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Melrose R. — The Atiyah-Singer index theorem (part 3) |
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grading 73
genus 2
-genus 63
Acyclic 357
Adapted coordinates 29
Alembert, J. le Rond d' 67
Algebra, Lie 129
Argument, cumbersome 288
Associated bundles 43
Asymptotic expansion 160 197 237 273
Asymptotic sum 188
Atiyah — Patodi — Singer boundary condition 3
Atiyah — Patodi — Singer boundary condition, expunging of 5
Atiyah — Patodi — Singer index theorem 1 2 4 10 11 12 185
Atiyah — Patodi — Singer theorem for generalized Dirac operators 343
Atiyah — Singer index theorem 2
Atiyah — Singer integrand 2 4 64
Atiyah — Singer theorem 5
Atiyah, M.F. 1 2
b-calculus 24
b-category 1
b-Clifford connection 79
b-connection 56 58
b-diagonal 100
b-differential 102
b-differential operators 33
b-ellipticity 34
b-fibration 102 103 140 164
b-geometry 28 30
b-heat calculus 273 276 281
b-heat space 274
b-Hodge cohomology, absolute 229
b-Hodge cohomology, relative 229
b-integral 140
b-map 102
b-metric 5 10 30 281 282 288
b-normal space 103 111
b-pseudodifferential operators 5
b-pseudodifferential operators, small space 114
b-Sobolev spaces 157
b-spin structure 3 90
b-stretched product 98
b-submersion 103
b-tangent bundle 297
b-trace 9 111 142 153
b-trace, fundamental formula 8
Basis, admissible 296
Beals, R. 13
Berezin, F.A. 310
Berline, N. 2
Betti numbers 226
Bianchi identity, first 50
Bianchi identity, second 62
Bianchi, L. 50
Bismut, J.-M. 1 9
Blow-down map 24 95 127 306
Blow-down map, parabolic 253
Blow-up 24 139 252 274
Blow-up, non-commutativity of 274
Blow-up, parabolic 253
Bonnet, O. 64
Book-keeping 105
Borel, E. 168 269
Bott, R. 2
Boundary data, generalized 208
Boundary pairing 212
Boundary, data 227
Boundary, pairing 209 211
Boundary, spectrum 147
Boundary, terms 173
Boutet de Monvel, L. 5
Bundle, associated 106
Bundle, rescaled 300
Calculus 273
Calculus, small 105 122
Calculus, with bounds 181
Calderon, A.P. 5 248
Cartan's Identity 222
Cartan, H. 39
Cauchy, A.L. 161
Characteristic class 2 60 64
Cheeger, J. 1
Chern 348
Chern character 2 64 328
Chern class 64
Chern forms 64
Christoffel, E.B. 47
Clifford action 76
Clifford algebra 69 70
Clifford algebra, complexified 71
Clifford algebra, structure of 73
Clifford bundle 75
Clifford connection 76
Clifford module, graded 79
Clifford multiplication 71 310
Clifford, W.K. 9 69
Closed b-metric 31
Closed n-ball 257
Coefficients, freezing 129
Cohomology class 63
Cohomology, 224
Cohomology, de Rham 220
Cohomology, refined 231
Collar neighbourhood 4
Commutator 143
Commutator, b-trace of 8
Commutator, trace functional on 6
Compactification 126
Completeness, asymptotic 121
Complex powers, conjugation by 8 152
Complex scaling 282
composition 122
Connection 37
Connection Laplacian 317
Connection, affine 45
Connection, induced on boundary 59
Conormal bounds 180
Conormal distributions 108
Conormal order 126
Construction, symbolic 123
Continuous operator 262
Contraction 71
Convention 215
Convergence, exponential 5
Convergence, weak 124
Cotangent bundle 27
Covariant constancy 38
Covariant constant 44
Covariant derivative 44
Curvature operator 49
d'Alembertian 67
De Rham cohomology 220
de Rham cohomology, 221
de Rham cohomology, absolute 222
de Rham cohomology, conormal 222
de Rham cohomology, relative 222 223
de Rham complex 32
de Rham theorem 220
Defect 7
densities 105 264
Densities, b- 105
Densities, b-half 105 110
Densities, distributional 113
Densities, half 106 108
Densities, half, distributional 107
