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Spivak M. — A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry (Vol.1) |
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Предметный указатель |
Infinitely small change 111
Infinitely small displacements 314
Infinitesimal generator 148
Infinitesimals, independent 314
Initial conditions 136
Initial conditions of integral curve 136
Initial segment 462
Inner preserving 304 372
Inner product 227 301
Inner usual 301
Inside 21
Integrability conditions 189
Integrable distribution 192
Integrable function, Darboux 283
Integrable function, Riemann 283
Integral, curve 136
Integral, Darboux 283
Integral, line 239 243
Integral, manifold 179 181
Integral, manifold, maximal 194
Integral, of a differential equation 136
Integral, Riemann 283
Integral, surface 245
Integration 136 226 239
Invariance of domain 3
Invariant 128 232
Invariant, definition 214
Irrelevance of algebraic inequalities, principle of 233
Isometry 340
Isomorphic Lie groups, locally 382
Isomorphism, natural 108
Isotopic 294
Jacobi identity 155 376
Jacobi identity for the bracket in any ring 378
Jacobian mairix 40
Jordan curve theorem 21 435
Kelley, J. 460 463 464
Kink 366
Klein bottle 18 435
Kneser, H. 472
Kneser, M. 473
Lang, S. 145
Laplace's expansion 230
Laplacian 58
Law of Inertia, Sylvesiers 349
Leaf 194
Leap of faith 464
Left invariant form 394
Left invariant n form 400
Left invariant vector field 374
Left translation 374
Length 243 305 312
Length, of a curve 59
Lie algebra 376
Lie algebra, abelian 376 382 395
Lie algebra, commutative 376
Lie algebra, homomorphism of 380
Lie algebra, ideal of 410
Lie algebra, opposite 407
Lie derivative 150
Lie group 371
Lie group, arcwise connected subgroup of 409
Lie group, closed subgroup of 391
Lie group, local 415
Lie group, normal subgroup of 410
Lie group, topologically isomorphic 388
Lie subgroup 373
Lie's fundamental theorem first 414
Lie's fundamental theorem second 415
Lie's fundamental theorem third 416
Limit ordinal 463
Limit set 60
Line integral 239 243
Linear differential equations 165
Linear differential equations, systems of 171
Linear transformation adjoint of 103
Linear transformation contraction of 121
Linear transformation positive definite 104
Linear transformation positive semi-definite 104
Linking number 296
Lipschitz condition 138
Littlewood, J.E. 179
Lives at points 119
Lobachevskian non-Euclidean geometry 368
Local theory of integral manifolds 190
Local, flow 144
Local, Lie group 415
Local, one-parameter group of local diffeomorphism 148
Local, spanned locally 179
Local, triviality 71
Locally, compact 20
Locally, connected 20
Locally, finite cover 50
Locally, isomorphic Lie groups 382
Locally, Lipschitz 139
Locally, one-one 13
Locally, pathwise connected 20
Long cylinder 466
Long line 465
Long ray 465
Long ray, closed 465
Long ray, open 465
Lower sum 283
MacKenzie. R.E. 106
magic 214
Manifold 1 459
Manifold, 34
Manifold, 34
Manifold, 29
Manifold, analytic 34
Manifold, atlas for 28
Manifold, boundary of 19
Manifold, bounded 19
Manifold, closed 19
Manifold, diflercntiable 29
Manifold, dimension of 4
Manifold, imbedding in 52
Manifold, integral 179 181
Manifold, integral, maximal 194
Manifold, non-mctrizable 465 4
Manifold, orientation of 86
Manifold, smooth 29
Manifold-with-boundary 19
Manifold-with-boundary, 32
Map, between complexes 421
Map, bundle 73
Map, rank of 40
Massey. W.S. 3
Matrix groups 372
Maximal integral manifold 194
Mayer-Vietoris Sequence 424
Mayer-Vietoris Sequence, for compact supports 431
Measure zero 40. 41
Meiric, bi-invariant 401
Meiric, Euclidean 305 315
Meiric, indefinite 350
Meiric, Riemannian 308 311
Meiric, Riemannian, usual 312
Meiric, spaces, disjoint union of 4 20
mesh 239
Milnor J.W. 42
Mod 2 degree 295
Moebius strip 10
