Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Tarkhanov N.N. — Cauchy Problem for Solutions of Elliptic Equations |
Предметный указатель |
Samborskii, S.N. 6 176
Schulze, B.-W. 6 18 78 120
Schwartz kernel theorem 79
Seeley theorem 101
Seeley, R. 100
Segment property 65
Semiadditive capacity 153
Semilocal space 29
Shafarevich, I.R. 221
Shapiro, H.S. 25 416 422 427
Sheaf of solutions 184
Shlapunov, A.A. 5 336 342 442
Shubin, M.A. 6 18 78
Shvedov, L.A. 6
Simonova, S. 297
Sinanyan, S.O. 230
Slepian, D. 25 416
Smoothing kernel 80
Smoothing operator 80
Sobolev embedding theorem 65
Sobolev spaces 61
Sobolev spaces of fractional order 72
Sobolev trace theorem 77
Sobolev, S.L. 451
Sokhotskii-Plemelj formulas 339
Solenoidal field 193
Solid basis 439
Solid basis of harmonic polynomials 451
Solomentsev, E.D. 384
Solution of finite order of growth 322
Somigliana, С. 371
Spaces of Bessel potentials 112 136
Special basis 377
Spectral synthesis 43 54 66
Spectral synthesis theorem 165
Spencer, D.C. 175
Stability set 446
Stability theorem 243
Stable problem 366
Standard regularization 40
Stein, E.M. 77 78 86 384
Steiner, A. 336 416
Stieltijes — Vitali theorem 180
Straube, E.J. 278
| Strong cone property 64
Strong limit value 329
Strong solution 313
Surface basis 431
Surface layer 115
Surface layer potential 116
Swiss cheese 235 250 257
Symbol 90 92
Symbol with limited smoothness 106
Sz.-Nagy, B. 419
Taibleson, M.H. 89
Tangential operator 358
Taylor, M. 18 78 95 106
Theorem on a complete set of isomorphisms 309
Transmission property 118 120 121
TRANSPOSE 80 103 307
Trent, T. 231 258
Treves, F. 18 78
Triebel, H. 72
Underdetermined operator 173
Uniqueness condition 185
Verdera, J. 157 208 236 245 248
Vitushkin, A.G. 21 206 230
Volevich, L.R. 6 69
Walsh theorem 210
Walsh, J.L. 193 209
Wang, J.L.-M. 231 258
Weak limit value 330
Weak solution 313
Weierstrass theorem 199 223
Weierstrass, K. 199
Weinstock, B.M. 203 208 210 213
Weiss, G. 384
Whitney function 45
Wiener class 200 422
Wiener, N. 258
Wildenhain, G. 270
Winter, C. 416
Wolff, Т.Н. 17 165 263
Yaxmukhamedov, Sh. 17 336 367
Zin, G. 336 400
Znamenskaya, L.N. 5 336 401
Zygmund spaces 110
Zygmund, A. 82
Реклама |