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Tarkhanov N.N. — Cauchy Problem for Solutions of Elliptic Equations |
Предметный указатель |
(s, g)-quasicontinuous function 164
(s, q)-thin set 264
1-reduction 135
Abstract Bergman theorem 421
Abstract Carleman formula 422
Adams, D.R. 75 162
Adams, R.A. 66
Adjoint boundary system 300
Adjoint boundary value problem 300
Adjoint operator 177
Agmon, S. 78 122
Aizenberg, L.A. 5 336 437 454
Aleksandrov compactification 128
Aleksandrov, A.B. 17
Amerio, L. 23 374
Amplitude 95
Analytic capacity 147
Andreotti, A. 226
Approximation problem 192
Aronszajn, N. 386
Babushka, I. 192
Baernstein, A. 280 281 297
Bagby, T. 144 212 231 264 268
Banach — Hausdorff theorem 308
Berezanskii, Yu.M. 423
Bergman formula 388
Bergman, S. 25 416
Bernstein theorem 212
Bers, L. 248
Besov spaces 74
Bessel capacity 160
Bessel kernel 161
Bessel transform 109
BMO function 87
Bochner — Martinelli formula 344
Bochner, S. 41
Boiti, C. 214
Bounded point evaluation 266
Brackx, F. 194
Brelot, M. 231
Brennan, J.E. 268
Browder, F.E. 197 202 210 270
Bungart, L. 388
Burenkov, V.I. 262
Calderon Extension Theorem 69
Calderon — Zygmund kernel 80
Calderon — Zygmund operator 86
Calderon, A.R 82 186
Capacitary mass 132
Capacitary potential 131
Capacity 124 127
Capacity of higher order 145
Capacity, (s, g)-capacity 160
Capacity, inner 125
Capacity, outer 125
Carleman formula 368 380 398 400 401 412 414 432 445
Carleman function 366
Carleman, T. 336
Carleson, L. 87 158
Cartan — Kaehler Theorem 437
Cauchy data 301
Cauchy problem 356 430 441
Cauchy — Riemann operator 173
Cauchy — Riemann operator, iterated 146
Cauchy-type integral 78
Chirka, E.M. 228 340 384
Cohomology spaces 174
Compatibility complex 175
Compatibility operator 175
Complex characteristic variety 220
Complex of differential operators 1
Conditional stability 369
Cone property 64
Dahlberg, B.E.J. 157
Dautov, Sh.A. 194 208 213
Davis, P. 416
Delanghe, R. 194
Deny, J. 231
Diagonal 79
Diaz, R. 194
Differential operator of simplest type 412
Differential operator with injective symbol 172
Differential operator with surjective symbol 172
Dirac delta-function 116
Dirichlet equation 314
Dirichlet problem 302 403
Dirichlet system 299
Distribution boundary value 277
Distribution function 86
Divergence operator 191
Dolzhenko, E.P. 208
Dorschfeldt, Chr. 280
Double orthogonality 421
Douglis, A. 78 122
Dufresnoy, A. 202
Dyn'kin, E.M. 86
Elliptic complex 175
Elliptic operator 104
Equivalent capacities 131
Eskin, G.I. 18 78
Euler's formula 157
Extendable kernel 80
Extendable operator 80
Extremal property 428
Fefferman, C. 87
Fernstrom, C. 263 267
Fichera, G. 23 374
Finite cone 64
Fischer, B. 297
Fok, V.A. 336
Fourier transform 90 424
Fractional smoothness 114
Framing 423
Fredholm operator 308
Frost man lemma 156
Fuglede, B. 19 161
Functional calculus 419
Fundamental solution for a complex 188
Fundamental solution, left 188
Fundamental solution, right 188
Fundamental solution, standard 137
Fundamental theorem of calculus 107
Fursikov, A.V. 17 336
Gagliardo, E. 65
Gamelin, T.W. 209
Garnett, J.B. 87 153
Garrett, G.A. 384
Gauthier, P.M. 6 202 231 247
Gol'dshtein, V.M. 124
Golubev series 279
Golubev, V.V. 279
Gonchar, A.A. 231
Gradient operator 173
Gram's determinant 377 399 406
Green operator 298
Green's formula 300 302 329 343
Green's function 324
Green-type integral 337 435
Grothendieck, A. 285
Gushchin, A.K. 278 384
Hadamard example 372
Hadamard, J. 17
Hamann, U. 270
Hardy space 384
Hardy-Littlewood maximal function 86
Harmonic approximation 193
Harmonic space 350
