data analysis 48—50
Needs analysis, data needs for 45—46
Needs analysis, presentation of see Recommendations document
Needs analysis, professional models 38
Needs analysis, return on investment (ROI) 43—44
Needs analysis, surveys for 47—50 57—67
Net-G 382
NETg 217
Netiquette 180
News story section 261
NIIT 217
Notes tool 284
NYU Online 342
Objectives of training, in needs analysis 42—43
Ohanian, Ara 310
On-line assessment 39
Online communities, chat 177—180
Online communities, discussion groups 173—177
Online communities, elements of 172
Online manager, LMS feature 159—160
Online student, LMS feature 160
Open architecture, learning management system (LMS) 158
Open architecture, universal management platform (UMP) 165—166
Open knowledge initiative 325
open source software 325
Opportunity costs 77
Optimization, tools for 188—189
Optimization, versus compression 188—189
Oracle, learning management system (LMS) vendor 153
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