Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Takesaki M. — Theory of Operator Algebras I |
Предметный указатель |
-direct sums 157
group algebra of G 6
-homogeneous central projections 299
-valued trace 298
-valued measurable functions 258
-measurable E-valued functions 253
-finite von Neumann algebras 78
-strong (operator) topology 68
-strong* (operator) topology 68
-weak (operator) topology 67
(Left) group von Neumann algebra of G 364
*-algebra of operators on 72
*-algebra of operators on , nondegenerate 72
*-homomorphisms 21
*-operation 2
A*-algebras 42
Abelian Banach algebras 13—16
Abelian projections 296
Absolute value of 142
Absolute value of h 20
Absolute value of x 24
Absolutely continuous spectrum 66
Absolutely invariant projections 363
Action of a group 363
Action of a group, ergodic 363
Action of G on A 46
Adjoint cross-norm 190
Adjoint functional off 36
Affine functions 158
Amplification isomorphism 184
Approximate identity of A 26
Arens — Mackey topology 153
Asymmetric Riesz decomposition theorem 29
Atomic representations 176
Atomic representations, universal atomic representation 176
Atomic von Neumann algebras 155
B*-algebra 55
Banach algebras 2
Banach algebras, abelian 13—16
Banach algebras, involutive 2
Banach algebras, semisimple 16
Banach algebras, unital 3
Barycenter of 233
Borel spaces 375
Boundary measures 235
Boundary set off 234
C*-algebra of operators 72
C*-algebras 2
C*-algebras, dual 157
C*-algebras, monotone closed 137
C*-algebras, primitive 178
C*-algebras, weakly compact 157
C*-homomorphisms 188
C*-subalgebra of A generated by E 18
C*-subalgebras 18
C*-subalgebras, unital 18
Calkin algebra on 55
Canonical center valued trace 314
Canonical unitary involution of 337
Cauchy — Schwarz inequality 37
Cayley transform 81
Center valued trace 298 314
Center valued trace, canonical 314
Central (representing) measure of 247
Central positive linear functionals 343
Central support of a projection 223
Centrally orthogonal projections 292
Closed projections 168
Commutant of 53
Complementary split faces 159
Completely positive linear maps 194 200
Components of 41
Concave functions 158
Conditional expectation of onto with respect to 332
Constant field of Hilbert spaces 272
Convex functions 158 231
Cosine of a projection 308
Coupling constants 339
Coupling functions 339
Covariance C*-algebra of 46
Covariance von Neumann algebra of 364
Covariant representations 46
Covariant systems 363
Cross-norms 188
Cross-norms, adjoint 190
Cross-norms, greatest 189
Cross-norms, injective 189
Cross-norms, projective 189
Crossed products 364
Cyclic projections 293
Cyclic representation of A induced by 41
Cyclic subsets 77
Cyclic vectors 41
Decomposable operators 258
Definition ideal of a trace 319
Diagonal algebras 259 273
Diagonal operators 259 273
Dimension theory 289
Direct integral of measurable fields of Hilbert spaces 272
Direct integral of representations 278
Direct integral of the bounded measurable operator field 273
Direct integral of von Neumann algebras 274
Direct sums 41
Direct sums of von Neumann algebras 73
Disintegration 275
Double commutation theorem 74
Dual C*-algebras 157
Effros Borel structure 264
Enveloping C*-algebra of A 42
Equivalence of projections 290
Ergodic actions 363
Ergodic states 47
Essential space of 36
Exponential function 12
Extreme boundary of K 232
Extreme points 47
Extremely disconnected spaces 104
Faces 159
Faces, complementary split 159
Factorial states 248
Factors 72
Faithful linear functionals 36
Faithful representations 36
Faithful semifmite normal traces 309
Faithful traces on a von Neumann algebra 309
Final projections 290
Finite projections 296
Finite traces of a von Neumann algebra 309
Finite von Neumann algebras 296
Fredholm operators 55
Free automorphisms 363
Fundamental sequence of -measurable vector fields 270
G-abelian actions 252
Gelfand representation of A 16
Gelfand — Naimark — Segal construction 41
General linear group 4
Generalized center valued traces 330
Greatest cross-norm 189
Group C*-algebra of G 45
Group measure space construction 374
Group von Neumann algebra of G 364
Groups of infinite conjugacy class 368
Hereditary subcones 146
Hermitian elements 17
Hermitian linear functionals 36
Hermitian sesquilinear forms 59
Hull of m 33
Hyperstonean spaces 107
ICC-groups 368
Identity modulo m 13
