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Spivak M. — A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry (Vol.1) |
Предметный указатель |
-related 190
-compact 4 459
manifold 34
distribution 179
form 207
function 32
manifold 29
manifold-with-boundary 32
Riemannian metric 308
structure on TM 82
-related 28
Abelian Lie algebra 376 382 395
Adams, J.F. 100
Adjoint T* of a linear transformation T 103
Ado, I.D. 380
Alexander's Horned Sphere 55
Algebra. Fundamental Theorem of 285 293
Algebraic inequalities, principle of irrelevance of 233
Alternating, covariant tensor field 207
Alternating, multilinear function 201
Alternation 202
Analytic manifold 34
Annihilator 228
Annulus 8
Antipodal, map 278
Antipodal, point 10
Arclength 312
Arclength, function 313 332
Arcwise connected 20
Arcwise, subgroup of a Lie group 409
Area, generalized 246
Associated, disc bundle 451
Associated, sphere bundle 451
Atlas 28
Atlas, maximal 29
Auslander, L. 106
Banach space 145
Base space 71
Basis, dual 107
Basis, for 208
Basis, for 208
Belongs to a distribution 191
Besicovitch, A.S. 179
Bi-invariant metric 401
Big, disc 466
Big, half-plane 466
Big, plane 466
Big, quadrant 466
Boundary 19 248 252
Bounded manifold 19
Boy's Surface 60
Bracket 154
Bracket, in 378
Bracket, in 379
Bundle, cotangent 109
Bundle, dual 108
Bundle, fibre 309
Bundle, induced 101
Bundle, map 73
Bundle, n-plane 71
Bundle, normal 344
Bundle, of contravariant tensors 120
Bundle, of covariant tensors 117
Bundle, tangent 77
Bundle, trivial 72 210
Bundle, vector 71
Burali — Forti paradox 464
C' manifold 34
Calabi, E. 472
Calculus of variations 316
Cartan's Lemma 230
Cartan, Elie 39 348 360
Cauchy — Riemann equations 200
Cayley numbers 100
Chain 248 285
Chain rule 35 38
Chan 28
Change, infinitely small 111
Choice 283
Choice function 467
circle 6
Closed, form 218 252
Closed, geodesic 367
Closed, half-space 19
Closed, long ray 465
Closed, manifold 19
Closed, subgroup of a Lie group 391
Closed, submanifold 49
Closed, up to first order 160
Cofinal 465
Cohomology 419
Cohomology, de Rham 263
Cohomology, group of M with real coefficients 263
Cohomology, of a complex 421
Commutative diagram 65 420
Commutative Lie algebra 310
Complete, geodesically 341
Complex, analytic structure 470
Complex, numbers of norm 1 373
conjugate 358
Constants of structure 396
Continuous homomorphism 387
Contractible 220 225 236
Contraction 121 139 227
Contraction, lemma 139
Contravariant, functor 130
Contravariant, tensor field 120
Contravariant, vector field 113
Convex, geodesically 363
Convex, polyhedron 429
Coordinate lines 159
Coordinate system 28 158
coordinates 28
Cotangent bundle 109
Covariant functor 130
Covariant icnsor field 117
Covariant vector field 113
Cover, locally finite 50
Cover, point-finite 60
Cover, refinement of 50
Cramer's rule 372
Critical point 40
Critical point in the calculus of variations 320
Critical value 40
Cross section 227
Cross-cap 14
Cross-product 299
Cube, singular 246
Cup product 299 439
Curl 238
Cylinder 8
Darboux integrable 283
Darboux integral 283
Darboux's theorem 284
de Rham cohomology vector spaces 263
de Rham cohomology vector spaces, with compact supports 268
de Rham's theorem 263 457
de Rham, G 342
Debauch of indices 39 123
Decomposable 228
Definition, invariant 214
Deformation retraction 279
Degenerate 286
Degree 275
Degree, mod 2 295
Density, even scalar 133 209
Density, odd scalar 133 259
Density, relative scalar 231
Density, scalar 133
| Derivation 39 78
