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Mitsumi S., Sturmfels B., Takayama N. — Groebner Deformations of Hypergeometric Differential Equations, Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics, Volume 6 |
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see “Pochhammer symbol”
, 203 230
86 (see also “Polar”)
see “Grobner cone”
see “Difference operator”
(filtration) 14
see “Primitive integral support function”
4 (see also “Associated graded ring”)
[s]$ 105 175
see “GKZ hypergeometric system”
for D 4—6
for formal series 89—90
70 (see also “Indicial ideal”)
109—116 139
see “Characteristic ideal”
15 (see also “Homogenization”)
see “Toric ideal”
140 (see also “ ”)
see “Nilsson ring”
14 203
see “Volume polynomial”
45 68 127
see “Regular triangulation”
(the non-negative reals) 30
see “Hole”
225 (see also “Locally constant sheaf”)
140 160
, 127 129
see “Euler operator”
see “Fake indicial ideal”
68 (see also “Distraction”)
see “Generalized hypergeometric function”
A-hypergeometric differential equation see “GKZ hypergeometric system”
A-hypergeometric function of degree 104
A-hypergeometric ideal 104
Additive monoid 45
Airy integral 223
Algebraic torus 66
Algorithm, Buchberger’s algorithm 9 243
Algorithm, Computing 214 217
Algorithm, Computing 14
Algorithm, Computing 49
Algorithm, Computing all monomials in a given polynomial ideal 175
Algorithm, Computing integral ideal 230
Algorithm, Computing integral module 230
Algorithm, Computing restriction ideal 207
Algorithm, Computing restriction module 205
Algorithm, Computing standard pairs 113
Algorithm, de Rham cohomology group 234
Algorithm, Distraction 68
Algorithm, Finding asymptotic expansion of hypergeometric integral 235
Algorithm, Finding b-function 196 215
Algorithm, From D-ideal to a Pfaffian 39
Algorithm, Holonomic rank 34 91
Algorithm, Is I holonomic or not? 66
Algorithm, Normal form 7
Algorithm, Series solution 96—98 128 133 145
Algorithm, Solving Frobenius ideal 74
Annihilating ideal 211
Aomoto — Gel’fand system 139
Appell 40
Appell, hypergeometric differential equation 48 85
Appell, hypergeometric function 40 47 48 61
Arithmetic degree 112
Arithmetic volume 157
Artinian 29 69
Ass(I) 30 110
Associated graded ring 4 33
Associated prime 29 30
Associated standard pair 187
Asymptotic expansion 77 236
b-function 178
b-function, of polynomial f, global b-function 215
b-function, parametric 178
b-function, with respect to weight vector w 194
Bernstein inequality 66
Bernstein — Sato polynomial 218
Bessel function 223
Canonical series solution 23 93 236
Cauchy — Kowalevskii — Kashiwara Theorem 37
ch(I), D^r/M)$ 28 200
Chain 219
Characteristic ideal 28
Characteristic variety 28 200
CKKT see “Cauchy — Kowalevskii — Kashiwara Theorem”
Cocycle 219
Cohen — Macaulay 43 114 153
Cohen — Macaulay complex 160
Comparison theorem 226
Compatibility condition 37
Complete fan 52
Cone 52
Cone, polyhedral 52
Cone, rational 52
Contiguity relation 184
Convex hull 53
Core 150
D, see “Weyl algebra”
D-ideal 4
D-submodule 199
De Rham cohomology group 219
de Rham cohomology group, twisted 226
Degree 29 112 152
Degree(I) see “Degree”
Degree, w-degree, (u, v)-degree see “Weight”
Dehomogenization 11
Depth 114
Difference operator 212
dim(I) see “(Krull) dimension”
Dimension, Krull 29 63 152
Distraction 68 107
Divisible 7
e = (l, l, ..., l) 28
Elimination 10 36
Elimination term order 5 33 64
Embedded 187
Embedded, associated prime 30
Euler operator 17 82
Euler — Jacobi cone 181
Exceptional arrangement 181
Exceptional set 181
Face 52 113
| Facet 52
Fake characteristic ideal 172
Fake exponent 108 154
