Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Takesaki M. — Theory of Operator Algebras I |
Предметный указатель |
Right invariant subsets 123
Right invariant subspaces 123
Right kernel of 37
Right multiplier of A 169
Right support of x 291
Right support projections 140
Self-adjoint elements 17
Self-adjoint linear functionals 36
Semifinite traces on a von Neumann algebra 309
Semifinite von Neumann algebras 297
Semiregular subalgebras 373
Semisimple Banach algebras 16
Separating subsets 77
Sesquilinear forms 59
Sesquilinear forms, hermitian 59
Sesquilinear forms, positive 59
Sesquilinear forms, symmetric 59
Simplices 251
Sine of a projection 308
Singular functionals 127
Singular part of co 127
Souslin sets 377
Souslin spaces 377
Spatial isomorphisms 72
Spatially isomorphic von Neumann algebras 72
Spectral mapping theorem 11
Spectral radius of x 7
Spectrum of A 16
Spectrum of x 6
Standard Borel spaces 264
State spaces 166
States 36
States, ergodic 47
States, factorial 248
States, primary 248
States, tracial 343
Stone — Cech compactification of T 21
Stonean spaces 104
Strictly convex functions 235
Strong (operator) topology 68
Strong* (operator) topology 68
Subrepresentations 41
Support of a left invariant subspace 124
Support of a positive linear functional 140
Support of a representation 126
Support of a trace 315
Support projections of 134
Support projections of left invariant subspaces 124
Support projections of representations 126
Symmetric sesquilinear forms 59
Tensor product representation 222
Tensor products of Banach spaces 188
Tensor products of C*-algebras 203
Tensor products of Hilbert spaces 182
Tensor products of operators 182
Tensor products of von Neumann algebras 183
Tensor products of W*-algebras 220
| Thick ideals 169
Topological transformation groups 6
Topologically irreducible representations 41
Traces on a von Neumann algebra 309
Traces on a von Neumann algebra, faithful 309
Traces on a von Neumann algebra, finite 309
Traces on a von Neumann algebra, normal 309
Traces on a von Neumann algebra, semifinite 309
Tracial positive linear functionals 343
Transitivity theorem 92
Type von Neumann algebras 296
Type von Neumann algebras 296
Type von Neumann algebras 302
Type von Neumann algebras 302
Type I von Neumann algebras 296
Type II von Neumann algebras 296
Type III von Neumann algebras 296
Uniform (operator) topology 68
Unital Banach algebras 3
Unitarily equivalent representations 36
Unitary elements 17
Unitary group of A 17
Unitary implementation of an action 371
Unitary involutions 337
Universal atomic representation of a C*-algebra 176
Universal enveloping von Neumann algebra of A 122
Universal representations 122
Universally measurable elements 173
Upper envelope of f 232
Upper semicontinuous regularization of f 106
Up—down theorem 96
Up—down—up theorem 97
Von Neumann algebras 72
von Neumann algebras, -finite 78
von Neumann algebras, (left) group von Neumann algebra of G 364
von Neumann algebras, atomic 155
von Neumann algebras, covariance von Neumann algebra of 364
von Neumann algebras, finite 296
von Neumann algebras, infinite 296
von Neumann algebras, isomorphic 72
von Neumann algebras, maximal abelian 104
von Neumann algebras, of finite rank 155
von Neumann algebras, properly infinite 296
von Neumann algebras, purely infinite 296
von Neumann algebras, semifmite 297
von Neumann algebras, spatially isomorphic 72
von Neumann algebras, type 296
von Neumann algebras, type 296
von Neumann algebras, type 296
von Neumann algebras, type 296
von Neumann algebras, type 296
von Neumann algebras, type 302
von Neumann algebras, type 302
W*-algebras 130
W*-tensor products 221
Weak (operator) topology 68
Weakly compact C*-algebras 157
Реклама |