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Scott D.S. — Axiomatic Set Theory, Volume 13, Part 1 (Symposium in Pure Mathematics Los Angeles July, 1967) |

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Название: Axiomatic Set Theory, Volume 13, Part 1 (Symposium in Pure Mathematics Los Angeles July, 1967)
Автор: Scott D.S.
Рубрика: Математика/
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
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Год издания: 1971
Количество страниц: 480
Добавлена в каталог: 22.06.2020
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-symmetric 136
-symmetric hereditarily 136
-element set 448
-function 269
-invariant 286
-saturated -complete ideal 202
well-ordering 394
-formulas 228
-formulas 228
-formulas 228
- closed 181
- constructibility, axiom of 2
- constructible sets 2
- definable subsets of 2
- well founded 181
-saturated ideal 400
-commutative 296
-invariant 296
universal formula for 209
-indescribable cardinals 207
-transcendency of measurable cardinal numbers 317
-numbers 212
-numbers 212
, transcendency of cardinals 303
t p nek, P. 77 81
(DAC) 457
Absolute formula 112 113 115 116 122
Absolute function 120
Absolute intervals 90
Absolute relation symbol 359
Absolute term 121
Absoluteness 120
Abstraction term 441
AC 442
AC 221
Adequacy conditions 190
Adequate reduction 192
Adjoint functor 233
Admissible class 160
Analytic basis 297
Antihomogeneous cardinal 292
Arithmetical ( transcendency of cardinals 280
Axiom comprehension 50
Axiom DC of dependent choice 226
Axiom multiple choice 462 447
Axiom of -constructibility 2
Axiom of Choice (AC) 83 84 219 326 448
Axiom of choice for finite sets 449
Axiom of choice, (WAC) weak term of the 448
Axiom of constructibility 101 219 359
Axiom of determinateness 265
Axiom of extensionality 106 232
Axiom of infinity 110 325
Axiom of pairing 323
Axiom of replacement 327
Axiom of separation 326
Axiom of the power set 101 326 439
Axiom of union (s) 107 323
Axiom of ZF 106
Axiom parallel 195 196
Axiom schema of continuity 90
Axiom schema of foundation 111
Axiom Schema of Replacement 110
Axiom systems for set theory 429
Balcar, B. 74 80 81
Bar-Hillel, Y. 219 229
Barker, S. 324 330
Barwise, J. 158 175 248 264
Bateman, P. T. 456 466
Bemays, P. 321 323 324 327 330
Benecerraf, P. 330
Bernays, G del-, set theory 233
Bing, R. H. 193 321 330
Birkhoff, Garrett 231 232 234 240
Bleicher, M. N. 447 449 452 453 454 455 466
Boolean algebra 95
Boolean prime ideal theorem 83 84 95
Boolean valued model ( -model) 135
Boolean valued model ( -model) symmetric submodels of 135
Boolean valued ultraproduct 420
Brauer, A. T. 456 466
Bukovsky, L. 73 74 79 80 81
Cantor's paradox 323 324 325
Cantor, G. 322 330
Cardinal(s) -transcendency of 305
Cardinal(s) antihomogeneous 292
Cardinal(s) arithmetical ( -) transcendency of 280
Cardinal(s) inaccessible 211 216
Cardinal(s) indescribable 420
Cardinal(s) indescribable - 207
Cardinal(s) measurable 4 392
Cardinal(s) measurable normally 286
Cardinal(s) Ramsey 279
Cardinal(s) regular 358
Cardinal(s) singular 358
Cardinal(s) weak-measurable 399
Cardinal(s) weakly compact 178
Category 232
Category complete 238
Category fibered 239
Category large 233
Category small 233
Category small locally 233
ch 221
Chain condition 371
Chang's conjecture 389
Chang, C. C. 1 8 388 390
Characterizable - 99
Choice, (AC) axiom of 83 219 326 448
Church, C. 265 266
class 359
Cleavage 239
Codomain 232
Cohen's method of forcing 7 219 383
Cohen, Paul J. 4 7 8 9 133 136 141 197 219 221 224 226 228 229 229 319 325 329 330 331 335 354 361 380 384 386 390 439 446
Collapsing function 386
Colouring number of a graph G 37
Commutative diagram 232
Compatible elements 371
Composite 232
Comprehension axiom 50
Condition(s) 224 360
Consistency of SP 101
Constructibility generalized 219
Constructibility simple 219
Constructibility, Axiom of 101 219 359
Continuum Hypothesis 321 329
Covariant horn functor 237 239
Czipszer, J. 17 48
dc 442
de Possel, R. 275 278
| Dedekind finite set 84 91
Definable set 271
Degree of constructibility 331
Denotation operator 441
Dense set 360
Denumerable set 448
Dependent choices (DC), axiom of 226
