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Miller M. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to Upgrading and Fixing Your PC |
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! (exclamation points)
* (asterisk) 2nd
10/100 network
10Base-T network
3D accelerators
3D accelerators, video cards
3D audio
4.1 surround sound system
5.1 surround sound system
@Backup Web site
Abnormal termination error message
About Windows command (Help menu)
About Windows dialog box
Absolute Beginner's Guide to Windows XP Media Center [italics]
Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP)
accelerators, graphics
accelerators, graphics, .video cards
access points 2nd
Access time
access time, hard disk drive specifications (specs)
access, CD/DVD drives
access, CD/DVD drives, troubleshooting
access, hard disks
access, hard disks, troubleshooting 2nd 3rd
Action menu commands
Action menu commands, Update Driver
ActionFront Data Recovery Labs Web site
Active-Hardware Web site
Active@ UNDELETE Web site
Adaptec Web site
adapters, MIDI-to-game port
adapters, wireless
ADC (analog-to-digital converter)
ADC, installing 2nd
Add a New Hardware Device option
Add Hardware Wizard 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Add Imaging Device option
Add New File Type dialog box 2nd
Add New Hardware Wizard
Add or Remove Programs utility
Add Printer Wizard 2nd
Add Scheduled Task icon
Adobe Photoshop Elements Web site
Adobe Premiere Web site
ADS Technologies Web site
ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line)
Advanced Port Settings button
AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port)
AGP expansion cards
Alienware Web site
All Devices and System Summary report 2nd
all-in-one printers
All-in-Wonder cards (ATI)
analog audio connections
analog audio connections, CD/DVD drive installations
analog camcorders
analog camcorders, video
analog camcorders, video, editing 2nd 3rd
analog video
analog video (VGA) connectors
analog video, editing 2nd 3rd
Analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
analog-to-digital converter (ADC), installing 2nd
AnandTech Web site
Another application is using communication port error message
antenna (RF) connections
antivirus software 2nd 3rd
Application is still active error message
asterisk (*) 2nd
asymmetric digital subscriber line (ASDL)
ATI Technologies Web site 2nd
ATI, All-in-Wonder cards
Attacks [See Internet attacks]
audio [See sound]2nd [See also digital audio]
audio connections
audio connections, CD/DVD drive installations 2nd
audio encoders
Audio In external connector
audio interface boxes [See breakout boxes]
Audio Out external connector
audio players (portable)
audio players (portable), digital audio
audio players (portable), digital audio, transferring 2nd
audio, streaming
audio, troubleshooting
audio, troubleshooting, event-specific 2nd
audio, troubleshooting, mono/stereo 2nd
audio, troubleshooting, program-specific 2nd
audio, troubleshooting, sound cards
audio, troubleshooting, sound cards, error messages
audio, troubleshooting, sound cards, skipping
audio, troubleshooting, sound cards, system crashes
audio, troubleshooting, volume
Automatic Updates tab
Automatically Fix File System Errors option
AVerMedia Web site 2nd
Back Up Files and Settings option
backup data
backup data, Microsoft Backup 2nd 3rd
backup data, restoring files
Backup Now button
Backup Or Restore Wizard 2nd
backups, Microsoft Backup
backups, upgrade planning 2nd
bad connections 2nd
base stations 2nd
basic input/output system (BIOS)
Belkin Web site 2nd 3rd
BenQ Web site
BFG Technologies Web site
BIOS (basic input/output system)
BIOS settings
BIOS settings, changing
BIOS, system settings
BIOS, system settings, configuring 2nd 3rd
BIOS, updating
bit rates
bit rates, MP3s
bit rates, ripping music
black exclamation points (!)
