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Isham J. — Modern Differential Geometry for Physics |
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Accumulation point 47
Adjoint map 162
Anti-homomorphism 152
Associated bundle 233
Associated bundle, automorphism group of 239
Associated bundle, local isomorphism between pair of 237
Associated bundle, map between pair of 237
Associated bundle, trivial 237
Bianchi identity 274
Billiard-ball hairy 101
Boolean algebra 20 42
Boundary of a set 12
Boundary point 12 31
Bundle 202
Bundle, 204
Bundle, associated see Associated bundle
Bundle, base space 202
Bundle, composition of pair of 215
Bundle, cross-section of see Cross-section
Bundle, etale 212
Bundle, fibre 204
Bundle, fibre over x 202
Bundle, G 220
Bundle, isomorphism between a pair of 215
Bundle, local isomorphism between a pair of 215
Bundle, locally trivial 216
Bundle, M-map 215
Bundle, map 214
Bundle, normal 210
Bundle, normal, of an embedding 249
Bundle, of tensors 236
Bundle, principal see Principal bundle
Bundle, product 204
Bundle, projection map of 202
Bundle, pull-back 217
Bundle, restriction to subset of base space 213
Bundle, sub 213
Bundle, total space 202
Bundle, trivial 216
Bundle, universal 219 228 232
Bundle, vector see Vector bundle
Cartan structural equation 272
Cartan — Maurer equation 173
Cartan — Maurer form 173 257
Cartesian product 6 36 64
Characteristic class 219 231
Closed set 13 31 35
Closure 53
Collection of subsets coarser than 26
Collection of subsets finer than 26
Commutation relations, affine 111
Commutation relations, canonical 110
Compact space 47
Connection, affine sum of pair of 256
Connection, local representative of 256
Connection, principal bundle in 254
Continuous map see Map continuous
Coordinate chart 61
Coordinate chart, atlas of 62
Coordinate chart, domain of 61
Coordinate functions 63
coordinates 63
Cotangent bundle 123
Cotangent space 123
Cotangent vector 123
Covariant derivative 269 270
Covering space 210
Cross-section 200 207 241
Cross-section, associated bundle of 246
Cross-section, local representative of 247
Cross-section, principal bundle of 230
Cross-section, product bundle of 207
Cross-section, pull-back of 218
Cross-section, tangent bundle of 98
Curvature two-form 272
Curve, definition of 73
Curve, horizontal lift of 263
Curve, tangent pair of 73
deRham complex 141 171
DeRham's theorem 217
Derivation, at a point 80
Derivation, components of 84
Derivation, of the ring 99
Diffeomorphism, definition of 70
Diffeomorphism, group of 70 224 229
Diffeomorphism, one-parameter group of 111
Differential structure 62
Differentiate manifold 62
Differentiate manifold, complex 63
Differentiate manifold, infinite-dimensional 63
Directed set 46
Directional derivative 75
Dual basis of 121
Dual map between pair of 121
Dual vector space 121
Eilenberg — MacLane space 228
Equivalence relation see Relation equivalence
Exact sequence 255
Exponential map 165
Exterior derivative, covariant 272
Exterior derivative, function of 131
Exterior derivative, n-form of see n-form exterior
Exterior of a set 12
Exterior point 12 31
Filter, base 29 47 50
Filter, base, convergence with respect to 30
Filter, definition of 29
Filter, neighbourhood see Neighbourhood filter
Filter, subbase 31
Filter, ultra 45
First countable space see Topology first
Function, 69
Function, continuous 49
Function, diagonal 95
Function, differentiable 70
Function, distance 5
Function, equivariant 178
Function, homotopic pair of 145
Function, inverse set 48
Function, local representative of 69
Function, smooth 70
G-product 232
Gauge, group 16 224 229 231 258
Gauge, orbit 16
Gauge, transformation 224 226 239 258
Gribov effect 231
Group action 52
Group action, orbit of 52
Group, action on a set 175
Group, action on a set, free 179
Group, action on a set, kernel of 179
Group, action on a set, orbit of 180
Group, action on a set, orbit space of 182
Group, action on a set, stability group of 180
Group, action on a set, transitive 179
Group, adjoint representation of 168
Group, cohomology 201 217 219 229 232 242
Group, general linear, complex 153
Group, general linear, real 152
Group, holonomy 267
Group, homotopy 228 229 242 246
Group, left translation of 150
Group, Lie see Lie group
Group, Lorentz 157
Group, orthogonal 155
Group, partial 113
Group, right translation of 150
