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Schouten J.A., van der Kulk W. — Pfaffs Problem and Its Generalizations |
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Field, 275
Field, analytic 47
Field, autoisomorphic 148 164
Field, isomorphic 148 162
Field, of m-directions 61
Field, preserving C-transformations 212 224 230
Fixed indices 1
Forsyth, A.R. vi
Free indices 9
Frobenius, G. iv
Function group, homogeneous 262 ff 315
Function group, homogeneous canonical form 269
Function group, homogeneous class 263
Function group, non-homogeneous 256 ff 313
Function group, non-homogeneous, canonical form 260
Function group, non-homogeneous, null group 256
Function group, non-homogeneous, Poisson bivector 256
Function group, non-homogeneous, polar group 256
Function group, non-homogeneous, rank 256
Function group, non-homogeneous, singular functions 256
Functional, determinant 30
Functional, matrix 33
Functionals 50
Functions, supernumerary 166
Fundamental, determinant 30
Fundamental, matrix 33
Fundamental, region 33
g (genus) 351 358
g' (reduced genus) 378 384
Gauss, C.F. vi
General intogral- , of -field 456
General intogral- , of Goursat system 377
General representation 147
Generating function 221 227 232
Geometric, manifold 29 32
Geometric, object 50
Geometric, point 32
Goursat system 355
Goursat system, -forming 355
Goursat system, characteristics 378
Goursat system, characters 377
Goursat system, closed 355
Goursat system, connected -field 445 ff
Goursat system, general integral- 377
Goursat system, genus 351 358
Goursat system, integral element 354
Goursat system, integral- 354
Goursat system, integral- 355
Goursat system, invariant 388
Goursat system, Kt 417
Goursat system, n' 417
Goursat system, reduced genus 378 384
Goursat system, ring of closed 412
Goursat system, s-number 385
Goursat system, scalar free 355
Goursat system, similarity class 378 417
Goursat system, theorem of integrability 358 ff
Goursat system, theorem of uniqueness I 359
Goursat system, theorem of uniqueness II 371
Goursat system, theorem of uniqueness III 372
Goursat, E. vi 67 73 82 88 91 92 94 96 102 103 107 109 115 145 148 151 152 153 160 172 173 175 177 179 180 184 195 199 200 210 224 229 246 251 253 255 262 273 306 315 319 349 352 416
Grad, gradient, gradient field 48
Gradient product 65 135
Gradient transformation 168 ff
Grassmann, H. vi
Grynaeus, cases A, B, C and -field 425 ff
Grynaeus, cases A, B, C, D 187 ff
Grynaeus, E. 185
Hilbert, D. 50
Holonomic 350
Homogeneous, canonical form of equation 96
Homogeneous, canonical form of system 113
Homogeneous, complete system 86
Homogeneous, existence theorem for complete system 108
Homogeneous, function group 262 ff 315
Homogenization of 91^ 273 286
Hyperplane 2
Hypersurface 59
Identification of quantities of and 23
Identity of Jacobi, for irifinitesimal transformations 137
Identity of Jacobi, for Poisson brackets 247
Imbedding 33 40
Implicit functions, existence theorem of 41
Improper 2
Independence, theorem of 34
Independent functions 33
Index, of 278
Index, of set of functions with respect to 154 ff
Indices, dead 5
Indices, fixed 1
Indices, free 9
Indices, living 5
Indices, running 1
Indices, saturated 9
Induced -field 431
Infinitesimal, admitted point transformations 136 ff
Infinitesimal, C-transformation 241 ff
Infinitesimal, neighbourhood 48
Infinitesimal, point transformation 71 233
Infinitesimal, streamlines of transformation 233 ff
Inner orientation 4
Inner problem 84 85 349
Integrability, of -field 296
Integrability, of 286 ff
Integrability, of -field 423 437
Integrability, of -fields 437
Integrability, of -field 296
Integrability, of Cartan-Kfthler 358 ff
Integrability, theorem of, of Cartan 352
Integrability, total 89 109
integral 84
Integral curves 89
Integral element 350 354
Integral element, regular 351
Integral invariant see Absolute and relative
Integral over 68
Integral, function 84
Integral, principal, function 91 108
Integral- 's in involution 350
Integral- , of -field 350
Integral- , of 338
Integral- , of Goursat system 354
Integral- , extraordinary 503
Integral- , general, of -field 155
Integral- , general, of Goursat system 377
Integral- , of -field 84 349
Integral- , of -field 418
Integral- , of Goursat system 355
Integral- , of NRSC-eystem 503
Integral- , regular 351 358
Integrating factor 98 99 100
Intermediate components 8
Invariant see Absolute and relative
Inversion, theorem of 30
Invoiso of affinor 8
Involution, directions in 350
Involution, functions in 246 252
Involution, functions in, solution of differential equations in 306 ff