Fake indicial ideal 108 154
Fake initial ideal 44 106 170
Fake rank 159
Fan 52
feasible 131
Fourier transform 82 229
Free resolution 153
Frobenius ideal 69
Frobenius method 18 22 85
FTAA see “Fundamental theorem of algebraic analysis”
Fuchs condition 35
Fuchsian 78
Fundamental theorem of algebraic analysis 30
Gale duality 121
Gauss hypergeometric equation 16
Gauss hypergeometric series 18
Generalized hypergeometric function 224
Generic A-hypergeometric series 129
Generic weight vector 68
GKZ hypergeometric differential equation 48
GKZ hypergeometric integral 220
GKZ hypergeometric system 26 42 48 104
Gorenstein 76
Graded reverse lexicographic order 5
Grobner basis 5 6 8 12 33
Grobner cone 93
Grobner deformation 26 44 66
Grobner duality 73
Grobner fan 53 54 62 120 122
Grobner walk 62
H(p), H(I) 11 see
h.s.o.p. see “Homogeneous system of parameters”
Harmonic polynomial 76
Hilbert polynomial 29 152
Hilbert series 152
hole 162
Holonomic 31 200
Holonomic rank 31
Homogeneity assumption 104
Homogeneous system of parameters (h.s.o.p.) 152
Homogenization 11
Homogenization, map 11
Homogenization, variable 11
Homogenized Weyl algebra 11
Hypergeometric fan 120 124
Hypergeometric integral 220
Hypergeometric polynomial 61 131
Indicial equation 18
Indicial ideal 70 91 107
Indicial polynomial 19 26 71 194
Induced order 13 70
Initial form 4 67 200
Initial ideal 5 6 68
Initial module 200
Initial monomial 6 90
Initial series 89
Initial system 44
Initial term 33
Integer programming problem 131 174
integral 229
Integral, ideal 228
Integral, module 229
Involutive bases 16
Koszul complex 167 209
l.s.o.p. see “Linear system of parameters”
Lattice ideal 121
Legendre polynomial 27
Leibnitz formula 3
Lexicographic order 5 89
Linear system of parameters (l.s.o.p.) 153
Local b-function 218
Locally constant sheaf 225
Logarithm-free hypergeometric series 127
Logarithmic solutions 17
Mapping cone 209
Maximally degenerate 150 239
Mellin transform 213
Minimal free resolution 153
Minimal negative support 133
Minimal prime 30
Minkowski sum 52
mono(J) 175
Monodromic 82
Monodromy matrix 84
Monomial 3 5 88 200
Multiplicative monomial order 5 11
Multiplicity of root 75
N = {0, 1, 2, ...} 3
Negative support 132
New(f) see “Newton polytope”
Newton, polyhedron 130
Newton, polytope 57
Nilsson ring 95 236
Non-term order 5
Nonresonant 181
normal 153 156
Normal cone 52
Normal fan 52
Normal form 8
Normalized volume 50 147
Normally ordered expression 3
nsupp(v) 132
Optimal solution 174
Optimal value 174
Orthogonal complement 72
Parameter shift 184
Partial term order 89
Period map 21
Pfaffian system 37
Pochhammer symbol 18
Polar, dual 52 86
Polyhedral fan 52
Polyhedron 52
Polynomial growth condition 35
Polytope 53
pos(B) (positive cone) 121
Primary 29 30 71
Primary ideal decomposition 29 40
Primitive integral support function 181
Principal -determinant 40
R see “Ring of differential operators”
Radical 29
Rank see “Holonomic rank”
rank(I) 34 (see also “Holonomic rank”)
Reduced Grobner basis 10
refinement 52
Reflexive polytope 150
Regular holonomic 78 80 200
Regular sequence 153
Regular singular 17 36 77
Regular triangulation 49 114
Restriction 79 201
Restriction, ideal 202
Restriction, module 201
Reverse lexicographic order 5
Ring of differential operators 2
Ring of differential operators, with rational function coefficients 33
S(M) see “Standard pair”
s-pair 7
S-pair, criterion 9 106 212
Saturation 36 113
Secondary fan 120 121
Selberg type integral 225
Semi-nonresonant 181
Sheaf of differential operators 28 78
Shellable complex 143
Shelling basis 144
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