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Schouten J.A., van der Kulk W. — Pfaffs Problem and Its Generalizations |
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of 149
of 175f
of 279
under C-transformations 280
of 285
6 49
18 20 21
-transformation 210 ff
-transformation, characteristic functions of infinitesimal 243 f 272
-transformation, field preserving 212
-transformation, generating function of 221
-transformation, rank of 216
-transformation, Rule I 215
-transformation, Rule II 219
-transformation 229 ff
-transformation, and 347
-transformation, characteristic functions of infinitesimal 244 f 271
-transformation, field preserving 230
-transformation, generating function of 232
-transformation, Rule I 231
-transformation, Rule II 232
-transformation 224 ff
-transformation, and 332
-transformation, characteristic function of infinitesimal 245 271
-transformation, field preserving 224
-transformation, generating function of 227
-transformation, Rule I 225
-transformation, Rule II 228
, in 5 6
, in , in 49
1 2
, centred 1
, local 4 7
350 357
, of 278 283
, of , under C-transformations 279
351 357
(characters of Goursat system) 377 383
of 281
of 283
, of 282
, of 281 f
-rank of 274
61 ff
, connecting quantities 62
, reduction with respect to 63
, section with 63
in 33 ff
in , connecting quantities 39 40
in , mill form 39
in , parametric form 40
in , reduction with respect to 52
in , section With 52
29 ff
-forming systems of vector fields 128 129
(Kronecker symbol) 5
, 55
, 19
207 273
, 282
-rank 274
, 285
and -transformations 347 275 332
canonical form of equations 332
class K 279
dis-homogenization 273 286
field dimension 208 274
field region 208 274
homogenization 273 286
index l 279
integrability 286 ff
integral- of class < K 320 ff
integral- 286 296
null form 273
parametric form 273
Poisson bivector 278
reduced form of equations 298
rotation class 2p 279
similarity class k 279
, 208
-field 275
-field, 433 436 452 456
-field, adjoint -field of 420
-field, and Goursat systems 446 ff
-field, cases A, B, and C 425ff
-field, field dimension 418
-field, general integral- 455
-field, induced -field 431
-field, integral- 418
-field, null form 457 ff
-field, parametric form 419
-field, preferred 423
-field, quasi-linear 418 445
-field, stationary 436 f
-field, theorem of integrability of 296 423 437
-field, theorem of uniqueness I 453 II 454 III 464
-fieid integrability of 296
(species of Ooursat system) 388
of -field 433 436 452 456
, of 285
(s-number of Goursat system) 385
Abbreviated system 115 122
Absolute integral invariant of 74
Absolute integral invariant of 76
Absolute invariant field with respect to 44 96 98
Absolute invariant field with respect to 74 97 98 144 145
Absolute invariant field with respect to 132 184
Addition 8
Adjoint system 84
Adjoint' -field 420
Admitted infinitesimal point transformation 136 ff
Affine, geometry 32
Affine, group 1
Affine, space 1
Affinor, density 19
Affinor, inverse of 8
Affinor, matrix of 7
Affinor, pseudo- 3
Affinor, unity 7
Alexander, J.W. 10
Allowable coordinates 1
Alternated multiplication 13
Alternation 9
Analytic field 47
Analytic function 30
Analyticity in a region 33
Analytisches Plachenstuck 516
| Anholonomic system 51
Arithmetic, manifold 29
Arithmetic, point 29
Auto isomorphic field 148 164
Auxiliary system 120
Basis 3 7
Basis, theorem I 37 II 38
Basis, transformation 38 275
Behnke, H. 516
Bibliography 534
Bivector 13
Bivector, decomposition into blades 15
blades 15
Bracket expression, of Lagrange 246 ff
Bracket expression, of Poisson 246 ff 253
Burstin, C. 349 355
c, 149 175
C-transformation 199 ff
C-transformation, double homogeneous 232
C-transformation, field preserving 212
C-transformation, infinitesimal 241 ff
Canonical form 147
Canonical form, of 160 ff
Canonical form, of with given initial conditions 170 ff
Canonical form, of 332
Canonical form, of function group 260 269