Irreducible, p-vector 14
Irreducible, tensor 12
Irregular systems of equations 35
Isomer 8
Isomorphic fields 148 162
jacobi see Identity of
Jacobi, C.G.J. vi
Jacobian system 104
Jacobian system, principal integral functions of adjoint system of 108
Jacobian system, principal solutions of 108
Jacobian system, special 105 115 122
Janet, M. 378 506
| Joined neighbouring elements 209
Junction of and 
K of 149 161
K of 175 f 179
K of 279
K of Goursat system 417
k of Goursat system (n') 378 417
K under C-transformations 280
Kaehler, E. 1 18 33 35 37 53 82 349 355 358 402 410 417 461
Kernel letter 1
Klein, F. 81
Koenig, J. 510
Kowalewski, S.v. 90
Kronecker symbol 5
l of 278
Lagrange bracket 246 ff
Lie in 2
Lie, derivative 72
Lie, differential 72
Lie, integration method of 313 ff
Lie, multiplier 129
Lie, S. vi 82 118 131 136 138 139 143 199 208 209 210 224 229 241 251 253 255 256 262 272 273 306 307 315 319
Living indices 5
Local 47
m-dimensional surface 39
m-diroctions, field of 61
Manifold, arithmetic 29
Manifold, element 208
Manifold, geometric 29 32
Manifold, vector 208
Matrix, functional 33
Matrix, of aflfinor 7
Mayer system, abbreviation of 115
Mayer system, abbreviation of auxiliary system of 122
Mayer system, auxiliary system of 120
Mayer system, principal solution of 114
Mayer system, solution of 115 122
Mayer, A. 115 126
Mayor's theorem of integration 126
Measuring vectors 5 6 49
Minimal regular, parametric form 40
Minimal regular, systems of equations 35
Mixing 9
Multiplication 8
Multiplication, alternated 13
Multiplication, symmetric 12
n' (similarity class Goursat system) 378 417
Natani, L. vi
Natural derivative 48 64
NBSC-system 474
NBSC-system, extraordinary points 503
NBSC-system, integral- 503
NBSC-system, parametrical vector coefficients 475
NBSC-system, principal vector coefficients 475
Neighbourhood 29
Neighbourhood, infinitesimal 48
Non-homogeneous, complete system 110
Non-homogeneous, equation 95
Non-homogeneous, existence theorem for complete systems 111
Non-homogeneous, function group 262 ff 313
Non-homogeneous, system 109
Normal form 147
Normal form, of q-vector fields 327
Normal form, of systems of Pfaff 327
Normal representation 147
Normal system of 's 45
Normal system of 's, enveloped 84 199
Normal system of 's, enveloping 82 85
Normal system of 's, reduction with respect to 45
NPRSC-system 477
NPRSC-system, prolongation of 493 ff
Null, 339
Null, dimension of, form 35
Null, form of in 39
Null, form of -fields 273
Null, form of Sf-fields 457 ff
Null, group 256
Null, manifold 34
Null, point 34 89
Null, regular, form 35
Null, space 2
Null, space of integral- 350
Null, supernumerary regular, form 35
Object, geometric 50
Operation 94
Operations, table of 611
Ordinary, chain 441 443
Ordinary, point of field 149 185
Ordinary, triplet 433 436
Orientation, inner 4
Orientation, outer 4
Orthonomic system 607
Orthonomic system, passive 506 508
Outer orientation 4
Outer problem 82
p-direction in 2 48
p-vector 13
p-vector density 19
p-vector, compound 14
p-vector, decomposition into blades 16
p-vector, divisor of 14
p-vector, geometric interpretation 17 ff
p-vector, irreducible 14
p-vector, pseudo 13
p-vector, simple 14
parallel 2 3
Parametric form, dimension of 40
Parametric form, minimal regular 40
Parametric form, of in 40
Parametric form, of 273
Parametric form, of -field 419
Parametric form, regular 46
Parametric form, supernumerary regular 46
Parametrical, derivatives 607
Parametrical, variables 398 405 407
Parametrical, vector coefficients 475
Partial prolongation 469
Partial prolongation of PC-system 505
Passive orthonomic system 606 508
PC-system 605
Pfaff's problem, simple vi vii
Pfaff, J.F. vi
Pfaffian aggregate 28 514
Pfaffian equations, normal form of 327
PNRSC-system 477
Point, arithmetic 29
Point, extended, transformation 217
Point, extraordinary 503
Point, geometric 32
Point, infinitesimal, transformation 71 136 233
Point, of diminished class 149 185
Point, ordinary 149 185
Point, transformation 1
Poisson bivector, of 278
Poisson bivector, of function group 266
Poisson brackets 246 ff 253
Poisson brackets, generalized 172 ff 272
Poisson brackets, Jacobian identity for 247 271
Polar, group 236
Polar, space 350
Preferred, -field 423
Preferred, RSC-ayatem 472
Principal, derivatives 507
Principal, integral functions 91 108
Principal, solutions 91 108 114
Principal, variables 398 405 407
Principal, vector-coefficients 475
Projection 3
Prolongation 463
Prolongation of 493 ff
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