Harmonic vector fields 228
Hartogs — Rosenthal theorem 213
Hartogs, F. 213
| Harvey, R. 19 127
Hausdorff content 156
Hausdorff content, lower 156
Hausdorff lemma 308
Hausdorff measure 155
Havin, V.P. 6 17 19 161 245 248 279 336 367
Hedberg's example 252
Hedberg, L. 19 66 165 242 245 262
Henkin, G.M. 384
Hilbert transform 84
Hirschmann, T. 6
Hodge's "star" operator 176
Hoelder continuous function 50
Hoelder inequality 130
Hoelder spaces 48
Hoermander, L. 18 78 182
Holonomic operator 342
Homotopy-equivalent complexes 174
Hyperfunction 297
Hypoelliptic complexes 180
Induced Lebesgue measure 115
Instability of capacity 263
Inverse operator in extended sense 308
Ivanov, V.K. 17 336
John — Nirenberg theorem 87
Kallin, E. 203
Karepov, O.V. 5 336 401
Kargaev, P.P. 17
Keldysh, M.V. 21 192 209
Kelvin — Somigliana matrix 371
Kernel 78
Kernel of a pseudodifferential operator 94
Khrushchev, S.V. 169
Koethe, G. 283
Korey, M. 6
Korolyuk, T.N. 17 336
Kotel'nikov theorem 201
Krasichkov, I.F. 25 416
Krein, M.G. 25 336 425
Kuni, F.M. 336
Kupradze, V.D. 24 370 374 412
Kuz'minov, V.I. 6
Kuznetsov, I.P. 384
Kytmanov, A.M. 5 336 344 360 437
Lame system 371 455
Landau, H.J. 416
Landesman, E.M. 380 416
Landis, E.M. 17
Landkof, N.S. 124
Laplacian 178
Laurent series 142 293
Lavrent'ev theorem 214
Lavrent'ev, M.A. 193 209 214
Lavrent'ev, M.M. 5 17 23 336 366 430
Lax, P. 193
Lebesgue point 86
Lebesgue-Walsh theorem 209
Levenberg, M. 212
Lindberg, P. 273
Lions, J.L. 72
Local space 30
Localization property 203
Locally invariant space 107
Makarov, B.M. 288
Makhmudov, O.I. 336 373
Malgrange, B. 181 185 189 193
Massive measure 279
Mateu, J. 236 248
Maximal operator 83
Maz'ya, V.G. 17 19 24 124 161 245 336 367 374
Mel'nikov, M.S. 236
Mergelyan, S.N. 17 20 209 367
Meyers, N.G. 19 161
Microlocalizable scale 106
Mikhailov, V.P. 278 384
Mikhlin, S.G. 78
Miranda, С. 23 374
Modulus of continuity 41
Modulus of Hoelder continuity 50
Modulus of Lebesgue continuity 61
Nacinovich, M. 6 214 226 342
Negative smoothness 36
Neumann problem 342
Newman, D.J. 17 336
Newtonian potential 97
Nguyen, X.Uy. 169
Nirenberg, L. 78 122
Noether theorems 309
Normally solvable operator 307
Nudel'man, P.Ya. 25 336 425
O'Farrell, A.G. 107 135 236
Orobitg, J. 236 248
Overdetermined operator 173
P'-convex hull 195
P-convex set 181
P-Dirichlet data 301
P-Neumann data 301
Palamodov, V.P. 6 172 180 194
Paneyakh, B.P. 69
Parallelepiped 64
Parametrix for a complex 179
Parametrix, left 104
Parametrix, right 104
Paramonov, P.V. 231
Parseval's equality 424
Patil, D.I. 336 416
Picone, M. 23 374
Poisson formula 404
Poisson kernel 327
Polking, J.C. 19 127 162 245 250 262 267
Pollak, H.O. 416
Polynomial approximation 193
Potential operator 121
Potential spaces 114
Presa Sage, A. 229
Presentation of a module 224
Principal symbol 92 103
Privalov lemma 122
Privalov, I.I. 278 384
Profidorf, S. 309
Properly supported kernel 80
Properly supported operator 80
Pseudodifferential operator 90 103
Pseudohomogeneous kernel 97
Pucci, С. 17 336
Quasicontinuous function 125
Rao, N.N. 17 336
Real interpolation 72
Reduction of order 114
Regular at infinity 128
Regular Calderon — Zygmund kernel 81
Regular kernel 80
Regular operator 80
Regularization 328
Reiher, G. 6
Rellich theorem 139
Removable set 126
Rempel, St. 18 78 120
Reproducing kernel 387 439
Reshetnyak, Yu.G. 19 124 161
Riesz transforms 84
Riesz, F. 25 278
Roitberg, Ya.A. 6 22 278 306 319
Romanov, A.V. 344
Rosenblum, M. 416
Rosenthal, A. 213
Rovnyak, J. 416
Runge theorem 195 196
Runge, С. 193
Saak, E.M. 268
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