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Miller M. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to Upgrading and Fixing Your PC |
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printers, troubleshooting, drivers 2nd 3rd
printers, troubleshooting, fonts 2nd
printers, troubleshooting, jams
printers, troubleshooting, manual feed
printers, troubleshooting, memory 2nd
printers, troubleshooting, output 2nd 3rd
printers, troubleshooting, paper feed
printers, troubleshooting, ports
printers, troubleshooting, power supply
printers, troubleshooting, settings
printing, digital images 2nd
processors, microprocessors 2nd 3rd
processors, microprocessors, IBM
processors, microprocessors, troubleshooting
professsionals, hiring
program files
program files, association with file types
program-specific audio
program-specific audio, troubleshooting 2nd
programmed input/output (PIO)
Properties button
properties, display
properties, display, configuring (video cards) 2nd
Proxy servers
PS/2-type connector
Quick Format option
R-Undelete Web site
radio, Internet
radio, Internet, playing 2nd
RAM (Random Access Memory) 2nd
RAM chips 2nd
RAM modules
RAM modules, DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Module)
RAM modules, RIMM (Rambus Inline Memory Module)
RAM modules, SIMM (Single Inline Memory Module)
RAM, installing 2nd 3rd 4th
RAM, manufactuers 2nd
RAM, specifications (specs) 2nd
RAM, video cards
Rambus Inline Memory Module (RIMM)
Random Access Memory [See RAM]
RealOne Player Web site
rebooting 2nd
recording [See also burning]
Recovery Console 2nd
Recycle Bin
Recycle Bin, files
Recycle Bin, files, undeleting 2nd
red X's
refresh rate
refresh rate, monitors
registered memory
registered memory, memory specifications (specs)
Registry (Windows) 2nd
Registry (Windows), backing up
Registry (Windows), editing 2nd 3rd
Registry (Windows), restoring
Registry Editor 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
removable disk drives 2nd
removable disk drives, troubleshooting
reports, system hardware
reports, system hardware, creating 2nd 3rd 4th
residential gateways
residential gateways, wired networwks
Resolution 2nd
resolution, monitors 2nd
resolution, monitors, troubleshooting 2nd 3rd
resolution, video cards
restore points
restore points, setting 2nd
restoring, files
Retrospect Backup Web site
rewritable discs
rewritable discs, CD/DVD drives
rewritable discs, CD/DVD drives, troubleshooting
RF (antenna) connections
ribbon cables
ribbon cables, IDE
RIMM (Rambus Inline Memory Module)
RIMM, continutity modules
ripping music 2nd
routers, wired networks
routers, wireless 2nd
Run dialog box
Rundll32.exe has performed an illegal operation error message
S-video connections
S-video connectors
S-Video external connector
S/PDIF connectors
S/PDIF external connector
Safe Mode
Safe mode (Windows startup menu) 2nd 3rd
Safe mode with Command Prompt (Windows startup menu)
Safe mode with Networking (Windows startup menu)
Safe mode, Windows startup 2nd 3rd
Samsung Web site
Scan for and Attempt Recovery of Bad Sectors option
ScanDisk 2nd
Scanners and Cameras utility
Scanners and Cameras Wizard
scanners, calibrations
scanners, connections 2nd
scanners, flatbed
scanners, installing
scanners, manufacturers
scanners, parallel interfaces
scanners, sheet-fed
scanning, photographs 2nd
Scheduled Tasks
Script viruses
SCSI (Small Computer System Interface)
SCSI external connector
SCSI ports
SD (Secure Digital)
SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic RAM)
Search Companion
Search Companion, asterisk (*)
Search For and Install the Hardware Automatically option
Sector not found reading drive X error message
Secure Digital (SD)
Secure-Me Web site
security Web sites
security, wired networks
security, wireless networks
Selected Class or Device report
selective startup
Send Error Report button
Serial external connector
serial ports
servers, e-mail
servers, e-mail, troubleshooting Internet
servers, proxy
| Service Pack 1 (Windows XP) 2nd
Set Up Home or Small Office Network option
Set Up Windows XP Now option
Settings tab
settings, printers
settings, printers, troubleshooting
Setup cannot create files on your startup drive and cannot set up Windows. There may be too many fil
Setup could not back up your system files error message
Setup detects that an earlier version of SetupX.dll or NetDi.dll is in use error message