Describable ordinal 206
Describable weakly - 26
Determinateness, axiom of 265
Direct-limits 308
Domain 232
Dulmage, A. L. 456 466
Easton, W. 4 8 101 133 229 229 380 380 441 446
Eilenberg, S. 233 239
Enforceable at 206
Enforceable class 206
Enforceable in 214
Enforceable weakly - 226
Equalizer 238
Erd s, P. 17 17 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Existential-universal 222
Extension 178 360
Extension elementary 177
Extension end 177
Extensionality, axiom of 106 232
F dor, G. 17 48 398 418 428
Feferman, S. 226 229 229 341 343 345 349 350 354 354 364 370 380 429 438
Fiber over 239
Fibered categories 239
Filter 136
Finistic trees 97
Finsler, P. 321 322 323 324 330
First-order arithmetic 50
First-order predicate calculus 103
Forcing 84 362 384
Forcing Cohen's method of 219
Forcing language 362
Forcing notion of 360
Formal independence 190 194 196
Formal language 85
Formalism 191
Formalist conception 189
Formula 178
Foundation and organization 189
Foundation axiom schema of 111
Fraenkel — Zermelo axioms 321 323
Fraenkel — Zermelo set theory 234 235
Fraenkel, A. 219 229 321 330
Fraenkel-Mostowski-type models 447
Fraiss , R. 275 278
Freyd, Peter 232 237 238 239
Functional 359
functor 232
Functor adjoint 233
Functor adjoint left 233
Functor category 234
Functor covariant hom 237 239
G del ramified hierarchy 3
G del — Bernays set theory 233
G del, K. 1 8 106 133 171 175 181 187 189 190 197 221 227 229 230 241 245 277 278 278 306 308 319 321 330 332 335 339 355 359 381 407 426 428 440 441 446 448 465 466
Gabriel, Pierre 234 239
Gaifman, H. 5 8 177 187 319
Gandy, R. 144 175 243 245 248 264 332 335 343 344 345 346 348 354
Garland, S. 199 203
GCH 221 392
Generative function 295
Generic subset 360
Gladysz, S. 35 48
Gray, J. W. 239 239
Grothendieck, Alexander 239
H jek, P. 67 67 70 73 74 78 79 80 81 141
Hajnal, A. 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 384 387 390
Halmos, P. R. 397 399 411 414 428
Halpern, J. D. 83 133 224 230
Hanf, W. 187 205 206 218 406 428
Hausdorff, F. 440 446
Hereditarily ordinal-definable set 276
Hierarchy of formula in set theory 220
Hilbert's program 190 191
HOD over 369
Homogeneous 368
Hrba ek, K. 75 79 80 81
Hyperprojective set 248
Identity 232
Inaccessible cardinals 211 216
Incompatible elements 371
Incompleteness theorem 190
Indescernibles 394
Indescribable 180 206
Indescribable - 207
Indescribable - 201
Indescribable 202
Indescribable cardinal 420
Infinity, axiom of 110 115 325
insertion 232
Intersection, diagonal 211
Interval designators 90
Intuitionistic type theory 267
Inverse limits 238
Isbell, J. R. 235 239 239
Jaegermann, M. 84 133
Jech, T. 75 79 80 81 135
Jensen, R. B. 143 230 348 355 392 394
Johnson, S. M. 456 466
Jonsson algebra 4
Juh sz, I. 36 46 48
Kan, D. M. 233 239
Karp, C. 143 158 175
Keisler, H. J. 4 8 36 48 177 178 187 205 206 212 214 215 216 218 389 390 392 395
Kelley, J. 332 355
Kinna, W. 84 133
Kino, A. 144 158 176
Kleene, S. C. 162 175 258 264 342 347 352 353 355
Kochen, Simon 319 421 428
Kreisel, G. 157 158 176 189 190 192 194 195 196 197 197 235 239 334 345 346 347 355
Kripke, S. 157 176 248 249 264 351 355
Krivine, J. L. 190 192 196 197 235 239
Kunen, K. 8 199 200 202 203 409 420 428
Kuratowski, K. 241 242 245
Kurepa's conjecture 385
L uchli, L. 133
L vy, A. 83 133 144 162 168 176 205 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 277 278 319 366 370 381 384 390 391 392 393 395 441 446 447 449 450 451 452 457 462 465 466
Large category 233
Law of the excluded middle 328
Lawvere, F. W. 235 239 240
Left adjoint functor 233
Liberal intuitionism 322
Limited formula 441
Lin Comb( ) 455
Linden, T. 176
Lo , J. 133
Locally small category 233
Logical complexity 219
Lopez-Escobar, E. G. K. 158 176
Lowenheim-Skolem theorem for , downward 4
Luschei, E. 325 330
Mac Lane, Saunders 231 231 232 233 234 235 237 239 240
MacDowell, R. 177 187
Machover, M. 157 176
Mahlo's theorem 212
Mahlo, p. 212 218
Makkai, M. 45 48
Mansfield, R. 241
Martin, D. A. 406 428
Mate, A. 35 48
Mathias, A. R. D. 335 342 343 355
McAloon, K. 277 278
McNaughton, R. 321 327 330
Measurable 215
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