Canonical form, of homogeneous equation 96
Canonical form, of homogeneous system 113
Canonical representation 147
Cartan, E. v vi 73 136 148 151 153 160 172 173 199 349 350 355 358 377 378 385 387 388 410 416 417 461 475 502 529
Cartan, theorem of Cartan — Kaehler 358 ff
Cartan, theorem of integrability of 362
Cartan, theorem system 356
Cases A, B, C Grynaeus and the -field 425 ff
Cases A, B, C, D Grynaeus 187 ff
Cases I and II, of 150 ff
Cases I and II, of 176
Cases I, II, and III of -field 425 ff 428
Cauchy, generalized integration method of 313
Cauehy, A. 90
cell 32
Centred, 1
Chain, ordinary 441 443
Chain, regular 351 358
Chain, test for regular chains 397 ff
Characteristic function, of infinitesimal -transformation 243 f 272
Characteristic function, of infinitesimal -transformation 244 f 271
Characteristic function, of infinitesimal -transformation 245 271
Characteristic number of representation 147
Characteristics, of 89
Characteristics, of 152 161
Characteristics, of Goursat system 378
Characters 377
Class, of 149
Class, of 175
Class, of 278
Class, of covariant q-vector fields 321 ff
Class, of function group 263
Class, of sets of geometric objects 146 ff
Clebsch, A. vi
Closed Goursat system 355
Closed Goursat system, ring of 412
Comitant, differential 63 ff
Complete homogeneous systems 86
Complete homogeneous systems, existence theorem for 108
Complete integrability of -field 423
Complete non-homogeneous systems 110
Complete non-homogeneous systems, existence theorem for 111
Complete Riquier arrangement 507
Complete solutions 307
components 4
Components intermediate 8
Components of arithmetic point 29
Compounds-vector 14
Cone 435
Cone 429
Conjugate set of functions 157 ff
Conjugate systems 173
Connecting quantity, of in 20 21
Connecting quantity, of 62
Connecting quantity, of in 39 40
Contact-point 47
Contain 2
Contraction 8
Coordinate system 30 31
Coordinate- 's 2
Coordinates, allowable 1
Coordinates, transformation of 31
Courant, R. 50
Cutting off of BSC-system 473
D 64
Darboux, G. vi
De Donder, Th. 73 129
Dead indices 5
Decomposition, of p-vector 15
Decomposition, of regular systems 53
densities 19 ff
Dependent functions 33
Derivative, Lie 72
Derivative, natural 48 64
Derivative, paramotrical 507
Derivative, principal 507
Derived system 86 103
Determinant, functional 30
Determinant, main sub- 38
Differential comitant 63 ff
Dimension of 6 6
Dimension of, support of 4
Dimension, field 47
Dimension, of domain 5 6
Dimension, of null form 35
Dimension, of parametric form 40
Diminished class, point of 149 186
Direction 2 48
Dis-homogenization of 273 286
Div, divergence 64
Divisor of p-vector 14
Domain 4 6 10 11
Dragging along 70 ff
Eisonhart, L.P. 199 210 224 229 241 253 255 262 271
Elimination, theorem of 42
Eloment manifold , 208
Engol, F. vi 73 82 88 91 92 94 98 102 104 107 109 113 125 126 128 136 199 210 224 229 233 241 246 251 253 255 262 271 273 306 316 318 319
Enveloped, 84 86
Enveloped, normal system 84 199
Enveloped, Rule I 205
Enveloped, Rule II 206
Enveloping, 82 86
Enveloping, normal system 82 85
Equiscalar hypersurface 48
Equivalent systems of equations 34
Existence theorem, of Cauchy — Kowalewski 90
Existence theorem, of complete homogeneous system 108
Existence theorem, of complete non-homogeneous system 111
Existence theorem, of implicit functions 41
Existence theorem, of one homogeneous equation 91
Existence theorem, of one non-homogeneous equation 95
Existence theorem, of Riquier 508
Extended point transformation 217
Extension of incomplete system 102 ff
Extraordinary integral- of NRSG-system 503
Extraordinary points of NRSG-system 503
Faber, K. vi 73 82 88 91 92 94 98 102 104 107 109 113 115 126 128 136 199 210 224 229 233 241 246 251 253 256 262 271 273 306 316 318 319
Field 47
Field dimension 47
Field dimension, of 208 274
Field dimension, of -field 418
Field region 47
Field region, of 208 274
Field, 296
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