Group, special 157
Group, special linear 154
Group, special unitary 157
| Group, spin 225
Group, topological 151
Group, unitary 157
Hausdorff space see Topology Hausdorff
Heyting algebra 42
Homeomorphism 51
Homotopic functions see Function
Homotopic pair of Hopf bundle 222
Horizontal subspace 268
Instanton 201 222 226 243
Integral curve see Vector field integral
Interior of a set 12
Interior point 12 31
Intuitionistic logic 42
Isotropy group see Group action stability
Jacobi identity 103
Jacobian matrix 88
Kaluza — Klein theory 201
Klein bottle 205
Lattice, a topology as an example 40
Lattice, anti-atomic 45
Lattice, atomic 44
Lattice, complete 19 41
Lattice, definition of 19
Lattice, distributive 19 41
Lattice, example of closed linear subspaces of a Hilbert space 22
Lattice, null element in 19
Lattice, structure on space of topologies 43
Lattice, unit element in 19
Lattice, upper set in 27
Lie algebra 103
Lie algebra, dual 171
Lie algebra, Lie group of 159
Lie algebra, of GL(n, M) 169
Lie algebra, structure constants of 161
Lie derivative, function of 98
Lie derivative, one-form of 130
Lie derivative, vector field of 116
Lie group, action on a manifold 177
Lie group, definition of 150
Lie group, homomorphism between pair of 152
Lie group, one-parameter subgroup of 166
Lie group, subgroup of 150
Limit point 12 14 31 35
Linear frame 223
Little group see Group action stability
Locale 56
Locally compact space 153
Lower set 37
MAP see Function
Map, continuous 50
Metric 6
Metric, bounded 11
Metric, Lorentzian 18 224 245
Metric, Riemannian 8 224 229 241 243 244
Metric, space see Space metric
Metric, stronger than 7 16 26
Metric, weaker than 7
Metrics, equivalent 7 16
Metrics, isometric 7
Metrics, join of 10
Metrics, lattice structure on 11
Metrics, meet of 11
Metrics, partial ordering of 21
Moebius band 205
Moebius transformations 152
n-form 135
n-form, closed 142
n-form, exact 142
n-form, exterior derivative of 137
n-form, exterior product of 135
n-form, left-invariant 171
n-form, right-invariant 171
Neighbourhood, filter 29 34
Neighbourhood, space 29
Neighbourhood, structure 29 34
Neighbourhoods, equivalent families of 26 27
Neighbourhoods, of a point 17 23 27 32
Net 46
Net, convergence of 46
Non-linear -model 240
Norm 8
One form, Lie derivative of see Lie derivative one
One-form, components of 126
One-form, definition of 123
One-form, pull-back of 127
One-form, V-valued 126
Open set 13 31 35
Open set, pseudo-complement of 41
Orbit space see Group action
Orbit space on a set, orbit space of overlap function 61
Palais' Theorem 198
Parallel translation 267 268
Partially ordered set see Poset
Poincare lemma 142
Poset, covering element in 15
Poset, definition of 15
Poset, greatest lower bound in 18
Poset, join operation in 19
Poset, least upper bound in 19
Poset, meet operation in 18
Poset, orthocomplemented 19
Poset, topologies on 36
Pre-order 15
Principal bundle 221
Principal bundle, automorphism group of 226
Principal bundle, connection in see Connection principal
Principal bundle, G-extension of 241
Principal bundle, H-restriction of 241
Principal bundle, locally trivial 226
Principal bundle, map 225
Principal bundle, structure functions of 239
Principal bundle, structure group of 221
Principal bundle, translation function of 234
Principal bundle, trivial 226
Product topology see Topology product
Pseudo-metric 6 53
Relation, definition of 15
Relation, equivalence 16 50
Riemann sphere 188
Scalar density 236
Sequence, convergent 3 5 6 14 24 26 29
Sequence, of functions, point wise convergence of 24 31
Sequence, tails of 5 24 26 47
Sequence, tails of, as a filter base 30
Sheaf 212
Space, metric 3 6 31 54
Space, neighbourhood see Neighbourhood space
Space, topological see Topology
Spontaneous symmetry breakdown 241
Stability group see Group action stability
Stereographic projection 68
Submanifold 64
Tangent bundle 74
Tangent bundle, differential structure on 89
Tangent space 74
Tangent space, of a product manifold 92
Tangent vector 74
Tangent vector, push-forward of 78
Tensor 133
Tensor density 236
Tensor, contravariant 133
Tensor, covariant 133
Tensor, field 134 135
Topological space see Topology
Topology, 53
Topology, 53
Topology, see Topology Hausdorff
Topology, base of 35
Topology, coarser see Topology weaker
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