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Melrose R. — The Atiyah-Singer index theorem (part 3) |
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Manifold with boundary 27
Manifold with corners 1 170 253
Manucentrism 103
Mapping symbol 115 116
Mazzeo, R.R. 65
McKean, H. 5 6
Mehler's formula 322
Mehler, F.G. 322
Mellin transform 144 145 148 155 167 171 186 209 210
Mellin transform, double 183
Mellin, R.H. 34 144
Minakshisundarum, S. 5
Model 126 253 255
Moscovici, H. 1
Mtiller, W. 1
Multiplication operator 264 277
Multiplicity, accidental 168 186
Multiweight 215
Neumann series 190
Nirenberg, L. 108
Normal bundle, compactified 126 206
Normal operator 266 278
Normal operator, rescaled 313
Operators, classical pseudodifferential, maximally residual 119
Orthogonal group 82
Orthonormal bases 35
Orthonormal coframe bundle 36
Pairing 106 110
Paley — Wiener theorem 144
Paley, R.E.A.C 144
Parametrix 122 273
Parametrix, forward 252
Patodi, V.K. 1 2 6 310 326
Pauli matrices 68
Pauli, W. 68
periodicity 71 72
Pfaff, J.F. 64
Pfaffian 64
Physical poles 243
Physical region, boundary of the 243
Physical space 238
Plancherel formula 155 209 215
Plancherel's Theorem 157
Plancherel, M. 155
Pleijel, A. 5
Poincare duality 349
Poincare, H. 349
Point, small 314
Polar coordinates, parabolic 253
Pole, order of 146 174
Pole, rank of 146
Poles of the scattering matrix 243
Poly homogeneous conormal distributions 167 169 187 192 197 272
Pontriagin, V.P. 62
Pontrjagin forms 62 63
Precise parametrix 197
Principal symbol, diagonal 282
Product, stretched 112
Projective structure 97
Pseudodifferential operators, one-step polyhomogeneous 109
Push-forward 119 261 263
Radial choice 307
Radial vector field 278
Ramified 238
Ray, D. 295 362
Refined cohomology 231
Regularization 1 55
Relative index theorem 206 214 216
Relative index theorem, pseudodifferential case 215
Representations 118 194
Rescaled bundle 300 308
Rescaling 10 30 295
Rescaling, conformal 300
Rescaling, dual 301
Rescaling, tensor product 300
Residual space 173 265
Residual space, maximally 164
Resolvent family, indicial roots of 235
Resolvent parameter 248
Restriction 111 125 171 308
Restriction map 266
Rham, G. de 32
Riemann curvature 35 42
Riemann metric 35
Riemann metric, flat 42
Riemann surface 216
Riemann — Roch 219
Riemann — Roch theorem 216
Riemann, G.F. 3
Roch, ?. 13
Roe, J. 2
Sanity-preservation 34
Scalar curvature 318 321
| Scattering matrices 248
Scattering theory 248
Schmidt, E. 37 137
Schwartz kernel 23
Schwartz kernel, theorem 112
Schwartz, L. 6 108 112
Schwarz, H.A. 179
Sections 28
Sections, putative 295
Seeley, R.T. 5 283 359
Semi-ideal 182 284
Short exact sequence 278
Shubin, M. 13 208 216
Sign reversal 74
Singer, I.M. 1 2 5 6 295 362
Singular coordinates 95
Smoothing operator 5
Sobolev spaces 10 16
Sobolev spaces, weighted 10 18 183
Sobolev, S.L. 3
Spectral asymmetry 22
Spectral flow 338
Spectrum, continuous 247
Spectrum, continuous with embedded eigenvalues 247
Spectrum, discrete 247
Spin bundle 87
Spin bundle, homomorphism bundle of 87
Spin bundles 4
Spin group 82
Spin group, Lie algebra of 83
Spin representation 84 87
Spin structure 86
Splitting 161
Square root, convention for 236
Stanton, R. 1
Stern, M. 1
Stiefel — Whitney classes 87
Stokes 66
Stokes, G.G. 54
Structure equation, first 40
Structure equation, second 40
Structure group, reduction of 86
Structure, 275
Structure, on 258
Subbundle 28
Subbundle, jet of 297
Sum of two curves 256
Supertrace 309 310
Supertrace, big 310
Surjectivity 278
Symbol estimates 149
Symbol of generalized Dirac operator 79
Symbolic construction 273
Symmetry condition 37
Symplectic form 227
t-parabolic normal bundle 275
Taylor series 263 279
Taylor, B. 35
Taylor, M.E. 2 13
Temporal boundary 254
Temporal front face 254 255 264
Tensor product 32
Trace 135 273 309
Trace class 136 137 138 142
Trace class, not 7
Trace functional 5
Trace functional, extension of 7
Trace norm 136
Trace, little 309
Transgression formula 63
Transition functions 258 2
Transversality 100 101
Trivialization, choice of 146
Trivialization, local 296
Uniqueness 271 281
Uniqueness, essential 124
Vector bundle 296
Vector bundle, compactification of 258
Vector bundle, graded 299
Vector field, inward-pointing 222
Vector fields tangent to the boundary 28
Vergne, M. 2
Volterra operator 280
Volterra, V. 269
Weight 213
Weighted Sobolev spaces 171
Weighted spaces 157
Weil homomorphism 60
Weil, A. 60
Weyl, H. 221
Wiener, N. 144
Wu, F. 1
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