Setup Windows XP on the Selected Item option
Share the Technology Web site
sharing, Internet connections
sharkeyexteme.com Web site
sheet-fed scanners
Shields UP! Web site
Shortcut tab
shortcuts [See keyboard shortcuts]2nd [See keyboard shortcuts]
shortcuts, deleting
Show Pictures check box
Shut Down Windows dialog box
SIIG Web site
SIMM (Single Inline Memory Module)
Single Inline Memory Module (SIMM)
sites [See Web sites]
Sleep Mode
sleep mode, monitors
sleep mode, Windows freezes 2nd
slots, video cards 2nd
SM (SmartMedia)
Small Computer System Interface (SCSI)
SmartMedia (SM)
SMC Web site
software bugs 2nd
Software Environment (Microsoft System Information)
software installation CDs
software utilities
software utilities, firewalls
software, antivirus 2nd 3rd
software, commercial file migration
software, disk utilitiy
software, DriveCopy
software, firewalls 2nd
software, Norton Ghost
software, OCR (optical character recognition)
software, photo editing
software, Windows Movie Maker
Sony Web site
sound cards 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
sound cards, 3D audio
sound cards, connections 2nd 3rd
sound cards, error messages
sound cards, installing 2nd 3rd 4th
sound cards, manufacturers
sound cards, MIDI (musical instrument digital interface) 2nd
sound cards, sampling
sound cards, skipping
sound cards, speakers 2nd
sound cards, speakers, connecting 2nd
sound cards, speakers, manufacturers
sound cards, speakers, surround sound
sound cards, synthesis
sound cards, system crashes
sound cards, troubleshooting
sound, breakout boxes
sound, breakout boxes, installing 2nd
sound, digital audio [See audio]
sound, external sound boxes
sound, external sound boxes, installing
sound, line-level output
sound, motherboards
sound, motherboards, disabling 2nd
Sounds and Audio Devices
Sounds and Audio Devices Properties dialog box 2nd 3rd
spam, e-mail
spam, e-mail, blocking
speakers 2nd 3rd
speakers, connecting 2nd
speakers, manufacturers
speakers, surround sound
specifications (specs)
specifications (specs), CDs
specifications (specs), CDs, format
specifications (specs), CDs, interfaces
specifications (specs), CDs, speed
specifications (specs), CDs/DVDs
specifications (specs), hard disk drives
specifications (specs), hard disk drives, access time
specifications (specs), hard disk drives, capacity
specifications (specs), hard disk drives, data transfer rate
specifications (specs), hard disk drives, drive interface type 2nd
specifications (specs), hard disk drives, spin rate
specifications (specs), memory 2nd
specificatons (specs)
specificatons (specs), frame rate
specificatons (specs), frame rate, 3D accelerators
Speed tab
speed, CDs/DVDs specifications (specs)
Speed, Internet
speed, Internet, troubleshooting
speed, memory specifications (specs)
spin rate
spin rate, hard disk drive specifications (specs)
Standby mode
standby mode, Windows freezes 2nd
start interrupt keys
StarTech Web site
startup disks
startup disks, Windows Emergency Startup Disk 2nd
startup process
startup process, overview 2nd 3rd
startup, connections 2nd 3rd
startup, diagnostic
startup, error messages 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
startup, monitors 2nd
startup, selective
startup, troubleshooting
startup, troubleshooting, options 2nd
startup, troubleshooting, Recovery Console
startup, troubleshooting, Safe mode 2nd
startup, troubleshooting, System Configuration utility 2nd 3rd
startup, Windows
startup, Windows startup menu 2nd
startup, Windows, error messages 2nd
startup, Windows, Last Known Good Configuration option 2nd
startup, Windows, Safe mode 2nd 3rd
Storage [See also magnetic disk drives]
storage, flash memory 2nd
storage, long-term
storage, long-term, hard disk drives 2nd
storage, magnetic
storage, optical 2nd
storage, optical, capacity
storage, optical, CDs (compact discs);formats 2nd
storage, optical, CDs, specifications (specs) 2nd 3rd 4th
storage, optical, DVDs, specifications (specs)
storage, optical, DVDs, specifications (specs), format
storage, optical, DVDs, specifications (specs), interfaces
storage, optical, DVDs, specifications (specs), speed
storage, optical, DVDs;formats 2nd 3rd 4th
storage, portable
storage, portable, removable disk drives 2nd
storage, storage
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