Derivation, of a ring 83
Derived set 25
Descartes — Euler theorem 429
Determinant 232
Diffeomorphic 30
Diffeomorphism 30
Diffeomorphism, one-parameter group of 148
Differential 210
Differential, equation 136 164
Differential, equation, depending on parameters 169
Differential, equation, linear 165
Differential, forms 201
Differential, of a function 109
Difierentiable 27 28 31 32
Difierentiable, at a point 31
Difierentiable, manifold 29
Difierentiable, structure 30
Difierentiable, structure, on 32
Difierentiable, structure, on 29
Difierentiable, structure, on 30
Difierentiable, structure, on the long line 471
Direct sum 421
Disc bundle, associated 451
Discriminant 233
Disjoint union 4 20
distribution 179 181
Distribution, ideal of 215
Distribution, on torus 180
Divergence 238
Divergence, Theorem 352
Domain 3
Du Bois Reymond's Lemma 355
Dual, basis 107
Dual, space 107
Dual, vector bundle 108
Einstein summation convention 39
Elements of norm 1 308
Elliptical non-Euclidean geometry 367
Embedding 49
END 23
End, paracompact 468
Endomorphism 121
Energy 324
Envelope 358
Equations depending on parameters 169
Equations of structure 404
Equivalence (of vector bundles) 72
Equivalence, weak 96
Euclidean, metric 305 315
Euclidean, motion 374
Euclidean, n-space 1
Euler 429
Euler's equation 320
Euler, characteristic 428
Euler, class 445
Even, ordinal 467
Even, relative scalar 231
Even, relative tensor 134 231
Even, scalar density 133 209
Exact form 21—8
Exact sequence 419 422
Exact sequence, of a pair 433
Exact sequence, of vector bundles 103
Exponential map 334 385
Exponential of matrices 384
Extension 432
Extremal 320
Faith, leap of 464
Fibre 64 68 71
Finite characteristic 205
Finite type 438
first element 461
First variation 319 327
Five lemma 440
Fixed point 139
Foliation 194
Folium 194
Force field 240
FORM 207
Form, differential 201
Form, left invariant 374
Form, right invariant 400
Frobenius Integrabilitv Theorem 192 215
Fubini's theorem 254
functor 130
Functorites 89
Fundamental theorem of algebra 285 293
Fundamental theorem of calculus 254
Gauss's lemma 337
General linear group 61 372
Generalized area 246
Geodesic 333
Geodesic, closed 367
Geodesic, reversing map 401
Geodesicallv convex 363
Geodesically complete 341
Geodesy 333
Germs of k-forms 432
Global theorv of integral manifolds 194
Gradient 237
Grak 84
Gram — Schmidt orthonormalization process 304
Group, Lie 371
Group, matrix 372
Group, opposite 407
Group, orthogonal 372
Group, topological 371
Guillemin, V.W. 106
Hahn — Banach theorem 145
Hair 69
Half-long cylinder 466
Half-long line 465
Half-long strip 466
Half-space 19
Handle 8
Hardy, G.H. 179
Has one end 23
Hausdorff 459
Heinlcin, Robert A. 84
Homogeneous 7
Homomorphism, continuous 387
Homomorphism, of Lie algebras 380
Homotopic 104 277
Homotopy 104 277
Hopf — Rinow — de Rham Theorem 342
Hopf, H. 342 450
Hyperbolic, cosine 356
Hyperbolic, sine 356
Hyperbolic, tangent 356
Ideal of a Lie algebra 410
Identification 10
Imbedding 49
Imbedding, topological 14
Immersed submanifold 47
Immersion 46
Implicit function theorem 60
Indefinite metric 350
Independent infinitesimals 314
Index of inner product 349
Index of vector field on 446
Index of vector field on a manifold 447
Indices, debauch of 39 123
Indices, raising and lowering 351
Induced, bundle 101
Induced, orientation 260
Inequalities, principle of irrelevance of algebraic 233
Inertia, Sylvester's law of 349
Infinite volume 312
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