Moebius strip, generalized 100
Multi-index 208
Multilinear function 115
MunkresJ.R. 34 106
n-Dimensional 4
n-forms, left invariant 400
n-holed torus 9
| n-manifold 4
n-plane bundle 71
n-sphere 7
n-torus 7
Natural g-valued 1-form 403
Natural isomorphism 108
Neighborhood, tubular 345
Newman, M.H.A. 3
Nice ewer 438
Non-bounded 19
Non-degenerate 301
Non-Euclidean geometry elliptical 367
Non-Euclidean geometry Lobachevskian 368
Non-meinzable manifold 465 466
Non-oriemable, bundle 86
Non-oriemable, manifold 80
Norm 303
Norm, preserving 304 372
Normal, bundle 344
Normal, outward unit 351
Normal, space 459
Normal, subgroup of a Lie group 410
Nowhere zero section 209
Odd, ordinal 467
Odd, relative tensor 134 288
Odd, scalar density 133 259
One-dimensional distribution 179
One-dimensional sphere 6
One-parameter group, of diffeomorphisms 148
One-parameter group, of local diffeomorphisms, local 148
One-parameter subgroup 384
Open, long ray 465
Open, map 60
Open, submanifold 2
Opposite, group 407
Opposite, Lie algebra 407
Order isomorphic 461
Order isomorphism 461
Order topology 465
Ordered set 461
Ordering 460
Ordinal numbers 463
Orientable, bundle 86
Orientable, manifold 86
Orientation, of a bundle 85
Orientation, of a manifold 86
Orientation, of a vector space 84
Orientation, preserving 84 85 88 105 248
Orientation, reversing 84 88 248
Orthogonal group 61 372
Orthonormal 304 348
Orthonormalization process, Gram — Schmidt 304
Osgood's Theorem 284
Outside 21
Outward pointing 260
Outward unit normal 351
Palais, R.S. 100 225
Paracompact 210 459
Paracompact, end 468
Parameter curves, special 167
Parameterized by arclength 313
Partial derivatives 35
Partition 239 245
Partition, of unity 52
Pathwise connected 20
Piecewise smooth 312
Pig, yellow 434
Poim-finiie cover 60
Poincare dual 439
Poincare duality theorem 441
Poincare lemma 225
Poincare upper half-plane 367
Poincare — Hopf theorem 450
Poincare, H. 450
Point inward 98
Point outward 98 260
Point-derivation 39
Polar coordinates 36
Polar coordinates, integration in 266
Polarization 304
Pollack, A. 106
Positive definite 104 301
Positive element of norm 1 308
Positive semi-definite 104
Product, of vector bundles 102
Product, tensor 116
Projection 7 30 32
Projective plane 11 435
Projective space 19 88
Proper map 60 275
Prufer manifold 467
Pseudometric 95
Quaternions 100
Quaternions, of norm 1 373
Radial function 435
Rado, T 472
Rank, of a form 229
Rank, of a map 40 98
Rectifiable 59
Refinement of a cover 50
Regular, point 40
Regular, space 459
Regular, value 40
Related vector fields 190
Relative, scalar 134 231
Relative, tensor 134 231 288
Reparameterization 244 248
Retraction 264
Retraction, deformation 279
Revolution, surface of 8 321
Riemann, integrable 283
Riemann, integral 283
Riemann, sum 283
Riemannian metric 308 311
Riemannian metric, usual 312
Right invariant n-form 400
Right translation 374
Rinow, W. 342
Roman surface 17 26
Rosenlicht, M. 4 72
Rotation group 62
Sard's theorem 42 294
Scalar density 133
Scalar, relative 134 231
Schwarz inequality 303 362
Schwarz, H. 354
Second countable 459
Section of a vector bundle 73
Section of a vector bundle, zero 96
Segment, initial 462
Self-adjoint linear transformation 104
Semi-definite, positive 104
Separate points and closed sets 95
Sequence, exact 419 422
Sequence, exact, of vector bundles 103
Sequence, Mayer — Vietoris 424
Sequence, Mayer — Vietoris, for compact supports 431
Sequence, of a pair 433
Shrinking lemma 51 60
Shuffle permutation 227
Simplex, of a triangulation 427
Simplex, singular 285
Simply-connected 287
Simply-connected, Lie group 382
Singular, cube 246
Singular, simplex 285
Siokes' Theorem 253 261 285 352
Sione — Cech compactification 468
Skew-svmmetric 201 378
Slice 194
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