| Imaginary part of x 17
Index group of A 12
Induced von Neumann algebra of on 76
Induction of onto 76
Infinite projections 296
Infinite von Neumann algebras 296
Initial projections 290
Injective C*-cross-norm 207
Injective C*-tensor products 207
Injective cross-norm 189
Injective tensor products of Banach spaces 189
Integral representations of states 230—253
Invariant subsets 123
Invariant subspaces of 123
Invertible elements 4
Involutions 2
Involutions, unitary 337
Involutive Banach algebras 2
Irreducible representations 41
Isomorphic von Neumann algebras 72
Joint spectrum of 80
Jordan decomposition of a finite Radon measure 120
Jordan homomorphisms 187
Jordan product 187
Kadison transitivity theorem 92
Kaplansky density theorem 100
Kernel of 33
Left invariant subsets 123
Left invariant subspaces 123
Left kernel of 37
Left multiplier of A 169
Left regular representation 45
Left support of x 291
Left support projections 140
Liftings 259
Logarithmic function 12
Lower envelope of f 232
Lower semicontinuous functions 104 158
Lusin spaces 378
Matrix units 185
Maximal abelian von Neumann algebras 104
Maximal regular ideals 14
Measurable fields of Hilbert spaces 269
Measurable operator fields 272
Measurable operator valued functions 258
Measurable vector fields 270
Measurable von Neumann algebras 273
Measurable von Neumann algebras, representations 278
Minimal projections 51
Modular lattices 303
Monotone closed C*-algebras 137
Multiplicity of 53
Multiplicity-free representations 246
Multiplier algebra of A 169
Multiplier of A 169
n-positive linear maps 194 200
Negative part of h 20
Noncommutative Egoroff's theorem 85
Noncommutative Lusin's theorem 87
Nondegenerate *-algebra of operators 72
Nondegenerate representations 36
Normal elements of involutive algebras 17
Normal linear functionals 127 134 137
Normal measures 106
Normal part of 127
Normal representations 128 136
Normal traces on a von Neumann algebra 309
Normalizers 373
Nuclear operators 63
One parameter groups 57
Open projections 168
Operator-monotone functions 93
Operators affiliated with 229
Operators of Hilbert — Schmidt class 66 191
Operators of trace class 63
Orthogonal measures 240
Phillips lemma 179
Polar decomposition of 142
Polarization identity 59
Polish spaces 264 375
Positive cones 23
Positive elements 24
Positive linear functionals 36
Positive linear functionals, central 343
Positive linear functionals, tracial 343
Positive part of h 20
Positive sesquilinear forms 59
Predual of 127
Predual of a W*-algebra 134
Primary states 248
Primitive C*-algebras 178
Principal component of G(A) 12
Projection lattices 290
Projections 17
Projections, -homogeneous 299
Projections, abelian 296
Projections, absolutely invariant 363
Projections, centrally orthogonal 292
Projections, closed 168
Projections, cyclic 293
Projections, finite 296
Projections, infinite 296
Projections, minimal 51
Projections, of norm one 131
Projections, open 168
Projections, properly infinite 296
Projections, purely infinite 296
Projective C*-cross-norm 206
Projective C*-tensor products 206
Projective cross-norm 189
Projective tensor products of Banach spaces 189
Proper representations 36
Properly infinite projections 296
Properly infinite von Neumann algebras 296
Pseudoconcentrated measures 246
Pure linear functionals 43
Purely infinite projections 296
Purely infinite von Neumann algebras 296
Quasi-equivalent representations 125
Quasi-spectrum of x 7
Quasi-state space of A 161
Quotient algebras of C*-algebras 31
Radical of A 16
Real orthogonality 223
Real part of jc 17
Real subspaces 223
Reduced von Neumann algebra of M on 76
Regular elements 4
Regular ideals 13
Regular subalgebras 373
Representation space 35
Representations 35
Representations, atomic 176
Representations, covariant 46
Representations, faithful 36
Representations, irreducible 41
Representations, multiplicity-free 246
Representations, nondegenerate 36
Representations, normal 128 136
Representations, proper 36
Representations, quasi-equivalent 125
Representations, tensor products of 222
Representations, topologically irreducible 41
Representations, unitarily equivalent 36
Representations, universal 122
Representing measure of a point 233
Resolvant of x 6
Restricted group C*-algebra of G 45
Restriction of n to 204
Resultant of 233
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