BlackICE PC Protection Web site
blue i's
Boxes [See also dialog boxes]
breakout boxes
breakout boxes, installing 2nd
bridge configurations
bridge configurations (modem/hub)
bridge configurations (modem/hub), broadband connections
bridge configurations, broadband connections
broadband Internet connections 2nd 3rd
broadband Internet connections, bridge configurations
broadband Internet connections, choosing 2nd
broadband Internet connections, digital cable 2nd 3rd 4th
broadband Internet connections, digital satellite 2nd 3rd 4th
broadband Internet connections, DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
broadband Internet connections, gateway configurations 2nd
broadband Internet connections, ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
broadband Internet connections, modem/hub bridge configurations
broadband modems (Internet)
broadband modems (Internet), troubleshooting
Broadband Reports Web site
broadband wireless access
Brother Web site
Browsers [See Web browsers]
| buffer underrun
buffer underrun, burning discs
Bugs 2nd
bugs, fixing 2nd
burning, CDs
burning, discs
burning, discs, CD/DVD drives, troubleshooting
burning, DVDs 2nd 3rd
buttons, Advanced Port Settings
buttons, Backup Now
buttons, Check Now
buttons, Defragment
buttons, Device Manager 2nd 3rd
buttons, New Driver
buttons, New Type
buttons, Print 2nd
buttons, Properties
buttons, Send Error Report
buttons, Troubleshoot
buttons, Uninstall 2nd
buttons, Update Driver
bytes, memory
Cables [See also connections]
cables, digital 2nd 3rd 4th
cables, Ethernet
cables, Ethernet, manufacturers
cables, Ethernet, wireless networks
cables, IDE ribbon
cables, networks
cache files (Web browsers)
cache files (Web browsers), flushing
calibrations, scanners
Call to undefined dynalink error message
Call Waiting
Call Waiting, turning off
camcorders (analog)
camcorders (analog), video
camcorders (analog), video, editing 2nd 3rd
camcorders (digital)
camcorders (digital), video
camcorders (digital), video, editing 2nd 3rd 4th
camcorders, video capture cards
cameras [See digital cameras]
Cannot communicate with modem error message
Cannot copy file error message
Cannot find a device file that may be needed error message
Cannot find file Check to ensure path and filename are correct error message
Cannot find file error message
Cannot find the file XXX [quotes] or one of its components error message
Cannot format disk error message
Cannot print. SoftRIP error. (error message)
Cannot read from drive X error message
Cannot replace xxxx[colon] Access Denied. error message 2nd
Cannot run program-No application is associated with this file error message
Cannot run program-Out of system resources error message
Cannot start application error message
Cannot start more than one copy of xxx error message
Canon Web site
capacity, hard disk drive specifications (specs)
capacity, optical storage
capture cards (video)
capture cards (video), analog video edits 2nd
cards [See also video cards]2nd [See also sound cards]3rd [See also video cards]
cards, expansion 2nd 3rd
cards, expansion, ports 2nd
cards, expansion, ports;installing 2nd
cards, internal
cards, internal, bad connections
cards, memory cards
cards, memory cards, readers, installing 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
cards, NIC (network interface card) 2nd
cards, NIC (network interface card), wired networks
cards, sound
cards, TV tuner
cards, TV tuner, installing 2nd
cards, video 2nd
cards, video capture
cards, video capture, installing 2nd
CAS Latency
CAS latency, memory specifications (specs)
cases, PC system units 2nd
CAT-5 cables
cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors 2nd
cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors, connections
cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors, size
CD Audio (CDA) format
CD drives
CD drives, external
CD drives, external, installing
CD drives, internal
CD drives, internal, installing 2nd 3rd
CD drives, troubleshooting 2nd
CD drives, troubleshooting, access
CD drives, troubleshooting, burning discs
CD drives, troubleshooting, device drivers
CD drives, troubleshooting, music
CD drives, troubleshooting, reading data
CD drives, troubleshooting, rewritable discs
CD-R (compact disk recordable)
CD-ROM disk drives 2nd 3rd
CD-ROMS (compact disc read-only memory)
CD-RW (compact disc rewritable)
CDs, (compact discs)
CDs, (compact discs), formats 2nd
CDs, burning 2nd 3rd
CDs, cleaning
CDs, installation
CDs, installation (Windows)
CDs, installation, software
CDs, manufacturers
CDs, music
CDs, music, ripping from CDs 2nd
CDs, playing 2nd 3rd
CDs, specifications (specs)
CDs, specifications (specs), format
CDs, specifications (specs), interfaces
CDs, specifications (specs), speed
central processing units [See CPUs]
CF (CompactFlash)
characters, illegal
Check boxes
check boxes, Show Pictures
Check Disk dialog box
Check Now button
CheckIt Diagnostics Web site
chips, memory chips 2nd
chips, nVidia
clean installations
clean installations, versus upgrades (Windows XP) 2nd
clean installations, Windows XP 2nd
CLEC (Competitive Local Exchange Carrier)
CMOS (Complimentary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor)
CMOS RAM error (error message)
CNET Web site 2nd
color codes
color codes, external connectors 2nd
color, printers
color, printers, troubleshooting
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