Determinant 82 151
Diagonal 100
Diagonal, lifted 114
Dirac operator, decomposition at boundary 4
Dirac operator, flat 86
| Dirac operator, generalized 77
Dirac operator, generalized, symbol of 77
Dirac operator, square of 318
Dirac operator, twisted 80 321
Dirac, P.A.M. 67
Direct proof 1
Distributional section, extendible 301
Distributions 110
Distributions, extendible 111
Distributions, supported 111
Domain 16
Double cover 82
Duality 120
Duhamel's principle 333 337
Duhamel, J.M.C. 333 337
Ellipticity 2 34
Epstein, C.L. 13
Essential uniqueness 169
Estimates, symbol 109
Eta invariant 10 21
Eta invariant, defined 10
Eta invariant, modified 11
Euler, L. 347
Evaluation 296
Even part 266
Exact b-metric 3 31 57
Exact sequence 266
examples 132
Expansion, asymptotic 109 115
Extensions 142
Exterior power 32
Face, front 127
Factor-exchanging isomorphism 1
Facts, bald 9
Fervour 1
Filtration 297 308
Finite rank 135
Flat 35
Fourier, J.B.J. 145
Frame bundle 3
Frame bundle, refinement 3
Frechet, ?. 238
Fredholm 3 15 18
Fredholm condition 3 10 18 128 183
Fredholm theory, analytic 150
Fredholm, L 3
Fredholm, not 21
Freed, D.S. 2 9
Frobenius, F.G. 42
Front face 254 257
Fubini 107
Full calculus 173
Fundamental group of SO(V) 83
Fundamental point 28
Gauss — Bonnet formula 347
Gauss — Bonnet formula, generalized 348
Gauss, C.F. 64
Generalized inverse 5 207
Genus 217
Geometric case 234
Getzler, E. 1 2 295 322
Gilkey, P.B. 2 6 326
Grading 310
Gram — Schmidt procedure 37
Gram, J.P. 37
Greiner, P. 13
Gromov, M. 13 208 216
Growth, polynomial 120
Grubb, G. 5
Hadarnard, J. 7 252 255
harmonic oscillator 322
Heat calculus 261 273
Heat calculus, even part 266
Heat calculus, residual space 265
Heat equation 279 282
Heat equation, uniqueness for 6
Heat kernel 5 7 252 263 280
Heat pseudodifferential operators 255 261
Heat semigroup 272 273
Heat space 258 285
Heaviside, O. 23
Hermite, C 14
Hermitian bundle 77
Hilbert — Schmidt 107 137 178
Hilbert, D. 15 137
Hirzebruch, F. 63
Hodge cohomology 220 221 226
Hodge theorem 221
Hodge, V.W.D. 13
Homomorphism bundle, big 306
Homomorphism bundle, little 306
Homomorphism, boundary 8
Homomorphism, indicial 116 125 128
Homomorphism, normal 116
Hormander, L. 2 108 137 178
Ideal 31
Identity, remarkable 6
Incidence function 215
INDEX 2 16 18 21
Index, extended 10
Index, family 170 197
Index, formula, invariant case 161
Index, function, extended 215
Index, local 295
Index, set 167 174
Index, set, 167
Index, set, absolute 168
Index, theorem, relative 11
Indicial equation 279
Indicial family 8 145 148 149
Indicial family, inverse of 147 151 159 174
Indicial operator 279
Indicial roots 235
infinity 3
Initial condition 264 273 277
integral 106
Inverse, generalized 244
Involution 74 154
Involution, parity 310
Inward-pointing spherical normal bundle 96
jet 295 297
Jet filtration 298 299
Jet filtration, dual 301
Jet filtration, length of 298
Jets, equality of 297
Kernel, Schwartz 6 108
Kohn, J.J. 108
L-genus 63
Lagrange, J.L. de 227
Lagrangian subspace 227
Laplace, P.S. de 145
Laplacian, indicial family of 225
Laplacian, indicial roots of 225
Laplacian, resolvent family of 234
Laurent, P.M.H. 146
Lebesgue, H. 16
Levi — Civita connection 35 38 87
Levi-Civita, T. 12
Lichnerowicz' formula 317 321
Lichnerowicz, A. 314 317
Lidskii's theorem 6 136 138
Lidskii, V.B. 6 136
Lie algebra 83
Lie bracket 28
Lie, S. 28
Lift 104 105 117 139 259 285
Lifting 254
Little trace 309
Locally integrable 261
Logarithmic term 7
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